Shot. 1: The game of love is played by two but won by both...

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Strictly no bashing is allowed..

If you don't like to risk, better skip my stories....


👉 Are you all ready to see the life journey of the Super Star and the super model....

👉 Step inside the story by keeping your right hand on the star button.... Done... Good...

Without further adieu lets move to shot. 1:

A beautiful and classy villa with the name "Arora Mansion" welcomes everyone with a floral bouquet.... It is the most wanted place in the city as a beautiful diva, a woman of self dignity and elegance named Pragya arora lived with her head held up high...

She is the most searched person in the social media and people are really crazy for her... But she never cares about anything and always focus on her career and least bothered about money, fame and success.... Love, marriage are not at all in her priority list....


One fine morning,

Pragya is sweating and running in the treadmill way too hardly, huffing and panting as she has to burn her unwanted calories a lot... She is a big foodie and when she sees her favorite food , she never bothers about her diet or anything...

But poor soul has to maintain her figure as she has to endorse many health and fitness products and she want to set a perfect example to everyone...

Pragya finishes off her work out and gets down and wipes her face with a towel... Just then the maid came and informs her that a famous director Mr. Vihaan kapoor has come to meet her as she has given appointment to him...

Pragya asks the maid to serve him with refreshments and asks her to inform  him to wait for sometime as she will join him after freshening up...


Pragya: Im extremely sorry Mr. Vihaan for making you to wait....

Vihaan: Its okay darling ... No formalities between us my dear buddy... So, what's the thing I asked for... Its an yes only na... Please na sweety...

Im in a very big problem... You only can save me.... Im surrendering my biggest dream in front of you... Please show some mercy on this poor soul...

Yeah... Yeah... I knew it... You are smiling... So, its yes from your side... Oohooo.... I did it atlast....

Pragya: Uffo... You are irritating me vihaan... You won't leave me na if I say no too...

Vihaan: Nah... nah... I wont leave you unless you say yes to me.... Pragya please please accept it ... Trust me you will become a biggest sensation in the film industry too...

Pragya: Alright.. . Im accepting only for you... Im not interested in any other stuffs... Arrey I said yes right... Smile now you idiot...  Happy now.... See vihaan... You know my conditions na....

Vihaan: Yes ma'm your slave never crosses the limits and takes care of all your conditions properly...  Don't worry... you are going to have an excellent co star and he is a gem of a person....

The whole industry gonna speak non stop about your sizzling chemistry for sure and who knows you two can act in many films together too... Who knows you guys can work on other things too... 😉😉😉😉

Pragya shows a disinterested look: Very funny... This is the only film Im acting, that too only for you.... Is that clear mister??? Dare to trouble me again... I will kill you....

Vihaan shooks his head in disbelief as he knows how stubborn pragya is.... It took almost two years for vihaan to convice pragya to act in his dream movie with his dream star... But no one knows that this film gonna change pragya's life completely...


The shooting starts with a bigger hype as the superstar Prem gonna act with Super Model pragya...  They are the most sensational topic of the town and people are trying to create a gossip among the two and finding all sorts of loopholes to write something about them and get trps in channels and circulations in newspapers....

But to their dismay, Abhi and pragya are way too professional in their acting... Rather than before cameras, they even didn't talked too... Hardly they smile on looking at each other....

People in the sets wonders on seeing The superstar prem and super model Pragya who are way too humble and polite and they never demand for any royal treatments in the sets...

Even in outdoor shoots too, they stay in normal rooms as that of other crew members  and they used to have food with everyone without minding their stardom or value... All loves them very much and the shooting spot is like a one big happy family...

But everyone wonders, how come the two leads who are acting in an out and out Romantic love story can behave very normally... Only when the director Vihaan says action, they will transform into the characters of the movie, Prithvi and Harini who are crazily in love...

Their intimate romantic scenes, their sizzling chemistry, the love that overflows in their eyes while they look at each other makes everyone believe that the movie will be a big blockbuster for sure... But the couples who gave life to the characters harini and prithvi hardly speaks too in reality...


One fine day,

Abhi is getting ready to the shooting spot... Dadi blocks his way and not allowing him move an inch too ..

Abhi: My dear sweet dadi... Can we play later??? Iv to go now... Its getting late...

Dadi: Im not leaving you today before you say yes to the proposal... See... Im getting chestal pain because of thinking about your life... You will say okay when Im in death bed only na... 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂😂... What a brilliant acting... Mind blowing... 👏👏👏👏👏.... Shall I ask the director to give a chance for you in acting?? Im sure you will become a hot granny in the silver screen...

Dadi: Abhi 😊😊😊😊... You be na... Stop teasing me... Beta... Why you are not accepting to my wish??? See your sister aaliya is boycotting not to get married before you... You should consider about Purab and Aaliya's life too na...

Purab won't say anything to you... But I can see how much he wish to get married soon... Please beta .. Think soon... Iv heard that Aaliya saying that your new heroine pragya is very beautiful and a good person...

