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Hey Guys this is the same One Shot with a different ending.

Happy Reading 💖💖

.... ROAD....

A man was driving his car with its high speed.. Sometimes the Car was going left n another time it was going on right side on the road... He was nt caring the people who r walking on the road.. Neither he was caring the cars which was passing on the road... By its high speed his car dashed with a vegetable vendor.. All the vegetables fell down.. A broad smile appeared on his lips seeing all those vegetables on the road... He goes away he saw the shopkeepers sad face frm the mirror.. He stoped the car with a jerk.. He comes out frm the car n headed towards the man..

Man : (with attitude) I m really vry sorry dude..

S.K : (tears were on his eyes)
shop keeper was silent n was crying..

He felt irritated and said

Man(irritated) : oh just stop ur melodrama.. I knw wat u want.. He takes out his cheque book and gives a blank cheque to him..

Man: here take it and fill the amount.. Bloody middle class.. Having no status.. U should b happy.. THE SANSKAR MAHESHWARI is giving u money.. Go enjoy ur life..
Aftr saying this he smiles proudly n wear his black yet stylish goggles n went to the car n again drove off...

Character Description

SANSKAR MAHESHWARI: age 28 years business tycoon and richest man of kolkata.. 26 years of age... For him money is everything nd he hates middle class people.. Loves his wife kavita deeply.

KAVITA SANSKAR MAHESHWARI:age 26 years wife of sanskar maheshwari.. A selfish woman.. Loves money more than anything

Sanskar was driving his car with the same speed while singing songs.. He was tht much lost in his own land tht he didn't noticed a truck coming towards his car which had his breaks failed.. The truck driver noticed the car n shouts.. He comes to his sense n saw his car was about to hit the truck.. He tried to stop the car bt all his efforts went in vain... He could't stop his car n the same happned with the truck driver.. Both crashed with each other. Car was badly damaged.. It rolled on the road.. Within few seconds the car was on the road upside down.. He got injured badly.. Blood was oozing frm his head... His legs was stuck in the car.. He was nt able to move ... Soon he got unconscious... People rushed to the place n called the ambulance.. Ambulance came and he was taken to the hospital

At hospital

After around 2 to 3 hours he gained consciousness and looked around finding himself in hospital... A doctor Was beside him noting down his report... She looked at him and seeing him confused briefed about his condition..

Dr.: hello mr. Maheshwari.. I m ur doctor dr. SWARA BOSE..

Sanskar was looking at her confusedly
Swara: sir u hav met with an accident due to which ur legiments are injured
U need rest (giving a slight smile) and yes we hav informed ur wife... She is on the way

Sanskar didnt knw wat to say.. he was lost somewhere seeing swara
Meanwhile they were talking... A lady rushed inside and hugged sanskar tightly.. She was kavita

Kavita(hugging her) : sanky baby.. U r fine na... I was so scared.. Thank god u r okay

She looked towards swara and spoke to her rudely

Kavita(arrogantly) : yes u.. Dr. Watever.. Treat my husband well.. U must b knwing he is the richest man of kolkata... Single carelessness regarding him and ur career will b ruined...

Swara was going to speak but till then the junior dr. Standing behind spoke..
JD: dnt worry mrs. Maheshwari dr. Bose is the best orthopedic of not only india but is known world wide... She was on leave today but wen she heard that sanskar maheshwari is injured she rushed here...

SWARA BOSE: a bubbly girl.. Favourite of all and an orthopedic by profession.. Belongs to a middle class family but now is ine of the best doctors in the world.. Having no arrogance and is very kind..

Swara(assuring smile): not to worry mrs. Maheshwari.. Ur husband will be fine... (looking towards sanskar who was staring her blankly and thinking something)

Kavita: good for u turning towards sanskar

Sanskar was looking towards his plastered legs with shocked expression... On the other hand swara was also standing shocked looking at his reports which the junior doctor brought...

Sanskar(shouts): Dr. Wats the problem? Why m i not able to feel anything in my legs?

Kavita looked tensedly towards him nd den towards swara

Kavita: speak up dr.

Swara(sad) : i m sorry to inform u mr. Maheshwari.. But the accident was so terrible that no ligament is remaining.. So... So u hav lost ur legs and u will now not b able to walk (spoke closing her eyes)

Kav____san were shocked

Kavita: its cure?

