Chapter 18

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A/N: I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday! Here's an update as a belated gift. I've packed a lot into this one, I pray you'll enjoy it despite the turn it takes ;) thank you so very much for reading this story and leaving me feedback! Xo

*TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains sensitive material that may be unpleasant for some readers. There are traces of stalking, kidnapping, mild violence, and sexual assault. Please skip to Chapter 21 (or 22) if you do not wish to read said content. Thank you for understanding that this is only fictional and I mean no attack or offense toward any of you.


I felt like Jamie and I had done nothing but christen every room in our place since he'd moved in. The bathtub, shower, bed, the wall in the hallway because we couldn't make it any further, and I'd even made it up to him on the couch. I wanted to lock him in the apartment and never let him leave, but alas we had run out of some necessary groceries, so I'd sent him on an errand since I could barely move my overworked limbs.

I pinched myself every morning when I woke up to his beautiful face, listening to his light snores, and watching his bare chest rise and fall mere inches from me. I fully understood what people meant by "puppy love" and "honeymoon stage," because I was smack dab in the middle of it. I loved him more than I did the day before and I prayed our love only continued to grow. He was my lifeline.

I smiled to myself as I scrolled through Facebook. I hadn't checked my notifications in weeks. Per Jamie's manager's suggestion, I deleted my Twitter. She was afraid people would warp my old words and pictures into whatever form of truth fit their agenda. I agreed because Jamie's security was just as important as my own. Besides, what did I need with a stupid social network when I had the most gorgeous man in the world living in my apartment?

We agreed that Facebook was safe to use. I never posted much anyway, only followed along with the gossip, plus I just kept the people I actually knew. Or at least loved ones I was certain wouldn't try to compromise Jamie or me. It seemed like everything had already changed since I'd been home. For a small town, life sometimes moved rather quickly. A few childhood friends that I'd lost touch with had either gotten married, divorced, or were expecting a baby. All of which terrified me. I still felt too young for those things, but in reality knew how grown up we really were. I was in a relationship with a man who had been married before and had a kid, and I wanted nothing more than to do both with him. Eventually.

I typed in Carrie's name to see if she was on Facebook; I'd love to keep up with her NY adventures while she's in town and stay in touch after. She was the first option after typing "Car," because we had 14 friends in common. I hit the request button then decided to send her a quick message.

Hey! Glad I found you on here!

The status bar showed she was active, so I waited for a semi-fast reply. A moment later the bubble popped up showing her typing a response.

Kelsey! Oh my gosh!!! Haven't talked to you in what feels like forever.

I laughed to myself. She was always a smart ass. I received the notification that she'd added me as a friend.

Lol, getting excited for your trip?

What trip?

I rolled my eyes.

Some things never change ;) can't wait to see you!

I stared at my phone expecting an immediate answer, but it never came. I shrugged, closing the app. Jamie would be back any minute. As if on cue, my phone beeped in my hand. Except it wasn't him, it was Carrie. Weird. Why wouldn't she just answer me on Facebook? I logged back in to check her status and it said she'd been inactive for five minutes; maybe she'd left her computer.

The countdown is on! she said.

You'll love NYC :)

We're still on for Friday at 7, right?

Yes, definitely! See you then!

Wish I could meet your bf :( you both have been the talk of the town.

I sighed, recalling the bonfire and incident with Brad. I'm sure she'd heard about it. I was surprised it didn't make national headlines. I'd have to explain it to her over dinner since Jamie wouldn't be there.

Just then I heard the doorknob rattling as he unlocked it. I looked over my shoulder from the couch when he stepped in, three brown paper bags tucked under his arms.

"Hey, babe," I said. "I could've helped!"

"Really, Kels? It's three bags. I strong man, hear me roar."

I laughed. "Okay Tarzan, you're ridiculous. Give me a sec and I'll unpack them."

I typed a quick response to Carrie. I know. I wish he wasn't working. Next time for sure! TTYL!

