Chapter 22

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A/N: This is a very NC-17 chapter, because they deserved it ;) so please read at your own mature discretion. I really enjoyed writing this one, for multiple reasons, and I hope you enjoy all of the little surprises within! Thank you for reading, voting, and commenting! Xo


My birthday was a few weeks later, at the end of September. Jamie tried to arrange something special by suggesting he'd pay for my sister and closest friends to come to New York for a girl's weekend, but I asked if I could call the shots instead. Since he agreed it was ultimately my day, he let me take over. Little did he know, what I had planned was actually for him.

I chuckled when he kicked open the bedroom door carrying a tray of bacon, sausages, eggs, tomatoes, toast, and a cup of coffee.

"Breakfast in bed for the beautiful birthday girl."

"You're the sweetest." I smiled against the kiss he leaned down to leave on my lips.

"It's just the beginning of a special day," he replied, sitting at the foot of the bed.

"I thought we agreed I was in charge?"

He laughed. "You're the boss, but that doesn't mean I didn't get you any presents."

"Presents, as in the plural word for present?"

His vibrant smile managed to widen. "Yes, more than one gift for my girl."

My heart fluttered in my chest. What could he have planned? I felt the sting of excitement overwhelm me. We had met a few days after his birthday, so this was the first unofficial holiday we were going to celebrate together. I looked forward to the many firsts we had yet to experience. Our future gave me an immeasurable amount of hope and anticipation.

I stuffed a piece of bacon in my mouth unsure of how to start the day I had in mind. The food was a great way to get it going, though. He knew me well.

"You're a good cook," I mumbled with a mouthful.

"Thanks. My sisters taught me."

"Aww, that's adorable!"

His expression turned somber. "Yeah, after my mum passed, they had to cook our family dinners because my dad never learned how. I felt guilty watching them do all the work, so they tossed me in the mix and taught me some essential things. Like the proper components of a full Irish breakfast." He motioned toward the food in my lap.

"The tomatoes definitely threw me off," I joked to lighten his mood. It worked.

"You're lucky I didn't have mushrooms, beans, and soda bread. We'll call this the New York version of a traditional."

I laughed. "It's the thought that counts, and very kind of you. The shared memory also means a lot."

He nodded, looking down at the floor as I continued to eat. "It makes me happy to make you happy."

"Likewise," I replied. He had no idea how satisfied he made me feel and how satisfied I was going to leave him later.

"So, what's on the agenda?" he asked, as though he'd heard my wandering thoughts.

"Um," I began, "I want to make you one of my favorite family recipes for dinner."

He grinned. "Shouldn't I be making you dinner? Or better yet, taking you somewhere fancy and expensive like most girls want?"

"Oh baby, I'm not like most girls." I gave him a cheeky smirk before sipping the coffee.

"No, you're not. You're my one of a kind."

His comment gave me goosebumps. I loved being his in every capacity. "Fancy restaurants don't impress me anyway. I just want to be with you. And I enjoy being in the kitchen and making food for the people I love."

"But it's your birthday. You aren't supposed to lift a finger."

"I want to share my day with you. Maybe I can teach you a few American things."

We laughed together.

"I'm willing to learn whatever you want me to know." He winked, sending chills across my skin.

I quickly finished the delicious meal he'd made and had him type out on his phone a list of groceries we'd need for dinner.

"See," I said, "you get to run all the errands while I lay in bed and do nothing."

He huffed. "Why don't I stay and we can both lay in bed and do...something?"

I rolled my eyes. "Can't you wait a few more hours?"

He crawled over my legs, discarding the tray from my lap. I cupped his chin as his eyes scanned mine.

"It'll be hard," he began with a suggestive grin, "but I know the wait will be worth it."

He kissed me quickly; leaving me just frustrated enough from his lack of contact before he moved to stand.

"I'll be back after bit," he said.

"Hurry home." I stuck my tongue out playfully as he walked away smiling, carrying the dirty dishes with him.