Swara: sorry but it has no cure

Sanskar froze to his spot.. Kavita looked towards him and said

Kavita(holding his hands): dont worry baby, I am there na... Dont worry about anything.. I will take care of our business

Sanskar(lovingly) : thats why i love u jaan( smirking while looking towards swara)

Swara leaves from there.. After sometime kavita also leaves from there thinking something and smiling evilly...

Swara came to his ward for checking him but didnt spoke anything to him... Days passed like this neither of them talked.and if they do it was only about his health. Kavita used to come sometimes bringing files for his signatures and sanskar being literally a joru ka gulam signed wherever she asked

It is been one month now and sanskar was ready to go home... He was on wheelchair and nurse was packing his stuff... Kavita came in and asked the ward boy to bring him out... Sanskar was looking for swara.. He wanted to thank her but she was nowhere to b seen.. He was told that she has gone out for an emergency case... Coming out of the hospital sanskar inhaled the fresh air happily

Sanskar: oh god.. It feels so good kavita.. Last one month was hell.. Just sitting and doing nothing.. Although i m sitting now also but i knw baby u r with me now.. (holds her hands and kisses her knuckles)

Kavita smirked at him evilly and jerks his hands.. Sanky was shocked...
Sanskar(shocked): what happened baby?

Kavita(rudely shouts): Stay away from me u disable chap... U r nothing to me
Sanskar(confused): wat r u saying? I m ur husband...

Kavita(smirking): husband... My foot...i wud prefer being alone than keeping u as my husband who cant even walk.. U r no more my husband.. We r divorced

Sanskar:(shocked) divorced!!! When? I didnt remember signing any papers?
Kavita: oh my poor darling hubby.. Remember wen u were blindly trusting me and signing all the paoers... Thats wen i made u sign the divorce papers.. Nd yes ur property is also now mine because u signed on them as well..

Sanskar was stunned listening all this.. Just then a luxurious car came before them and stopped.. A boy of his age came out and hugged kavita...

Sanskar: Rajat!!!
Kavita: yes.. Rajat singhania... Ur rival.. I love him nd dont u dare now show ur face to me.. Ur business, ur property everything is now mine..
Sanskar(teary eyes) : how can u do this? I loved u truly
Kavita: but i loved ur money.. Thats wat i wanted nd see i got it and now u r disable also.. U r of no use for me now.. U only say na poor people are useless.. Money is wat all matters.. So now u r a poor too.. So just disappear.. Go wherever u want

Saying this she goes with rajat.. The public outside was witnessing this terrible betrayal.. A pair of teary eyes were seeing sanskar in deep pain nd helpless.. Those were of none other than swara... She came towards him and without saying anything pushed his wheelchair towards her car.. He was continuously refusing to go with her but swara seemed to b unaffected... Tears were flowing from both of their eyes continuously.. She stopped the car infront of a luxurious bungalow.. Sanskar read its name plate saying DR. SWARA BOSE..

Sanskar: why hav u brought me here dr. I can manage.. I dnt need anyone's help

Swara: just be quite.. I knw how much u can manage... Just shut up...
She then took him in.. It was a big bungalow with every facility available... Sanskar was admiring its beauty.. But suddenly reality hits him and he again starts protesting
Sanskar: let me go.. U dnt need to do so much

Swara: acha.. Where will u go haan? i know very well.. u dnt hav a single friend who will support u now.. because they are also hungry for money like u not caring about others emotions

Sanskar went speechless and swara's words pinched him somewhere
Swara: dnt u dare utter a word now.. U will b here till the time u get perfectly fine.. Ur wounds are still sensitive...

Sanskar now gave up and agreed.. Swara then ask a servant to shift him in the guest room on ground floor... Sanskar was looking at her but she was avoiding him... After making him comfortable she was about to leave wen he held her hand

Sanskar: (holding her hand) why r u doing all this SHONA? I thought u might b hating me now after that incident...

Swara(teary eyes but hides) : (ignoring his question) i m going to my room mr.maheshwari if u need anything.. U can ask ramu kaka... Will meet u during lunch..

She leaves from there and rushes towards her room.. She closes the door and sits on the floor with thud and bursts into tears

Swara: i hate myself sanku for not being able to hate u.. Its true.. Ur shona still loves u

On the other side sanskar was in tears remembering the past


SwaSan were childhood friends or rather best friends sharing everything with each other.. They knew each other inside out.. Swara knew that for sanskar money and status is everything... Sanskar believed that money can buy anything... Swara was in love with him secretly but was not able to confess because she was a middle class girl... Somehow one day she gathered up her courage and went to sanskar to tell him her feelings..