Jamie set the bags on the counter and started pulling items out. I walked over to the cabinets as he handed me stuff to put away.

"Feeling any better, fiend?" he said with a wink.

"Excuse me, sir! I think it is you that has the obsession."

He laughed, placing a bottle of wine he'd bought on the rack. I leaned up against the counter, crossing my arms.

"Maybe I am guilty, but let's not play Miss Innocent."

He stepped up to me, pressing his weight against my hips. In one swift move he lifted me onto the cold surface, spreading my legs to stand between them.

"I think it's about time I cut you off for a few days."

He playfully gasped. "I think that's cruel and unusual punishment!"

"Well, I think it's cruel and unusual how you've punished my body."

He smirked. "We haven't christened the kitchen yet."

His lips met my neck and I closed my eyes, forcing myself to resist the never-ending temptation that he was.

"And we're not going to for a while."

He leaned back to look at me, eyebrows furrowed.

"We need to talk." I did my best to keep my cool.

"Whoa wait, why are we doing a complete 180?"

I swallowed. "Because I'm late."

"Late for what?" The confusion etched on his face proved he wasn't going to get it, thus forcing me to say it.

"My period," I whispered.

His eyes widened and I actually heard his breath catch in his throat. I didn't say anything, allowing him a chance to process the information.

"So you're..." He couldn't verbalize it.

"Not pregnant," I replied.

He squinted his eyes, even more confused than a moment ago. "But if you're late, doesn't that mean..."

I bit my lip, trying my best to contain my laughter. "I'm not late, baby, I just started."

He closed his eyes, throwing his head back with a heavy sigh. "Christ, Kelsey, that's not fucking funny."

"Your face was pretty priceless." I shrugged.

He stepped away from our embrace, completely defeated by my sad attempt at a joke.

"Because I thought we were having a baby!"

"Jamie, sweetie, I'm sorry. You're not the only actor in the house."

He chuckled, looking at the ground.

I mentally kicked myself. Okay, maybe you don't joke about having kids with a guy who already has a kid.

I hopped down from the countertop and met him, wrapping my arms around his waist. "That was a shitty joke, I really am sorry. You're going to have to get used to my bad sense of humor."

He grinned, shaking his head. "I can't believe you thought I'd find that funny."

"What else would you find it?" I laughed.

"Amazing," he deadpanned.

A shiver ran down my spine, which he likely felt. Fuck. I was not prepared for a conversation like this, but I took full responsibility for starting it. That idea was light years in the future. I wasn't ready to share him or my attention with someone else, as selfish as that may be.

"I asked for this," I said. "Again, it was a lame joke, but I really did start my period, so no sex for a few days. I'm not into that."

I kissed his cheek and let go of my hold, walking toward the living room.

"Ignorance is bliss," he said behind me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I turned back around.

"You make the joke, but can't handle the truth behind it."

I sighed. "I wanted to freak you out, that's all. I figured you wouldn't be phased knowing I was on my period."

"Babies don't scare me." He smiled.

"I know. You've been there done that." It came out harsher than intended. I wanted to blame it on my hormones, but I think deep down I was more freaked out by my pretending to be pregnant than he was.

He rolled his eyes at me. "We're not doing that again."

"God, I'm sorry. You know she means a lot to me. I'm just hormonal."

"I know," he said, "and scared."

"Of what?" I kicked myself for even asking, but I'd said it before I had time to think.

"Marrying me, having kids with me, all of it."

The goosebumps ignited across every inch of my skin hearing him verbalize my fears.

"I'm, I'm not..." I stuttered trying to get my words out. Why the fuck did I have to bring up pregnancy? I should've known he'd want to go there. I hadn't even fully comprehended the fact that we lived together, let alone what plans we'd make for the future.

"Stop," he said, interrupting my thoughts.

I met his gaze.

"I can practically hear the wheels in your head spinning." He laughed.

