Chapter 4

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My alarm went off at eight the next morning and I groaned while it beeped loudly. I was up half the night smiling over that life-changing kiss. He had me weak; I was never going to be the same. After our steamy session last night, I didn't even want to kiss anyone else. I couldn't imagine softer, more perfect lips touching mine.

I hoped I could squeeze in a few minutes with him away from my family, but I figured it near impossible since they were staying at my apartment. I rubbed my eyes and eventually willed myself awake so I could shower before I had to go to the airport.

After cleaning up, I grabbed my black yoga pants and a light pink Nike shirt to wear; I didn't need to look good for my family. Besides, my mom and sister wanted to get manicures and pedicures then go to lunch for a girls day. I had no idea what my dad planned on doing, but I was sure it'd entail walking around town with his new digital camera in the air.

I dried my hair and threw it up in a simple ponytail. I unplugged my phone before heading toward the kitchen to make coffee. I set it on the counter and it began buzzing. Jamie was calling. I was worried because it was pretty early, and he normally only sent texts in the mornings.


"Good morning, beautiful," he said.

I almost fell to the floor. He was dangerous to my health.

"Good morning to you," I replied, and could hear him smile through the phone.

"Can you come downstairs?"

"Huh?" I asked.

"I went for a run and stopped to get coffee on my way back. Figured you could use some fuel. Also might be the only chance I have to see you today."

He was perfect. My heart was pounding and my stomach was doing somersaults. "You're so thoughtful. Give me two minutes."

After we hung up, I ran to the bathroom. I pinned back a few fly away hairs, adjusted my shirt to show some cleavage, then swished some mouthwash for safe measure.

I took the elevator to the garage level, but when I stepped out, he wasn't there. He must've gone to the front. Sure enough, I walked through the lobby and could see him sitting on a bench outside the door, two coffees and a bag sitting beside him.

He smiled widely, standing when I walked out.

"Hi," I said shyly.

"Hey, babe." He walked over and kissed me softly.

I could get used to that every morning, and the pet name? Already good with that.

"Thank you for the coffee!" I said. "I was just about to make a pot."

He stared at me for a moment before it must've registered with him that he hadn't offered me mine. "Oh, yeah, my pleasure." He grabbed one and handed it to me.

I smelled the strong aroma, closing my eyes briefly. Bringing me coffee was a sure way to get on my good side, not like he needed help.

"I also brought a blueberry muffin to hold you over." He gave me the bag.

"Wow, you're too sweet!" I smiled and his blue-grey eyes lit up.

I also took note that he was sweating from his run. My gaze trailed down his t-shirt to see it was wet in all the right places, hugging his toned abs. He cleared his throat, which snapped me back to reality.

"When do you have to leave?" he asked.

"In like ten minutes." I stuck out my bottom lip.

He smiled before reaching his thumb up to rub it gently. "Ten minutes is long enough to pick-up where we left off."

I playfully hit his arm causing us both to laugh. "Sir, it's early."

"It's never too early for you."

He had to be the slickest, most charming man on the East Coast. He left me breathless.

"Nice," I said.

"Last night was very nice," he replied.

"I know, kept me up half the night." I thought it then realized I'd actually said it. Great.

"Is that so?" He was grinning and I hated it.

Hated that he had me wrapped around his finger already. Hated that he held so much power over me. I was weak in his presence, but I wanted to see him vulnerable for a change.

"Let me get you through the day then."

His lips were on mine before I could protest. I couldn't even use my hands because they were both occupied with Starbucks. So I stood there helpless against his assault. He held my face between his palms, and I was glad I'd decided to gargle mouthwash since he wasted no time letting his tongue trace lazy patterns against mine.

I breathed him in and he smelled manly. His natural body scent was just as delicious as his cologne and it was turning me on. If this was his normal state, I wanted all of it. He tasted like coffee, which made me smile against his lips. When I did, he broke the kiss.

"What's so funny?" he asked with a chuckle.

"You taste like coffee."

He actually blushed. "Probably didn't think that through all the way."

I shook my head. "I didn't say I minded, but you're not playing fair."

"How?" He bit his bottom lip.

"My hands are full." I held up the coffee and the bag.

He threw his head back and laughed. "What'd you tell me last night, that won't be the last time?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, which made him laugh more.

"You'll have plenty of opportunities to touch me, babe."

I almost choked on my own saliva. Did he really say that? There was no way he didn't realize the effect he had on me.

