Chapter 21

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A/N: My hope is that a lot of you will be pleased with the results in this chapter :) There is a small time jump, only because I'm ready to focus on Jamie and Kelsey again instead of the douchebag! Thank you for your continued support, you guys are the best! I appreciate your votes and comments, keep 'em coming. Xo

*TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains remnants of sensitive material that may be unpleasant for some readers. There are references to stalking, kidnapping, mild violence, and sexual assault. Please skip to Chapter 22 if you do not wish to read said content. Thank you for understanding that this is only fictional and I mean no attack or offense toward any of you.


I was startled awake by an aching in my leg. Sweat beads rolled down my temples as I frantically flipped on the light on the nightstand. I was alone, but at least in my own bed. The nightmare I'd just had began to cease.

My ankle throbbed beneath the covers as I realized Jamie wasn't there, and I could hear mumbling in the other room. As my senses began to fully awaken, the aroma of brewing coffee filled my nose. I took in a long, deep breath to relax my racing heart.

Slowly sitting up, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed. Ice all of a sudden sounded wonderful as I admired the decent swelling that had occurred overnight. As gently as possible I put weight on it, relieved when I was able to stand without much discomfort. It was practically numb.

I hobbled down the hallway and around the corner into the kitchen. My dad had obviously arrived sometime during the early morning, and was standing beside the stove talking to Jamie who sat on a barstool at the counter, sipping a cup of coffee.

Jamie saw me first since my dad's back was to me, and his face lit up in a bright smile. My own was difficult to suppress.

"Oh, sweetie," my dad began before meeting me for a long hug. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"Me too, Daddy."

I relished in the warm embrace of the man who'd devoted his whole life to protecting me and ensuring I always had his support. I knew deep down he was feeling as guilty about everything as Jamie, which was totally unfair to both of them since none of it was within their control.

"I'm happy you're here," I added.

"You owe that guy over there all the thanks."

I pulled away from him to meet Jamie's gaze. "You're right."

"Sir, I dropped the ball this time, but I assure you it'll never happen again."

I moved toward him, slowly, since my stupid foot didn't want to cooperate, while my dad argued.

"Nonsense. Brad is not your responsibility."

"Your daughter is though, and I let her down."

My heart caught in my chest as I listened to their exchange, as if I were merely a fly on the wall.

Jamie twisted in his stool when I finally stepped up to him. He wrapped his arms around me while I linked mine behind his neck.

"Babe, you've never let me down. This isn't your fault, okay?"

He smiled, searching my eyes for a response. When it didn't come, my dad interjected.

"She's right. Besides, we're all together now and that's what matters. Everyone is safe. I don't want anything bad to happen to either of you. We'll handle it properly."

I looked over Jamie's shoulder as he moved his focus back to his task of flipping pancakes. I was ecstatic that he felt so strongly about the man in my arms. He had to know how much we loved each other, and I only hoped it was the kind of love he'd seen in my mother for the three decades they'd been together.

Jamie playfully squeezed my rear in his hands, causing me to refocus my attention.

"Thank you," I whispered before leaning in to capture his soft lips.

I could hear my dad scraping the spatula on the pan so I knew he wasn't watching us. But to be quite frank, I didn't care. He was in our home, and if he'd known how beautifully his daughter had been treated the night before, he would've been cheering us on.

Jamie pulled away first. "Mmm, I love you."

"Not in a million years as much as I love you."

"We'll argue that later." He winked, and a quick spark ran through me.

"Hungry?" Dad asked, snapping me from my wandering thoughts.


I sat on the stool next to Jamie as he set plates down for us before moving to the coffee pot to pour me a cup.

"Mom really wanted to come, but I wouldn't let her," he said.

I smiled with a mouthful of fluffy pancakes. As amazing of a chef as my mom was, my dad gave her some strong competition. I was lucky to inherit their love for cooking and baking.

"It's probably best." I swallowed. "She would've been breaking things."

He chuckled. "She probably is. I'll have to do damage control when I get home. Em was just as distraught from what Mom told me over the phone. They both wanted to hop on a plane. But it's better if Brad's alive when we go to the police."

I cringed at the mere sound of his name. Jamie must've noticed, because his hand fell to my waist as he rubbed gentle strokes up and down my hip.

"Would anyone miss him?" I joked.

"No," Jamie answered.

"Honey, I hate this more than you'll ever know. Trust that I want to bury the son of a bitch myself, however, we need to let the law handle it. He will suffer, I can promise that."

I nodded, eating my pancakes in silence. I didn't want to talk about it anymore, but that's all I was going to be doing for the foreseeable future, talking about goddamn Brad and what he did to me. Or what I could remember at least.

"Shh," Jamie said as he took me in his arms.