In his absence, I pulled together everything I needed for the evening ahead. I folded my outfit neatly and tucked it in my top dresser drawer. In the kitchen, I clipped the recipe to the hood over the oven, placing all the pots and pans I'd need on top of the stove in preparation. I quickly showered, enjoying the soothing heat and the fact that my ankle had finally healed, so I could stand on my own again. After drying off, I slipped on a pair of yoga pants and a plain light pink tank. It was still comfortably warm outside for almost October, although I had no intent on venturing out of the house for the day. I dried my hair, heating the curling iron enough to be able to twist the ends into some sort of put-together semblance.

I was watching a re-run of Fresh Prince when he walked back into the apartment, numerous plastic bags strapped around his wrists, and a bouquet of white roses in hand. My eyes lit up at the romantic gesture.

"What the hell are you making with all these ingredients?" He was out of breath as he set the bags down on the kitchen counter.

I joined, helping him put some of the items away. "Chili spaghetti, an Ohio original!"

He raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

"You'll love it, I promise. It was my mom's go-to comfort food when we were growing up. I still miss it and hope I can do her recipe justice."

"I'm sure it'll be great, baby. Here," he handed me the roses, "happy birthday."

I admired them before breathing in their soft scent. "They're gorgeous, thank you."

He stepped in for a sweet kiss. When I moved away, he took them from me to cut the ends and set them in one of the empty vases he filled with water.

"What's this?" I asked, inspecting an unlabeled bag with a suspicious box in it. A familiar aroma wafted from within.

"Do you really want to know or do you want to be surprised?"

"Is it one of my gifts?"

"Not specifically," he replied.

My eyes rose and fell between him and the bag before he conceded.

"Fine, it needs refrigerated because it's tiramisu from your favorite Italian restaurant down the street."

I clenched my chest dramatically and squealed. "Are you serious? Babe, you're the best!"

He chuckled when I jumped into his arms. "I'm glad you like it. Figured it'd pair well with whatever you were planning to make using spaghetti."

"I love you so much. This is already the best birthday ever."

He kissed my forehead. "I only hope it gets better."

We spent the rest of the afternoon being lazy, laughing at old episodes of our favorite 90's sitcoms. There was a brief moment where I fell asleep with my head in his lap as he stroked my hair sweetly. I think I heard him lightly snoring, too, but I wasn't sure if he actually took a nap.

I wasn't aware he even owned a guitar, but he retrieved one from somewhere within our apartment and showed off his skills to pass the time. He played and sang a few Elvis Presley songs per request then serenaded me with Van Morrison's, "Brown Eyed Girl." I could get lost in his voice as easily as I got lost in his blue-grey gaze. He was every woman's dream, and I often wondered if he'd walked right out of mine.

I had to prepare the dish early because it required almost an hour to bake. He helped every step of the way, handing me ingredients and stirring things together when I was occupied mixing something else. I smiled at the intensity in which he concentrated. I could tell the kitchen wasn't somewhere he felt entirely comfortable, but I loved that he was more than willing to learn and assist. Above all, I enjoyed teaching him one of our family recipes while also sharing some funny stories from my childhood. It felt amazing knowing we continued to bond on a deeper level than before.

"I need to get ready," I told him. "The casserole only has to bake a few more minutes. Will you set the table and take it out if it beeps before I return?"

"No problem," he nodded. "But you look beautiful now, what do you need to get ready for?"

"I just want to change into something a little more," I paused, trying to think of the right phrasing, "birthday-like."

He shrugged. "Whatever you want."

"Only you." I kissed his cheek, his grown out beard tickling my lips. I left him in the kitchen and headed off to our bedroom to dress in the outfit that would begin the plans I had for us.

Shutting the door behind me, I decided to lock it for safe measure to keep him out. Even though it was my birthday, I really wanted to surprise him. I grabbed the items I'd placed in the drawer earlier and changed into them. I moved to the bathroom to check my reflection, adding a little blush and tinted lip gloss to give some color to my face. I pinned the loose curls halfway up and smiled at the mirror. I was satisfied with how everything looked together. Picking up a bottle of perfume from the counter, I strategically sprayed it a few times across my neck, between my breasts, and over my legs.

