Chapter 49

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Hey guys welcome back!!!

I was not feeling to write Mr. Possessive and Endless Love was in draft and moreover you guys were excited for it so I'm updating Endless Love❤❤

Let's continue...

Avu reached the door hearing the continuous ringing of the doorbell. "Who is that?" Avu thought while opening the door. She was surprised seeing her.

"Babbyy" she squealed in happiness. "Surprise!!!" Jannat yelled loudly making Sam too join them. "Jaan aunty" Sam jumped in excitement seeing her.

Jaan carried her in her arms with love. "Hey my choco pie" jaan kissed Sam's face.

"Hey, you came suddenly without any information" Avu complained. "I came to surprise you both and for my brothers wedding" she winked. Avu remembered that she discussed about Rinushka's marriage with jaan.

"You will be in bride's side and I'll be the groom's side. Sister of the groom" jaan yelled happily. Avu felt happy that jaan involved in their wedding arrangements wholeheartedly.

"Sam darling this is for you she handed over the toys and chocolate" she brought for sam.

"Jaan, where is Adarsh? Didn't you took him with you?" Avu asked sadly.

"He was sleeping when I was coming here avu. He is in the hotel room. He will come with Faisu once he wakes up. I couldn't stay here in this early morning" she exclaimed making Avu's heart filled with emotions.

Sid entered the hall when their conversation was going on. Jaan's face changed seeing him but he had a bright smile seeing her after several years.

"Hey jaan. How are you? What a pleasant surprise!! I didn't expect you" he yelled happily.

"Fine" her anger visible on her reply. Avu felt bad and her face lost its happiness when she behaved that way. Jaan noticed that but Sid felt her anger was meaningful as she loves Avu more than anyone.

"How are you?" Jaan asked with a small smile. "I'm good" he replied.

"Avu I've some important work in office. So I'll be late today. You take care" he said with smile. "Haan, then have your breakfast. I'll pack lunch in two minutes" Avu stood up from her place and served him his breakfast.

He fed Sam and had his breakfast happily. Meanwhile, Avu packed his lunch. He left biding bye to all.

Avu and jaan dropped Sam in her school and returned home. At last they both had their lonely friends time.

"Avu how is your life going on?" Jaan asked. "It's going on" Avu dragged.

"Okay, straight to the point. How is your relationship with Sid?" She asked looking at her face. Avu's face changed.

"Have you forgave him wholeheartedly?" She asked the question.

"Jaan, I'm confused and I'm not sure what I'm feeling inside" Avu's voice was low.

"I accepted him to stay here for my daughter. I never thought to forgive him nor forget the things he did to me. But nowadays my heart is falling for him again. I don't know what I'm feeling exactly and I'm not sure whether I can forget everything that happened" jaan understood her state.

"I can understand your state baby. But I'm your friend, I know you more than you know yourself. You're thinking whether to forgive him but the fact is you already forgave him and the fear is stopping you too accept that you have forgiven him" Avu looked at her with wide eyes cause jaan said what she exactly felt.

"I know you dear, and my opinion in this is you have to give him a chance. Yes, what he did was not correct, he was wrong but he had bad situation too. Now he realised his mistake and I'm sure that he will not repeat this again in his life.

You have to give him a second chance. I know you can be happy only kid you're with him cause he is the love of your life. I km of how much you love him and true love will not break so soon that too by someone's evil plot. Sit alone, think about everything happened and d OK BTW just remember your bad times. Think about your loveable days. Think about the love he had for you" Jaan's words calmed her pondering heart.

The day was happily spent. Evening Adarsh and faisu too joined them. "Adarsh you're looking like a chubby doll" Avu carried him in her arms. She loves him so much.

"Hey dude" Sid hugged faisu once he entered the home. "How are you doing dude?" Faisu greeted. Sid greeted him back and they both talked for a while.

They had a happy family time too. "Okay, faisu tomorrow my parents are visiting here. So from tomorrow let's start all the arrangements" Sid concluded. Everyone nodded in response.

"Sid!" Jaan's voice stopped him. "Sorry, if my behaviour hurt you but I love Avu more than you, keep that in your mind" she warned making him smile. "I know that jaan, that's why I'm so grateful to you. Your took great care of my wife when she lost everything in her life. I couldn't express that in my words too"

"She is my friend, only after that she is your wife. Keep this in your mind forever" she muttered.

