Chapter 46

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Hey guys welcome back!!!

I've started my new account Sidneetfantasy12 in instagram. I have started writing Endless Love there. Do follow it.

Let's continue...

"Who done that to you Rii?" Sid's voice came out like whisper.

"I too don't know that bro he was broken. But I'll not leave that bastard. He will die in my hands" his voice came with determination.

"But you can't spoil your life Rii. I know it's hard to come out of that tragedy but you have to".

"No Sid, I can't. My parents were my everything. He killed them mercilessly. Oh want to kill him, only that can calm my heart. Only then my parents soul will rest in peace" his voice was determined.

"Rii, try to understand. I know it was a great loss for you but you can't spoil your future. Your parents won't wish that" Sid advised making him think about it.

"OK, tell me. Do you know any detail of the murderer?" He enquires.

"He is most wanted criminal but on one dared to touch him. He is the owner of RP group but no one know his identity. I got many details about his company and his crimes but I couldn't get the person" Rii's voice was confused.

Sid's eyebrows were knotted. He too heard about RP group but not sure about the head.

"OK Rii, form now you are not alone. We will work together to punish the culprit. We should punish everyone who's involved in this issue" he said firmly holding his hand.

"Thank you brother' Rii hugged him getting his brotherly embrace.

"At the same time consider Anu. She don't have anyone in her life. She is the one who is living for others happiness. In her entire life, she wished for only one and that's you. Never loose a girl like her Rii" he said what he felt.

"Bro, if something happens to me in future, what will she do? Her state will be more miserable. This is better than that bro. I want her to be happy. I don't want to loose her too" his eyes were wet.

"You're her happiness Rii, no one or nothing else can make her happy" he muttered.

"Now it's your turn Rii. Believe that nothing will happen to you and at the same time think about her, her Endless Love for you. Everyone will die one day, no one knows out death date. So wash off you negative thoughts and do justice for your love. Finally decision is yours, I'm leaving. Take your time and think about it" Sid left.

He closed his eyes, his parents smiling face flashed in his mind but the next moment he saw her face. He took a deep breath and decided something firmly.

Sid reached home, Rii's, word filled his mind. He strongly decided to help Rii in finding the person behind Rii's parents murder.

He reached home and found Avu and Sam sleeping peacefully. His face bloomed with a smile. He reached them, kissed Sam's forehead and he looked at Avu's beautiful face with warmth. He left the place, slept on the small cottage which Avu bought for him.

Days passed,

"3...2...1... Happy birthday mommy" Sam's voice waked her up. Avu opened her eyes and was surprised seeing Sam with a lovely smile. She hugged her neck once she opened her eyes. "Happy birthday mommy. Love you" Sam kissed her cheeks.

"Thank you sweetheart but why are you awake for a long time?" She was worried. "I slept mommy, I asked daddy to wake me up at 12. Daddy..." Sam yelled in her baby voice.

Sid entered the room with smile. "Happy birthday Avu" he wished her with smile. She nodded slightly with a small smile. "Mommy come with me" Sam dragged her, Avu too followed her instructions with a smile.

The reached the terrace. Avu's eyes widen in surprise. It was decorated with beautiful light settings and the natural moon light made that decoration note beautiful. A cake was placed on the table.

Terrace: ( sorry for the blur photo)

Cake :

"Mommy cut the cake Sam" whispered giving a knife. Avu's face brightened, she cut the cake blowing the candles. Sam clapped and sung the birthday song. Avu fed the first piece to Sam, Sam fed her back. Sid captured every beautiful moments in his camera.

"Daddy, you come here. Mommy you give to daddy, I'll take picture" Sam exclaimed. Avu took a piece not to disappoint Sam.

She took a piece and looked at his face, his face was bright and it looked more attractive ever. She fed him with breathtaking smile. His eyes were wet seeing her smile for him after many years. Sam captured the blissful moments.

Finally they three took few selfies. Avu's heart filled with overwhelming happiness after several years on her birthday.

Avu lied on the bed, her heart filled with happiness. She remembered the day when she shared about her wish to Sid.

"I want to celebrate my birthday on a full moon day. All arrangements should be made along with the moon light. How romantic it would be?? Mr. Husband, next year try to give that type of surprise" Avu said resting her head on his chest.

"For that it should be full moon day, moon won't come here to celebrate your birthday" he laughed hearing her babyish wish.

"If your wife wish so, you have to bring moon to world if you are a loving husband" she said pouting her lips making him smile more.

"OK, my dear cutie pie. I'll fulfill your wish in your next birthday" he said kissing her lips.

Avu smiled thinking about the day and she slept with all those happy memories.

Next day,

Sid arranged a small party that evening. He invited Avu's colleagues, Anu, Ashi and Rii. Everyone visited making her happy.

Anu was with Avu the whole day. Their bonding increased day by day. Sid invited the children from the home making both Anu and Avu more happy. The children enjoyed the party.

Anu spent her time with the children playing, singing and dancing. Her smile faded seeing Rii, he entered with Ashi. Anu left the place once he reached. Rii noticed that and his heart ached.

Anu sat on the couch which was paced in an isolated place. "Why my heart always skip it's beat hearing his name or feeling his presence thought I know he will never love me" her mind questioned her.

"Anu" Ashi's voice broke her thought. She turned her face, she wiped her tears. "Anu, as a girl I can understand your state but before coming for any conclusions please listen to me she requested. Anu looked at her with astonishment.

"Rii is my best friend. We are friends from our college. We both did our master in same college and more than that, I am engaged. Neither I nor Rii had any feelings for each other.

He never danced with me too but on that day, I saw him staring at you and he himself asked for a dance, I thought he was doing to make you possessive. So I accepted but I was taken aback when he shouted at you that day. He hurt you but trust me he was the one got hurt the most that day.

I saw tears in his eyes for the first time when you left the office. He never cried like that before, I saw him crying only in his parents condolence after that, he cried for you. What does it mean, he loves you equal to his parents. That time I understood how much he loves you but something was stopping him not to convey his feelings" she said making Anu dumbstruck.

Any rooted in her place with her eyes full of tears. She couldn't believe what she just heard was true.

"Have you confessed your love Atleast once?"

Anu nodded negatively.

"Go Anu ,he can try to avoid you but he can't deny his feelings for you when you confess it. O lying your words have that power to bring out his hidden feelings. Don't wait, go now!! Go Anu, make him accept his feelings" Ashi's word made her move from the place without her control. She ran in search of him.

( Tell me honestly who thought Ashi will be the obstacles between Rinushka?)

"Avu, where is Rii?" She asked breathing heavily, "he was in backyard" Avu replied but she was confused seeing Anu's face. Anu ran towards backyard before she asks something.

Anu reached the backyard, she saw him standing there starring the velvet black sky. "Riyaz!" Her shaking voice mixed with a weep making him forget his entire world. He turned seeing rest of his life standing in front of him.

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46th chapter is here. Do read, Harare, vote and give your valuable reviews.

Thank you.


Lots of Love.



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