I took a leveling breath as I stepped into the hot pink stripper heels I'd had tucked away in the closet for a few years. I tested my ankle, walking in a small circle on the carpet before nodding to myself that it was safe. I twisted the lock and made my way back out to where Jamie was.

When I came around the corner I could see him lighting a few candles on the table. I cleared my throat to catch his attention, not sure what I wanted to say.

He turned, and I watched his facial expression shift from curiosity to surprise to downright desire.

"Holy shit," he mumbled.

"You like?" I twirled slowly, purposefully.

He swallowed the obvious lump in his throat. "Baby, I, I –" he stuttered. "Jesus."

I noticed every inch his gaze took in as it fell from his black tie I'd draped loosely around my neck to where it dangled between my breasts, which were covered in a black lace bra. He continued his southern path, seeing the matching lace panties that peeked from under the single button I'd secured on his white dress shirt. I had the sleeves rolled up just like I loved how he wore them. His eyes stopped at the straps of the garter belt that held up thigh high black stockings.

His grey, hungry eyes met mine and before my knees went weak, I moved a little closer to him.

"Do you think I could've worn this to a fancy restaurant?" I was teasing him of course, and I planned to continue the sensual torture for the foreseeable future.

"You're not going to wear it much longer here." He finally departed from the spot he'd been frozen to, but I halted him.

"Stop," I said firmly, and he complied. "You can't touch until after dinner."

He took a single step toward me. "Fuck dinner, let it burn."

"Dinner and dessert," I corrected.

"No," he shook his head. "I'll have you instead."

I backed away when he moved again. "It's my birthday, remember? I call the shots, not you."

He closed his eyes briefly, tossing his head back in frustration. "How do you expect me to eat while looking at you wearing that?" He waved his hand over my torso.

"You'll survive." I shrugged.

The timer started beeping; saved by the actual bell. I broke our eye contact, stepping into the kitchen and grabbing an oven mitt. I knew from where he was standing that he had a perfect view of my ass, so I felt no pity when I bent over to retrieve the dish, wiggling playfully. When I turned to face him, he was biting his lip hard enough that I was certain it was drawing blood. Temptation and I were bitches.

I placed the hot casserole on the table and sat myself in my usual chair. He, however, remained cemented to the floor.

"Care to join me?" I asked.

"Get up and get in the bedroom or I'll take you right there on that table, broken dishes and all."

A delicious tingle ran over every inch of my body at his words, but he wasn't the boss. As much as I wanted him to do exactly that, I had strict plans to follow. "Jamie, sit down or I'll take it off."

He finally walked in my direction. "Yes, please, take it off and make my job a lot easier."

"I'm serious," I said.

"Me too."

We had a battle of the wills unfolding. So I did what any determined person would do and began dishing out a helping of spaghetti onto my plate, completely ignoring his stare.

A moment later he surrendered, sitting across from me. I could feel his gaze burning into my flesh as I sipped the wine he'd poured, my eyes briefly connecting with his as I tossed back the liquid. He sighed loudly before picking up the serving spoon.

I waited until I noticed in my peripheral vision that he'd taken a bite. "Well, what do you think?"

"I can't think of anything except stripping you naked and making you moan."

I tried to suppress my reaction. Maybe the outfit was too much, because he'd gone from 0-100 quicker than I anticipated. I really thought he'd meet my teasing halfway, but he was completely ready to forgo any foreplay and skip right to the main attraction.

I reached down and secured another button on his shirt, closing the exposure of my breasts a little. "I guess it's more than you can handle."

"God, why are you doing this to me? It's your birthday, I should be the one teasing."

"Because just for today I want to be in control. I want to bring you to your knees and pay you back with pleasure for everything you've done for me these last five months."

