cHaPtEr TwEnTy TwO

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"Are you there?!"

I kept calling for her but she seemed like she was nowhere to be found. Maybe she wasn't inside the mansion...

I ran towards the front door and I opened it frantically, and the white stone path built on healthy looking green grass that led to the mansion came into view. At the end of it was the entrance gate that seemed like it hasn't been opened. Surely she was still somewhere in this area.

I didn't just have to worry about finding Dorothy, there was also the issue of my mother and my sister discovering my location. Either way, I'd have to face them at some point and I'd probably lose my bedroom privileges. Dammit.

I ran towards the left side of the mansion and started exploring the garden. It was rather beautiful, honestly. I didn't really like sunlight so I didn't go out much, but I loved the look of the garden.

It had fountains, pillars covered in vines, flower gardens, a symbol engraved onto the ground in the middle which added to the feel of elegance this place mother must have paid so much for this. It was kind of a waste, in all honesty. It was all so beautiful yet they served no purpose other than to simply look appealing to people who probably don't even glance at it.

It would have been best if that money went to something useful, but I don't think anything like that would happen anytime soon.

"Dorothy!!" I kept shouting. There was no reply. Maybe she was around here and she just didn't want me to know where she was.

I couldn't help but feel bad at the fact that she was seemingly trying to get away from me. I was just trying to help all this time...

There was still the bush maze that I haven't looked through yet. I didn't get why she would be there though. I didn't even know why we would have one in the first place.

I entered, hoping for the best. I was trying to run through the maze but I eventually got tired and I couldn't keep on. Not only that, but I had no idea where I was.

This maze wasn't even that big, why would I be having so much trouble navigating through it?

I kept making some more turns until I reached yet another dead end. I guess I had to keep looking.

Although when I turned around, I saw that there was another dead end, which meant that there was no way for me to get out.

I started to panic as I realised my situation...what was there left to do? I couldn't just stay here until I die and my corpse starts rotting. I desperately tried to decrease my heavy breathing levels and think of a way to get around this.

I couldn't go over it because I wasn't tall enough and I wasn't good at climbing, or any sport really.

Suddenly, as I thought everything was hopeless, there seemed to be a salvation...or a doorway to something even worse. Somehow a part of the bush opened itself like a door, which gave me a way to get out.

I was obviously skeptical because I was sure this was some kind of trap, but what other option did I have? I'd rather see what happens rather than just wait here and die.

As I slowly walked out of the bush door, I ended up in an open field full of flowers and trees that didn't look like our garden at all.

It was almost like something from another world, the way the light breeze made the petals dance across the field just didn't seem like something that could happen outside of fiction.

There were so many different colours of flowers too, and some of them really did look like they were from another world. I don't think I ever saw anything like them before.

But there was a problem: since the field was so open I had no idea where to go...



No matter what happens, I will be here for you...

The voice sounded like it was coming from an old man, one that I didn't recognise before.

You have been a good girl...

Suddenly, the ground started shaking and I fell over. As I tried to get up, I was paralysed by fear as I heard a terrifying screech from below the flowers.

Heaven will come to you.

I tried backing away from it as much as I could, hoping that I'd be able to escape.

A giant mutated flower emerged from the sea of flowers, and unlike the others it was all black and it looked like it was dead. Several black vines also emerged, and they slowly advanced towards me.

I was already terrified, but then the giant flower slowly opened it rose petals which looked more like the inside of a monster's mouth, full of sharp teeth everywhere and a long tongue.

I got up and ran away as fast as I could for dear life as I heard it screech once more.

Unlike before there was nothing I could use to slay this monster or defend myself, all I could do was avoid being eaten at all costs.

As I ran in the opposite direction, I saw some of its monstrous vines wrap themselves around the surrounding trees. They were effortlessly pulled out of the ground until I couldn't see anymore in the area.

I then realised what this monster's intention was. I ran out of the way for dear life, panting heavily as it was attempting to crush me with the tree. I managed to dodge it the first time, but I didn't know if I could do it a second time, especially since there were so many.

