Chapter 27

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Let's continue...

After a week,

Sid reached home in the evening. AM greeted him with smile. He did the same but Vaish ignored him and went inside once seeing him. She stopped talking with him from the day he sent Avu out.

Avu was playing with Sam and Adi in the backyard. Sid saws them through window. He felt happy to see Sam cheerfull. He reached near them. "Daddy!" Sam ran towards Sid once she saw him. "Daddy, today we both played several games. Di taught me many games" she said with amusement.

He took her in his arms and smiled seeing Adi. He caressed her head, Adi smiled. Avu left the place with a small smile. He spent his time with Adi and Sam, hearing their stories. He got a call, "yes doctor" he said with smile.

Doctor's reply made his eyes wet. He ended the call and ran outside the home. Everyone looked at him. "What happened Siddharth?" AM asked looking his teary face. "Momm... Maa.." He struggled with his words. "What happened to mom" Avu came near him nervously.

"She.. She opened her eyes. Doctor asked us to visit hospital immediately" he said with a struggle. Avu's eyes too filled with happy tears. Everyone was happy hearing the good news.

Sid drove the car at high speed and reached the hospital in fifteen minutes. They reached her room. A nurse stopped them. "Sir, doctors are checking her. Please wait for few minutes" she said kindly.

Avu thanked God for giving her mom back. After twenty minutes doctors came out and smiled seeing them. "Vibha is perfectly alright. Now you can see her but one by one" he said with smile. "Thank you doctor, thank you so much" Sid said with tears and rushed inside the room.

"Mom.." That was the first word came from his mouth. VA opened her eyes slowly. His heart overwhelmed with happiness. He ran towards her. "Mom.." Sid hugged her without disturbing the tubes connected to her.

The warmth of her hug made him a kid who missed his mom for long time. He started crying snuggling more in her warmth. "Easy Sid, now I'm fine, don't cry my boy" she said those words with little difficulty.

He sat on the floor holding her arms. VA's eyes searched Avu. "Sid, where the Avu?" She asked with difficulty. "She is waiting out MA, doctor informed only one person should be inside" he replied. "Call her I wanna see her" she said still searching for her.

"Mom, how will you react if you come to know that she was the one behind your accident?" He thought and just nodded as response. He came out and asked Avu to go in. Avu rushed inside hearing him. "Mom" she shouted with happy tears and ran towards her.

"Avu" she said with smile. "Mom.. You're fine right?" She asked with hope. "I'm absolutely fine my dear" she replied with smile. Avu caressed her hair but she couldn't control her tears. "Don't cry Avu, everything will be good hereafter" she said with smile. Avu nodded and she remembered something. "Mom, one minute" she said leaving the place.

"Sam, come with me" she took Sam in her hand and walked towards VA's bed. She stood in front of her holding Sam in her hand. First VA looked at her with confusion thinking who was the child and something hit her mind. Her eyes widen in surprise.

She looked at Avu with surprised eyes and asked something through her eyes. Avu's eyes replied "yes". VA was overwhelmed with happiness. Her hands slowly reached Sam caressing her forehead.

"Avu, you know what I don't have any words. I'm dumbfounded with happiness" she said with happy tears. Avu nodded, "Sam, talk with grandma" she said softly.

"Grandma, how are you doing?" Sam's honey word awaken the happiest soul inside her. She hold her pretty tiny fingers and kissed them softly. She admired Sam's cute little face which resembled Sid's childhood. "Thanks for giving this precious gift Avu" she said from her heart.

"Mom, my mother came to see you. I'll sent them after that you take some rest" Avu said with smile. VA nodded. Everyone visited her and left after sometime. "Avu, where is Rajesh?" VA asked sadly.

"Mom, he is in Mexico and he don't know about your recovery. He was here for all these days. Sid only send him abroad to divert his mind a little. Morning he will be here" she said holding her hand.

"I couldn't remember what just happened that day Avu but at that moment I thought about you. You're the only one in my mind. I don't know what exactly happened" she said trying to remember something.

"Mom, please don't stress yourself. It was an accident and there was nothing to think about it further. Just forget those things MA, you're alright. That's what all we want" she said stopping her think further.

Doctor advised them not to make her stress or think something to deep. He said that might cause some issues.

Avu feed her soup and caressed her hair until she fall asleep.

"Doctor when will you discharge m mom?" Sid enquired doctor. "In two or three days Siddharth. This the days is to monitor her health condition" he replied. Sid nodded and went to check on her.

He saw Avu feeding VA, he smiled and left the place. Avu started with VA in hospital. Vaish took care of Sam while Sid to stayed in the hospital.

Next day,

"Drop me in home. I'll change my clothes and bring food for mom" she said without looking at him. He dropped her in home and left immediately to receive Rakesh.

SD( Sid's dad) reached hospital and saw VA with his eyes full of tears. "Vibha" he said caressing her head. "No Rakesh, you shouldn't cry" she said holding his arms. He nodded with tears. Sid left them alone and came back to home.

He reached his room and got freshened up. "Daddy" Sam said in her sleepy voice. "Hey doll, good morning" he said carrying her in his arms. "I'm so sorry daddy couldn't spent time with my baby girl" he said hugging her close. Sam didn't reply instead hugged him tight and slept in his arm peacefully. He smiled looking her little cute sleeping face.

He felt Sam got close to him after the trip. She got attached in very few days which he felt true bonding between them. A father and daughter relationship is something more special, he thought.

Avu got ready and packed breakfast for VA. Sid took her to the hospital but he forgot a major thing.

They reached hospital. Avu went to VA talked with her for sometime. She fed her and VA too had it with smile.

"You!???? How dare you come here??" A furious voice came from the entrance. Both Avu and VA looked with shock. There stood SD with burning eyes. Avu couldn't understood what was happening. She just stood there numb.

VA looked at him with shock. "What's wrong with you Rakesh? Why are you shouting like this?" VA asked with confusion.

"Vibha, you don't know what happened and you don't know about some people's true colour too" he said glaring Avu. That time Avu too got confused, she thought that problem was between her and Sid but after seeing his behavior she thought SD was angry on her too.

"Enough Rakesh, I can't keep quite while you cursing my daughter" VA said with annoyance. "Vibha, you know nothing about her. Please don't believe her actions" he said sitting near him.

Sid entered the room. "Sid asked your dad to be silent. He's accusing my daughter in front of my eyes" are said with irritation but Sid didn't replied her and just stared at her helplessly.

"Why are you standing like this Sid? What everyone thought in your mind?" She asked loosing her patience. Avu ran near her, "mom please don't get emotional. This is not good for your health" she said holding her hands.

"This is my girl. The one who cared for me every time. But you are accusing her and look at him, he is standing like a statue" she said with irritation.

"This is the plus point for her Vibha, she will make everyone believe by her innocence but there is a demon behind this calm face" he said which brought tears in both of their eyes. Avu turned to Sid with a hope at least now he could talk but he stood there like he accepted his dad's words.

You know what Vibha, she was the one who planned the accident. She was the one who tried to kill you he said but VA's voice made him stop. Stop it!! How dare you talk like that about my daughter she said crying.

"She is not your daughter mom, she is your daughter in law and what dad said is 100% true" the most hurtful words came from Sid. Avu turned to him with a completely broken expression. She never know the reason behind his angering her for those four years but what he said now clarified her doubt and shown her place in his heart.

"How can he even think me as a murderer, is this the love he had on me, is this the trust he had, is he the one who promised me that he will take my side even the entire world was against me" her eyes shed the most hurtful tears of her life.

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27th chapter is here. Do read, vote and give your valuable reviews.

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Lots of Love.



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