Swara(hesitatant) : sans... Sanskar
Sanskar was sitting with his friends.. He came towards her smilingly

Sanku: haan shona.. Wat happened?

Swara: sanku.. I want to tell u something

Sanku: say na shona..

Swara: i love u sanku... Not from now but from childhood.. Will u accept my love? (hopefully)

Sanskar's expression changed and got angry bursting out on her

Sanku (shouting): wat the hell swara.. Look at urself.. A girl like u claiming to love me... Are u crazy (laughs) no class no status... U r merely a middle class girl... Look at urself first... U are just a simple friend to me... Sanskar maheshwari's gf wud b most beautiful, strong, independent and wud b rich... U r not even near to these words... Just get lost from my sight and dare not speak to me again

All this while swara was listening to his non sense bowing her head down and weeping silently... A crowd gathered around them and started making fun of swara.. She felt insulted and without uttering a word left from there...

From next day she didnt come to college but sanskar was unaffected by this...


Sanskar(in tears) : i did so much with u but u r still the same shona... That caring and helpful nature.. U didnt change a bit but ur smile is missing which i guess is because of me
On the other side sanskar was in tears remembering the past

Days were passing ... Swara used to talk to sanku very less and dat too formally... Sanskar being alone at home would analyse his past and realised his mistake.. He tried talking to swara but she ignored him.. Ramu kaka had become sanky's bestie.. Thats when sanky realised that its not about class but the people with whom u enjoy..the people who care for u and can go to any extent for ur happiness.. He was guilty for his behaviour with swara and wanted to make up the damage he had done...

He tried continuously but it appeared as if swara has a stoned heart this time... She had an idea why he was doing all this but she was not sure whether he really realised his mistake or not

This made sanskar think dat maybe out of sympathy swara brought him here as he had no place to go.. It appeared to him dat he is a burden on her and decided he would no longer be a burden on her will manage himself and then go away from her life...

One night

Sanskar was thirsty but found the jug empty.. His wheelchair was just few inches away from his bed.. He tried getting up and reaching towards his chair but in the process he collapsed and his head got hit by the side table... Fortunately swara was passing by his room and saw him.. She ran towards him and make him sit and scolded him while doing his first aid
Swara(scolded): u wud hav called someone... When u knw u cant do it then why r u hurting urself... Sanskar looked down feeling sad....

Sanskar: m sorry shona i was just trying to do things myself and go from here dnt wnt to b a burden on u anymore..

Swara felt bad for him and cursed herself for behaving so coldly with him which led him to think this way.. guilt was clearly seen in his eyes... She decided to talk to him...

Swara: sanskar.

Sanskar felt happy as she called his name for the first time after that day.. He looked up at her immediately
Sanskar: haan shona

Swara: (emotionless) dont think that i brought u here out of sympathy... (closing her eyes in pain which was noticed by sanku) i was a simple friend of urs in past so i m doing my duty as a friend... Dont feel bad and make urself home here (giving him a slight smile)

Sanskar gave him a genuine smile... She was about to go wen he called her
Sanskar: shona

She turned around to see him
Sanku: cant we be the way we were 6 years back? We can resume our friendship atleast.. I m sorry for watever happened in the past.(guilty) .. I got a lesson that money is nothing but just a necessity to live.. We should not make it our reason to live... U were and will always be my bestie shona

Swara for the first time gave him a genuine smile and nodded her head in yes... In mind she was really happy that sanskar realised his mistake,her love for him was deeply seated now.. this time she was glad that she got her bestie back.

Swara: that can be done sanskar (smiling)
Sanskar(surprised): u forgave me shona?
Swara: haan sanskar
Sanskar: then call me sanku na as u used to be in college...

Swara(smiling mischievously) : soch lo sanku.. U will hav to tolerate that old naughty shona
Sanku(laughing) : oh god.. Would love to...

(note: he has not yet realised his love for her.. Just friendship and swara is also happy that she got her friend back)

Someone has rightly said that being in a company of a good friend never makes u realise about the passing time... They sat and talked for hours not realising that it was morning... It was like they were pouring all their past life of 6 years to each other..

. Suddenly something struck sanskar
Sanku: shona i forgot to ask.. Where r uncle aunty? I mean these many days i didnt saw them.. Are they out of town?

