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I wish sorry could really help always but it's not a fair deal that everything a person did could be settled by just one word. But this small word when really meant can do wonders

"I am sorry" kirti said turning around and keeping her palm on her eyes as she entered Advya's room.

Khushi's grip tightened over Advya's shirt, things happened so fast that Advya didn't get what was happening or what to do, he just asked Kirti to wait outside while he will come within a minute or two. She obliged and moved out.

Advya moved khushi away from him. He looked at her for a second she was all in tears staring down at her feet and he immediately turned to leave when she held his hand.

They stood there like statue. No words were exchanged, silence gripped the room for a second or two. Advya licked his dry lips before piercing her heart by his word.
"I wish I would have died that very moment you planned to kill me" a drop of tears trailed down his cheeks. His words tightened her jaws while he felt her hold on his hand tighten too.

"But it didn't happen your that wish remained incomplete but your love and dream of getting married to laksh won't " he said with the straight face, tears gushed through her already wet eyes and she pressed her lips trying to suppress her sobs.

She took a slight step towards him still holding his hand, she leaned towards him and was about to keep her head over his shoulder when again his words made his gut twist a hundred times in a moment.

"I have kept divorce papers on the table near bed please sign them as soon as possible" his words just deleted everything in her software making her mind go blank for a moment.

Divorce papers
Signed by him
I too have to sign

"No, no no no" it took her a moment more to register everything properly in her mind. She with wide eyes looked at his back untill he disappeared. She slumped onto the floor.

This is the time for payback but does the results of her deeds would mean to lose him, their relationship.

"What was my fault Kirti, I have no one who I can call mine, my parent, my family everyone left me alone, I feel blank and lonely, totally empty from inside, I feel vacancy in my heart that cannot be described in words, I feel the emptiness in me all hollow, but everything of this settles when I look at khushi, you know when I first saw her that very moment my heart skipped a beat but I knew that I couldn't get her" he gave a small, sad and painful laugh"then this universe made that very girl, my wife, when I saw her standing in my room as my wife on the very first night I felt that I got my everything, I felt complete" he stopped for a while and smiled sarcastically," but know life is all ready to snatch her from me"

"Aren't you angry with her, whatever she did, she tried killing you Advya" Kirti asked.

Hearing kirti a single drop of tear left his eye"This is the only thing I want from her, the answer, answer to why did she try to k..kill me" only he knew with what difficulty and anger he uttered those words, his throat constricted and palm was fisted, eyes all red and his love, only God know how much he loves her.

Kirti could read his face and not able to his pain she tightly hugs him and he too hugs her back.

Khushi runs seeing the seen right in front of her eyes all in tears and pain, she did hear their conversation but only the closeness between them burnt her heart, she couldn't bear the heat and left for to her room.

She runs and slips in bed making the bed wet. Why she ruined it all with her hands? She cried out loud.

It was just two days after kirti came and it was not even a single moment she left advay and this made khushi insecure and jealous the pain she was going through was felt by everyone except Advya.

Advya returned from morning walk when khushi brought water for him but as soon as she reached the living room she find Advya sitting while kirti leaning over him it just felt as if they were kissing. Glass slipped of hand which made kirti as well as Advya look at her.

She now not at all able to tolerate their closeness comes forward and slaps Kirti hard making Advya shocked.

"KUUSHIIIIIIII" Advya shouted.
While khushi left the place moving to her room.

Kirti in tears run upstairs while Advya tried to As sorry as well as console her.

"How dare you khushi ?"Advya shouts in anger as soon as he enters the room.

Khushi was crying while lying in bed.

"Khushi, I am asking you something" he asked while she stood from bed in anger.

"Ohhh how dare I? Really? Doesn't she feel ashamed snatching someone else's husband or trying to get close to you and you are asking me how dare I" Khushi shouted making Advya frown.


"They way she touches you, hugs you, does every work of yours, that day when you announced our divorce how she said that she will marry you?"

"Seriously Khushi, why it matters you? Why are you acting like we are married?" Advya asked holding her by her arms and pulling her close making khushi frown.

"Am I acting? Are we not married? Am I not your wife" Khushi asked holding his collar tightly

"So we are husband and wife? You are my wife. A wife who tried killing her husband" hearing him her grip loosened.
Tears brimmed both of their eyes.

"You hated me so much that you wanted to see me dead."
"Why khushi?"
"What did I do?"
"That you tried to kill me"

To every sentence he said she just nodded no.

"I.. I am sorryyyyyyyy" she said losing her head on his shoulder.

"I want answer khushi, why?Just whyyyyyy?" He shouted.
"I beg you to answer" he asked her all in tears
"I...I thought...I thought you murdered my grandpa, it was you because of who he lost his life, while dying he said me this" she said making he shocked.

"I am sorryyyyyy.... I am am am so sorryyyyyyyy " she literally begged but he just stood there like a stone.

*******_________ Əňđ ___________******

"Khushi why are you doing all this just stop it"

" I am your wife and these are the duties of wife, how many time should I tell you" she answered and this was it for him since morning he was all fed up hearing this word"Wife" wasn't it till yesterday she was not even ready to accept their marriage and now she is calling herself his wife. Not just that, she did his every single work and took care of every small thing. Why this change that too in one day and moreover when she knows laskh is returning and they are going to get divorced. Why this sudden change? He fist his palm in anger moving dangerously close to her.

"Wife, wife wife" he shouts with red shot eyes making her flinch.

" You really what to perform all duties, right?" He says touching his nose over her forehead making her heart race in fear seeing his anger. She looks down towards her feet thinking what is he upto. He holds her chin making her look in his eyes

He pulls her close while looking right in her eyes. And there right in this moment like always his expression changes. Why ?Why ? Why whenever he looks in her eyes every thing change? Why can't he get angry of her at that time? Why he becomes this weak, this vulnerable? He thought and shouts in his mind which lost all control to her.

After few seconds when she look chain of emotions in his eyes she exactly het what he meant by saying "Duty of wife" and smirks while slowing moving close to him. She places a soft peck at the corner of his lips. He was all shocked and losses his grip, she smirks, seeing his state of confusions and shock she places her arms across his neck while starring in his eyes.

She leans more close to his face but he pushes her back and immediately turns gulping leaves the place.

Why are you doing this? Now, like really at this moment you have realised everything when you literally tired killing me

Khushi, I, I

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