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"What do you want to do first?" Carmen asks as the group of eight arrive at the pumpkin patch.

Aurora climbs out of Jonah's Corvette, ignoring the goosebumps on her arms as an evening chill blows past. Having made a big deal to Jonah about not wearing a jacket, she wasn't about to give in and ask for his.

"Two words, Caramel," she declares, linking her arm through hers. "Hay maze."

"I love hay mazes!" Callie squeals excitedly, tugging Jack along.

"They're a-maze-ing," Aurora agrees, earning a groan from Jack.

"We need to stick together," Zach says as Aurora and Carmen lead the group in a near sprint to the maze entrance.

"But where's the fun in that," Aurora argues, leaning against a hay bale to catch her breath.

"It's bet-"

"Jonah," Aurora accidentally cuts Daniel's response off in her excitement, getting an idea. "Help me climb this."

Jonah doesn't bother to ask any questions, instead merely shrugging his shoulders as he grabs her waist and places her on top of the hay bale with ease. Grinning, she stands up and brushes the hay off of her butt, careful not to lose her balance as she looks back down at the others.

"This is the best vantage point."

"That's cheating!" Jack protests, pointing an accusing finger at her. "You can't do that!"

"What are you gonna do?" Aurora snorts. "Call the maze police?"

"I want up there too!" Corbyn shouts before Jack can argue further.

Backing up, the boy takes a running start before jumping. He barely makes it onto the bale, Aurora having to help pull him to safety.

"Does anyone else want up here?" Corbyn asks, staring down at the group.

When no one else climbs up, Jack grins triumphantly. Not liking the cocky smile, Aurora quickly comes up with a plan.

"Why don't we make a bet?" She asks, grinning slyly. "If the six of you find your way out before Corbyn and I, we'll pay for the ice cream afterwards. If Corbyn and I find the exit first, you six buy ours."

"Deal," Daniel answers immediately, sticking his hand up for her to shake.

"It's settled then."

Not waiting for a response, Aurora rushes ahead of the others with Corbyn in tow.


"We're lost," Corbyn states for the seventh time.

"No, we're not," Aurora denies confidently, pointing in a random direction as she jumps over the path and onto another hay bale. "The exit is that way. Trust me, Blondie."

He smiles ruefully, jumping over as well. "That's kind of hard to do, considering five minutes ago, you told me the exit was in the opposite direction."

Aurora glares, prepared to retort but something latches itself onto her ankle before she can. Screaming loudly, she jerks her foot away and falls into Corbyn, who loses his balance and causes both of them to go crashing into the ground.

Aurora is quick to bounce back into her feet, the blond having cushioned her fall. Corbyn groans, standing up at a slower rate and rubbing his side.

"You're a lot heavier than you look."

Aurora doesn't respond, too busy looking around for what grabbed her. A loud - albeit familiar - laugh rings out from the other side of the bale, growing closer as two younger teenage boys come into view.

"Dammit, Jellybean!" She shrieks. "That isn't funny!"

"I thought it was," he says, his grin growing.

Next to James stands his friend, Harry, doubled over in laughter.

"What are you laughing about, Potter?" Aurora threatens. "I'll hit you with another door."

Corbyn, now recovered from his brief heart attack, furrows his eyebrows together and leans towards Aurora so he can whisper in her ear. "Who is this?"

"Corbyn, this is my little brother, Jellybean, and his friend, Harry," she introduces. "Jellybean and Harry, this is my good friend, Corbyn."

James steps forward to shake Corbyn's hand, but is stopped as Aurora pushes him back.

"We don't have time for formalities. We're trying to win a bet," she explains. "Which way is the exit?"

It's that way," Harry answers, pointing in the direction the duo had been walking away from.

"Good work, Potter!" She exclaims, ruffling his hair before he can swat her hand away. "I always knew you were part Hufflepuff. Lead the way."

As they start to follow the two, Aurora jumps onto Corbyn's back. "Onward, my noble steed!"