Hearing him unknowingly tears made their way down her rosy cheeks... Sanku was shocked before he cud react swara spoke

Shona(sobbing) : they r no more sanku.. I lost them
Sanku(shocked) : what! How? When?
Shona(keeping her head down) : that day wen i left college.. On reaching home i requested dad to leave for delhi... I just wanted to go away from here.. Away from ur life... We were on our way wen our car dashed with a truck.. Fortunately i rolled out of the car unknowingly and got saved but the car blasted having mom dad inside.. (breaks into tears) then dida took me to delhi and i completed my rest of the graduation there.. Then on getting the scholarship.. I left for Germany for my MS... Meanwhile dida also passed away leaving me alone in this world... I worked hard and got a gold medal in orthopedics... I returned to India an year back and practicing here since then...

Sanskar was listening to her miseries with his head bowed down in guilt.. Deep down he knew it was because of him so much happened with her...
Sanku: m sorry shona.. Its because of me u hav to suffer so much... I knw i hav hurt u so much.. Please forgive me...

Swara: let it b sanku.. It was past.. Dnt over think... I was all alone but now see i got my bestie back.. (saying this she rested her head on his shoulder.. Sanskar took her in his embrace and rested his head on hers and both of them slept like that)

It was 12 noon wen swara's phone rang making them awake from their sleep... Swara attended the call and turned towards sanku

Swara(hurriedly): sanku i need to go for an emergency case.. U please hav ur breakfast and medicines.. I will meet u in the evening... Bye.. Tc
Saying this she went from there.. Sanku looked towards her and smiled seeing her in so much hurry...

In evening

Sanku was sitting on his wheelchair in the hall reading a book wen someone put a cup of coffee infront of his face.. He looked up and smiled seeing swara standing with two cups of coffee... He took coffee from her and sipped

Sanku: umm.. Today's coffee is different.. Just like the way i liked.. Must appreciate ramu kaka.. He is getting to know me day by day
Swara: oye ramu kaka k fan... I hav made this for u...

Sanskar(shocked) : shona are u serious? U made this? U still remember i like black coffee with one cube of sugar... Wat was the need for all this swara.. U must be tired...
Swara: so wat sanku... Cant i make coffee for u? I feel happy doing these small things...

Hearing her sanskar went in past


Sanskar came back from the office being very tired.. he sat in the hall and called kavita

Sanska: kavita! Kavita!

Kavita: wat happened baby? Why r u shouting

Sansky: jaan.. I m having a severe headache.. please make a cup of coffee.. I wud hav asked sarla kaki but I saw she just now left.. so will u please bring it?

Kavita(making fAces): sanky.. are u out of ur senses? Kavita maheshwari never does these small works and moreover it wil spoil my manicure.. hope u understand..

Sansky faked a smile and went from there silently..


Sanky was remembering everything with teary eyes which were noticed by swara.. she thought of diverting his mind..

Shona: sanku.. come lets go out.. its been days that u went out to hav fresh air..

Sanku: no shona.. u r tired working all day.. u take rest.. I m ok.. no need to do so much

Shona(pouting): no need to do so much! Wat do u mean by that? Listen mr. I m taking my friend out.. dnt u dare interfere

Sanku(smiling): shooking his head… nautanki.. ok lets go

Swara grins and takes him out to the park… seeing the outside world after so many days really gave sanskar so much happiness.. inhaling fresh air was filling him with energy and the rose fragrance were giving him positive vibes.. moreover he had his shona by his side who always makes him happy… he watched her playing with the kids and was admiring her… they enjoyed ice cream coming back home…

Days were now happier… it was now a routine.. swasan wud together do breakfast and dinner.. hav coffee with each other while pulling each other’s leg…at night they wud talk and end up sleeping on the same bed on respective sides… sanskar had started falling for her slowly.. her simplicity was attracting him… her touch and care soothes away all his pain.. her one smile makes his day..he would go restless wen swara has to go out of town for a case… it took him not much time to realize that she is the ONE.. he was eagerly waiting for the right time to confess his love to her… but at the same time was afraid that shona might refuse him due to the past..

One day wen they were returning from their usual outing.. they met some neighbourhood ladies and greeted them..

Mrs. Sharma: hello swara.. who is he?
Swara: hello aunty.. he is my friend.. staying with me from few days

Mrs.sen: yes I hav seen him in ur house… but beta u knw na u live alone and this society seeing u living with this boy only as friend wud talk so much and moreover he is disabled also.. it must b so tough for u to manage

Sanskar went pale on listening to her
Mrs. Sharma: right swara.. and for how long will u keep him with u.. u will also hav to settle one day and hav ur family..

