Chapter 14

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A/N: I am SO SO sorry for the delay in updating. I was super sick for over a week :( but all is well again and I offer you guys a fairly long chapter as an apology. Also, putting the NC17 rating on this one ;) Please feel free to leave comments and/or vote if you like it! Your feedback means a lot to me and inspires me to keep writing these two! Xo


"Welcome to Ohio!" I said as we stepped out of my parents' car and into the humid summer air at my childhood home.

"Beautiful house, sir," Jamie complimented my dad who met us at the trunk.

It still looked exactly as it did the day we'd moved in 20 years ago. Red brick, beige vinyl siding, cream colored wrap around porch, and a dozen large windows. Maybe I missed this place more than I was willing to admit. I never regretted moving to New York to pursue a plethora of opportunities, but when I came back to the peacefulness of the suburbs, it unraveled a certain nostalgia that the city never offered.

"Ah, thanks, we can't bring ourselves to sell it. Even if it is too much for just us," he replied. "Kels, your mom has been in the kitchen all morning making food for brunch. I'll bring your bags inside and meet you in a few minutes."

"Thanks for the flight and for picking us up." I stood on my tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek before grabbing Jamie's hand and leading him toward the house.

When I opened the front door, the aroma that came spilling out made me want to cry. It smelled like Heaven and home rolled into one.

"Wow," Jamie said, mirroring my thoughts, "something smells delicious."

I could pick up on a scent of bacon, maple syrup, potatoes of some kind, coffee, and my mom's favorite cinnamon apple candles burning.

"There you are!" she squealed as she walked into the foyer wiping her hands on a dishtowel. She wrapped me in a tight hug before embracing Jamie as well. He chuckled at the gesture and I hoped he wasn't uncomfortable. This was only their third meeting.

"Hope you're both hungry," she said with a beaming smile.

"Starving," I replied, looking at Jamie.

"Yes ma'am," he grinned back at us.

We followed her into the dining room and sure enough, I'd guessed right; the table was adorned with a brunch for champions. She had set a plate full of bacon beside a bowl of scrambled eggs, and another plate full of pancakes sat beside a dish of hash browns. There were two baskets of toast at either end and her favorite candles were burning inside two decorative holders in the center.

"Mom, you didn't have to go through all of this trouble!"

"Oh, honey, they give you birdseed on airplanes these days. I knew you'd both want a real meal. Besides, Jamie has never been here before, I wanted to give him a proper Ohio welcome."

He cleared his throat. "Reminds me of the meals my mum used to make when I was a kid back in Ireland."

I tried to read his face, but he managed to remain neutral. Then I had a sudden fear that my mom was going to say something to bring her up.

She went to respond so I cut her off.

"Do you need help with the coffee?" I asked.

She regarded my expression. "Yeah, sure."

"Excuse us for a moment," I said to Jamie and he nodded.

I led the way to the kitchen with her following close behind.

"Okay," I whispered as softly as possible.

"What's going on?"

I was grateful she was whispering back. I think she saw in my eyes that there was information she needed to know. "I didn't want to say anything in front of him, but Jamie's mom passed away. I was afraid you were going to ask about her. He's not comfortable talking about it. He's barely talked about her with me."

"God, that poor boy. When?" She clasped her hands against her chest.

"A long time ago. I hate it for him." And I did. I wanted him to know it was okay to be upset if he needed, or if he wanted to vent I would listen and try to understand. But after his short exchange in the hospital after his accident, he'd never said another word.

"I'm glad you told me. I won't bring it up. Should probably warn your father not to ask about his family either."

"I don't know if you can't ask, I just wanted to let you know. We've had an early morning and he might not be in the mood to go there."

"Well, either way. Help me with the coffee."

Brunch was delicious and neither of us wasted time scarfing it down like we hadn't eaten in weeks. I think we both missed the simple luxury of a home cooked meal. It wasn't something you could readily find in Manhattan. I took note that I should cook for him more often. I'd been raised to know how to work a stove and an oven. There was no reason I couldn't show off my talents, especially if these foods made him feel like being a kid at home again. I'd love to be responsible for any of his happiness.

"Have you made any plans?" my mom asked. "Anything you really want Jamie to see around these parts?"

