cHaPtEr tWeNtY sEvEn

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Seriously, where is she...?


As usual, I found myself awakening in some random place after being subjected to torture in another world by a crazed ghost.

If this happens to you, you might reach a point where you get used to it. If only I could reach that point...

I felt the smooth grass rub against my back. I seemed to be in the gardens.

I couldn't help but groan as I felt like I shouldn't even get up and just stay lying down here until someone finds me-

"Owen! Owen!"

Of course someone had to fine me. Of course they did.

I really didn't want to get up but what else could I have done? Going against what my body wanted, I got up off the ground to see what this person wanted. That person being my sister, who I was not thrilled to see at all.

She had a deadpan look on her face as she saw me standing there like an idiot.

"Why...were you lying on the grass like that?" she asked, which to be fair was a good question.

The only thing I could think of in retaliation was to shrug and say:

"I was just admiring the view."

Claudia's face changed immediately to one of sheer panic, as if she just remembered that something really bad was going on.

"Owen, you need to come inside!"
She grabbed my arms and shook me (one of her hands were placed on my scar that was hidden by my shirt), and I immediately tried breaking free from her grasp.

"What...what's going on?"

Her voice sounded desperate and full of stress. Seeing Claudia like this was rare, she was normally just uncaring about most things.

"You'll find out, just come inside!"

At first I thought that was a request, but once she dragged me away from the gardens and back inside the unnecessarily large mansion, I realised that it was more of a demand.

"If you have anything to do with this you'll be in big trouble."

"Eh. I'm used to sleeping on the floor without dinner. And I don't care about my allowance being cut off, unlike you. So mother will have to do worse than that."

Claudia then looked at me with a stern and angry expression.

"It's not just her you'll be in trouble with."

As she told me that, with her words being full of venom and anger, I could tell that something was wrong. Did I really mess up that badly...?

Oh god...what if Alyssa made me do stuff without me knowing about it?

"Whatever this you think I'm responsible?"

"No. No I don't."

I sighed a little in relief.

"I'm not the one you need to convince though."

As she opened the door to the mansion, I saw what was going on, and I immediately understood why Claudia was so panicked.

On the ground was a large sack tied together with rope, which was what people used when they wanted to dispose of a dead body.

"O-oh my that-"

"Yes," my mother interrupted softly, which sent chills down my spin. When she speaks as softly and as quietly as that, that's when she's livid and you know that you're in trouble.

"W-what happened?"

"That's what I would like to ask you, Owen. Do you know anything about this?"

"No, of course not!"

My mother then proceeded to gaze upon the bag, her face as emotionless and cold as always.

I then asked the question which no one until now had the courage to bring up.

"Who...who's in there?"

I could barely get the words out, they ended up as high and strained whispers. Claudia seemed to be just as afraid as I was.

"I don't know."

Maybe this dead body could be that of a person we never knew before...

"Well, what are-"

"What's peculiar..." my mother interrupted, '"is that this body has already decayed. It's like a corpse that has been dug out of a graveyard."

"But why would any of us do that?" I asked.

"How am I supposed to know? You have your stupid obsession with the paranormal or whatever. I wouldn't put it past you to do something like this."

It was at this point where I started to get angry. Here we go again.

"Sure. Because I'm that fu...messed up in the head to do something like this. But before you accuse me, I should ask. Where would I have found this body? I've lived in this stupid mansion for ages and I still have trouble navigating this place."

My mother's expression was unchanging, unlike mine which changed into one of pure shock as I heard her response.

"...You make a good point."

Wow. For once I didn't say something that didn't make her groan on the inside.

"At first I suspected it could be the gardeners who could have dug it up, but I looked everywhere and there were no holes in the garden area. And if there was something like...that, underneath, then they wouldn't have placed it here."

"Do we have any idea how it could have got here?" Claudia questioned.

My mother just sighed.

"There are no logical leads as to how this could have arrived here." logical means? Then that could mean...

I couldn't help but smirk a little but I tried not to.

"So maybe it ended up here from illogical means? Maybe...paranormal means?"

I really tired to mask my smugness but my words probably spoke for themselves. This was the first time that I could actually somewhat prove that there were things going on. Gradually, of course.

So much for all these traumatic events being little more than "silly ghost stories."

There was an awkwardly long silence, and I wondered if she was going to answer at all. Maybe she was planning my impending death, and for my fate to be worse than that of the mysterious corpse that showed up out of nowhere.

"I have not overlooked the possibility," she stated calmly.

" you really think..."

"No. I do not believe that our house is haunted. I won't deny that something is going on though. And I intend to figure out what is."

Although her voice was monotone and lifeless as usual, I don't think I've heard her that determined before.



I jumped in terror as I walked through the hallways and heard a someone say that.

It was Alyssa, floating behind me with a stupid grin on her face. It somehow made me more mad than she did when she was angry.

"Wow, you're really easy to scare!"

"I hate you so much."

"Apparently you're easily irritated too."

"Go away. Get out of my life."

"I would, but alas, I'm just part of a story. As all of us are."

"Enough with the riddles."

"What's got you so grumpy today?"

"Oh, I wonder. Maybe it was because you made me fight with the closest friend I've ever had, and NOW there's a corpse in my house."

It was at that moment that I realised something...and panic swept through my body.

"Alyssa! W-where's Dorothy? Please tell me!" I pleaded, sounding like I just ran a marathon.

