Chapter 44

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Hey guys welcome back!!!

Did you all miss me or my book🤭😆?

Let's continue...

"Bro I reached the pub but why you asked me to come here?" Anu was confused. "Just do what I said, Anu" Sid replied. She agreed and entered the pub. To her surprise, Rii was also there in the pub. "Bro!! He is here" her eyes widen in shock.

"Look Anu, this is out first step. So just do what I instructed. Don't be nervous infront of him. Face him badly and talk with him confidently" he told. "OK bro" she accepted.

She joined her colleagues who were waiting for her. "You're looking like a doll" someone complemented her making her blush. DJ turned on the music player, Anu danced with her colleagues enjoying the music.

Something caught Rii's eyes, he saw her there among the crowd. "Anushka!!" He was shocked. Her reached her, "Anushka" his voice brought a shiver in her body but she remembered Sid's words. She claimed her breath and turned casually.

"Hi Riyaz" she smiled casually making him frustrated. "What are you doing here?" He asked with irritation. "Sorry!! Why do you bother?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

"Look Anushka, I'm not the type who believes that girls who go to pub are bad but this pub is not safe for girls. So avoid coming here" he advised. "Look Riyaz, there are several girls in this pub why don't you cared about them" she annoyed making him enraged. "Do whatever you want!" He left the place. She stood staring his direction.

"He left me saying do whatever you want" she mumbled sadly. "OK, don't worry. This is just a small step" Sid consoled her but he had a different plan. She left the place and waited for the cab or auto but she couldn't find any of there. She waited impatiently.

"Hi babe are you waiting for cab. If you don't mind shall I drop you?" A stranger offered. His face indicated that he was drunken making her feel disgusted. "Just get lost" she said controlling her anger. "Hey, now you are reacting so much? It's just a help" he said shorting the distance.

Anu's heart beat raised, she moved backward in fear. "Hello Mr, she is my girlfriend and I will drop her. So you see your own business" Rii's voice came with a frown making her eyes wide. "Girlfriend... Oops I'm sorry gentleman. You carry on" the stranger left the place with a grin.

"Come let's go. I'll drop you" he said grabbing her hand. For a second she thought that was her dream but he brought her back to reality.

"I warn you because I know of all this will happen but you're not in the state to listen. What you would do if he misbehaved with you?" He snapped in anger. "I too have to learn to survive in this society sir. Everyone you'll not come for my rescue right. I have to be prepared for everything after all I'm an orphan" her voice was down.

He clenched his fist turning other side. They both were silent after that. They reached her PG within half an hour. She got down, muttered "thanks" and left the place immediately not waiting for his reply. He just stared at her and left the place once she disappeared from his sight.

She reached her room with tears. "So it's true, when all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love" she thought. "Everytime he wants to prove himself correct. Even today he was there to prove his point" her inner self remind her all his activities.

"Must I go bound while you go free!!
Must I love a man who doesn't love me!!!
Must I be born with so little art!!
As to love a man who'll break my heart!!" Her heart wiped.

She consoled her weeping heart and after struggles she slept somewhere around midnight.
"What?? I'll be there in minutes" Sid's voice quivered. "MA, take care of Sam. I have an urgent work" he rushed out leaving her confused.

He reached hospital in 10 minites. "Doctor, what happened to her? How it happened? Now she is fine right?" He asked in a timorous voice. "Relax Siddharth, she is fine. It's  a small accident. Nothing to worry. She got a minor fracture in her right arm, we have treated her and we injected few pain killers. So she is feeling drowsy.

Other than that nothing to worry. Take a care of her. She might have fever in future but don't worry that is usual. Now you can take her home, take care" doctor consoled him.

He reached the room and saw her in the bed, his eyes filled with tears. He walked towards her and caressed her forehead. "Why are you facing everything Avu? Why don't God punish me for all my sin? Why he always target you?" He muttered with a weak heart.

He lifted her in his arms and carried to his car. He drove safely to their home. Kamla MA was shocked to see plaster in Avu's hand. She went near them with shaking steps. "What happened to her son?" She asked worriedly.

"MA, I got call from hospital saying that she is admitted. She met with a small accident but she is fine, a small injury. Doctor said its a minor fracture" he tried to console but she was panicked. He made Avu lie on the bed, Sam slept before he reach. He felt that was good, she might be more panic if she saw her in that state.

He covered her with duvet and lied on the couch which was placed in their room, that was small compared to the couch placed in the hall but he didn't mind those things and lied on the couch staring her face the whole night.

Next day,

"Daddy what happened to mommy?" Sam's voice choked. "Nothing baby, mommy will be fine soon" he took her in his arm. "Why she have fracture in her hand? She has wound. She is not talking with me. Daddy, ask mommy to speak with me" she cried making him more weak.

"Baby mommy is fine. She is sleeping, she will talk once she is awake" he caressed her back but Sam wept continuously. "Sam" Avu's voice electrified her, she got down from his hold and ran towards her.

"Mommy!!" She cried keeping her head in her lap. Sid too rushed to see her. "Are you okay?" He asked slowly, she nodded as a response. "Mommy how you got this big wound?" Sam asked sadly. "Not a big wound baby, it will cured soon. Don't cry my baby" girl she kissed her nose.

Sam nodded her head and kissed her cheeks making her smile. "And please don't tell anyone about this means to both our families. They might be panicked. It's just a small accident" she said not looking at his face.

He dropped Sam in her school and reached home. He informed Anu about Avu, she was shocked and worried too. He consoled her and asked her to take care of the office work since he decided to be with her till she recover completely.

Kamla MA fed her the breakfast and lunch and she helped her in other stuffs too.  She herself can take care of her but he felt to be with her everytime, his heart badly wanted her presence around.

He took Sam in the evening and took care of her. Night, kamla MA fed her dinner and she left around nine. Sam too had her dinner and she slept separately in a small cot not disturbing Avu. Sid pattered her back once she was asleep, he came to the couch.

He was awake for a long time and somewhere around midnight he slept. He heard something which waked him up from his sleep. He opened his eyes and first thing his eyes caught was her face. Her eyes were shrunken and her lips trembling.

He sat on the corner of the bed and pattered her face. He was shocked that her temperature was high. He remembered doctor's words. But at the same time he was nervous too. He felt temperature was too high. He covered her with one more duvet and rushed to the kitchen to bring a wet cotton cloth.

He brought the cloth and spread that on her forehead. He rubbed her palms and feet to keep her warm. She didn't opened her eyes but her whole body was shaking in cold. He checked the time, it was 2:30 in midnight. He ignored the time and called doctor.

"Doctor, Avu got severe fever suddenly.  She is shaking in coldness, shall I take her to the hospital?" He was nervous.

"Cool down Siddharth. As I said its a common thing so don't get panic and it's not good for her to travel in this state. You just keep her calm and I have prescribed some fever tablets, give her that. She will be alright" he advised. Sid ended the call a d fed her the tablets. She too didn't restricted.

He was awake sitting near her caressing her hair and patting her back the whole night. She too slept in drowsiness of the tablets.

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46th chapter is here. Do read, vote, share and give your valuable reviews.

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Lots of Love.



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