Something to Do

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(MC's POV)

It felt as though someone else had been talking and shaking hands and smiling for me during that experience. It was almost out-of-body, but not quite. I had almost felt betrayed and confronted him, but I silently watched him leave my room. Jaehee, seeing him leave with the woman, came walking in after I had told her about my plans. 

"Who was that? Your insurance provider for the car?"

"No.... It was, um, It was Jumin's  fiancé."

Jaehee's eyes raised as she walked over and sat next to me. 

"I'm sorry... I should've known that was his fiancé but.. He didn't say... anything to me."

I looked away and back at the dresser next to my hospital bed. The photos V had taken were still there and I looked at them again. Pictures of Jumin and I on our wedding date, my pregnancy, and pictures of Katsuo at his soccer game when he broke his ankle from recently. I looked down as hot tears streamed down my face. Jaehee left and ushered Yoosung and Zen in for emotional support and hugs. I looked up at the ceiling and sniffles, engulfed by a multitude of emotions. 

"I can't sit here and mope about it right?  I missed my chance. "

Zen chimed in, 

"No, he missed his chance with you. He could've had a wonderful woman and mother on his side, one who'd any of us would be lucky to have." 

He finished with that gentle smile of his and Yoosung nodded child like in unison.

I smiled, choking back more tears. 

"I need something to do. I promised I'd stop hanging in the past. So, we should see when I can get out of here and go home. I know that one thing I will have to do is set up arrangements  for Katsuo."

(3rd Person POV) 

Jaehee, Zen and Yoosung smiled and ran out to get food for lunch. Jaehee walked out soon after them only to run into Jumin Han. 

"Jumin, it's good to see you again... I guess. Just so you know, I hope you're happy." 

She sassily turned the other direction to the front desk to help MC get checked out. 

Jumin leaned up against the wall next to the door after having heard their whole conversation from next door with Katsuo sleeping after he sent Sarah home.

V quietly leaned beside him on the opposite wall.


"You know, I'm happy with Sarah. She's been there for the longest time. She's wonderful and she loves Katsuo. End of story. She loves me and...,I love her."

V chuckled at this. 

"Are you? Why didn't any of us hear about her so much if she was so important? I want you to count how many times she was there for you. And now count how many times MC has been there for you and helped you with your needs."

Jumin sighed again and looked over at V walking down the hall

"That's what I thought."

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