Chapter 7: Play time

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P.O.V. [Name]

"Ah come on!" Goku said as he looked at me. "It's been forever since we've got to fight!" Goku said as he looked at me.

"I know, but I told you we can't do that here," I said as I looked at the male in front of me. Honestly not being able to fight is one of the worst things about traveling with Bulma. From what I've seen a lot of people don't exactly react positively to seeing people like us. That's one of the reason's I try so had to keep our tails hidden.

"You know, if you two really want to go at it that badly then we've still got some time before we reach the next town," Bulma said as she looked at us before slowly coming to a stop.

"You think anyone will see us?" I asked as I looked at the female in front of me.

"I don't think so, most people don't like to stray too far away from their homes. So as long as you two aren't destroying mountains then we should be fine," Bulma said as she looked at us. That wasn't something we needed to worry about yet. I haven't taught Goku how to do that yet since most of the people on this planet had such a pitiful power level. I honestly never saw a point in teaching him how to use ki-blasts since it really wouldn't do us any good.

When she said this I nodded and got off the bike we had been riding on. I'd love to teach her how to fly, if I did then we wouldn't need to ride on that slow machine everywhere. I've done what I can to try and improve it, but there's only so much I can do with this earthling tech. "Alright, in that case, we'll be back in a bit. Try not to get into trouble while we're gone," I said as I looked at her.

"Oh please, you two are the ones that need to worry about not getting into trouble," Bulma said as she looked at us. I smiled a bit hearing this, as Goku and I continued to go deeper into the forest.

"Let's try to make it quick," I said as I began to stretch a bit. "You know how impatient she can be," I said as I looked at the male in front of me. When I did Goku nodded and seemed to be copying my movements while we stretched. Goku then jumped up a bit before taking a fighting stance. When he did I smiled and took the same stance as him. When I did Goku wasted little to no time, and rushed towards me.

I watched as moved towards me before jumping up in front of me and trying to kick me. As he did I easily blocked the attack and punched Goku in the stomach sending him back. When he landed Goku began to run around me. As he did I began to turn and try to follow him, before he once again rushed forward this time sliding to the ground in front of me as he did. As he did I lowered my guard in preparation for his next attack only for Goku to stop and jump up off the ground once again.

When he did he stopped in front of me and once again hit me, this time taking a jab at my face as he did. He came a lot closer this time giving me a bit less time to react but I still managed to dodge the attack in the end. When he did I smiled as I once again went for a punch on his stomach. As I did Goku raised his hands, I assumed he planned on blocking the attack but I was wrong.

Instead, he used my hand as leverage and pushed himself up to avoid the attack before grabbing my forearm and turning around to kick me in the face. I smiled when he did, he adapted a bit faster than I was expecting him to, but that's not a bad thing. Our warrior spirit is what makes us Saiyans after all. Goku then tried to continue his assault by rushing forward and preparing to hit me in the face again.

When he did I moved back and began to avoid his flurry of strikes. He gets stronger every time we fight. If I'm not careful he might just completely surpass me one day. I wish Goku got the chance to train with dad. He would have been so proud to see how far Goku's come. He might not be as smart as some people would expect, considering how smart our dad was. But he really was a genius when it came fighting.

I bet if he played his cards right Goku could probably beat someone with a higher power level than him. After all, I had a power level higher than his and he was able to catch me off guard a few times. When Goku tried to punch me I moved out of the way and grabbed his tail tossing him back as I did. When I did Goku landed before losing his balance and falling down. "Hey! No fair! You're not allowed to grab tails remember!" Goku said as he looked at me.

"Oop, it must have slipped my mind," I said as I looked at the male in front of me as he held the base of his tail before once again taking a fighting stance. It was a good thing earthlings had never heard of Saiyans before. I could only imagine how many people would be eager to prove they were 'superior' to a Saiyan just by grabbing our tail.