He looked at me with amusement.

"Actually," I began, and he raised an eyebrow. "How much do you love me, daddy?"

My dad sighed in response. "Oh, here we go, where's my wallet?"

We all laughed.

"Used to work like a charm when I was little," I said to Jamie.

"When you were little?" my mom asked.

"Okay, I guess it still works, whatever."

Jamie laughed with my parents and it made me smile. I loved seeing him comfortable, and wanted nothing more than to let him be a part of all our family jokes. I couldn't believe he was in my childhood home, eagerly awaiting a tour of my most personal spots.

"Anyway," I distracted myself from my lingering thoughts. "Can I borrow the boat?"

"The boat?" Jamie asked.

I ignored him.

"It does look like it's going to be a beautiful day," my dad said. "Should be calm waters. The lake is wonderful, Jamie, you'll enjoy it. Take my fishing rods if you want."

"So is that a yes?" I prodded.

"I don't see the harm. Just had her out the other day; should be good on gas."

"You can take the cooler with you, too," my mom interjected. "Grab some drinks and make some sandwiches if you want."

"Great!" I exclaimed. "We'll probably freshen up and head out in a bit. You guys can join if you're up for it."

They looked between each other and smiled. "Nah, we'll sit this one out," my mom answered. "Let you two enjoy your time away from the hustle and bustle of the city."

I was secretly hoping they wouldn't want to go. I'd feel a lot more comfortable knowing I'd only have to entertain Jamie. Plus I knew he'd relax and enjoy himself easier in front of just me. We'd had a crazy few weeks; we needed to get back to us, relish in the calm environment.

We excused ourselves and made our way upstairs where our bags were waiting outside my bedroom door.

"Here goes nothing," I said with a smile.

I turned the knob and pushed the door open, allowing Jamie to step in.

"You warned me and I still wasn't ready." He chuckled.

It, too, was exactly how it had always been. Light blue walls adorned with various tropical pictures, a couple of Justin Timberlake scans from my favorite photo shoot, and a large *NSYNC poster I'd won in a competition as a kid. I watched him take it all in.

"It's not that bad." I sat down on my dolphin comforter that was tucked neatly into my bed.

"I suppose it could be worse." He shrugged.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, I haven't lived here in a few years."

"A poor excuse is better than none."

We both laughed.

"So the lake," he began, "that's why you told me to bring my swimming trunks?"

"Aren't you impressed?" I winked.

"You really know how to drive a boat?"

"I don't know why you sound surprised, it's not rocket science."

He chuckled. "Why do I have a feeling I'm about to learn all I've wanted to know about Kelsey Taylor in Ohio?"

"All you had to do was ask." I smiled and he returned it. "Now go change so I can really show off my water skills."

He threw his head back in laughter. "Aye aye, captain!"

"Bathroom is the door directly across the hall."

He rummaged through his bag and retrieved a pair of navy blue shorts. Once he disappeared, I looked in my bikini drawer to find my favorite suit from high school and prayed it still fit.

I quickly changed and thanked my lucky stars that it did. It was a strappy baby blue bikini trimmed in lace that left little to the imagination in the front and back. But because it was just us, I wasn't afraid to show a little leg. I slipped my denim shorts and white t-shirt on and packed a small beach bag with the essentials.

A moment later Jamie walked back in wearing a white t-shirt as well, with the blue trunks.

"Aren't we cute?" I teased.

"Great minds think alike." He winked.

"Let's head out while the sun's just right."

We packed up the cooler per my mom's suggestion, tossing it in the back of my dad's truck he also let me borrow, and headed toward the lake where our boat was docked during the summer.

It was a beautiful drive; one I used to despise as a kid because I thought it was boring. Maybe that's why people moved in the first place, to appreciate their roots when they found themselves far from home. The cornfields were lined with leafy, green trees. Every house along the way had a yard full of bright colored flowers and fresh cut grass, which I could smell as the A/C sucked in the aroma from outside. I caught quick glances at Jamie from behind my sunglasses. He looked content, watching the scenery change as we drove along. I loved having him in my hometown; I wanted to spill my whole life story in hopes that it would connect him to Ohio, too. Gently I picked up his hand and intertwined our fingers. He looked over and smiled, squeezing it in return.

