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"This bed isn't big enough for both of us," Aurora states resolutely, crawling into Jonah's bed. "I suggest you sleep on the couch or see if Addi and Corbyn have room for you."

"You can't be serious," Jonah chuckles, moving closer to the bed.

"Why can't I?" She raises an eyebrow, throwing a pillow at the boy and throwing herself across the mattress dramatically in order to take up the entire space. "Turn the light off on your way out."

"There was more than enough room for both of us last night," he counters.

"We didn't have three stuffed animals last night," she argues, gesturing to Bambi, Thumper, and Frederick.

"Is this because we're riding back to LA with Rye and his friends?" Jonah questions.

"And because you let me believe for months that your last name is Marais! I had to find out from your mother that you've been lying to me."

"Aur-" He begins, a disbelieving look crossing his face.

"Good night, Jonah," she states, cutting off his retort and blowing him a kiss. "I love you."

"I guess I love you too," Jonah huffs playfully, heading towards the door. "Good night."

Turning off the bed room's light, Jonah mutters something to himself before shutting the door behind him.

Stubbornly ignoring the regret of her decision that was creeping in, Aurora closes her eyes, hoping for sleep to set in.


Hours later, after continuously tossing and turning, Aurora rolls over onto Jonah's side of the bed, half expecting to be met with his warm embrace.

Instead, her back hits a cold mattress. Tugging Frederick closer to her chest, she glares at the empty space as though it'll cause Jonah to suddenly materialize there.

Aurora hadn't realized how accustomed she has grown to falling asleep curled into his side until tonight, when Jonah wasn't laying next to her.

Sighing, she tosses the blankets aside and climb out of bed.

Glancing around the hallway suspiciously, she tiptoes towards the staircase.

"You cant do it, can you?" Corbyn's voice causes her to come to a halt halfway down the steps.

"Can't do what?" Aurora asks innocently, turning to face him. He stands at the top step with his arms crossed and a smug look on his face.

"You can't go a single night without being with Jonah," Corbyn says, pointing an accusing finger at her.

"For your information, Blondie," she huffs. "I can too."

"Really?" He scoffs disbelievingly. "So, you're not sneaking downstairs to sleep with Jonah."

"Nope," she shakes her head for emphasis. "If you must know, I'm going to the bathroom.

"There's a bathroom upstairs," Corbyn jerks his thumb in the other direction.

"I like the downstairs one better," Aurora snaps, whirling around to continue down the steps. "Now, good day to you, sir."

Corbyn shakes his head, chuckling softly before returning to the guest bedroom. Nearly tripping over the bottom step, she rounds the corner into the living room.

Jonah lays on the couch - facing away from her, wide awake and scrolling through his phone, not yet noticing her arrival.

Sneaking closer, Aurora launches herself over the back of the couch, landing on top of Jonah. She quickly muffles his startled scream with her hand, giggling at his thoroughly terrified expression as his phone falls to the floor.

"You nearly gave me a heart attack," Jonah scolds, removing her hand from his face. "Why are you awake at this hour?"

"I could ask you the same thing," she counters, laying her head on his chest.

"But I asked first."

"I couldn't sleep without you," Aurora mumbles sheepishly, thankful the room is too dark for him to notice the blush creeping across her cheeks. "Why are you still awake?"

"Because it's kinda impossible to sleep knowing you're not by my side," Jonah says, hugging her tightly.

"I'm sorry," she mutters. "You can come to bed if you carry me there."

"What's the magic word?" He asks as she stand up, helping him to his feet as well.

"Gummy bears!" She declares confidently, jumping onto his back.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" Jonah questions, heading up the stairs.

"Multiple times. But you can te-" Aurora gasps dramatically, cutting herself off. "Mr. Frantzvitch, is that a tattoo I see on your shoulder?"

"Oh please," he rolls his eyes. "I'm sure you have at least one too."

"Of course I do but that's irrelevant right now," she explains. "I'm the bad ass in this relationship. You're supposed to be the goody two shoes that keeps me out of jail while I corrupt you."

"Who says goody two shoes can't have tattoos?" Jonah ponders, entering his bedroom.

"Every stereotype ever."

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