Then again if we were careless enough to let them get close enough to grab it then maybe we deserve whatever happens when they grab our tail. Plus doing this would teach Goku that not everyone was willing to play fair all the time. In fact, some people resorted to cheating almost immediately. It was better that he learned that lesson now rather than later down the line. I moved to the side and easily avoided Goku's attack.

When I did Goku landed and immediately began to rush towards me once again this time clearly planning to headbutt me. As he did I held my hands up to stop the incoming attack. When I did Goku's tail wrapped around me as I tried to throw him back. When I did Goku was thrown up beside me and was once again able to kick me in the face sending me back. As he did I smiled and hit his forehead with my palm sending him back.

As I did he landed and once again began to rush towards me. When was the last time I got to simply spar with Goku like this? A few days before we left with Bulma maybe? I'm not for sure if I'm being honest. But still being able to fight like this, just the two of us it really is fun. Goku then rushed forward and I did as well before hitting the side of his face with my elbow sending him down to the ground.

When he landed Goku jumped back up almost immediately hitting me with the back of his fist before trying to follow it up with several more punches all of which I was able to easily dodge after the first one. I then tried to bring my fist up into his stomach only for Goku to catch the attack and use it to throw himself back. I couldn't see where he landed but I knew he landed in one of the nearby trees.

It didn't take me long to figure out which one as Goku shot out of the leaves and towards me. As he did I raised my hand preparing to defend myself from his incoming attack. As I did Goku grabbed my hands, using them as leverage to spin around, and nearly kicked me in the face. I was barely able to avoid the incoming attack, he had used this trick a few times in some of our previous battles which is the only reason I was able to avoid it.

I grabbed Goku's hands and attempted to slam him into the ground only for Goku to land on his feet and lock hands with me. I could easily overpower him if I wanted to. But where's the fun in that? Plus it probably would have just made Goku a bit more warry when it came to sparing with me which was the last thing I wanted. After a moment Goku threw his hands up and then jumped into my stomach headbutting me as he did.

As he did I moved back a bit before slamming my knee into his face sending him back. As I did Goku landed and swept my remaining foot out from under me causing me to push myself up as he tried to kick me in the face. It didn't take long for me to quickly lose track of time. However, I regained this sense a bit quicker than I had been expecting catching Goku's next attack.

"Alright that's enough," I said as I looked at him.

"Ah, really?" Goku asked as he looked at me a bit disappointed.

"Yeah, Bulma is waiting for us remember? We can spar some more tomorrow," I said as I looked at him. Now that I knew people didn't like leaving their homes it would be a lot easier to train with Goku whenever I wanted. Just needed to move a bit away from whatever town we happened to be in at the moment.

"Alright," Goku said as we began to walk back towards the road that Bulma was on. When we arrived I saw Bulma leaning against her bike while looking up. "Bulma! We're back!" Goku called out as he looked at the female in front of us.

"It's about time you two got-WHAT HAPPENED?!" Bulma asked as she looked at us. When she said this I looked at her a bit confused.

"What?" I asked as I looked at the female in front of me.

"What do you mean what? You're covered in cuts and bruises," Bulma said as she looked at us. I guess we looked a bit worse than I originally thought. It was strange but her reaction almost reminded me of mom whenever I used to train with Raditz.

"It's nothing, just a bit of rough-housing is all," I said as I looked at her. When I said this Bulma sighed as she looked at us.

"Did you two at least have fun?" Bulma asked as she looked at us.

"Yeah!" Goku said almost immediately. I really shouldn't be surprised that he enjoyed the fight. He would fight just for the sake of fighting. He did it just for the thrill of battle, if he won then he was happy, and if he lost he just saw it as a reason to improve and was still happy.

"Alright, good, then let's get going," Bulma said as she once again got on her bike. When she Goku screamed for his nimbus and it appeared a moment later as Goku jumped on it. As he did I sighed and got on to ride with Bulma back to the town that we were originally heading towards. 

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