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Zen'S Pov

"And here are your meds, your pictures, and um... Saeyoungs jacket." I said to MC, wrapping the jacket around her shoulders as she stared blankly at the wall

"I fixed it up after the wreck... I figured you would want it." Jaehee smiled, and looked down as to signal regret.

MC continued to stare at the wall as tears fell down her face. She started to shake and her leg folded up as she put her head on it, only to wince away in pain. I set her back up in her position and Katsuo ran to her side. It was a common occurrence with her now. With a slight mention of anything that made her happy before, she would shake and curl up into a panic attack. Katsuo climbed into the bed next to her and she hugged him close to her chest. The stitches on her chest started to bleed through her bandages and I had to carry him off of her not to ruin another set of pajamas. 

I sighed. "MC, I'm sorry... but you can't keep sitting in silence. You need to get up. Your leg has been healed for a month and you've been able to walk. Your stitches keep getting replaced because you just don't care anymore... You hit your head against your side table at night on purpose to give yourself a reason not to get up." 

My tone of voice had become angry and I began to almost yell at her. She began to cry.

"Because I don't deserve to live my normal life. I was a horrible wife, girlfriend and mother... Saeyoung died hating me! Saeyoung died because of ME!"

"HE DIDNT!" I snapped. MC laid back down on her pillows as Jaehee tried to pull me away. I ripped my arm out of her grasp and Jaehee fell back slightly.  Yoosung stood behind her and kept her steady. Katsuo was being held by Jaehee. He was crying slightly but the anger built up inside along with my care for her and love for her. I told her the truth, something only I knew was true

"He died loving you so much. He died saying he was sorry and that he wishes he wasn't so mad at you. He died saying he loved you MC! Everyone in this room loves you! Jaehee, Yoosung, Katsuo, and I all love you! Hell,  Jumin even loves you that sick fuck. You deserve so much more than what you've gotten. We're all suffering with you but you moping isn't what Saeyoung would want. You yelled at Jumin for wanting to grieve. This isn't grieving. This is dying. And I know Saeyoung wouldn't want his darling, loving wife to be this way when he left. Okay..? If you won't do it for yourself, do it for him. Do it for your son."


WOAH HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN?! Yes I'm back baby. I'm sick so I'll be updating. Later loves! Update'll be coming soon 

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