"I'm happy you're here," I said.

"I'm happy to be here with you," he replied. "Looking forward to the days ahead."

I smiled, trying to suppress my sudden urge to cry. There was something about him being in the town where I grew up that was making me emotional. I wondered if he'd felt this way when I was in London. I felt bad once more for not going to the awards show with him, despite what happened afterward. Maybe it wouldn't have had he not been trying to get back to me. I wanted to do everything with him in my stupid town, but I couldn't go to one simple event with him in his? I mentally kicked myself. He'd told me to stop dwelling on what we couldn't change, but it was difficult not to feel guilty. I had a lot left to prove in this relationship, and this trip was lighting the right kind of fire under me already.

We pulled into our reserved parking spot in front of our speedboat.

"Is that a boat or a yacht?" Jamie asked.

"Depends on who you ask." I laughed. "My dad thinks it's a yacht, but don't be fooled. It's just a dolled up speedboat that he put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into perfecting."

"She's a beaut."

We unloaded our things and walked down the dock. I let him climb in before me and handed him what we'd brought.

"Do you need help?" he asked.

"Um," I paused. I didn't really need his help, but he seemed genuinely interested, and for the sake of making this a memorable trip for the both of us, I agreed. "Sure, hang on."

I untied the front rope and tossed it inside the boat. He watched my every move. "Give me a hand?" I asked before reaching up.

He grabbed my wrist and helped me into the boat.

I walked over to the driver's seat and started the ignition. "I have to let it run for a minute to get it warmed up, but do you think you can untie the rope in the back and pull it in while I reverse the boat out?"

"No problem," he replied.

I smiled at his willingness, or maybe it was eagerness, I wasn't sure. I'd been boating with my dad since I was a child; I could do this in the dark. I remember how proud he was when I got my boating license and took him out on the lake for the day. He fished and I propped my feet up like a champion. It was an accomplishment you're only proud of when you're in Ohio, which is why I'd never told anyone. People associate boating with rednecks, and rednecks don't belong with the sophisticated elite in NYC.

"I think she's ready," I said as I checked the dashboard.

He nodded, leaning over the edge and unraveling the rope from the metal hook on the dock. I turned the key to reverse and slowly eased out of our spot. I watched as Jamie pulled the rope up into the boat.

"Perfect," I said. He sat down and I slowly inched us across the water and through the no wake zone.

He couldn't contain the smile on his face and it warmed my heart. He sat there with his arms draped over the back on the seat as the wind softly blew his hair. The sun was illuminating his perfect skin and I couldn't wait to see him lose his shirt.

Much to my delight, I'd been so distracted by him that the time it took to reach the buoy seemed shorter than it ever had.

"Are you ready?" I asked.

"Let's see what you're made of, baby," he replied.

I slowly revved the engine and picked up speed. Like the flawless beast she was, the boat quickly glided across the water as we bounced over the smooth waves.

For as beautiful as a day it was, there weren't many boats in the way, so it was easier for me to show off. I sped out into the center of the lake before effortlessly turning us in a half circle and gliding through a new strip of water. I threw my hand up and waved at the other boaters we did pass, and I caught Jamie doing the same. Every time we'd hit a small groove, he'd laugh, causing me to erupt in my own giggles. God, I loved being the reason for that.

I spun a few times, showing off my tricks and ability to keep the boat upright while still maintaining speed. It felt more than amazing to be back on the water. Sure there were boats to rent in New York, but nothing beats the familiar waters I grew up in. I could navigate this lake blindfolded at full speed. The wind whipping through my hair, the sun shining on my face, the sound of the waves hitting the side of the boat, and the feel of the accelerator in my hand made me feel invincible.

Jamie had gotten quiet, and when I turned to look at him, I noticed he was staring at me with that half smile plastered on his face.

"What?" I asked.

"I thought I'd seen you happy," he yelled over the various noises.

"You have," I replied.

"No, this is you happy. I want to see you like this every day."

It was hard to hear him, let alone look at him while steering, so I directed the boat toward another no wake zone close to a beach area where we could stop for drinks and a swim.

I cut the engine as we coasted through the water.