"I'm not scared of all that. I'm a woman, it's what I've always wanted."

"So you'd marry me?"

My heart dropped to my stomach. No, he was not going to do this to me right here right now while I looked and felt like shit. This was inappropriate timing.

"Kelsey!" He snapped me back to reality. "Relax, it's hypothetical. You can search me for the ring I don't have." He pulled his pockets inside out. "We're not ready."

I giggled nervously. "You want to marry me?"

"Yes," he said, not missing a beat. "But you already knew that."

"Then it should go without saying that I want the same. Someday."

He started laughing uncontrollably. What the hell?

"Um, what's so funny?" I asked.

"Your face," he said, "it was priceless."

I closed my eyes, reeling in my sudden urge to punch him. I counted to ten.

"Baby, you're right. You're not the only actor in the house."

I glared at him. "You're an asshole."

"Let's leave the acting to the professionals." He winked.

"The funniest part about this is I've just extended your timeout."

He continued laughing. "In regards to what?"

"Oh, that little thing called sex that you can't seem to get enough of. On hiatus. Period or not."

He doubled over in his own laughter as I plopped down on the couch, refusing to join.

"Yeah right. You won't make it a day."

"Be careful what you wish for, James."

"James?" He snorted. "Did you just call me by my full name?"

I tried to continue suppressing my laughter, but it became nearly impossible because he couldn't stop his own.

"Baby, your hollow threats don't scare me. Just like your joke didn't scare me nearly half as much as mine did you."

I threw one of the couch pillows at him, hitting him in the chest as he shook his head. I finally laughed with him.

"Why did I let you move in here? I can't run anymore."

"Because you love me." He shrugged.

"Maybe not much longer."

"Oh really?" He tossed the pillow back in my direction as his hands fell to the bottom of his shirt. He lifted it slowly, revealing one muscle at a time as I tried not to salivate at the sight. He pulled it over his head, balling it up, and throwing it at my face. I caught it with a giggle.

"Best of luck in your protest," he said.

He unbuttoned his jeans, dragging the zipper down at a torturous pace before letting the fabric slide down his legs. He stepped out of them, also chucking them in my direction. I could see the outline of him through his grey briefs.

"Don't be cruel," I said.

"I'm not, baby. I live here now and need to shower. Have to be naked to do so."

"Well, you don't have to be naked in front of me. Get out of here." I threw his clothes toward the hall as we both started laughing.

"Bad move," he replied. I bit my lip as he bent down to pick them up, allowing me the perfect view of his perfect behind.

"I can't stand you," I said.

"Love you, too!" He walked off down the hall as I rested my head back against the couch. He was the best kind of worst.

I flipped the TV on and got lost in an episode of Property Brothers on HGTV. I tried to ignore the pressing thought in my head of Jamie's naked body in my shower. I wanted to join him more than anything, but he would definitely pay for giving me the payback I unfortunately deserved.

His phone started ringing from the counter. I stood up to check who was calling because I'm nosy. It was his daughter trying to FaceTime. I quickly fought a battle in my head on whether or not I should intrude by answering. At the very least I could tell her her daddy wasn't around at the moment and she'd probably hang up. I slid my finger across the answer button and a moment later it connected, part of her face in the frame. I chuckled at the sight.

"Kelthyyy!" she yelled.

"Hi, sweet girl!"

"Whataya doin'?" she asked in her cute little voice.

"Nothing really. What are you doing?"

"Playin' wif me bear."

"That sounds fun! Is it almost bedtime there?"

"Yeth," she said. "Will you wead me a stowy?"

"I can probably think of one to tell." I smiled. We didn't have any kids books around, but I'd heard enough fairytales in my life to come up with something for her.

"Do you want to wait for Daddy?"

"No," she answered. I chuckled; kids and drunks were the most honest people in the world.

"Okay, let me think."

