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Aurora frowns, using her phone to shield her eyes from the harsh sunlight as it finally peaks through the large windows in the waiting area. As compared to the others, who are beginning to stir from their slumber, she didn't sleep at all throughout the long night - despite the fact that she even took the medicine for her concussion that is supposed to make her drowsy. Instead, she played games on her phone and worried about Carmen.

At one point in the night, she took to wandering the hospital halls and ran into Dr. Rogers, who scolded her for not resting. She lied, saying the bandages on her head were too tight and keeping her awake. Though he didn't appear entirely convinced, he still took pity on the girl and removed her bandages, but not before making her promise she wouldn't get into any fights for at least three days.

Since they had gotten back from the airport last night, they had yet to receive any new information on how she's doing. It worries Aurora, and her obsession with Grey's Anatomy certainly isn't coming in handy as she runs through countless scenarios of what more could go wrong.

"How long have you been awake?" Jonah questions, his voice raspy from sleep as he sits up and stretches.

"Not too long," she lies, smiling as he places a kiss on her cheek. "You slept a lot longer than I thought you would. What were you dreaming about?"

"If I tell you, then it won't come true," he answers cheekily, earning a punch to his arm.

"That only works with wishes," she argues, a pout forming on her lips. "Tell me!"

Jonah merely shrugs and pulls his phone out of his back pocket, acting as though a notification on it has captured all of his attention so he doesn't have to answer the question. Aurora groans and lunges for the phone, but he moves faster, holding it just out of her reach. She pushes his arm and the phone flies out of his loose grip, hitting Zach's knee on its way to the ground.

The boy cries out, now wide awake as he examines where a bruise will surely form. As Jonah apologizes, Aurora drops to the floor and successfully captures his phone, backing out of his reach and holding it above her head like a trophy.

"You're not getting this back until you tell me what-"

"Are any of you here for Carmen Elliot?" A nurse asks from behind Aurora, causing her to whirl around.

"All of us are," Jonah says, gesturing to everyone still sleeping as Zach stands up, ignoring the pain in his leg as he watches the nurse hopefully.

"She's awake and asking for visitors," she explains. "Would you three like to see her?"

"Hell yes!" Aurora exclaims at the same moment Zach asks for the room number.

"She's in 317, the fourth door on-" the nurse is answering and Aurora takes off down the hallway before she can hear the rest.

Zach and Jonah are hot on her heels, nearly tripping over her as she weaves through doctors and nurses. Reaching the correct door, Aurora stumbles to a stop and Zach slams into her back, which would've caused her to hit the floor had she not been holding onto the open doorway.

"Caramel?" Aurora asks softly, tears pooling in her eyes as she assesses the girl's injuries. It's worse than she thought- so much worse.

"The one and only." Carmen smiles weakly, moving to sit up in the bed. But as a sharp pain tingles in her ribs, she winces and sinks back down as Zach moves to her bedside. He grabs her good hand, supporting her back as she faces Aurora and Jonah.

"How bad is it?" Jonah hesitates, wrapping his hand around Aurora's as she carefully sits at the foot of the lumpy hospital bed.

"I have several broken ribs, a broken ankle, a severe concussion," Carmen sighs heavily, gripping Zach's hand as she furrows her eyebrows from the pain in her lungs. "And my right arm is broken in two different places, aside from the stab wound."

"I'm so sorry," Zach apologizes, a few tears falling from his eyes. "I never should've slept in the living room. I shouldn't have left you alone. I should've stayed."

"It's not your fault," Carmen tells the boy, turning her bandaged head slowly to look him in the eyes. "This is just like the last time I was in the hospital. There was no way you could have known this would happen."

"We should have found you sooner," Aurora argues, her voice cracking as she leans into Jonah's side. "I shouldn't have left the house that night. I should have-"

"Aurora," Carmen cuts the girl off, giving her a stern look despite the weakness in her voice. "There's not a doubt in my mind that you did all you could. I'm so thank-"

Their conversation is cut off as a doctor steps in, glancing around the room. Taking in the anguished expressions of the teens, he smiles sadly.

"I hate to do this to you so soon, but I'm going to have to lower the number of visitors to one," he explains. "This many people is messing with her vitals."

Jonah nods in confirmation, giving Aurora's hand a reassuring squeeze. "We'll be out in just a moment."

Standing up and moving closer, Aurora grabs Carmen's hand from Zach, giving the girl a gentle squeeze as the doctor leaves the room. She smiles, her tears making an appearance. "I'll be back to visit as soon as they let me. I'm so glad you're awake."

She let's go of Carmen's hand, allowing Jonah to guide her to the doorway.

"Aurora," Carmen stops her, leaning into Zach's chest as she turns around again. "I hope you know I love you. You too, Jonah."

"We love you too," Aurora replies, her smile broadening as they exit, closing the door behind them. Jonah glances down at her as they move back to the waiting area, worry etched into his features. "Cut the act, Mr. Marais, you're still not getting your phone back."

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