"What were you saying?"

He smiled. "I've never seen you this happy."

I scoffed. "Of course you have. I'm always happy when we're together."

"Yeah, but this is different. This is Kelsey. I want to know her better."

I laughed nervously. "You're just impressed by my skills."

"Oh, baby, I certainly am. You never cease to amaze me. But you know I'm right."

"Well, you look pretty happy yourself."

He nodded. "I haven't been this happy in years. In fact, you continue to give me new reasons."

"I love this place," I admitted.

"I can tell. Thank you for bringing me here."

I smiled. "I grew up on this lake. My grandpa taught my dad to fish and steer a boat here then my dad taught me. Not necessarily anything to be proud of, but it brings back a lot of great memories."

I tried to contain my emotions. My grandpa had passed away when I was in high school, before I got my boating license, so he never got to go out with me behind the wheel. It took a lot of pleading to even get my dad back out on the water after, until I finally got my license and he had a change of heart. But that was a conversation for another day.

"Why wouldn't you be proud? This is amazing, Kels. You're a badass, and I love watching you in control of something you love. I'm more attracted to you by the minute."

I wasn't sure why he was being so poetic. Maybe it was our recent fight, his recent accident, or the fact that being here was stirring nostalgia within him, too. All I knew was he had the butterflies dancing a jig in my stomach and my heart fluttering like a teenage girl.

"Then I suppose it's only fitting that I bring the man I love out on the boat and lake I love."

He smiled widely at my response, but didn't have anything to add.

"Do you want to swim?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm burning up without the breeze."

We both chuckled and I turned the wheel, pointing us in the direction of the nearby beach area. I drove the boat up into the sand and asked Jamie to hop out to find a rock we could tie her up to.

"Good to go," he said.

I turned the engine off and picked up the cooler, handing it down to him before jumping out myself. There was a picnic table nearby, so we set the cooler on top of it and he grabbed us both a bottle of water from inside.

"Shit, I forgot the towels," I said. I pulled myself back up in the boat and lifted the seat to retrieve two beach towels.

When I hopped back down Jamie had removed his shirt and was rubbing lotion across his sculpted torso. I was thankful I didn't trip. No matter how many times I saw this man naked, his perfect body never ceased to leave me breathless. He was gorgeous and he was mine. I'll never understand my luck.

"Need some help?" I asked, purposely biting my lip.

"You're just in time. My back could use a little TLC."

He handed me the bottle and I squirted a quarter size in my hand before moving around him. Gently I massaged the white liquid into his bronzing skin. He rolled his head on his neck while I rubbed.

"All done," I said.

"Your turn."

I sighed, undoing the button on my jean shorts and sliding them down my legs. I lifted my shirt above my head to the sound of him whistling.

"Stop," I laughed.

"God," was all he said. He removed his sunglasses and scanned me up and down a few times.

Instinctively I blushed. He had a way of making me feel brand new every time he caught a glimpse of me.

"Let's see the back," he said, twirling his finger.

"You're ridiculous." I turned slowly, knowing exactly what the view was doing to him. After all, I'd picked this bikini on purpose.

"You are, wow," he said.

I faced him. "As are you. I thought we'd seen each other naked before?"

He laughed. "Yeah, but, damn baby, you're wearing the shit out of that bathing suit."

He approached me and my eyes darted around to see if we had any onlookers. Much to my surprise, no one was on this specific beach at the moment.

"Who are you looking for?" He smiled.

"The cops."

He laughed again. "No need." His hands fell to the strings on either side of my hips that kept the swimming suit tied to my waist. "These," he began, "are going to make my job real easy later."

I swallowed the lump in my throat. My brain was thankfully clear enough to stop me from pouncing on him right there in the sand.

"What job?" I teased.

He pulled me against his warm, glistening frame. "A job that I'm trying to resist with every fiber of my being right now. You look ravishing, delicious, sexy, you name it. This ensemble wasn't an accident either, so don't play coy."

I couldn't contain my need to feel his lips on mine any longer. I roughly pulled him into me, breathlessly kissing the life out of him. His hands fell to my partially covered ass and massaged it. I moaned into his mouth as his tongue danced with mine.