He eyed me for a long moment, assumingly trying to process why I wanted to do so now. Personally, I couldn't think of a better reason to celebrate.

"Then I should give you your gifts before I completely lose my mind and forget."

I giggled to lighten the mood; although, the sexual tension that filled the room was totally my fault.

"The first one isn't a physical gift, and it sort of comes in two parts."

I nodded, encouraging him to go on.

"It's probably no surprise that I need to go back to London to be with my daughter. But..." he trailed off, and before I could ask him what else, he continued. "I also have to film that series I told you about in Belfast, where I'm from, for about a month and a half."

"Okay," I replied.

"So I wanted you to know we're going to be living in the U.K. for the next two months."

I swallowed the lump in my throat at the thought of him including me in his plans without asking.

"Now before you get ahead of yourself, and because I keep getting distracted by that fucking outfit," he adjusted in his seat which made me smile, "your birthday present is included in the trip."

"Plane tickets?" I furrowed my eyebrows, not understanding.

He laughed. "No, those aren't a gift this time. To be quite frank, I'm not even asking if you'll go. Everything is handled because I want you with me, and because you said our home is here and in London. Add Belfast to that list."

I bit my bottom lip, suppressing a wide smile. "Then what's the gift?"

He regarded me for a long moment. "I scheduled a meeting for you to talk with an agent from one of the top publishing companies in London."

I gasped, honestly surprised and taken aback by the gesture. "Wait, like an actual literary agent who could help jumpstart my career?"

He nodded. "Yes. She showed massive interest when we spoke and she came highly recommended by some close friends in the business."

"Why would she show interest in someone she's never met?"

He broke our gaze momentarily. "Remember that short story you wrote for fun a few weeks ago?"

My eyes widened.

"I may have sent it to her for review."

"Oh my God! You sent her something I half-ass edited like one time?"

"Baby," he said softly.

"Right, right. Sorry." I tried to gather myself. "Seriously, I'm very grateful. I can't wait to meet her. I'm overwhelmed that you'd do that for me."

"I love you, and I told you if you didn't take the university job that I'd help you with your writing. Happy birthday."

I reciprocated the incredibly genuine smile he gave. "Thank you. Wow."

"One more thing," he said.

I watched him shift to the side and reach into his pocket for something. My heart caught in my chest as he pulled out a black velvet box. What the hell was happening? Was he proposing? He was going to ask me to marry him while I was dressed like a hooker. My plan all of a sudden began unraveling. I wouldn't be able to play up the sexiness after a proposal; I'd be too weepy.

He stood, walking toward me, and I closed my eyes for a second, trying to gather my thoughts and memorize the moment. He outstretched his empty hand and I took it as he waited for me to join him standing.

"Here." He handed me the box, but didn't drop to his knee.

I searched his eyes, hoping to see him being too overwhelmed with emotion to speak. However, his expression was soft, anxious.

I slowly pulled open the lid, revealing a white gold necklace. The letter J hung from the chain as the diamonds that adorned it sparkled in the dimly lit dining space.

"It's stunning," I managed to whisper.

He took it from me, expertly linking it under his tie around my neck. "Every time you look down, you'll be reminded of me. Always near your heart."

I held his face in my hands as his shirt I was wearing rose slightly over the bareness of my behind. "You are my whole heart, in it and near it, no matter what."

"You look disappointed," he replied. "Were you expecting something else?"

"What?" I could feel the sweat beads threaten to appear on my forehead. "Absolutely not. It's lovely, and your romantic words mean more than you'll ever know."

He tried to read my expression and I hoped I masked it well enough.

"I love you," he said.

"And I love you too damn much. Thank you again for the perfect presents." I kissed him quickly as to not lead him on. "When will we be back from Belfast? Not that it matters, just curious."

"Probably around the first week of December."

"Okay, cool. Does that mean we'll celebrate Thanksgiving with your family?"

He snorted, kissing my nose. "Baby, we don't celebrate Thanksgiving in the U.K."

