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"ZACH! JONAH!" Aurora shouts, waltzing through the front door of the Why Don't We house as though she lives there. "Wake up, losers. We're going shopping!"

Three days had passed since Aurora's and Jonah's date, and she had managed to learn plenty about all of the boys in that time - mainly through Jack when he decided to show up at her house and steal her Cheez-its.

Zach had met his dream girl at the mall on the same day Jonah met Aurora, when a girl named Carmen tripped and fell into his arms. Coincidentally, Jack also met a girl at the airport on the very same day when a dog knocked him over. Her owner, Callie, followed not long after the dog.

Aurora made her first ever visit to the boys' home yesterday, when she arrived with Jack to help Zach find a way to see the girl so obviously out of his league again.

A bleary eyed Zach and Jonah come stumbling down the stairs moments later, neither fully aware of the world around them. Smirking, Aurora can't help but to pull an airhorn out of her purse and blow it loudly, giving everyone in the house a wake up call.

"Zach! You are going to stop being awkward and text your Caramel today. And don't try to come up with something yourself, just use these exact words," she explains, handing the boy a piece of paper."

He nods sleepily as she turns her attention to Jonah, immediately leading him back to the stairs.

"You are going to go get ready," she states, leaving no room for argument. "Because I want to go the mall and I'm not allowed in there alone."

As Jonah goes to get ready, a sleepy Corbyn and rather angry Jack come down the stairs.

"Good morn-"

Before she can greet the two, Jack chucks a pillow at her face.

"It's too early to be awake," he grumbles.

"Love you too, Poodle," Aurora retorts, laughing as he flips her off without turning around.


"I'm beginning to see why you're not allowed in here," Jonah mutters, following Aurora as she skips out of Dillard's.

It's been an hour since the two arrived at the mall, and Aurora spent a majority of it simply riding up and down the escalators. Dashing into the Disney store, her eyes light up like a child's.

Off to the side of all of the princess dresses stands a mall cop, who doesn't appear happy at all to see the teenager.

"Didn't I tell you not to come back in here?"

"Nope," Aurora grins gleefully, pulling Jonah to her side. "You told me not to come back in here without supervision, which is what I brought."

Before he can come up with any plausible reason to ask her to leave, Aurora has once again ran off, this time over to a display of stuffed animals taller than her.

"EVERYBODY WANTS TO BE A CAT," she sings loudly, catching the attention of all of the shoppers as Jonah runs after her. Grabbing a stuffed version of O'Malley the Alley Cat, she throws it at him before running off. "BECAUSE A CAT'S THE ONLY CAT WHO KNOWS WHERE IT'S AT!"

Continuing to sing the song, she remains out of reach of Jonah as she proceeds to touch every toy in sight.

A girl suddenly appears at Aurora's side, effectively distracting her from singing.

"Hello, my name is Carmen," she introduces herself. "And you are my new best friend."

"I know you! You're the Caramel girl! Jack told me about you, and I helped Zach with his awkwardness," Aurora yells over the Disney music that plays in the stores speakers. "Are you seeing this Cinderella dress? WHY IS IT ONLY IN A KID'S SIZE?"

"I don't know," Carmen giggles, glancing back at Zach who's now next to Jonah, both watching the girls' interaction amusedly. "But I think you should try it on anyway."

"Are you serious?" Aurora asks, jumping up and down. It wasn't often people encouraged her actions. Getting a nod in response, she picks out the biggest size on the rack before turning to the guard. "SIR, MAY I TRY THIS ON?"

Nodding and holding back his laughter, the guard points at the dressing room at the back of the store. Aurora squeals, yanking Carmen to the back with her.

Once at the dressing rooms, she runs into one just in time. Moments later, Jonah appears beside Carmen, panting heavily.

"Jesus take the wheel," he breathes out. "That girl is crazy."

"For you, I'm guessing," Carmen winks.

"DAMN STRAIGHT," Aurora shouts from behind the dressing room door, struggling to pull the dress sleeves up her arms.

"Aurora, you done yet?"

"Yep," the brunette giggles, unlocking the door. Once in sight, her new friend can't help but to laugh to tears. "How do I look?"

Zach furrows his eyebrows when examining the girl in the sparkly blue dress, and Carmen is crying on the floor from laughing so hard. Jonah, on the other hand, sighs before laughing along with Carmen.

"It's a bit tight," Aurora says, adjusting the small dress. "But I think we should get it. I look perfect."

The blue dress clings to her body, showing off her curves. The fabric barely comes above her knees - something that would touch the floor on a small child. On her arms, the dress sleeves reach her elbows, along with a blue puff at her inner shoulders.

The back of the dress isn't fully zipped, as the dress would rip if it were attempted to be pulled around her chest. For once, Aurora was thankful for being - as Mark so kindly words it - the size of a bean pole.

"Ten out of ten," Carmen says between her laughs, still on the floor. She wipes away a single tear. "Jonah, you made the right choice."

Aurora smiles, before skipping back into the dressing room. She quickly clambers out of the outfit, careful not to rip it, and throws it over the door, hoping someone catches it. Putting her clothes back on, she prances out and drags the other three to the counter.

The same guard stands next to the cashier, giving all of them an amused smile. "I see you've finished shopping."

"Yes, we'll have this," Aurora says in the most mature voice she can muster, placing the blue dress on the counter.

"You're kidding," Jonah says, looking at her in disbelief.

"No, I'm Aurora," she replies simply, pulling out her wallet. "And I don't joke when it comes to Disney."

"No, I'll pay," he argues.

"You will not."

"Yes I will."

"Let's go get some Starbucks," Zach suggests, successfully distracting Aurora long enough for Jonah to pay for her dress. "Anyone up for cookies and coffee?"

Aurora links her arm through Carmen's, leaving the two boys behind as they sprint out of the store together.

"Only if we can go to Build-A-Bear afterwards."

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