"Okay," I said, pulling back.


I nodded. "It was on purpose. The swimsuit."

"Tell me something I don't know." He smirked.

"Can we swim before we get arrested for indecent exposure?"

"You're the one that kissed me," he argued.

"Fair point." I broke from his embrace and led him by the hand to the water.

I released him as I dipped back into the cool liquid to wet my hair. He watched me intensely.

"Are you still happy?" I asked.

"Oh, you've made my entire body happy. Trust that I expect a payoff tonight."

I laughed. "Horny Irishman."

"All your fault. Besides, it's been how long now?"

"Not long enough."

He swam up to me and wrapped my limbs around him. I giggled when he pinched my bottom.

"Too long is more like it. Seriously though, I'm honored to be here because I get to see you like this."

"Well, all of it's amplified with you. You make me happy."

"But this is a different happy. You're in your element, carefree."

I pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. "I love you."

"Mmm, and I love you. Am I going to have to move you back to Ohio to keep you this way?"

I sighed. "I'm sorry if I've been uptight or dramatic recently. I don't know what's gotten into me. I've become a little possessive of you."

He chuckled. "That's not what I meant. You don't have anyone else to worry about, baby, I'm freely yours and nothing could change that."

"It's easy to get lost in the noise of the big city, the Hollywood lifestyle, other people's opinions. If I seem happier it's because it's just us. I'm in my element because I'm not competing with anything or anyone. The only one that matters is you and out here in the calmness of nowhere, I realize that."

He pressed a kiss to my nose. "If this is what you want, I'll give it to you. If you want just us, locked in a house in the country away from interruptions then it's yours. Whatever it takes. As long as it's with you."

"That's all I want," I replied. "You and me. Every day."

"You have it," he said before kissing me sweetly on the lips.


Night fell fast and before I knew it, our first day in Ohio was over. My sister stopped by after work and drank a few beers with us on the porch. I was curled up in Jamie's lap as he rocked us back and forth on the swing. He'd been getting along great with everyone. He and my dad had a long, very boring conversation about golf then started cracking jokes that had my sister rolling. Of course I became a huge topic of discussion, but I didn't even mind because it meant Jamie was becoming part of the family. He was all I wanted, and knowing he fit right in with us was further reassurance that he was the one for me.

I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of the crickets chirping, and the small creak the swing made every time it swung backwards. I felt Jamie run his hand through my hair.

"A little tired, are we?" he asked.

I looked up at him. "Content."

He smiled and I heard my sister sigh.

"Well, I'm going to head home. Are you in the mood for a sister's day tomorrow? If that's okay with you, Jamie."

"Absolutely," he replied, rubbing his palm up and down my arm.

"Maybe I can take you to my favorite course while the girls are gone," my dad said. "Get a few practice swings in."

"I'm not very good," Jamie chuckled, "but I'd enjoy it."

"Great, it's settled. You girls be girls and us men will do manly things."

We all laughed.

"Goodnight, everyone," Emily said.

My parents also bid their goodnights to us, leaving Jamie and me alone on the porch.

"Ready for bed?" he asked.

I slowly sat up and stretched. "Ready for bed with you. I was wrong, it's been too long."

"Is 'bed' code for something else?" He laughed, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Well, I might need help getting this old thing off." I pulled one of the strings of my bikini bottom out from the waist of my shorts.

"Allow me," he said with a wink.

Swiftly he stood and pulled me up with him, leading me by the hand back inside the house and up the stairs. I quietly giggled at his urgency.

He softly shut my door behind us before embracing me in the center of my bedroom. He wasted no time undoing my shorts, forcing me to step out of them and kick them to the side. I kissed him quickly before he pulled my shirt over my head.

"How is it possible that you look even better right now than you did a minute ago?" he asked.

"Maybe because you like me half-naked," I teased.

"I like you all naked," he said, and my knees buckled.

He was such a gentleman in front of the world, but behind closed doors he had the sexiest dirty mouth I'd ever heard. His accent only amplified my desire by a hundred percent.

"Well, I feel the same," I replied, grasping the bottom of his shirt and lifting it off of him.