I didn't even realize I was shaking. My dad picked up my hand and held it in his, offering it a reassuring squeeze. The two most important men in my life were ready to fight off the demons.

"We need to get going soon," my dad said quietly. "The appointment with the lawyer and the officer who took the report is in an hour."

I nodded as Jamie slowly stepped away, kissing my temple in his departure. "How's your ankle?" he asked.


"Let's wrap an icepack around it and get you some ibuprofen."

He grabbed my elbow, helping me stand.

"Thank you for breakfast, Daddy. It was delicious."

"Anything for my girl," he replied with a triumphant smile.

Jamie picked up an icepack from the freezer before helping me back to our room. I sat on the bed and watched him as he opened the dresser drawers to find me something to wear.

"I'm really grateful my dad's here," I mumbled.

"Me too," he said, pulling out my favorite Batman shirt.

"I wish my mom could've come, but I know it's for the best. She would've already hunted him down and killed him."

He turned his attention to me. "Baby, if I see him, that's exactly what I plan to do."

I sighed. "I wish it were that simple."

He continued his previous task, retrieving a pair of black yoga pants. "It is."

"Stop. He's probably already in Ohio by now."

"He better hope so."

"Jamie," I whined.

"What, Kelsey? The man hurt you; he tried to..." he trailed off. "He did shit to you."

I closed my eyes at his words.

"I'm not okay with that. I can hold you, make love to you, and kiss your pain away, but that doesn't extinguish the burning fire inside of me. I want him dead."

"And you don't think I do, too?" I raised my voice.

"Which is exactly why I'll kill him if I see him. You shouldn't have to stand in front of a bunch of fucking strangers and relive that night over and over. Christ, it's not fair. He threatened me and I walked away. I should've taken care of him then."

Why were we fighting over that piece of garbage? I didn't mean to get him all worked up, but I knew it felt good for him to get it out, because it felt good for me, too. With the fear, the nightmares, the small hint of happiness experienced last night, also came the immense anger I felt deep in my soul. Of course I wanted nothing but pain for Brad. I hated him. He was absolute scum. However, I wasn't going to let Jamie go after him and end up in trouble himself.

"He'll be taken care of. My dad will make sure of it. I don't want you in jail in the meantime."

He handed me the clothes, sitting beside me on the bed and picking up my hand in his. He brought it to his lips before speaking.

"This is what the bastard wants."

"What, you pissed off at the world?"

"Yes," he answered. "He kept his word and I plan to keep mine."

I recalled him telling Brad that the next time they met he'd make sure there wasn't an audience.

"Please don't," I pleaded. "I need you, and I can't have you if you're locked up for beating a man to death."

He sighed. "But I'd do it in a heartbeat. For you."

I smiled at the sentiment, as screwed up and delusional as it was. "I appreciate you defending me."

His gaze met mine. "I'd do anything to ensure your safety."

"Then promise you'll stay here with me, and not in some cell down the street."

He finally chuckled. "If that's what you want."

"It's what I need."

We both leaned in as we caught each other's mouths in a slow, understanding kiss. I never imagined being this loved by another human besides the ones that gave me life. And as odd as it was to think of his love like the love from my parents, it was exactly what I deserved. Someone to take over their job and provide a safe home, be my family, adore, respect and protect me.

I pressed my lips against his ear. "I'm gonna love you for the rest of my life."

He moved to look at me, sliding his thumb over my cheek. "I promise."

I kissed his nose before limping to the bathroom to change. My dad was surely going to check on us if we took much longer. I slid on the clothes Jamie had picked out before brushing my teeth and washing my face.

When I finished, he helped secure the icepack against my ankle as he wrapped it tightly. I popped a couple ibuprofen and we made our way back out into the living room.

"Everything okay?" Dad asked, peering under his glasses, his phone glowing in hand.

"Just fine," I answered. "We're ready."

Jamie locked up the apartment as my dad and I waited for the elevator to arrive. All three of us stepped in, and I pressed the button for the garage. We rode in silence, my hand secured in Jamie's. When the elevator halted, we stepped out and I leaned into his embrace as he helped walk me to the car.

"Who's driving?" I joked.

"Not you." My dad laughed. The car beeped twice when he unlocked it.

"I'll drive."

The voice froze me in time as every hair on my body stood at attention. 

It couldn't be. 

Surely it was my imagination. 

All of us collectively turned.

"It's been a while, Mr. Taylor," Brad said.

I couldn't believe it. He was actually standing behind the car, in the parking garage of our apartment complex. He was a true psychopath, and one with a clear death wish.

Then everything happened in slow motion. I felt Jamie leave me as I noticed his skin become inflamed in a red, hot rage. My dad's fist came back, but before it could contact Brad's jaw, Jamie tackled him to the concrete.