"You know, I'm the one that got the brunt of the fall," he points out, adjusting her weight. "So, really, you should be carrying me."

"Do you want me to?" She offers, seriously considering it. "It's not like it'd be hard."

"I'm joking," he laughs. "You know I don't mind." Catching up to the boys, he changes the topic. "So, Jellybean, what's your real name?"


"You look really familiar," he continues, earning a swift kick in the side as Aurora realizes where this is going. He shrieks, but the question flies out of his mouth anyways. "Have we met before?"

"I don't think so," James begins, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "You're probably thinking of my older brother, Mark. People tell me I look just like him."

A look of guilt crosses Corbyn's face. Thankfully, before the depressing topic can continue, the exit of the maze comes into view.

"WE WON!" Aurora shouts victoriously, clambering off of Corbyn and dashing ahead to jump around excitedly.

"What exactly did you win from this bet?" Harry questions warily.

"Free ice cream!"

Mere seconds later, Jonah, Jack, and Callie come into view as they find the exit as well.

"Took you long enough," Corbyn jokes. "We've been waiting forever."

"We would've won the bet if someone," Callie throws an exaggerated glare towards Jack, "hadn't insisted on taking a short cut."

Jack opens his mouth to defend himself, but grows distracted as he notices two kids he doesn't know standing behind Aurora. "Who's that?"

"My little brother, Jellybean, and his friend, Harry," she introduces again. Turning to the boys, she beckons them forward. "You've already met Jonah. These are my friends, Jack and Callie."

"So, you and Jonah are still together?" James asks. When she nods, he turns to Harry with a triumphant grin. "You, my good sir, have lost the bet."

Their conversation is drowned out as Aurora realizes they're still missing nearly half of their group. "Where's Caramel?"

Jack immediately takes a few steps back, not wanting to go through the same thing that happened last time Carmen wasn't within her eyesight.

"She's with Daniel and Zach," Jonah explains, gently grabbing her hands to prevent her from hitting anyone. "She's perfectly safe. I promise."

Aurora stares at him incredulously, not trusting his words in the slightest. "So, you left my Caramel in a hug hay maze with Tweedledee and Tweedledum, and you think she's safe?"

"Well." Jonah runs a hand through his hair, nervous as to how she'll react. "When you put it that way, it sounds bad."

"You are-" she stops herself, noticing movement behind him. "CARAMEL!"

She lunge forward, tackling the girl into a tight embrace. "You are not allowed to leave my line of vision ever again."

Carmen laughs, detangling herself from Aurora. "You're worse than Zach."

"That reminds me," Aurora says, looking for Daniel. "Thanks for getting Caramel out alive, Daniel."

"I kept her alive too!" Zach throws his hands up in exasperation.

"Sure you did, Heroin," she teases with a laugh. "I'm ready for my free ice cream. Can we leave now?"

"Right after we get a pumpkin," Carmen says, dashing towards the field of growing pumpkins.

Aurora sprints after her, yelling loudly, "I WANT ONE TOO!"

The rest of the group follows at a slower pace, watching as Carmen plops herself down in the middle of the field. Aurora, on the other hand, continues to sprint.

"Oh no," Jonah mutters as she trips over a large one.

As she dusts herself off, Aurora turns to the pumpkin with a glare and begins to kick it repeatedly.

"Good lord," Zach mutters. "Jonah, you might want to-"

"No." Jonah holds up a hand, chuckling as he watches the girl tackle the pumpkin. "I want to see how this plays out."

"Well, if we're going to get banned, we might as well go out with a bang." Callie shrugs her shoulders, sprinting over to where Aurora and Carmen now stand.

And, without hesitance, Aurora begins chasing after children with her air horn.


"And that, Jonah," Jack says, patting him on the shoulder, "is how we get banned from every public place we go to."

James scoffs. "If you think this is bad, you should hear about the time she got us banned from a Chinese restaurant."

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