Chapter 51

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Let's continue...

Avu stepped down from the car with wet eyes. She never expected that he will take her to their home. ( A/n : Did anyone remember their house). She looked at him with mixed emotions. Her beautiful married life flashed in her memory making her more delighted at the same time her last painful moments made her weak too.

"Avu, I never stayed in this home once you left. Every inch of this house reminded me your memories, but when I realised your value in my life, I decided to step into this house only when you are with me. We should start our life from where we left Avu. Will you accept me? And I promise you this time I won't let you go anywhere leaving me" he asked with a longing sigh.

Avu nodded with happy tears. He extended his arms and embraced her close to his heart where she prisoner herself with whole acceptance. They both forgot about their environment. Sam couldn't understand what they were taking about but felt like she was at the top of the world to see their parents together.

She smiled brightly clapping her delicate rosy hands bringing them back to the world. Avu held Sam in her arm, Sid wrapped his arms around them keeping them in his embrace. Sight of that lovely family seemed so adorable as the moon came out of the dark cloud witnessing the beautiful enchanting view.

They three headed into the house together. Sam loved the house so much. Avu was surprised seeing the house, nothing was changed. Everything was placed properly where she used to keep it before. She smiled that he maintained the house well.

"Mommy!! I loved this house. Can we stay here?" She exclaimed. "Yes baby, we are going to stay in our home forever" Avu said kissing her forehead.

Sam hugged her neck surgery her soft arms. "Hey cuties what are you discussing without me?" Sid entered the room with a curious tone.

"Daddy, I said I love this house" Sam said showing her bunny teeth making him smile. "I know that my daughter will live this house" Sid took her in his arm and kissed her cheeks.

They had their precious family time together enjoying the delicious dinner. Avu's heart fluttered in overwhelming happiness.

"Daddy, shall we stay here?" Sam asked with amusement. "Why not baby. We are going to stay here everyday" Sid replied pinching her nose. Sam jumped in delight.

They three slept in the same bed. Sam slept between Avu and Sid hugging their arms. Sam's long day desire came true finally. The small soul never felt that overwhelming happiness in her life what she felt that night.

Sid slept keeping them both in his embrace. The mild breeze caressed their faces making them sleep more peacefully.

Next day,

Avu prepared breakfast with a smiling face. She never thought her life would blossom again in the same house. Her face carried a beautiful grin. She carried a glass of milk for Sam and a cup of tea for Siddharth.

She reached their room and the sight was adorable. Sam lied on his chest hugging his neck, he caressed her hair making her sleep peacefully for sometime. Avu stood there with smile not having any intention to wake them up.

After few minutes. Sid stretched his hand and opened his eyes slowly, his lips curled into a beautiful smile seeing her. "Good morning Avu" his sleepy voice make her smile more.

Sam too opened her eyes slowly. "Finally you both waked up" she said looking at their faces. "Sam brush your teeth and have this milk" she said coming near. Sid held her arm making her gasp. "What are you doing?" She asked rolling her eyes.

"Why did you wake up so early? Let's sleep for some more time" he mumbled pulling her on bed. She too lost her balance. "It's already late. Today we have several work, marriage in nearer. Did you forget about that?" She annoyed trying to realise her hand from his hold.

"I didn't forget anything. Just see our daughter. How cute she is!! How can you disturb her sleep?" He asked keeping her in his embrace.

"I know that Dad and daughter are capable to sleep for the whole day (a/n : just like me😆) but I don't want to miss any occasion of my sisters wedding" Avu replied sternly but inside she too don't want to go out of the happiest state.

"OK, final decision is of our angel!! Baby do you want to sleep for sometime more or you want to wake up now?" He asked patting her back slowly.

"I want to sleep!!" She replied immediately making him smirk. She glared at him but she couldn't control her laughter at the same time.

"Baby I planned to go out for shopping but you are willing to sleep. OK you sleep, I'll go alone and select my dresses of my own" Avu said sadly. Sam opened her eyes widely. "No... I'm not sleepy. I too will join you" she shouted making her laugh. He looked at her with astonishment, she winked making him smile. (p.s I hate shopping 😣)

Sam jumped down from the bed and ran into the washroom to get freshen up. Avu smiled and tried to come out of his embrace but his grip was tight yet. She raised her face and met his anthracite hazel eyes.

"You're making my life beautiful everyday" Avu his husky voice sends shiver down her spine. She looked at him with a shivering glance.

"Don't glance at me like that!! Then I'm not responsible for whatever happens next" he warned making her eyes widen.

"Mommy!!" Sam's voice made him release his hold. He pecked her lips softly before releasing her from his embrace which made her heart flutter. Her face turned pink. Sam ran towards Sid and sat on his lap. Avu gave her the milk glass and Sam had that in a single go making them laugh.

"This tea turned cold, I'll bring you another one" Avu left the place with a smile.

They three had their breakfast together. Sid took Avu and Sam out for shopping.

Sam enjoyed the shopping. She selected dresses for Sid and Avu. She really had a good fashion sense Avu thought. They had their lunch instead restaurant and returned home in the evening.

"Today we need to go to mom's house, everyone are expecting us. She called me four times from morning. I assured her that today evening we will be there" Avu jabbered.

"Okok cool. Let's go. Did Sonia mom, dad and vaish family reached?" He asked.

"Nope, they will reach tonight" Avu replied.

"Sam!! Come let's go" Sam came near her. "Mommy where we are going?" She asked sadly.

"Going to Dadi's home baby. Tonight there is a celebration. Aditi will also join us. Don't you want to enjoy that?" Avu asked with twinkling eyes.

"Wow!! Mommy let's go. I too want to see Adi" Sam jumped in excitement. Avu nodded and carried Sam in her arms.

VA welcomed them gladly with her heart full of happiness. Sam hugged her and she told her in her arms. Anu's face glowed resembling her happiness.

Meanwhile Avu's parents, Vaish, Abhi and Adi reached their home. Avu welcomed them happily. Every faced indicated their happiness. Sam joined with Adi and they had their own playtime.

"Tonight boys should apply mehndi to their better half" VA announced making everyone smile. Every boys accepted that.

Sid held Avu's hand delicately. Abhi held vaish's hand with a smile, jaan kept her palm on faisu's hand raising her eyebrows, he smiled holding the mehndi cone. Finally, Rii took Anu's hand with a charming smile.

"Vibha, in this mehndi ritual only for these couples?" Rakesh asked curiously. "Anybody can participate Rakesh, why did we miss someone?" VA asked examining the surrounding but she couldn't find anyone. She looked at him questioningly.

"Why are you looking around? I'm talking about us" he said with a wink. "Rakesh, this for young couples. Do you think you're twenty two yet?" She asked hitting his shoulder playfully.

"Twenty by heart" he winked again making her smile pleasantly. They watched the couples. Everyone enjoyed the ceremony. Sam was very excited seeing her dad applying mehndi in her mom's hand.

After the ceremony,

"Okay, now it's time to dance. Girls this is your time. Now you have to dance without spoiling your mehndi" VA said with smile. Everyone accepted and they started dancing for the song cheerfully. That looked so adorable. Sam and Adi too joined them.

( consider middle one Anu and in side Avu, jaan and Vaish)

( Sam and Adi performance)

Sid thought about the day, when she danced same like that in a mehndi ceremony and that was the day he first time realised his love for her. He couldn't forget that beautiful day since that was the day which turned his life into heaven by gifting his angel. He smiled in her thought.

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51st chapter is here. Do read, share, vote and give your valuable reviews.

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Lots of Love.



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