Swara(angrily): how can u all say like that haan? And to hell with ur society.. I really dnt care about wat it thinks.where was this society wen my parents left me? he is my bestfriend.. he has full rights to stay with me and its my duty to b with him all the time.. he is not a burden on me… i like being with him..

Saying this she angrily pushed the wheelchair and went away.. all this while sanku didn’t uttered a single word.. swara sensed his sadness and said to him after reaching home
Swara(cupping his face): sanku.. just dnt bother about them.. u knw na its nothing like that wat they spoke
Sanku(lost in his own thoughts): hmm
Slowly and steadily reality was hitting sanskar… only thing going on in his mind was “I M DISABLED.. I M NOT RIGHT FOR SHONA” He began thinking about swara’s life which he thinks wud b spoiled if he enters in it as her life partner… he was disabled.. he had a very major flaw in himself which wud affect swara’s future completely.. so he decided to distance himself from her.. she deserved someone better than him
Swara was noticing from few days that sanskar was behaving very weirdly with her.. he talks less and even sometimes refuse to go out with her… she tried everything possible to knw the reason behind his behavior but all went in vain… slowly slowly it was getting onto her nerves and when one day sanskar refused her coffee also.. her patience crossed line and she bursted out on him

Shone(angrily): wat the hell is happening with u sanku? Why r u behaving like this?

Sanskar(avoiding eye contact): nothing swara.. I m normal.. u r mistaken

Swara(sitting on her knees infront of him and holding his hands): swara! U never call me by my name.. for god’s sake speak up sanskar.. whats wrong? Are u again going far away from me (in tears) hav I done any mistake?

Seeing her in tears sanskar cud not control and blurted out the truth
Sanku(bowing his head down with tears): leave me shona.. I m not good for u.. I will spoil ur life.. and how long will u keep me with u haan? I m a burden on u..

Shona (finally confessing): no sanku.. u r wrong u r not a burden on me.. that day I told that I brought u here as a friend but the truth is ur shona still loves u deeply sanku (looking into his eyes)

Sanku(surprised on her sudden confession): but shona.. that time was different and see now I hav so many flaws in myself.. I m having nothing to give u..i did so many mistakes in my life.. i hurted u alot.. I m a broke and my major IMPERFECTION.. I m disabled shona.. i wud not be able to keep u happy in any way

Shona(placing her finger on his lips): shh.. don’t call yourself a disable..
Sanku: but sho....

Before he could complete shona smashed her lips with his.. he was surprised for a moment but reciprocated later.. it was a passionate kiss.. being out of oxygen swara broke the kiss and rested her forehead with his.. then looked in his eyes
Swara: sanku I WANT YOU. ALL OF YOU. YOUR FLWS. YOUR MISTAKES. YOUR IMPERFECTIONS. I WANT YOU AND ONLY YOU.. the only thing which i knw is ki its only u with whom i can b happy..

Sanskar was overwhelmed by her words and immediately took her in a tight bone crushing hug..

Sanskar: I love u shona.. I love u so much

Swara: I love u too sanskar
and dey hugged till eternity

na jiya zindagi ek pal bhi
tujhse hoke juda sun zara
Bin tere mujhse naraz tha dil
tu mila hai toh hai keh raha

main to tere rang mein
rang chuka hoon
bas tera ban chuka hoon
mera mujhme kuch nai sab tera

main to tere dhang mein
dhal chuki hu
bas teri ban chuki hu
mera mujhme kuch nahi
sab tera, sab tera...
sab tera,sab tera...

phir dil k raaston pe
teri aahat jo hui
har dhadkan jashn mein hai
ye inayat jo hui(x2)

main to tujhe milke jee uthi hoon
teri dhadkan mein chupi hu
mera mujhme kuch nahin
sab tera, sab tera..
sab tera, sab tera...

hey... ha...

jis pal tu sath mere
uss pal mein zindagi hai
tujhe paake paaya sab kuch
koi khwahish ab nahin hai (x2)

mmm.. main to bas tujhse hi bana hoon
tere bin main bewajaha hoon
mera mujhme kuch nai
sab tera, sab tera..
sab tera, sab tera...

