Here Comes Katsuo

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(Jumin's POV)

I had previously been at the orphanage, waiting patiently for MC to appear through the door with Saeyoung with a serious smile on her face. Katsuo had become impatient and asked me when she'd appear with the SO called smile. I called Jaehee and she sounded in a huff.

"Assistant Kang, where's Mc?"

"She's in the hospital Jumin! She got in a car accident- S-s-saeyoung's already d-dead. We need to hurry!" 

At that moment my heart dropped and Katsuo was crying. Saeyoung was a friend and MC- she was MC. Katsuo clung onto me and I took him with me, signing the papers for the both of us. 

-time skip-

MC had passed out on the hospital bed again and Zen stayed by her side. Jaehee had struck up a conversation with Katsuo. I sat with Yoosung, and patting his back as he cried uncontrollably. MC looked beautiful laying down. She had lost her normal life in a matter of seconds. Her child, her husband. 10 years ago I had taken some of her happiness and her son away from her. I left my blood with strangers for 10 years. Katsuo, when I wasn't looking, had reached his arms behind me and started to cry. Jaehee had gotten up and said

"Sorry sir. I'll take him-"

"No. he's my son now, I am responsible for him."

Katsuo smiled and let go of me. He ran to MC's side and pushed her hair out of her face. When he turned around, I could see her eyes and smile in his own. He whispered to her as I sat beside him.

"I'm sorry this happened, Mommy. Daddy and I promise we'll show you lots of love."

I could see MC open her eyes slowly and hold Katsuo's cheek. It wasn't before long she looked away and started to cry, Zen holding her close and giving me the stink eye. In my thoughts, I felt myself become protective of my sons mother. I wanted to slap Zen across his face but immediately held Katsuo and sat down, looking out of the corner of my eye at Zen.

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