Chapter 6

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Let's continue...

"Dad... Daddy!!" Siddharth opened his eyes abruptly. His heart beat was faster than usual. He inhaled and exhaled to make his heart beat normal. In the past five years, everyday he woke up with those kind of nightmares either like a unknown baby crying dad or his mom's accident. He rubbed his eyes and found it was 5 in the morning. Sleep was far away,so he just lied flat and starred ceiling recollecting the past memories.

"What my wife is doing very sincerely not even realizing her husband's presence?" Sid sat closer to Avu. " I'm drawing something. Don't disturb me. I'll complete it in few minutes and I'll show you"she said without looking his face concentrating on her drawing. "Okay I'll wait" he said and thought what she was drawing with that much interest.

After few minutes, "yeah it's so perfect "Avu said happily looking at the picture. "What is that? " he came near her curiously. She handed over the drawing. He was speechless seeing it. It was a beautiful sketch of a baby. He looked it with happiness and love. "It's really beautiful Avu" he said giving her a side hug.

"In future we will also have a baby like this right. I want a baby boy first." she said holding the drawing and leaning in his shoulder. "Not one, we will have 10 babies as we already planned" he said with a wink. Avu smiles hugging him. "But I want a baby girl just like my darling wife as a first child" he added.

"Why you want a girl first? " she asked rolling her eyes. "If she is caring girl like you, then she will take care of her small brother right,every boy like to have a caring elder sister and I can't wait two years to see my junior Avu. So first child will be a girl. I'll treat her  like my princess. I'll take her around the world. She will be the most beautiful girl in this whole world." he said what was in his mind. Avu looked him lovingly and pinched his nose saying "you're are so adorable " they both dreamt about their unborn child.

He came out of the thoughts and found his eyes were wet. "You ruined everthing Avneet. You ruined my life, you broke my trust and you made my mom lifeless. You took away all my happiness. Why you did this to me? " he shouted in frustration throwing the glass on the floor.

His mobile rang at the moment. He saw caller ID and it was from Rits(ritika). "Yes" he said in cold tone. "Good morning Siddharth, today you have a meeting with Russian clients " she instructed. "Okay, anything else? " he asked Yeah! Update from your dad. He want you to attend the annual day function in a school running on behalf of our trust. Daddy cannot attend the function, so he want you to attend it." she said slowly.

"I already told that I can't attend all these silly function but I don't know why you guys making me loose my patience every time. I'll talk to dad. You make all the arrangement for today's meeting. " he ended the call before her reply. She ended the call with sad face.

He called his dad. Dad what's all this?!? I told you right, I can't attend any school functions or trust activities. Then why are you making it tough every time by asking me to attend those functions? "  he said with irritation. Cool down Sid. This is one of the major school which belongs to our trust and it's very important to attend the function. I can't attend this leaving your mom in this state. So it's your responsibility. You're going to Lucknow this Friday to attend the function and that's final." he said firmly. Sid cut the call with irritation.

Only the previous day he visited India. He stayed in Delhi to attend the meeting but his father asked him to attend the school function in Lucknow which made him frustrated cause it was the place where he first time felt loneliness in his life. But he finally agreed since he don't wanna overrule his mother's vow.

"Mommy!! Friday is our school annual day. Teacher gave this card, you should come to this function " Sam said with cute face showing the invitation. Friday!!baby Friday mommy have an important meeting" she replied sadly. Sam's face too turned sad. She left the place without telling anything. Avu followed her, "understand dear, that was an important meeting" she tried to console.

"I'm getting best student award. So teacher said I should bring you compulsory " Sam said adamantly. "Really!! "she kissed her cheeks. "Okay I'll complete my meeting and will join the function for sure" she said holding her face.

"Pormise" Sam asked. "Pinky promise"
Avu replied with smile. Sam jumped in happiness hearing her. Avu smiles looking her happiness. They both spent some good mother and daughter time by watching her favourite cartoon and listening her stories.

Avu took invitation card from Sam and shocked to see the chief guest name. It was written as Rakesh. She wantedly join Sam to that school since it was the major school run by the Nigam trust. She wanted A'am to study in the school where Siddharth studied and she expected to face all the consequences but not this early. She decided to attend the function since she don't wanna disappoint her daughter at the same time she decided to be cautious.

Next day,

Avu and Anu visited near by shopping mall. Avu purchased gifts for Sam to present it on her annual day for getting best student award. She felt proud of her daughter. In the very first year of her schooling she achieved something big. Avu selected a huge teddy bear and gift wrapped it. She handover the gift to Anu to keep that as surprise for Sam.

"Avneet!!"  she heard a familiar voice and turned back to see Jaijeet (avu's  brother) . She was shocked to see him there. She looked at him nervously. "Avu!? How r u? Why u left us without telling anything? " he asked in extremely sad tone. Anu understood the situation and left the place telling she has to shop. Avu looked and looked at him.

They sat in a coffee shop,

"Bhai, I beg you please don't tell anyone about my existence in Lucknow " she said with tears. "Avu you misunderstood " he was about to say but Avu interrupted. "Enough bhai, I have already gone through the worst part of my life. Most hurting part is my parents who doesn't believe me when I don't have any other hope and at that moment I realized I have nothing in my life. I'm living here peacefully trying to forgot all  those bitter memories. Please don't try to everything back in my life. I don't have any strength to face them anymore " she said in broken tone.

He understood her condition but he don't know why she is not ready to listen their point. He looked at her sadly. "Sorry bhai if I hurt you" she apologized. You don't wanna be sorry Avu. At that time everything was against you so they reacted like that but once after you left they truly worried thinking of you everyday. Even now mom is praying to show you in her eyes. " he said with tears which make her eyes wet too but she don't wanna loose her daughter at any point and now if she agreed to meet her parents they might know about Sam to so she decided to remain silent.

"I think, I took correct decision bhai. Let them be happy with their peacefully life. I don't wanna be their burden anymore. Promise me that you will not tell anything about me to anyone" she asked looking at his face. "Okay Avu if this is what make you happy be happy. I will not talk about this with anyone he confirmed". She smiled.

"Bhai, what about Krupa (avu's sister) ? She is fine right? What about my small girl Aditi?"she asked with excitement. "Yeah they r fine, Aditi going to her second class" he said with smile. Avu smiled. And you? When is your marriage? "  she asked. "Last month we got married" he replied with smile.

"Really!! OMG!! Bhai I'm very happy for you finally you married my best friend Reem" she said happily. He smiled looking her excitement. "Daily I'll pray for you both" she added." I know that Avu, I missed you more in my wedding " he said sadly. "It's OK bhai. We can't change the past. Let it be. Always be happy with my friend and you're really lucky to have a girl like her in your life. Her IAS trying got completed right? " she asked. "Yeah! Only after that we got married"  he said with smile.

" I am very happy bhai. Stay happy forever" she wished. He smiled looking her face. She ordered coffee and snacks they both had it by chitchatting. Finally he left by bidding a Gud bye. Avu's heart ached,she too missed her family but the seating played all its miserable act in her life.

Hi friends, 

6th chapter is here. Do read, vote and give your valuable reviews .

Till then.


Thank you.

Lots of Love.



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