She rested her small head in her little hand and watched me. I could hear her humming to herself while she waited patiently. My heart was so full. She called every night before bed. Jamie said she was an expert at her iPad. I'd forgotten that I'd also be taking on his daily routines when he moved in, and one of them was talking to her sometimes five times a day.

"Once upon a time there was this pretty princess. She had soft, golden curls all over her head, beautiful blue eyes like her daddy, and the most contagious laugh this side of fairytale land!"

She giggled at my over exaggerated voice and expressions.

"She was the luckiest girl in all of the land. You know why?" I asked.



"Because her daddy loved her more than anything else in the whole wide world!" Jamie interrupted as he appeared from the hallway.

We smiled at one another as his daughter went wild on the other end at the sound of his voice.

"Daddyyy!" she yelled.

He sat down beside me, draping his arm across my shoulder.

"Hi baby girl." He stuck his tongue out at her. "Do you miss me?"

"Yeth," she nodded enthusiastically.

"Do you love me?" he asked.


"How much? A little bitty bit?" He scrunched up his fingers. "Or a whole lot?" He stretched his arms out.

"A wholeee lot!" She extended both her arms like him with a big smile.

"You're my sweet girl," he said.

"Kelthy, too," she replied.

"Yes, Kelsey is also my sweet girl." He kissed the top of my head as we both laughed.

"No, daddy! I love Kelthy a whole lot, too."

I choked on my own saliva as every fiber of my being froze. None of us said anything for what seemed like all of eternity. I felt Jamie gently rubbing my arm, but all coherent thought had left my mind at her words. Her cute, innocent words. What had I done to deserve such affection? She barely knew me. God, she was just a child. She couldn't love me. Her mom would kill me if she heard her say that.

"Aww," I faintly heard Jamie say. "We both love you very much."

It sounded like an echo. I couldn't breathe; all I could do was stare at her gorgeous face on the screen. The one that clearly resembled her daddy's.

"Kelsey," he said under his breath and it pulled me back.

"Sweetie, that means so much to me! I love you a whole lot." I finally managed a response. Poor girl probably thought I didn't want to say it.

"And daddy?" she asked.

"Yes, I love him more than you know."

The tears surfaced out of nowhere, but I didn't want her to think I was sad. I quickly handed the phone to Jamie and stood.

"I gotta go, cutie," I said, standing behind the phone in front of him. "Talk to you tomorrow!"

"Bye Kelthy!"

I took off out of the room, passing the photo of us on my mantle as the tears fell rapidly. My heart was on overload. Why did these things have to be said when I was hormonal? Any other day of the year and no one wants to joke about marriage right before their kid tells me they love me.

I laid back into the mattress covering my face with my hands. A few minutes later I felt Jamie sink down on the side of the bed.

"I want to say something and I just want you to listen," he said.

I looked over at him.

"I love you too fucking much," he began.

I couldn't stop my interruption. "I love you and I shouldn't have answered your phone. She's not my kid and that was intrusive."

"I asked you to listen. Stop apologizing. I'm glad you answered. I'm glad that conversation happened. I'm glad I came out when I did. I'm glad she loves you."

"I'm glad—"

"Can you please stop talking?"

I nodded, pretending to zip my lips shut.

"I don't care how scared you are, I'll break that wall down eventually, but I'm going to marry you."

The tears were back instantly. I wanted to pounce on him except for that inconvenient thought in the back of my head that told me I couldn't.

"Which means she will be yours. And we'll have plenty of our own. God, baby."

He moved to hover over me, his eyes wet from his own emotions as he tried to read my mind.

"You're not ready right now, but you will be, and I'll wait."

I pulled his face closer to mine. "You don't have to."


Jamie left early in the morning that Friday for his table read. He woke me up on his way out to let me know he'd made coffee and waffles, but that he couldn't stay to share them. Everything had been different since his daughter told me she loved me. We spent our days with the silent elephant in the room called marriage. He was ready, and I think deep down I was, too, but I played it off. Maybe for my parents' sake more than anything. They'd want me to take things slow, ease my way into happily ever after, although they seemed to fall for Jamie as quickly as I had.

