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"Aurora, what are we doing?"

Carmen can't help but to giggle, her eyes focused on the white chalk Aurora is using to draw a circle around them on the den floor. After doing so, she tosses the chalk aside and proceeds to load the Nerf gun lying next to her.

"We are protecting ourselves from sea bear attacks," Aurora explains as though it should be obvious. Carmen laughs, but immediately stops as Aurora fixes her with a glare. "Sea bear attacks are no joke, Caramel. I once lost my cousin to one."

Not waiting for a retort, Aurora gently pushes Carmen's shoulders until she sits down in the center of the circle. She sits down next to her, sighing contentedly just as Zach walks into the room.

"Aurora," Zach chastises. "Carmen needs to be resting."

Carmen opens her mouth to argue, but stops as Aurora pulls the Nerf gun out from behind her back and points it directly at the boy before he could come any closer.

"Try it, I fucking dare you," she challenges. "I won't hesitate to pull the trigger."

Zach holds his hands up in defense, not daring to make any movements to get closer.

"Jonah!" He yells, turning his head slightly to face the door. "Your girlfriend is holding me at gunpoint!"

Jonah runs into the room seconds later.

"DON'T RUN!" Aurora screeches. "SEA BEARS HATE THAT!"

Taking her advice to heart, Jonah slows down and stops when he reaches Zach.

"Why are you holding him at gunpoint?" He asks, a smile spreading across his lips.

"Because Heroin was going to remove Caramel from the safety of this circle, which prevents sea bear attacks," the older girl states, not dropping the gun.

"I don't see a problem," Jonah says, turning to Zach. "Aurora is keeping Carmen safe from dangerous sea bears."

Zach throws his hands up in exasperation. "Can you at least convince her to put the Nerf gun down?"

Jonah laughs as he begins to walk away. "Bold of you to assume I have any control over her. You're on your own, buddy."

Just as Zach goes to retort, Aurora shoots the gun. A styrofoam bullet hits him in the middle of the forehead, sticking instantly to his skin.

"Oops," Aurora giggles. "My finger slipped."

"If you let me take Caramel back to the living room," Zach begins, struggling to find a compromise Aurora would actually agree to. "You two can binge SpongeBob all day."

She lowers the Nerf gun, looking to Carmen for confirmation. Carmen nods her head in agreement, just as Aurora reluctantly drops the gun.

"Fine," she huffs.

She stands, before helping Carmen onto her feet. Zach is immediately by her side to carry her, despite Carmen's attempts to wave him away.

Entering the living room, Aurora snags the remote off of the recliner and turns on Netflix.

"Hey!" Daniel cries out in protest. "Jonah and I were watching that!"

"Not anymore," she sings. "We're watching SpongeBob. Now, go make some food in the kitchen, Chef Daniel."

"Cinnamon rolls, please!" Carmen requests jokingly.

"We're starting with the sea bear episode," Aurora declares, dropping onto the empty spot on the loveseat next to Jonah. "Any complaints?"

When no one responds, she presses play.

"You're so clingy," Carmen jokes, resting her head on Zach's shoulder as he pulls her closer.

"Why can't we have cute banter like that?" Aurora glares at Jonah. "Am I not good enough for cute banter?"

"Not this again," Jonah groans, tugging the jealous girl into his side.

Corbyn then walks into the room with two bowls of ice cream, handing one to Aurora and successfully distracting her. Daniel follows suit, handing Carmen a plate of cinnamon rolls.

"I already knew you'd want some as soon as you saw me with a bowl," he explains. "So I went on and fixed you one too."

"Aww, thank you, Blondie," Aurora coos before quickly returning her attention to Jonah. "Why can't you surprise me like that?"

"I fixed your coffee this morning!" He defends himself.

"But did you fix me ice cream?"

"Hey, Aurora, do you want a cinnamon roll?" Carmen questions, offering the plate towards the girl and cutting off Jonah's next comment. "Cause I'm not allowed to have them."

Daniel's jaw drops, remembering Carmen's soup diet, as Zach begins to pout.

"Hell yeah!" She snatches the plate. "Maybe next time, Heroin."

"Can I have one?" Jonah asks hopefully, his hand already inching towards the plate.

"I think the fuck not," Aurora manages to say through a mouthful of cinnamon roll.

"But you have ice cream AND cinnamon rolls! You can't possibly eat both."

"Fucking bet."

Jonah's retort is once again cut off, but this time by both, Aurora and Carmen, as they sing along with the TV show.

"Let's gather around the campfire and sing our campfire song.

Our C - A - M - P - F - I - R - E - S - O - N - G SONG! And if you don't think that we can sing it faster then you're wrong. It'll help if you just sing along."

From the kitchen, they can hear Jack and Daniel say, "Bom Bom Bom."

"C - A - M - P - F - I - R - E - S - O - N - G SONG!

C - A - M - P - F - I - R - E - S - O - N - G SONG!

And if you don't think that we can sing it faster then you're wrong. It'll help if you just sing along.

C - A - M - P - F - I - R - E - S - O - N - G SONG! Patrick!"

The duo pauses, waiting for one of the boys to take the next part. As though they had previously rehearsed it, Corbyn jumps in to take the part.


Song! C - A - M - P - F - I - R - E!


"Squidward!" Jonah jumps in, pointing to Zach, whose eyes widen in surprise. "Good!"

"It'll help, it'll help," Aurora sings, jumping up to dramatically enact an air guitar solo. "If you just sing along!"


"The Krusty Krab pizza is the pizza for you and me," Aurora sings, poking Jonah with each word.

"Will Cheez-its satisfy your restlessness?" He asks, grabbing her hand with a smile.

Aurora nods just as Jonah stands up, leaving in search of her beloved snack in the kitchen.

"I don't understand how you can eat those things as often as you do," Zach says, shaking his head in wonder.

"Cheez-its are the best thing to ever grace this planet, you uncultured swine."

Carmen laughs as Zach shakes his head, not understanding her Disney reference. Jonah re-enters the room with a box of Cheez-its in his hand and Jack attached to his leg.

"No," Jack pleads. "Don't give her my Cheez-its."

"Excuse you, Poodle?" Aurora gasps. "Since I live here now, I get partial custody of the Cheez-its."

"Nuh-uh," he whines, letting go of Jonah's leg but remaining on the floor. He proceeds to cross his arms and pout like a little kid.

"Don't worry, Poodle, I'll share."



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