Chapter 11

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After Fresh discovers that millions of brainwashed people would be brought to a Keukan base in Alaska for recruitment, it gets decided that their next destination will be Alaska after they realise that stopping that recruitment could weaken the Keukans.

Important Term 'Ghillie suit' - A camouflage suit worn by soldiers which matches the colour of ground.

"Wow! It had always been my dream to see aurora once." Daniel expressed as he looked up at the sky painted in dazzling colors.

Their helicopter had landed a mile away from the Keukan base and they were now waiting for the reinforcements they were promised to arrive.

It was Fresh who first spotted the reinforcements.

"They are here!" Fresh shouted in delight.

"Where?" Emma asked.

"There," Fresh pointed at an army of soldiers dressed in white ghillie soldiers trudging through the snowy terrain.

"There must be at least a hundred of them," Daniel declared as more soldiers appeared in front of their sight.

"You are lucky to have this suit," The soldier on the lead said.

The ghillie suit made it difficult for Emma to see the face of the soldier but when she bent down at the right angle, she could make out the face of a female in her mid-thirties with dark skin and a stern expression on her face.

"Commander Emma of Eagle Force," Emma held out her hands.

"Commander Tiara of US army." The lady shook hands with her.

"So, are they all American soldiers?" Daniel asked.

"No, this is a mixed army having 120 most skilled soldiers from every part of the world," Tiara replied.

"That's cool," Jerry stated.

"Let's go, now," Tiara said. Fog came out from her mouth.

"Is it really that cold?" George asked.

"It's freezing out here. The wind is so chilly." Tiara replied.

"It won't be a long walk." Emma declared.

Sure enough, after some time, the grey top of the Keukan base covered was visible. As they headed forward, very soon the entire structure became visible. Lying in front of them was a huge Keukan compound with a grey building at its center and many cabins scattered around it where the soldiers lived.

"Alright, we'll approach the place cautiously from now on. We can't be detected." Emma announced. She then spoke to the Eagle team through her suit, "Tell Sana to activate Camouflage mode."

As soon as they commanded their suit to activate Camouflage mode, their suit's color changed to white

"That's even better than our ghillie suits," Tiara acknowledged.

"Alright, chatting is over. You see that dune over there? That'll be our spot. We'll lie down there and take out as many people as we can without disclosing the location." Emma instructed.

Once they had reached the top of the dune, the entire army lied down on the ground on Emma's command and aimed their snipers at Keukan guards scattered all around the compound.

"Fire!" Emma yelled.

All the soldiers started taking down the enemies one by one with their snipers. Jerry once again did the best work, aiming his sniper at one guard, killing him, and moving his aim toward the other guard with the speed of lightning and killing the guard.

By the time the Keukans realized they were under fire, two minutes had already passed and the compound was littered with dead bodies. However, once the Keukan had come back to their senses, alarms were triggered and more soldiers emerged from their cabins.

"Soldiers, charge ahead!" Tiara yelled.

The entire army made their way to the compound, blazing fire at the enemies. The fence surrounding the compound acted as a barrier between the two armies. Only a few lucky shots were able to pass through the small gaps in the fences.

"This fence needs to be taken." Fresh declared as he pulled Daniel into the cover of a rock.

"It's protecting us too. Look at the number of casualties we have encountered." Daniel replied. Sure enough, on their way from the dune to the rocks near the compound, only a few soldiers had lost their lives.

"Yes, but this war will be going nowhere if we don't enter the compound," Fresh shouted over the sound of bullets.

"But how will we cross the fence? They must have electric shock in them," Daniel stated.

"I asked Sana if this suit can tolerate electricity. She said that it will deplete the suit's shield but it can tolerate electricity for some time."

"What are you trying to say?" Daniel asked.

Fresh pointed at the gate leading to the compound, just a few meters away from them. There was a small booth close to the gate inside the compound.

"I am sure we can get this door open if we reach this booth," Fresh said.

"Alright then, I'll call Emma, George, and Jerry to help us while Tiara can try to keep the enemies distracted.

"Wait, Emma should stay back with the army and lead them. Jerry shouldn't go as well because he's the only one who's able to get most of his bullets through the gaps between the fence. Just get George." Fresh declared.

"Alright, I'll contact him with the suit," Daniel said, "Sana, contact George,"

"Hey George, where are you?" Daniel asked.

"What sort of question is the question? I am fighting beside you. Please get off that cover and be a little braver," George muttered.

"Look, George, we need to get inside the compound and open the gate,"

"But the fences have electric shock. How will we get inside?"

"Our suit can keep us safe for some time,"

"Why is this not a surprise to me? Anyway, I am in," George headed towards the rock they had taken cover behind.

"What's the plan?" He asked.

"Climb up the fence and hope that they don't pay much attention to us," Fresh replied.

"And how will we do that?" George asked.

"I contacted Emma and told her to get the fight away from the gate,"

Emma stuck to her promise. She led the soldiers away from the gate, firing at the Keukans as she moved her army to the left side of the base.

"Let's go," Fresh declared once the fight had drawn away from the gate. He jumped up and grabbed the fence. The suit made sure that the electric shock didn't reach him although he could see the suit's shield depleting faster than he had ever seen before.

Giving his body a final push, he jumped and landed on the other side of the fence

"Daniel and George, come now." Fresh urged.

"Alright, coming," Daniel said. They together started climbing up the fence. Although they were no match for Fresh's climbing skills, they helped each other so that both of them could reach the other side of the fence before their shield could get deactivated.

"Whew, we did it!" Fresh sighed, "Now let's keep a low head and make sure that-"

Fresh was interrupted by the shouts of a Keukan.

"They have entered the compound! Kill them!"

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