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Just after breakfast everyone was string in living room laughing and enjoying, Advya felt like he was stuck somewhere, he was feeling weird as first no one worried if he  is present around of Mr not but today after marriage why this sudden change. Khushi comes there with tray of sweet in her hands. It was her first  time to cook something in this house after marriage so she made sweet dish as per ritual.  Everyone tastes the sweet made her and could not stop themselves from licking even the last bit of it left in the bowl.

"Yummy" said Anjali while rolling the last bit of sweet over her tongue,"Really it tastes heaven" added Avni.

"Too Good bhabhi(sister in law)" said Rishi.

"very nice beta(Child)" Anajana said asking her to come close. She gave a box of diamond necklace to her, she bow down and took her blessing touching her feet in return.

Dev comes forward and hand over a small box with a small smile, "This is on be half of me and Anjal"  she takes it thought inwardly she was feeling aol this as drama but she felt Dev to be a nice person. There was always a genuineness in his words what he said.

She never got more interacted with him while she was with laksh as he was never close to Dev but unlike him Advya was seen most close to this person.

"Won't you open it" Anjali's words make her come back to reality. She nods with a smile before opening it. She uncovers the box and when she opened she smiled seeing beautiful gold bangles, "I hope you like it"  asked Anjali.

"I loved it Di" she said this time honestly.

"Well tonight is your reception ceremony so from be this Sarre and matching jewellery wear this tonight,  it's not designed or chose by me but everyone." Abhinav said giving her the boxes.

"Advya won't you say something of give anything to her in return as it's time your wife made something for you" punam asked.

"It's nice" were the only word he could utter that too with lot of hesitation all laughed seeing him hesitating or blushing for first time. This wasn't him.

She was pacing in room, while fidgeting the mobile in her hands. Her mind was haunted by the thought of the crime she was going to do. The soul which can't even kill a mere mosquito had full proof plan of not only insulting her very own husband but even getting herself widow. She gulped and stopped with jerk, "No" she thought sweating, I can't and then her eyes halt at the sight of her engagement ring, which makes her drown in the memories of her engagement, her and Laksh's and a sweet, small unknown smile adorns her lips. Remembering how everyone was busy in teasing them, how all of them got a new couple than Dev and Anjali. How Laksh dance, it was more of romance with her in front of everyone making her literally go red and how it became a weapon of everyone's teasing.

Advya enters the room and seeing her finally, genuinely smiling, in reality seeing any expression on her face e after yesterday gave an unknown comfort to his heart and even finally he smiled. Her smile is contagious, he believed and it was true at lest for him. Her happiness shined over his lips. Her hurt shedded through his eyes. Her pain bleed through his heart and this was always like that as it is now.

The sound of opening and closing of some kind of door sunk in her ears making her come back to reality and perceive the presence of someone in room. There was no explanation needed of whom the person would be. She cursed herself for being  so lost in her thoughts that she didn't realised his presence in the room. What if she muttered something?

He came to her with beautifully decorated wooden case in his hands which made her frown in confusion. She looked at him with narrow brows, confused eyes and questioning look. He could very well read her blank expressions as well so it's was noting difficult for him to get what question she had in her mind.

"Umm. It's a Gift as first time you  cooked something in this house after our marriage" he said forwarding the case to her. She angrily looks at him. How can this man consider these post marriage rituals when this marriage means nothing for him. Why this man is ruining her dreams to feels this all the ritual with the one and only love of her life?

She pushes the case making adrenaline rush though his veins seeing it falling off his hands,"I don't need anything from you Mr Advya Raichand" Advay held the case before it could be found lying on the floor in pieces. He looks at the case with all the emotions anyone could. If felt as if his eyes didn't dropped that single tears but a damn of emotions, like as if  that tear held all the emotions he felt for the case till date. He held his tears back not wanting to show that damn she was his weakness. The emotions were not for the case but were for her that were attached to his intentions he had over buying that case, not case precisely but that  element that was kept in that wooden  case.

"It's the ritual Mrs Advay Raichand" he said holding back his anger no matter what, damn to this heart that cannot get angry over her, damn to her eyes that had power to melt him even with a mere glance. Hearing her name, precisely full name made her heart flutter for a second.

He held her hand and placed it on her palm making her grit her teeth. He closed the gap between them and leaned towards her making her heart skip a beat.
"Wear it the day you except our marriage whole hearted, the day who except me in the form of your husband" he whispered in her ears brushing his lips over the sensitive spot on her earlobe making her grip the box tight at the feeling. He moves back making realisation hit her head.

Rage occupied her eyes, anger swimming the rage filled eyes and redden face,"In that case Mr Raichand this gift is a waste as what you are thinking won't happen and I won't ever let that happen" she yelled.

He was ready with his answer but hell to the person who made mobile that ruined his conversation with his wife. No matter she hates him but at least he was getting to hear her sweet voice. He moves out of the room taking the call.

She traces the box with her finger with emotion filled eyes. How adrenaline rushed through her when she heard her name, her complete name for the he first time that too from his mouth. There was a time when her heart raced hearing this when her friend teased her calling her soon too be Mrs Advya, she remembered how she blushed when she herself called her Mrs Advya but today she felt disgust with same. Yes that good feeling was just for a second. How can she feel those butterflies now for him when she had heart to kill him of whom she once claimed to love?
Lie that was a lie. Can anyone who once loved anyone in his or her life truly could even think of giving a slight pain to any of the person in the world?

She opens the case and it had the nose ring, she gasped seeing it's beauty her fingers automatically traced the beautiful figure of that Royal element, the complete gold plated ring then the small white pearls that were hanging down it then the long gold plated and pearls adorned strap of it.

A single tear escapes her eyes. "I need revenge"thought rushed her mind and immediately anger overpowers her sane senses. She picks up and crushing it in her palm angrily forcing it's shape to deform slightly and making few pearls fall off. That pearls automatically fall in case as she held the ring just above it. She looks at the pearls in case and rings deformed shape that provides her little satisfaction.

She was standing there with a fake pain plastered over her face while her inners self smirk.

"Who called the media?" Dev yelled.
"it's me dear Jijaji" she answers in her mind. Crocodile tears still staining her face.
"No My Advya cannot do this, this is fake" she said trying to show how much she cared for him and held his handcuffed arms.

"Mam please let us do our work" said the police. Media was covering the whole scenario. Abhinav, Annie and Rishi trying to stop them. Dev taking over phone whole everyone on the house in years trying to stop Advya.

"Don't worry just five minutes and you will be out of jail" Dev assured Advay. But he was lost in his own world still nods as slowly Dev words register in his mind.

"Rishi, no photo should come in media even by mistake" Advya whispered to Rishi before police dragged Advya with them.

Dev went behind police Van in his own car for arranging Advya bail. Rishi ran out to stop media and make sure his brother's order come true. Anjali crying, Anjana trying to console her while khushi faking tears and Avni trying to handle her.

"This is just one small revenge Mr Raichand. I did same to what you did to my grandpa. Just few hours more of your precious life dear husband then I will get done my revenge complete by making you suffer same you did to my Laksh and Grandpa." Khushi said to herself mind smirking evilly. She looks at crying and helpless state of everyone and smiled inwardly," tonight everyone will be seen crying over your dead body" she completed her thought.

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