He'd gotten a slight tan while on the water, which somehow managed to tone his abs even further. I ran my fingertips over them, eliciting a chill. I looked up to see him eyeing me intensely. Pulling his face toward me I kissed him hard, missing his intimate touch and regretting any time we'd previously spent apart.

He broke our contact. "Turn around."

Without hesitation I did as instructed, purposely swaying my hips, rubbing my behind against his growing erection. I reached my arms up and wrapped them around his neck while his lips kissed and sucked their way to my pulse point.

He trailed his mouth up to my ear, biting it gently. "I haven't touched you like this since London, which feels like an eternity ago."

I smiled at his words, feeling every inch of my body prepare for him.

"And I'm not going to last very long," he whispered.

Slowly he let his hand fall down my stomach to the top of my bikini bottoms. I sucked in a deep breath when his fingers moved inside. His other hand came around my waist to hold me in place.

"So don't move," he said.

It took everything in me not to scream when he began rubbing smooth circles around my center. I tried to remind myself where I was, but at the same time it'd been more than a few days since we'd been together intimately. I wanted to relish in the desire and pent up frustration since.

Suddenly he removed his hand, causing me to whine at the loss.

"Shh," he said against my ear.

The goosebumps ignited at his instruction.

He untied both sides of my bottoms at a painfully slow pace. He rubbed his soft hands down my thighs as the flimsy fabric fell to the floor between my legs. His fingertips grazed back up my torso and around to my neck where he undid that loop, my top cascading down my stomach. Finally he untied the knot at my mid-back before tossing it across the room.

He was acting different, more sensual. Something had gotten into him and I couldn't put my finger on what it was, but I'd never felt more disarmed in my life.

I felt his lips beside my ear again and I whimpered. I needed him to shut up and get on with the show.

"Remember when you ignored me and refused to answer my messages?"

Wait, what?

"Mmm, I'm sorry," I hummed.

"Well, you left me incredibly frustrated. Drove me mad, absolutely bonkers. I think it's only fair that I return the favor."

I tried to turn my head to look at him. "What are you talking about?"

I caught his sly smile. "Remember your parents are sleeping down the hall. Now bend over."

He pushed me onto the bed, forcing me to fall on my hands and knees. I heard him shuffling behind me and only assumed he was removing his shorts. A moment later his large hands were firmly holding my hips.

"You're fucking beautiful," he said.

I opened my mouth to reply, but was overshadowed by his sudden push inside me.

"Jamie," I moaned.

He didn't answer, only pulled out slowly and crashed back down. He easily found a rhythm and my heart began racing. I, too, wasn't going to last very long. I'd been dying to feel him again and this new sex god he'd unleashed was fulfilling every absent minute without him.

I could hear him trying to catch his breath as I matched his thrusts, pushing myself back into him, hoping to feel him deeper.

"Shit," he murmured.

He ran one of his hands up my spine and to my shoulder, holding me in place there, and at my waist with the other. His hips spun in a delectable circle, hitting my sweet spot deeper than ever.

"Oh, God," I said breathlessly as I felt myself reach the top.

He fisted the hand at my neck in my hair and pulled back gently, causing my final unravel.

I grabbed the nearest pillow and buried my face in it as I muffled the sounds of my orgasm. One more thrust and Jamie was falling with me, somehow stifling his own moans.

He limply set his torso against my back, resting both of his arms beside mine as I tried to hold us upright.

"Kelsey, baby," he panted.

I swallowed hard, trying to regain my composure. "I missed you," I managed.

He pulled out and rolled me on my side, lying down against the bed to face me. His hand cupped my face as he left a seductive kiss on my lips.

"I love you, you know that?" he asked.

I smiled. "I do. You've done nothing but prove it to me. I hope you know how much I love you."

He kissed me again. "If I didn't before, I surely can't deny it now. Thank you for introducing me to the real Kelsey."

"You've known her this whole time."

He narrowed his eyes. "We both know that isn't true. You subconsciously opened up today and I appreciated every silent secret I witnessed."

"I have no secrets." I smiled.

"None?" he questioned.

"Can't think of any."

"Hmm," he replied. "Try. Tell me something about you that you haven't told me yet."

I furrowed my eyebrows, but his expression remained. He really wanted me to answer, and for the sake of keeping him satisfied I seriously considered what I could tell him that wouldn't scare him away.