Of course I wanted to marry him, and now we both knew it would happen someday. It still left an interesting feel in the atmosphere. It's like we touched each other differently, chose our words carefully, and made every moment together count towards something. Eventually we'd take the plunge. One day at a time, and today was the day I was supposed to meet Carrie for dinner.

I chose a simple navy blue dress and matching heels. I paired my outfit with the diamond jewelry set from my parents and a silver clutch Jamie surprised me with after I fawned over it in the store window.

I phoned for a cab and waited in the lobby of my building for its arrival. Carrie had texted that she'd gotten back to her room late from her day out and needed to change. I told her I'd go ahead and get a table and bottle of wine while I waited.

The cab to the restaurant went quickly, but when we pulled up outside I wanted to ask him to take me back home. For whatever reason, the paparazzi were waiting anxiously in front of the door. Surely there was some big shot inside as the only person who knew we were dining here was Carrie, and she had no reason to tip them off.

I paid the man and stepped out, leveraging myself for the questions. I put on the biggest smile I could muster, and tried to stand up a little straighter. They terrified me without Jamie as a safety net.

"Kelsey, over here!" one of them yelled.

"Where's Jamie?" another asked.

I was advised to never answer their questions if they caught me alone. I walked past them, a smile burning my face as I faked it the best I could.

"Are you cheating on him?" one asked.

"Yeah, who are you meeting dressed like that?" a different one piped in.

I couldn't stand the thought of rumors being spread about me, so I broke my promise to Jamie's manager and responded.

"A childhood friend. I haven't seen her in years."

They snapped a few more pictures.

"You're beautiful!" one yelled.

I smiled to myself. Okay, maybe not all paparazzi were evil.

The woman behind the desk escorted me to a table for two in the back of the restaurant. I checked my phone while I waited. No updates from Jamie. I wish he'd gotten out early so he could join us, but having a night with an old friend would do me good. I assumed Carrie was on her way, even though she hadn't said so.

I heard the same woman approach my table. "Here you are."

I looked up, my heart stopped beating in my chest.

"Wha-what are you doing here?"

I swallowed hard, finding it difficult to breathe.

"May I sit down?"

"No. I'm meeting a friend."


I closed my eyes, praying that when I opened them it'd be my imagination or the wine playing tricks on me.

"An old friend. Please leave."

"Would that friend be...Carrie Dunn?"

My whole body stilled. "How did you know that?"

He laughed. "You've always been quite naïve, Kelsey."

"Please go away."

"So you're not happy to see me again? You told Carrie you couldn't wait. Well, here I am."

I shook my head.

"I figured you wouldn't be too keen, especially after your boyfriend threatened my life."

"What do you want from me, Brad?"

"Dinner, silly girl. Let's catch up. Two old friends."

It all started making sense. That's why the real Carrie didn't understand my Facebook message.

"I don't want to talk to you or ever see you again."

I went to leave, but he forcefully caught my wrist.

"See, I called those paparazzi out there, so if you run I'll tell them any and everything they want to hear. And if you cause a scene in the meantime, you'll never see your rich foreigner again."

I conceded, much to my own sensibility, figuring I could play him off until I could find a way to escape.

"If we're going to do this, then you'll keep his name out of your mouth."

"Baby, I done forgot his name. That's how much I care about him."

"Don't! "I yelled, and the woman at the table beside us gave me a dirty look. I lowered my voice. "Don't fucking call me that. It's Kelsey or it's nothing."

"Why don't we take this little shindig elsewhere. That way you can yell as loud as you want and I can pretend like I can't hear you."

"You're disgusting. I'm not going anywhere with you."

"You don't get to make the calls tonight."

I gently unclasped my clutch to retrieve my phone. If I could discreetly send a message to someone, maybe they'd get here before he tried to force me to leave.

