Chapter 61

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Hey guys welcome back!!!

Let's continue...

Flashback continues...

Ritika opened the letter with horro, but what she saw made her speechless. "You have to kill your best friend's mom or else each child in your home will die one by one. Let me show you a demo. Come out" she ran out with tears. Her eyes widen "Rosy!!" She screamed and ran towards her.

The child fall unconscious on the ground. Ritika placed the kid on her lap and patted her cheeks softly. She felt relaxed once the child opened her eyes. She cried hugging the child. She got another note in the child's hand. She read with shivering hand.

"Hope now you understood what I'll do if you don't obey my commands. I'll let you know about my plans. You've to act accordingly" this was written in that letter.

She decided to do whatever they demand since she don't want to loose the children too.

Flashback ends...


Ritika said with tears, Sid and Rii sat there without uttering a word. They believed what she said since her words and eyes reflected the truth.

"They took me somewhere and inserted a chip in my hands and through that they monitored my activities" Rit's said showing the scar in her hand.

"I didn't knew it was you in the start later I came to know it was for you whom I need to target. I did everything according to their plan they planned perfectly to make you believe me. As per their plan, I joined you company. I was the one who tried to kill your mom and moreover, I was the one who mixed some pills in Avneet's food to make her infertile" she confessed making Sid clench his fist.

"But I didn't mix the exact amount to pills and they found about that. They killed one of the children in this home" she said with tears. "After that I did everything as per their instructions. They planned to kill your mom but she escaped in that accident. So they planned something different which I was not aware of. They asked me to stay with you until you yourself find out the truth.

When I was in prison, they took me out and asked me to reveal all these truth to you when you come in search of me" she emded leaving them thunderstruck.

"I know what I did was wrong Sidharth, but I don't have any other options. These children are the only reason for my existence, I couldn't leave their life in danger. I made my heart stone and did everything they instructed like a machine. I never had any human feelings in those days, I suppressed all those feelings remembering these small faces" she said with tears pointing towards the children playing there happily.

"I couldn't believe that they kidnapped Samaira too. I really loved that chold from the moment I met her." Ritika said. "I never know about their identity Sidharth. I havn't got any calls or messages. They will give information through letters. I don't know who was placing the letters. I stayed in the place where they ask me to stay. I was the sole reason for every hardship you have gone through in your life. I'm sorry Sidharth. You're my best friend but I betrayed you" she uttered those words joining her hands to show her apology.

Sid couldn't believe what she said and he doesn't know who the culprit was. He tried to remember everything in his life but couln't recognise the ome who will go to that extent to take revenge on him. No business opponemts could do this. His head spinned like it's gonna expload.

"Do you remember amything regarding the letter. There might be some clue. Think deeply, think about the paper type, handwriting, watermark in letter, something you can remember. Just think" Rii asked hoping that they might have left some clue.

Ritika thought for few minutes and her eyes brightened "Yes, there was a common symbol in every note I got" she said. Both Sidharth and Riyaz listened it keenlyto know about the culprit.

"In every letter, at the corner of the page it was written as Ashi!!" She said shocking them more.

"Ashi!?" Sidharth asked with a frown. "Yes, that was the common thing in every letter I recieved. T the bottom it was mwntioned as Ashi" she revealed making both astounded.

"How we forgot about her so easily!? But I never thought she would go to this extent" Rii befuddled.

"But how she came out? I clearly remember that day, she was imprisoned for twenty years. If she appealed to revoke her punishment we might have know about that. How she came out?" Rii was more confused.

"Yes, Sidharth, I strongy believe that you'll being back oue Sam and you are going to slay those monsters to make out country live a peaceful life" Rit's muttered with confidence, Sid stood up and walked away with Rii.

They both reached Coimbatore prison and enquired about Ashi and her dad. The officers took some time to collect the details since it was an old case. After half an hour they calleld them inside.

"You're Sidharth right?" He asked and Sid shook his head in acceptance. "You're the one who filed the complaint against Ashi right" he asked and Sid was totally pissed off hearing his stupid questions. "Yes!" This time he said firmly.

"Ashi's father Chandrasekhar died because of heart attack once he was imprisoned" Sid's eyes widen hearing him. "There was no one to him to handover his body so his daughter requested to do his funeral. We agreed and she did her rituals for her father in his funeral" he said.

"Ok, where is Ashi? She was imprisoned for twenty years right? So now she should be here in this prison right?" Rii asked impatiently.

"Relax sir, I'll tell what happened . After her parents death, she didn't talked with anyone and she prefered silence. She used to be alone every time. No one visited her in first two years but someone came to meet her five years ago.

But she was voilent at the end of their conversation. We don't know what happemed between them. The person left once she started screaming. After that incident she turned complwtely insane. She was not eating or do anything else, she was hurting herself and she scream like a mad woman.

Even our jail warden felt horror seeing her. She too never visited ger cell. She was kept isolated from other prisoners. We would check her every n8ght once she slept. She continued like that for a month and al last.." he stopped looking at their horror filled face.

"Five years ago, 24th March she committed sucide" that statement made them dumstruck. "What did you said?" Rii asked him in disbelieve tone.

"Yes sir, she was dead. We saw her body next day morning. She hanged using her saree. Postmortem reports said that she was died the prvious night and that was completely a suicide. We never thought she would do something like that. No one came to collect her body too. So her body was in mortuary for few days and they demolished their self as she doesn't have anyone" the corp said making both of them speechless.

"I never thought Ashi would die this way!" Rii said gripping Sid's shoulder who was in trauma, he couln't believe that he heard.

They both reached the place with a hope to find out the culprit but what they heard made rhem loss their confidence. "Sam!" Was the only word echoed in his mind. Her small innocent face flashed in his mind making him more weak.

"How I'll face Avu? What would I tell her?" Sid cried hugging Rii. Rii patted his back, his eyes welled up with tears too.

Sid got a call from an unknown numver. "Hello!" His voice was shaking.

He dropped the mobile once he heard what the person said im the opposite side. He knelt down at the very next moment.

Rii shook his shoulder. "Sid what happemed? Sid! Sidharth!" He shook him hard but Sid sat speecless staring somewhere bankly. His eyes carried the grief of his entire life.

How was the chapter?

Best part?

Worst part?

Who would be the kidnapper then if it's not Ashi? What would be the news which shattered Sidharth?? Any guesses?

And Ashi was the negative character who tried to cheat Sidharth and his family. She along with her dad did several crimes in the past.

Hii friends,
60th chapter is here. Do like, share and give your valuable reviews.

Thank you,


Love you,


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