"Oh." I wrinkled my forehead, suddenly feeling really stupid at my lack of common sense.

He tapped my chin upward to meet his eyes. "But I'm sure my family would love to get together back home. You could teach us how to make some of your traditional dishes." His light mood diminished. "I'm sorry. I didn't even think you'd be away from your family during a holiday."

"No, it's fine. There's always Christmas."

"Christmas in Ohio it is." He smiled warmly, tightening his embrace.

I shook any wandering thoughts and tried to keep myself in the moment. "Dessert?"

His eyes faded from bright blue to a lust-filled grey. "Yes, you."

I attempted to move out of his arms to no avail. "We agreed on dinner and dessert."

"I didn't agree to anything," he argued.

I let out a defeated breath.

"I'll feed it to you after. Please, baby. You're killing me."

"Since you begged so nicely."

I led him by the wrist to our room, leaving the dishes as they were, scattered across the kitchen. They could wait longer than we could. He bumped the bedroom door shut with his hip, following me to the foot of the bed.

"I think it's time to unwrap my favorite present," I said softly.

The corner of his mouth curved up mischievously. "I'm always yours to unwrap."

"Good, because you're the best gift I've ever received. I want to offer you a small repayment for my lack of attention in London and as an overall thank you."

He went to pull me in for a kiss but I stopped him.

"I'm still the boss."

He sighed playfully, rolling his eyes. However, his enthusiasm turned to desire as he watched me slowly undo the knot on the tie. I pulled it apart as it fell open, hanging over my scantily clad breasts.

"First, I need this to disappear," I said, lifting the hem of his polo up his torso and over his raised arms. I tossed it far off into the darkness. His smile was dangerous as he took in my expression.

"Second, I can't concentrate when you're looking at me like that. And because I'm exercising complete control tonight, this will be necessary." I gently dragged his tie away from me, placing the thickest part of it over his eyes.

"You're blindfolding me?" he asked.

"I am, very observant."

He chuckled as I knotted it securely behind his head.

"Now all you can do is feel," I whispered against his lips, barely brushing them with mine.

He went to deepen their pressure and I moved once more.

"I still have hands," he said as he grabbed my ass in both of them.

"Yes, but my rules state that any unwarranted touching results in a total loss of body contact."

He pulled the tie up over one eye to stare at me. "You wouldn't."

"As much as it would pain me, I would. So keep your hands to yourself, mister, and no peeking!"

Laughing, he dragged the edge of the tie back down, giving up control.

I stepped closer to him, my laced breasts barely pressing against his naked torso. I let my lips fall to his neck, slowly nibbling and licking at various spots. He hummed at the contact. I dropped to a kneeling position, continuing my light teasing over his hard chest and muscular abs. I pressed a firm kiss to the top of his perfect V as he sucked in a harsh breath. Ever so delicately I undid the button on his jeans, dragging the zipper down one inch at a time.

"Kels," he breathed.

I smiled at the success I was having. He had totally surrendered, his hands falling freely at his sides, head tilted backward slightly as he relished in the attention. I linked my hands in both his boxers and jeans, moving them over his stiff member and down his legs so he could step out of them. I saw his stomach tremble when I squeezed his plump rear, as he undoubtedly expected my mouth on him at any moment.

On that note, I backed away and stood. He moaned loudly.

I walked around him, trying not to give away my location with the creaks on the floor. I brushed my lips over his ear and delighted in the chill that overcame him.

"I love you," I whispered.

"Mmm, I love you," he said, his chest heaving.

I left feather light kisses across his broad shoulders and down his spine. He snickered when I playfully bit him on the ass. Once I stood, I pressed my body firmly against the back of his, snaking my hand around his waist to stroke his aroused manhood.

He bucked his hips harshly with a gasp. "Shit."

I stroked him only a few times before completely removing all skin-to-skin contact. He whined out of obvious frustration. I admired the view from my spot in front of him, the sweat glistening over his exposed frame. He was my every wish and dream come true.