I watched in frozen horror as he straddled him, blow after blow to his face, blood flying and Brad manically laughing while his hand gripped Jamie's neck. It felt like a nightmare, and I closed my eyes in hopes that it was. 

But when I opened them again, my dad was prying him off of Brad. Jamie's chest heaved as sweat poured from him. The fury that covered his expression was unlike anything I'd ever expected to see.

"As much as I want him dead," my dad began, his own breath labored, "he's not worth your trouble, Jamie. His time is coming."

"You fucking son of a bitch!" Jamie hollered, his accent thick. My dad's arm kept him at bay as his words echoed throughout the garage.

I fumbled for the phone as I did the only sensible thing that came to mind and called 911.

Jamie stepped back, slamming his palm against the trunk of the car. I couldn't even worry about the potential dent it had left as I tried to quietly explain to the dispatcher that I needed help.

"Ma'am, you'll have to speak up," she said. "I can't understand you."

"Rape!" I screamed. It was the only word I could think of that'd get the police there fastest.

Jamie finally redirected his attention to me. I hung up on her as we met in a tight hug. "Baby," he whispered, "I'm sorry."

I shook my head against his shoulder. "We'll fix this. It's fine."

I could see over him that my dad had picked Brad's limp, bloody body off the ground. His eyes were swollen shut and he moaned, unable to speak.

"You just dug your own grave, you piece of filth. Take a good hard look around at your last vision of freedom. You hurt my baby girl and now you'll never see the light of day again. I promise the rest of your days will be spent in misery."

Jamie rocked us back and forth, his breaths regulating as I monitored the lecture unfolding behind him.

"You're lucky I didn't let the boy kill you. Hell, you're lucky I don't kill you right now with my bare hands. But you don't deserve to die. No, that'd be too easy. You're going to rot, with the rest of those scumbags in jail. Right where you belong. I never should've let you near my daughter all those years ago. I knew you were bad news, raised by a bunch of drugged out hillbillies. The apple doesn't fall from the tree does it, son?"

He shoved him so hard Brad fell backward onto the pavement. Jamie released me as we all watched him writhe in pain.

"The cops are coming," I said to everyone.

"Good," Dad replied, "gonna make their job a lot easier. Are you okay?"

I looked between the two men I loved the most. "Stunned, but yes."

My eyes fell to the man struggling on the ground. I slowly stepped away from Jamie and toward Brad.

"Kelsey, don't," he warned.

"It's fine." I shot him a reassuring look.

I stood above Brad as he rolled toward me, trying to open his bruised eyes to see better.

"No wasn't the answer you expected was it?" I asked him. "You thought I'd willingly submit. Back in high school and the other day."

He groaned in response.

"You knew I was better off without you, that I was smarter and more successful than you'd ever be. So you desperately tried to keep me in Ohio, where you could control me and watch every move I made, making sure you were always satisfied and held the power in our relationship. Did you think if you proposed that sweet, innocent Kelsey wouldn't say no? Well, you were wrong, huh? And it drove you crazy – literally! I never wanted to marry you, because I never loved you. In fact, I didn't know what it meant to be in a loving relationship until that man over there came into my life."

I pointed in Jamie's direction, but didn't divert my attention.

"And you know what? I am going to marry him. We're going to travel the world together, build an empire, live in a nice home in a quiet neighborhood, and make beautiful babies that'll grow up to be caring and talented human beings. All the while you'll be rotting in a jail cell, thinking about how you had your opportunity to steal me away from him, but you just weren't brave enough or smart enough to pull it off. Because deep down you know you never deserved me even half as much as he does."

He reached up and grabbed my bruised ankle. I winced in pain before my instincts took over. I kicked him as hard as I could in the ribs with my good foot, and as I went to offer another blow, Jamie lifted me up, dragging me away.

The tears streamed down my face when I heard the faint sound of sirens in the background. I buried myself in his chest as the cop cars quickly flooded the garage.


Brad was arrested on the spot. When the police asked what had happened, I lied and told them he'd cornered me, and that Jamie and my dad were merely coming to my defense. Luckily for all of us, the car was parked out of viewing range of the security cameras at the time of the incident, so the only image the cops could pull was of Brad walking in that general direction.

We were called to court the following morning for his arraignment. They initially held him in the local jail for 72 hours without bail before transferring him over to the county where the trial was held.

On that third day, Jamie held my hand, alongside my dad in the courtroom as both police reports were read aloud for the jury, and my nightmares were relived in front of people I prayed I'd never see again.

After a grueling day of testimony, defense arguments, and only an hour's recess, the judge called us back with the verdict. I'd held my breath as he delivered Brad's fate.