As I looked behind me, I once again saw the monstrosity that was the mutated black flower, with its mouth open wide and ready to feast on my remains.

I didn't think it could see since its eyes weren't visible. It's tongue was moving around erratically, sniffing the area like it was trying to scan it.

I didn't know what to do and there was no time to formulate a plan, but I knew that I had to stop that beast before it caused anymore damage.

It started roaring once again which caused the flowers to start flying across the field in different directions. The ground still couldn't be seen though, it was as if this whole place was an ocean of flowers.

Things started to take a turn for the worse as I started feeling drowsy all of a sudden...

How could I be feeling that way at a time like this?

The monstrous flower started what seemed like laughing. It didn't sound like laughing, but I could tell that it was trying to imitate it. I didn't expect this monster to have any kind of intelligence, unless it was some kind of puppet...

Maybe it was some kind of pollen that it was emitting which was causing this drowsiness.

The flower wasn't even doing anything. It was just...waiting. Like a predator waiting for the right time to lunge at its prey.

I wouldn't take any chances and I ran in the opposite direction as fast as I could.

I didn't hear any sound coming from it behind me, and I assumed that I managed to get far away from it. With its huge size it probably had trouble moving quickly, so maybe I could outrun it.

I had no idea where I was going since this field of flowers seemed to be endless, like there was no possible destination. All I could do was run in a straight line in the hope of finding something...

I was still feeling more drowsy than ever. At this rate I wouldn't be able to stay awake at mind wasn't thinking rationally at that point, and the sea of flowers just looked so...comfortable...all I wanted to do was lie there and never wake up...

I almost did, until I looked behind me and I saw that the flower creature was right behind me, and it started trying to laugh once again.

I swore I was far away from could it have caught up to me so fast? I didn't even hear it move, it was like it teleported from one place to another somehow.

As the drowsiness kept getting worse, I felt my body forcibly awaken me as I felt it's slimy tongue wrap around my waist.

I should have been terrified, especially after seeing all the sharp teeth in its mouth, but all I wanted was to sleep forever...

No, I couldn't submit. I had to defeat this thing!

With all the strength I could muster, I tried breaking free with my arms and legs but it was no use, it was too slippery for me to do anything.

I had another was disgusting, but it had to be done.

I held the tongue as closely as I could to my mouth, and I bit it. I kept doing so relentlessly, until it was screaming loudly and it released me. The taste was absolutely awful but it was worth it if it meant I could have my freedom back.

I fell to the ground but the sea of flowers gently cushioned my fall. The mutated flower started thrashing everywhere in pain, which made the flowers start floating in the air.

I suddenly didn't feel tired anymore and I felt really refreshed somehow. Maybe it was some kind of pollen that made me feel so drowsy...

The flowers in the air started surrounding the flower to the point where it was completely concealed by them. Once again, I backed away slowly.

It created a beautiful whirlwind of flowers that then disappeared, and the monstrous flower along with it.

I sighed in relief. Finally, that monster was gone. I felt like it would be back though somehow...maybe it was one of those common monsters that you meet everyday in this location. I wouldn't know since this was certainly my first time here.


It was the voice of that old man again...

As he said that, the flowers beneath my feet began to...change.

All of them turned into red roses. The trees started dying, and even the sky went from a clear blue to red in the blink of an eye.

What could have caused all this?

I'll always be with you...

The field of roses started to rustle a little, as if it was guided by a faint breeze. There was none, however.

Behind you...

I didn't dare to look. I had no idea what horrors would await me.

I could just run away, but where would I go? I doubted that there were any limits to this garden of death.

And so, I looked behind.

I saw an old man from far away suspended in the air, who looked like he was lying on his back. Blood was seemingly coming out of his mouth and stomach, and it was leaking onto the field. Maybe this was where all the red came from?

I didn't want to come close to it, I wanted to run away as far away from it as possible, at any costs.

Well, until I heard him say a certain someone's name...


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