I knew that Jamie was the second to last person I'd texted, besides "Carrie." I shivered at the thought. I'd told her Jamie was working, and "her" was Brad the whole time. This ended up being like clockwork for him, he knew I'd be alone. I unlocked my phone, trying to feel my way to my texts without him noticing. I watched him pour himself a glass of wine, so I took the opportunity to look at my lap.

HELP was all I wrote. I prayed that he was finishing up work and would answer. Then I could somehow get the message to him on where to find me.

"I'll take that," Brad said, holding out his hand across the table.

"No." I shook my head.

"Look, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. If you give me the phone, I won't make you leave."

"Fine." I compromised, handing it over. 

"Again, so damn naïve!" He took the phone from me and held it up, the flash going off as he snapped a picture.

"So which one of these fuckers is your boy toy?" He scrolled through my phone.

"Stop it!" I leaned across the table to snatch it away, but he pulled back.

"You're not being civilized. Guess we'll have to take this somewhere more private."

I wanted to cry, but I tried to put on my best face for the other diners around us, and not to appear any weaker in front of Brad. "Please, just...say what you need to say."

"Nah, I want to go back to my hotel."

"I'll scream."

"No you won't, because if you do, I'll have one of my boys put a bullet through your man's head."

I almost vomited at his words. He had Jamie. That's why he wasn't answering.

"Okay," I whimpered. "I'll go. Please don't hurt him. Please. Whatever you want."

"If you insist." He threw a hundred dollar bill on the table and stood.

I reluctantly followed. I hated myself for this, but I was a smart girl. I could still get away somehow. Maybe I'd out him to the paparazzi and they'd take pity on me.

We walked out of the restaurant and there they stood, anxiously awaiting our departure.

"Thought you were meeting a female friend?" the one asked as they all began snapping pictures.

"Boys, leave us alone please. We're trying to have a romantic evening out."

"No we're not," I said.

Brad's head snapped toward me and I tried to scream but couldn't. His lips were on mine as I felt the tears rushing down my face. He forced his tongue down my throat and my attempts to push him away were helpless. He was much stronger than I ever was. All I could do was listen to the hundreds of photos being taken.

"What about Jamie?" they asked.

I pulled away from Brad. "I love him!" I yelled in defense.

"Clearly not," one of the photographers said.

Brad pulled me quickly down the sidewalk and through an alley. He snapped my wrists around and before I could tell what was happening, I felt the cold metal handcuffs lock behind my back.

"Please let me go," I begged through my weeps.

"You just dug your own grave with that stunt. You couldn't follow my simple directions. Now you'll pay."

He jerked open the door of a black SUV as he pushed me inside, slamming the door behind him. There was a partition and I had no idea who was on the other side of it. Brad pulled me into him, holding my phone up and snapping dozens of pictures.

"Stop!" I yelled. "Leave me alone!"

"We're going to send these to your man, let him know we're together. Remember when he said I'd have to go through him to get to you? Well, I don't see him anywhere."

He laughed like the sick psychopath he was.

"I promised him you'd see me again."

The window began rolling down and I took the opportunity to scream as loud as my vocal chords would allow. I saw my phone go flying toward the pavement before the glass closed us back in.

He kissed the side of my head as I tried to push him away with my legs. His hand was forcefully on my chin in an instant.

"Open your mouth."

I tossed my head back and forth, pressing my lips together so hard I thought my teeth might break.

"Listen to me, bitch!"

The sobs made it hard to breathe as his hands practically realigned my jaw. He separated my lips with his strong fingers and dropped a tablet onto my tongue. When I tried to spit it out, he cupped his hand over my mouth. It dissolved seconds later.

"I haven't decided how I want this night to go, Kelsey. But your behavior was dependent on my choices, and we both know how poorly you've acted. Guess I'll have to punish you."

The last thing I remember was his hand under my dress as the static blurred and turned to darkness.


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