He was charged with facilitating a sex offense with a controlled substance, kidnapping in the second degree, stalking in the fourth degree, and violation of a restraining order. In the state of New York, those specific felonies had a maximum total sentence of 15 years. Since the hospital records showed no signs of penile rape, minus some questionable bruising, and he'd never previously been jailed, the judge only gave him 10. However, thanks to the powers that be, as well as money bribes from my boyfriend and father, he was convicted without bail or retrial.

I found some small sense of relief knowing that for the next decade I could live in peace, without fear of having to watch my back everywhere I went. And a lot could happen in ten years. There was almost a guarantee I would be nowhere near New York when he was released.

A guarantee that I had spewed during my rant at Brad. Neither Jamie nor my dad had mentioned what I'd said, but my dad had to leave right after the trial to get back to work. He, my mom, and sister planned to fly out within the month to check on everything. Although, I assured him I was fine now that Brad was locked up.

I rested my head in Jamie's lap as we rode home silently in his limo. Leo agreed to drive us in order to help mask our anonymity. One thing that had impressed me was how we'd managed to survive the watchful eye of the media. However, other than the paparazzi stunt, no one knew I'd been kidnapped, so they weren't beating down the door for info. I was utterly shocked Brad hadn't tried to damage my reputation any more than it already was. The world thought I was cheating on Jamie due to those questionable pictures, but he assured me it wasn't worth rectifying. And I agreed. My trauma was not fodder for the disgusting gossip magazines.

Leo dropped us off at our complex, and we walked hand-in-hand inside. The police officer assigned to the building, who was conveniently on break during the garage incident, had now been dismissed. It was nice knowing our lives could resume to normal, or at least our version of it.

I plopped down on the couch once we arrived to the apartment as Jamie locked us in. He soon occupied the seat beside me, resting his head against the back of the cushion.

I moved to lean into his torso. He smiled, lifting his arm to encompass me before kissing the top of my head.

"Thank you for getting me through this," I whispered.

"I can't tell you enough that I'd do anything for you."

I played with his tie clip, sliding it up and down the blue satin material. "How did I get so lucky? Damn Irishmen."

His laugh vibrated against my cheek. "Lucky to be alive, absolutely. Lucky to have me? I think you're wrong."

I peeled away from him to narrow my eyes. "Don't do that self-deprecating thing."

He sighed, pulling me onto his lap. "I just can't wrap my head around how lucky I am, that's all. I wish I'd met you sooner."

His gaze held mine captive. Those stunning blue eyes that faded to a stormy grey clenched my heart. He saw right through me, and much to his displeasure, his mask was of no use around me either.

"Then let's agree we're both pretty damn lucky."

He grinned. "That'll do for now. Although, I'm pretty sure you were made for me."

"And I'm pretty sure that's called, uh, fate." I waved my hand as though I was displaying a neon sign above his head.

We laughed at the gesture.

"You're definitely mine. And I'll make up for all that lost time."

I bit my lip coyly. "Oh, but you already have. In very little time even."

He rolled his eyes. "Playing that card again?"

I giggled. "Look, it doesn't matter anymore. My family and friends adore you, so there's no one to judge the length of our feelings. And if you don't give a damn about what the tabloids say, then neither do I."

"They'll definitely have shit to say about us no matter how long we're together--"

I cut him off and wrinkled my forehead. "You say that like there's an expiration date."

"You didn't let me finish." He held my face in his hands, a warm smile stretched across his face. "I was going to say they'll judge us no matter how long we're together before marriage."

My heart caught in my throat as the familiar butterflies arose from their slumber inside my stomach. No matter how many times I thought about it or we talked about it, the big M word would always render me speechless.

He clearly read my mind. "Oops, that's right, we can't go there."

I let out a heavy breath, causing him to laugh.

"It's fine, baby," he said. "I heard you loud and clear."

I looked down at my hands, contemplating everything I wanted to say. I could tell him I would've said yes weeks ago had he asked. Or how seeing him knelt before me to fix my foot was an image that grounded me. I could even tell him I rehearsed my reaction in my head a thousand times a day.

"Good, because I meant every word," I quickly confessed. "A lifetime with you is the only thing in my future."

I couldn't let my mind control my heart any longer. We both wanted it and it was going to happen, probably sooner than later. I never imagined being someone's wife or mother or becoming a step-parent, but I knew without a doubt I wanted those things with him. That somehow a chance encounter had led me to my soulmate.

"Let me make this easy for you," he said, his hands lifting the hem of my shirt. "I love you, and I always will. I'm going to grant every wish you revealed."

He pulled my shirt off, kissing me quickly before the tears could commence. Breathless, I whispered against his lips, "I love you more."


If you enjoyed this chapter, please don't forget to vote and/or comment with your feedback! You all keep me inspired :) and I can't thank you enough! Xo

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