Why not you try to impress her beta??? Just smile and talk friendly with her... Im sure, she will fall in love with you... After all who will resist my grandson Abhishek prem Mehra's charms...

Abhi: Oh my god!!!! You are impossible dadi.. Why you want to see my death??? I respect all my
co-stars and rather than acting I don't want to tie with anyone personally...

Please Dadi don't force me... Don't try to create any bad ideas in my mind... Your wish will never be fulfilled dadi... Take care..  bye...  Love you so much dadi... If you are hell adamant to get me married, why not you marry me darling??? 😉😉😉😉

Dadi gasps in shock on hearing abhi... Abhi smiles and kisses his dadi's cheeks and run away before dadi beats him with her stick for talking like that... Dadi prays to god to send her bahu soon to her home and make abhi to live his life happily...


The shooting was going on in full string.. But no difference in abhi and pragya’s behavior.. The medias were highly disappointed as they are not able to fill up the gossip column..

One fine day, when pragya reaches the shooting spot, she is asked by the director vihaan to meet the costume designer Aaliya mehra to finalize her dresses for the song.. When pragya reaches the place, she sees a tug of war going on between aaliya and purab...

Abhi is sitting there silently and watching the cat fight between aaliya and purab as if a kid is watching tom and jerry in tv with full excitement.. Pragya shooks her head in disbelief but she couldn’t understand what makes the crazy love birds to end up in fight...

She is hell angry on abhi as he is not stopping their fight rather enjoying it with a wide smile in his face..,, Pragya gets highly irritated to see the fight is going on and on without minding her presence too...

She gets angry and shouts hardly to make the fighting duo to shut their mouth while abhi’s jaws dropped to see a furious pragya standing there with fire in her eyes...

Pragya: What's going on here guys??? Vihaan said that we are here for costume selection but what I see is only fight here.. You guys are wasting my time too... At least I will go and do my rehearsals....

Aaliya: Im extremely sorry pragya madam.. All because of this idiot purab only.. He is purposely criticizing my works.. I have designed a beautiful saree for the song but this dumbo is saying that  saree is not a good choice for a romantic song...

Pragya:  Wow.. The saree is too pretty aaliya.. By the way, Call me pragya and no madam please.. Mr. Purab why you have problem in this saree.. Do you know what, saree is the best choice for a romantic song..

Purab smiles brightly: I know.. But I love to tease my darling aaliya so much.. You only fall in our trap unknowingly .. See my abhi.. He didn’t said anything na as he knows that this is our way of loving and showing our affection...

Pragya: Impossible guys.. Anyways purab, can I ask you something.. May I know why you threatened my darling vihaan...  Why you where hell adamant to give chance to him only if im the heroine???

Is this your Superstar’s idea or your own??? Didn't you see it way too childish to use my popularity and troubling him using my name????

To tell the truth, I accepted this offer only for him as I wish to fulfill my buddy's dreams... I thought your superstar is a nice person but never expected he will behave so cheap.... You have to give chance to him on seeing his talent and not by imposing such stupid conditions....

Abhi couldn’t understand what is pragya saying.. Though being a humble person too, abhi is not able to tolerate why pragya is accusing him unnecessarily..

Abhi; What do you know about me miss pragya??? Why are you accusing me unnecessarily... I couldn’t understand what you are saying.. Mind your words before you speak anything...

Purab...  You idiot... What the hell you did???? See how many times I told you... You are doing something stupidly but people are accusing me out of nowhere..

First try to behave properly Miss pragya... Don't blame anyone without knowing the truth... Did you get that????

Abhi shouts in anger and moves out from there without minding aaliya and purab too.. Abhi meets vihaan to give him off as he is not feeling well and moves out of the set without anyone’s notice..

Pragya; Too much arrogant and attitude haan.. He may be a superstar but that doesn’t mean that he can treat others like low class people and insult them..

Purab: Mind your words Miss. Pragya.. You are the one who is accusing our abhi unnecessarily.. This is the first time we are seeing abhi losing his temper..

You have blamed a wrong person.. Abhi doesn’t know anything regarding this and to be frank he was eager to work with Mr. Vihaan..

But Im the one who put forth the condition to vihaan that abhi will give dates to him, only if you are the heroine.. I and aaliya are your huge fan and we wish to see you work with abhi.. 

We came to know that you and director vihaan are childhood besties.. We played all our cards to see you both together in the screen as its our long term wish..

Now I really regret for doing so... You all know only the superstar prem but no one knows the child inside abhi... He is a poor soul who is not gifted enough.. He lives for others happiness but he is a loveless soul who longs for real care and love..

We are not here to take any lectures with you.. We really admire you but that doesn’t mean that we will stay quiet when you bad mouth about our abhi..

Vihaan: Guys what’s happening here.. Why did Prem sir leave the set all of a sudden.. what happened to his health??? He is fine right....