"Remember the first time I asked you up to my apartment?" I asked.

He smiled and nodded.

"Well, I'm sure you remember how that played out."

He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. "I enjoyed that evening. You fell asleep in my arms."

"After denying you sex."

He sighed. "That wasn't why I agreed to come up anyway. I've never expected sex from you."

I stared at his gaze.

"Don't get me wrong, the sex is divine," he winked, "but I love you for more than just that. You're an incredible woman."

I bit my bottom lip to suppress the wide grin I felt trying to spread.

"I stopped you because I wanted our first time to be more significant than on my couch."

"I know," he said with a smirk, "and it was well worth the wait."

I looked down at his chest to avoid eye contact. "But then when you went to leave, I cried."

He lifted my chin, forcing our eyes back together. "We've both been burned before. I understand."

"No, you don't," I answered, and he wrinkled his forehead. "I cried because I knew then that I loved you. But I was too scared to admit it. I thought it was too soon. And I didn't think you'd believe me."

He pulled me into him for a long, slow kiss and I could hear my own heart beating out of my chest at my confession.

"I would've," he said against my lips. "Because I felt the same."

I looked up at him as the stinging in my eyes surfaced.

"I told you, baby," he wiped at my cheeks, "I've loved you this whole time. From day one."

I smiled, not being able to communicate how happy I was to know he'd never questioned his feelings for me. I didn't understand why this felt so natural, but then again, I'd never felt anything like it before. I suppose that's how I knew it was real.

"Okay," I whispered. "Your turn to tell me a secret."

He searched my eyes as if I had the answer to my own request. He took a deep breath, so I grabbed his hand and locked our fingers, rubbing my thumb over his knuckles.

"Being here has brought back a lot of memories," he said finally.

"Good or bad?"

"It's hard to explain. The good comes with the bad, right?"

I nodded, not wanting to interrupt his train of thought.

"Walking into your house today reminded me a lot of weekend mornings with my mum when she would make the whole family a huge spread of our favorite foods. My sisters would carry on laughing with her while they cooked, and dad and I would read the comics in the newspaper to each other."

He stopped briefly, looking away, and I knew it was because he was emotional.

"Your home smelled like my home. And when your mum hugged me, I felt like I was a kid back in Ireland hugging my own mum. I don't know..." he trailed off.

I took the opportunity to kiss him on the cheek while he regained his composure. He was showing me a side I'd been praying he'd let me see.

"It just feels right," he said. "This." He pointed between the two of us and met my eyes again.

I felt his gaze to my core. Somehow we continued to connect on an even deeper level than we had any previous time.

"I'm home when I'm with you. Whether it be in New York, London, or the middle of nowhere Ohio, you're my home. I'd said earlier that I'm happier than I have been in years, and the truth is..."

He paused again, but this time I saw his own tears welling up and my heart clenched in my chest.

I wiped at them as they fell like he always did mine. Leaning in, I pressed a feather light peck on his nose.

"You wanted to know a secret," he continued, "well, it's that you make me the happiest I've been since my mum was alive."

I didn't mean to, but I gasped. His confession shook me to the depths of my soul. I had absolutely no idea how to respond. I'd wanted him to open up to me like this since the day I'd laid eyes on him. Yet now that he had, I was rendered speechless. I never in a million years expected to be that important to someone else's happiness and well-being. Quite frankly, it was the scariest and most exhilarating knowledge I'd ever been given.

"Baby," I whispered, running my fingers through his soft, ruffled hair.

He captured my lips in another deep kiss. Pouring all he had left to give into me, and I was more than willing to accept it.

I rested my forehead against his, and he opened his eyes to look into mine. "I love you more than I should be allowed," I said.

He smiled, briefly looking down. "Promise you always will."

I kissed him gently. "Promise."

He rested his head against my shoulder and I felt his wet tears roll down my bare skin. I massaged the back of his neck, my mind spinning out of control. He was wounded and broken. Severely. And he needed me to put him back together as much as I needed him to catch me as I fell for him even harder. He consumed me. I wanted nothing more than to be his reason to live, because he was rapidly becoming mine.

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