Alyssa no longer looked happy, instead she looked like she was deep in thought and she even had her fingers on her chin.

"I don't know."

She was lying. I knew she was.

"Do you really expect me to believe that?"

Alyssa groaned at my disbelief.

"I'm telling the truth! I don't actually know."

"So you're telling me that the all powerful, omnipotent, ruler of all, can't find a mere mortal."

"I...shut up!"

"Guess you're not as powerful as I thought."


"You don't even kill me yourself, you just rely on other people. I expected more from you."

That's it. I really pushed her over the edge this time. A giant heavy sword materialised in her hand and she held it in her frail looking arms with ease. It was pure gold and dust was emanating from it, and it shined brightly to the point that it almost blinded me.

"I WiLl ShOw YoU wHo'S wEaK yOu PaThEtIc MoRtAl ScUm!"

But then, almost immediately, instead of following her impulse to attack me, she just lowered her sword gently until it disappeared. Her face no longer looked like she was ravenous and bloodthirsty, instead she looked genuinely frustrated and a little sad.

She even sighed a little once her weapon was gone.

"Eh...what's the point."

It was really weird seeing Alyssa like this. I hated her with all my heart and soul, and I never considered her actually having emotions. And yet here she is, seemingly displaying real emotions. I wouldn't be surprised if this was all just a trick though, knowing her.

"If you do find Dorothy...I won't let you hurt her," I warned.

"I'm indifferent as to what happens to her. I can't say I dislike her though."

I frowned. Now I had a new mission, to find Dorothy before anything happened her, before Alyssa gets her filthy hands on her.

Although deep down, I wanted to hold on to the hope that Alyssa would maybe spare Dorothy's life. She really didn't deserve any of this, it was just too unfair.

"Do you have any idea where she could be?"

"I have a theory."

I suddenly got relieved as I heard that. Even if my source was unreliable it was better than having no help a lot.

Although all my hope immediately drained away once I saw her smirk a little.

"I can't tell you~" she taunted in a singsong voice.

That feeling of hopelessness was replaced by anger. Or maybe that hopelessness never really left.

"Why not?"

"I just can't!"

I really wanted to throw stuff right at this...this thing more than ever right now. But then I remembered that her body wasn't physical so it would just go right here, and my attempt to harm her would be futile.

"Why not?" I asked in a more authorative voice.

"Simple. You're not supposed to know too much yet."

At that point I just completely gave up and walked down the hallway and away from Alyssa without saying a word.

She did not take it well.

"Fine!" I heard her shout from afar. "Walk away, I don't care! I don't care at all!"


I had to admit, it was amusing hearing her have a tantrum like this.

"Keep walking, I don't care! This is all meaningless! You are meaningless! I hate you! You're nothing! Nothing! And I-"

Once I was far enough I couldn't hear a word she was saying. I was surprised that my sister or mother didn't notice her screaming though, maybe they just couldn't sense her presence like I (unfortunately) could.

Although Alyssa wasn't as gone as I first thought.

I felt something being pulled from under my feet, most likely the carpet, and I was unable to control what was about to happen next. I fell onto the ground with a loud thud, which honestly hurt quite a lot.

Even after all the fantastic adventures that I've had, something like this was still such a pain to deal with.

Alyssa's annoying laughter in the background didn't help at all with that.

I managed to get up and I saw her floating behind me once again. Does she ever just go away.

"That's what you get for walking away from me~" she teased.

"...You're such a pleasure to be around, you know that?" I told her, my voice laced with sarcasm.

"Awww thank you!"

"You're welcome."

As I was about to go towards my bedroom where I would (hopefully) get privacy, I heard her say *ahem* from behind.

I just ignored it and I was about to go inside my room but she just...kept doing it.

In the end I just gave in.

"Ok Alyssa, what is it? What is it that you could possibly want?"

There was a moment of uncomfortable silence.

"...Don't you want to ask me something?"

"I'd really rather not talk to you."

"Have you already forgotten? Wow, I expected more from you."

"I haven't forgotten anything."

"Yes you have. You've forgot to remember the thing you've forgotten."

"I haven't for-"

"-And the thing you've forgotten is the thing that you forget to remember, and now you can't remember that you've forgotten because you've forgot, and-"

"Seriously, I haven't for-"

"If you haven't forgotten, then why haven't you remembered to remember?"

"...I'm not answering that."

"You've forgotten the answer."

"I'm done with this."

"Next time you should remember not to forget. Or forget to not remember."

"Or you could just tell me what I've forgotten."

Alyssa looked very surprised at that, and she seemed to be trying to make a good comeback, looking very frustrated as she did so. It really did feel satisfying watching her struggle.

She then sighed.

"The corpse, Owen."

Dammit, how could I have forgot to not forget? I mean...never mind.

"What about the corpse? It was you, wasn't it?" I accused angrily.
"...That was also not me."

"Yeah, right."

"I'm serious! I think it came from the below the mansion or something."

"Can't you get rid of it?"

"Probably. I'd rather watch you do it though. Things get boring around here sometimes."

"Then maybe you should just leave," I retorted maliciously.

I decided not to listen to this floating nightmare anymore and I entered my bedroom, slamming the door behind me.

Alyssa seemed to be gone. That was a good sign. I sighed in relief as I jumped on top of my one true love, the only love in this world that was real and not merely an illusion, my bed.

I then heard knocking on the wall from the room next to mine.
"Can you not talk to your friends on the phone so loudly?!" Claudia shouted through the walls.

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