"Keep the blindfold on," I told him, "but now it's your turn."

"What do–"

I cut him off, grabbing his hand and setting it on my breast. Instinctively he massaged it with his palm. "I'll help you."

I took his finger in mine, tracing it between my cleavage and to the two buttons I had secured over my stomach. "Here."

I let go as he brought his other hand around to undo them. His fingers ran down my arms while he took the shirt over them, letting it fall to the floor. I didn't have to help him find the clasp of my bra as his large hand roamed up my back to snap it free. He pulled it off of me, dangling it by one strap to the side before dropping it. I smiled to myself as I realized how well he knew my body since he could do everything blindfolded. He sucked at my neck while he played with the hardening flesh of my nipples. I tried not to scream out; I was losing control.

Taking his wrist in my hand to redirect the power, I guided him to the clips on the garter belt, encouraging him to unsnap them. He did eagerly, his fingers finding all four, and it took everything in me not to moan as he purposely rubbed his palms over the exposed skin around them. Without further direction, he knelt, pulling my stockings off of my legs with the tips of his fingers painstakingly slow. I bit my lip to keep from yelping when he ripped my panties off. He owed me another pair.

"Keep the heels on," he instructed.

I stepped back into them with a triumphant grin he couldn't see. He pulled my hips toward his face, pressing kisses across my lower stomach and roaming his strong hands over my thighs. As much as I wanted his mouth on my center, I wasn't ready to end our sensuous torture.

"Stand up," I told him.

He only paused briefly before following my direction.

I occupied the same position he'd just been in, as I wasted no time taking his stiff length in my mouth.

He was clearly surprised as he moaned, throwing his head back. "Oh, fuck, baby."

His dirty talk only encouraged me along. I found a seductive rhythm as I peered up at him, seeing him get lost in the sensations. He tangled his hand in my hair, guiding the speed at which I moved. I savored his unique taste and scent, the one I had memorized since our first time.

Before I had time to react, he jerked me from him and to my feet. The emptiness and uncertainty shocked me. He released his grip from my hair, harshly pressing his lips into mine, his tongue assaulting my own in tantalizing strokes making it difficult to breathe. I bit down on his bottom lip to let him know I wasn't surrendering that easily.

He broke the passionate kiss a minute later, ripping the blindfold from his eyes and throwing it somewhere in the room. He stared at me, hunger overtaking every inch of his expression before he lifted me. I squealed when he tossed me on the bed.

I had to face the fact that I'd lost control, and he'd given me no time to regain it. I watched him fall to his knees, sweat prickling my scalp as he parted my legs and threw them over his shoulders. My hot pink heels rested firmly against the skin of his back.

"Happy birthday, gorgeous." He looked up at me from his position, passion and love in his gaze, and I was certain that that would be all it'd take for me to come undone.

I cried out incoherently when his mouth met my center. Arching off the bed, I writhed with pleasure as he grasped both of my hands in his so that I couldn't stop his actions.

"Please," I begged, feeling his tongue dip in and out of me. I was rapidly unraveling.

He stopped to kiss the inside of my thigh, his hot breath cascading across my sensitive flesh. "Please what?"

"Fuck me." I had no time for manners as the furthest thing from my mind was slow lovemaking. I needed him fast and hard. I'd worked both of us up to the brink, and his face between my legs was only making it harder to hold back the orgasm I so badly wanted to give him.

"As you wish." His cocky smile made me giggle as he moved to hover above me, centering himself.

I reached between us, but before I could make my move, he lowered into me. "Jamie," I breathed as I adjusted to the fullness.

His mouth dropped to my ear. "This round is gonna be quick because I won't last, but I promise we'll take it nice and slow next round."

Tears of pleasure fell from my eyes as he rocked my body roughly, surely knocking a dent in the wall with the headboard.

Best birthday ever.


Did you survive the update? ;) if so, please don't forget to vote and/or comment! I hope you thoroughly enjoyed and thank you for reading! Xo

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