Aaliya explains vihaan what has happened.. Pragya can't stand there anymore as she really felt very guilty for accusing abhi unnecessarily.. She regrets for her behavior and apologized to the trio.. She promised to bring abhi to the sets at any cost..

Pragya with much hesitancy enters the Mehra mansion.. Dadi is too excited to see pragya there.. Pragya really admires the sweet family of abhi who cares for his well being too much..

A lone tear escapes from her eyes as she is not blessed to have such a family for her own as she has the parents who tries to control her with all their might and is always concerned about her money and values their stupid family names and bothers about people's accusations....


Pragya enters abhi’s room but he is no where to be found.. The water sound from the restroom makes pragya to realize that abhi is in the restroom.. She admires the classy room which is arranged elegantly.. She sees an open diary in the desk which is moving here and there with the air from the fan..

Curiosity makes pragya’s legs to walk uncontrollably and she moves ahead without knowing the fact that its going to be her life changing moment.. She picks up the golden diary and opens the first page to see the diary’s name “ My lovely angel”..

Pragya starts to read the diary and  understand that abhi is in love with a girl for a long time ..  She is quite surprised to know that she has not aware of this piece of info..

The poems abhi has written in describing her nature, the rough potrait abhi has drawn, the way he admires her self confidence makes pragya to admire the unknown girl who makes a superstar to love her this much madly..

Pragya is damn curious to know who it might be.. Before, she sees the last page, abhi comes out and picks the diary from pragya..

Pragya: Im so sorry for everything.. Please accept my sincere apologies.. So stupid of me.. I shouldn’t have talked  to you like that.. please please forgive me...

Abhi: Its okay pragya.. Im sorry
too .. I shouldn’t have reacted that much.. Well.. May I know what brings you here and what where you doing with my diary..

Pragya: I came to apologize to you and take you to the sets.. Sorry.. I read your diary but not fully.. If you don’t mind, May I know who is the lucky girl who makes our superstar to fall head over heels in love with her....

Abhi: Will tell you when the right time comes pragya.. But please keep this as a secret as my family is hell adamant to get me married soon.. So, shall we go now.. Our work shouldn't get wait in our absence na...


The equation between abhi and pragya changed after the ugly encounter.. Though they didn’t talked much in the sets, Pragya starts to admire abhi from far.. Unknowingly , she falls in love with abhi knowing well that she won’t be lucky enough to get him....

The shooting ends in a happy note and much to everyone’s wishes, the movie is well appreciated and is a biggest box office success... Pragya and abhi’s chemistry is appreciated a lot and many movie chances lines up for pragya but she rejected everything saying that acting is not her cup of tea..

A year passes in a jiff... Pragya has fallen in love with abhi too much and she is way too eager to meet him again.. But they where from different places and her busy schedule didn’t allow her to meet abhi.. Moreover. pragya is highly irked as her parents keep on saying that they will not be pleased if pragya falls in love with abhi..


One fine day, Abhi’s whole family visited pragya’s house surprisingly and dadi initiated the talks to get abhi and pragya to get married.. Pragya’s parents bashed and insulted them to leave their house..

Abhi didn’t said anything but hands over his personal diary to pragya saying that he will wait for her all his life.. Pragya is way too shocked to know that she is the one abhi has loved madly..

Four years passes.. No one is aware that their favorite stars abhi and pragya are in a bigger turmoil and longing to get united with their love.. Pragya’s parents stubbornness started to deteriorate as pragya is hell adamant not to marry anyone other than abhi..

Abhi makes aaliya and purab to get married and he asked no one in his house to trouble him with the name of marriage... A big cold war goes on and its a biggest challenge for abhi and pragya to prove that their love is true and not any mere attraction....


A biggest surprise and shock came to everyone that when abhi and pragya announced tht they got married with their family’s blessings in a private family gathering... All praised the couples and wishes for their happy beginning of their life..


Life is an unpredictable game.. Though abhi and pragya are madly in love with each other, their fate is not good enough to bless them with happiness..

A lot happened in their lives for the past two years.. Life didn’t moved as they expected and wished.. Blow after blow affected them mercilessly and they where shattered beyond repair....

The medias started to gossip a lot saying that the foolish decision made by the duo is to get married.. They termed their love and marriage has become the biggest hurdle of their careers and a downfall in their personal lives too..


So, what has happened in abhigya’s life????

Will abhi and pragya be able to fight against the cruel fate with their love and carry forward in their relationship as strong as they can???

Will they part apart saying that they had made a foolish decision to get married and will name their marriage as a biggest curse????

Will it be an endless and timeless journey ????

Will the true love fight against all odds and will set a biggest example to everyone???

Keep guessing and stay tuned..

As usual a long update of
  3250+ words..

Cast your votes and pen down your views without fail..

Sorry if there are any errors or mistakes..


Yours buddy,


Signing off..

Will be



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