'No relationship is all sunshine but two people can hold a single umbrella and can face the storms together'

Two Years Later


A lady is seen pacing in the hospital corridor in full tension... Just then another lady comes and consoles her

Lady: Mrs. Maheshwari dnt worry.. He will b fine (smiling assuringly) u hav come all the way from india for his treatment.. The result will b positive

Swara: I hope so Jennifer... I just wish that the operation gets successful and then my sanskar wud be able to walk on his legs...

(so soon after their confession, SwaSan got married and den swara helped him in establishing his business again leading him to ruin rajat and kavita completely getting back his lost property and respect in the society...
Meanwhile swara used her contacts and took an appointment in the best hospital for sanskar's leg transplant and here she was waiting for the result of the operation)

After 3 hours

The dr. Came out.. Swara asked

Swara: how is he dr.?

Dr(smiling) : congratulations dr. Maheshwari.. The transplant is successful.. Mr. Maheshwari wud now be walking on his legs

Swara's happiness knew no bounds.. She was on 9th cloud listening this... She waited for sanskar to gain consciousness.. They hugged each other tightly after sanku gains his senses.. After somedays they return to india...

In kolkata

SwaSan Mansion

As Swara was going to step in, sanky stopped her

Swara(confused) : wat happened sanku?

Sanku: shona wen u first entered this mansion, i was not able to perform a ritual as i cud not stand.. But now i want to do it..

Swara: which ritual? (hell confused)

Before she cud understand anything, she found herself in sanskar's embrace who was carrying her in bridal style to their room making her blush

He entered their room and placed her carefully on the bed and came on top of her... His eyes clearly indicated her wat he wanted... She closed her eyes giving a positive sign.. Afterall this was the day she was waiting from so long... To be marked his...

Sanskar on getting the permisdion kissed her senselessly and she too reciprocated with equal passion... Their kiss showed how much they wanted each other.. Breaking the kiss being out of breath he starts kissing and biting her neck while caressing her bare waist which was visible from the crop top she was wearing... Swara was just moaning in pleasure and feeling his touch..her hands roamed from his hairs to his back.. Soon he removed all the barriers coming in the way of their union and touched each and every cell of her body by his lips giving her utmost pleasure.. Soon he entered into her making her feel Complete and giving joy to b marked as his forever... The moment paused for them and the world dissolved.. It was just two of them celebrating their love...

After a blissful moment Swara threw herself to her side of bed being Completely exhausted and drenched in sweat covering her bare body with the soft silk duvet... Sanskar smiled looking at her and took her in his embrace back hugging her and kissed her bare shoulder

Sanku(whispering in her ears) : i love u shona.. U r a blessing for me.. I will remember this night forever

And they slept in each others embrace with a peaceful and satisfactory smike on their faces


After 5 Years

SwaSan mansion

SwaSan were sleeping on their bed face to face but apart from each other, their legs were entangled and hugging their lives.. Their twin kids.. Swara was sleeping hugging the boy while sanskar was sleeping hugging the girl... Siyali and Samarth.. Their symbol of love...

Swara got up due to sun rays and smiled seeing three most important people sleeping besides her peacefully.. She kissed on her kids cheeks and gave a tight peck on sanskar's sleep who smiled sensing it in sleep.. The moment swara left the bed samarth turned and hugged his father tightly and slipping into sleep again.. (sanskar in between and the 2 kids hugging them.. Hayee just imagine this scene 😻😻😻)

Swara after coming back from taking bath woke up the kids and dey left fr their room to get fresh... Now it was turn to wake up her eldest kid
sanku.. She leaned towards him and pecked his cheeks

Swara: morning darling

Sanskar: (pulling her to bed) morning jaan

Swara: sanku leave me.. Kids will come...

But sanku was in no mood.. He kissed her lips but were soon interrupted by their kids...

Siyali: papa u promised fr a picnic today

Samarth: haan papa picnic

Sanku: (hugging both of them) haan bachcha log.. Get ready we r going...

The kids get happy and kissed his cheeks.. They left fr picnic.. SwaSan were sitting with swara's head on sanskar's shoulder watching their kids playing

Swara: i love u sanku

Sanskar: i love u more shona.. And thank u fr coming in my life and changing me.. Supporting me in my hard times... Giving me 2 best gifts of my life... U three are my life.. I love u so so so much.. (pecks her forehead)

*******THE END*******

It needs editing but I am highly busy. Will do as soon as I get time

Till then let me know your views😊

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