"Yes, I'll never forget that. As you words won't hurt me too" he assured.

"Don't make her hurt in future too Sid. She is blessing in your life. Don't loose her again" she mumbled emotionally.

"I'll not jaan. I'll never hurt by my actions again" he assured again making her relaxed.

Jaan family left around ten. They planned to meet the next day.

Avu saw in the balcony and her mind completely filled with Jaan's words. What she said what true, she has a inner trauma that she will be hurt if she grow feelings for him again but jaan's words made her remember her past.

Meanwhile Sid made Sam sleep happily by telling adventures stories.

Avu thought about the days where her life filled only with his care and love. She felt that was her happiest days. He cared her like a princess and never made her cry even once when she was with him.

"Avu, didn't you sleep?" Sid asked with concern but she didnt reply. "It's already late Sam slept, you too sleep" he said slowly yet she didn't reply.

He came near her and was shocked seeing her crying face. "Avu what happened?" His voice was wrecked.

"Nothing" she replied and stood up to move from the place. "Avu, I can understand what's bothering you.

I know that you couldn't forgive me and you are doing that only for Sam. Now you are feeling that I'm taking advantage of it and so you're crying like this as you don't have intentions to hurt me. Am I right?" He asked making her confused.

"Why he is taking like this?" Avu thought but didn't ask that straight, Sid continued. I'm sorry if my actions but you Avu. I'm really sorry. That was not my intention. I just want your happiness. I'll give my life if that makes you peaceful"

"Don't talk like this again" Avu's cared voice stopped in middle. He smiled that whatever happens her care for him will never change.

"I'm going to sleep. You too sleep well" she muttered slowly leaving the place. But how sleep was far away. Hey years disturbed him alot. Whatever may happen but he couldn't see her in tears. That hurt him to the core, he was the reason of her tears that thought made him more upset.

But he didn't understood that tears of acceptance from her and those were the same tears she had when he first time proposed her. Avu's mind was cleared when she gone to the bed and those tears were the outcome of her hidden love. She slept hugging Sam.

Next day,

"Dadii!!" Sam exclaimed happily seeing VA. VA took her in her arms with love. "Mom" Avu walked towards her with a pleasant smile.

"Mom, I'm do haply that you accept to attend this marriage" Avu thanked wholeheartedly.

"Sid told about Anu and I too had the same thought like him. If my child was there, she might be in her age" VA's eyes welled up with tears.

"Mom!!" Sid entered with smile calming her. They had a great family time. Avu invited Anu to her home. Anu was surprised to see Sid's family. She always wished go meet VA as Avu always speak highly about her.

VA hugged her once she saw Anu. Anu felt a motherly embrace.

"Dear sissy, you have a sweet surprise" Sid said with smile. Anu looked at him confused.

"My sister is going to get married soon with the blessing of her whole family" he announced making her dumbstruck.

"Mom came here to arrange her daughter's wedding" he added. Anu glanced them with tears.

She never expected that VA will accept her as her daughter. She looked at her with tears. "Baby girl this is the time to enjoy no tears" she said embracing. Thank you mom she expressed wholeheartedly. She caressed her hair softly.

"Okay, today we are going to Mumbai to make arrangements for marriage. Let's start this evening" VA said with smile.

Yes mom, you take everyone with you. "I have small work here, I'll finish that and will join you after two days" he said.

"That's okay Sid, we will take care" VA said. "And don't disappoint my lil sister choose everything with care and make sure she loves them" he informed strictly. VA nodded with a smile. He left the home once he informed.

"Bhai!!" Anu's voice stopped him. He turned with smile. She came to him and hugged him. "I thought you just call me as sister but today I understood how much you mean that" she said emotionally. He smiled caressing her hair.

"Okay, don't cry and spoil your mood. It's your time you have to enjoy every moment of your wedding" he said with smile. She nodded with chuckle.

Avu's heart filled with happiness seeing Anu  happy. Her love for him increased thousand times. He left consoling Anu.

"Mom, you all go today. I'll come with him" Avu said not glancing VA face.

"Avu?!!" VA raised her chin with smile. "It means, everything is set between you both right??" She exclaimed.

"Everything is going to be fine soon mom. You all go today, we both will join after two days" she replied with a bright smile.

VA kissed her forehead feeling immense happiness.

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Hi friends,
49th chapter is here. Do read, share, vote and give your valuable reviews.

Thank you.


Lots of Love.



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