"Again, not fair, babe." I emphasized the pet name.

His face hardened. "Sorry."

I wrinkled my forehead. "Wait, for what?"

"I won't call you that if you're not ready," he answered.

Dammit, he didn't understand my sarcasm. I needed to be more careful until he was used to me.

"No, sweetie I was mocking you. I love it." I blushed at my admission.

He softened again and half-smiled. "Good."

I kissed him gently. "I hate to do this, but..."

"You have to go," he finished for me.

I nodded. "I wish we could spend the whole day together. But after tomorrow, we can. Or well, for the next two weeks."

"Or we don't have to put a limit on it if you'll come with me."

"Still considering." I winked and he leaned in for another kiss.

"I wish I could do that all day," he said.

"After tomorrow."

"Mmm, can't wait."

I blushed at the thought of being able to spend every hour together; it simultaneously scared and excited me. He was my perfect Irish man.

"I'll call you later, regardless," I said.

"Okay, babe." He chuckled when I shook my head.

I turned to leave, but he stopped me.

"Wait," he said.

I looked back at him.

"One more."

I sighed with a laugh and walked over to give him a kiss.

"Have a great day!"

I tried not to fall in the floor once I stepped back inside. He had me whipped already.


My mom, sister, and I sat down for lunch and ordered a pitcher of sangria. We'd had a great time at the salon, laughing while they caught me up on life back in my small town. I'd decided to get my fingers and toes done in the same purple, which was NYU's school color.

"So, Kels, what's new with you besides the big day tomorrow?" my mom asked with a beaming smile. 

My family always made sure I understood how proud they were of me for finding life beyond Ohio.

I knew the question was coming, but I still didn't know how I wanted to tell them about Jamie. I stumbled over the words in my head and I saw my mom's expression change because of the stalling.

"Everything okay, honey?"

"Yeah, sorry, everything is great. More than great actually!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" my older sister, Emily asked.

"I met someone." I knew it would set them off, which it did. They both squealed and started asking questions over top of each other.

"Okay, okay, shh," I said.

"Sorry, Kels," my mom replied, "just expected you to say something about it when you called."

"I was going to," I lied, "but didn't want to jinx it. I was afraid if I told you and something happened before this weekend, I would've set you up to meet a non-existent man."

That seemed to suffice.

"What does he do for a living?" Emily asked.

"Um, he's an actor."

"Like a Broadway actor?"

I laughed, that was always everyone's first question in New York and it had been mine to him.

"No, like Hollywood."

"What's his name?" she prodded.

"Em, you'll meet him tomorrow, but it's Jamie."

"Aw, he's coming to graduation?" my mom cooed.

"Of course he is, he's my boyfriend." I blushed at my own confession. 

I'd only known him for a week and a half, but we'd been on two dates and kissed, so in my book that meant he was my boyfriend. I hoped he considered me his girlfriend.

"I'm happy for you, sweetie. Looking forward to meeting him."

"He's wonderful, I really think you'll love him."

"Wow," my sister said, "you haven't introduced mom and dad to anyone in a while. Must be the real thing!"

My heart pounded at her words.

"We'll see what happens, still early," I said quietly.

"Better warn your father so he doesn't say anything too embarrassing." 

We all laughed at my mom's comment.

"I haven't decided yet if I want you to meet before or after the ceremony." I giggled to myself.

"He could join us for dinner tonight," my sister said.

"Em, that's a great idea!" my mom agreed. "That way he'd be more comfortable around us tomorrow."

"I don't know, guys. I'm not sure if he's ready for all that."

"It's just us," Emily said, "it's not like everyone we're related to will be there."

"He knows he's meeting us anyway, right?" my mom asked.

"Of course, I saw him this morning. He knows I'm spending the day with you."

"Ooh, did little sis have a sleepover?"

I almost kicked her under the table. At this rate, they might not meet him at all. I noticed my mom didn't find her comment funny either.

"Not that kind of girl," I defended.

"Oh, your sister is just kidding. We know you like to take things slow."

I smiled and nodded at my mom, if she only knew.

"Speaking of..." I trailed off because I was nervous to bring it up, but if he was coming to dinner tonight, I needed to get it out of the way.

"I could use your advice, if you promise not to tell anyone else in the fam."

"Sounds serious," Emily replied.

"We'll try our best to help," my mom added.

"He asked me to go with him to London for three weeks next month."

They both stared at me then looked at each other. We all sat there silently while I waited for someone to write me a reality check.

"Wow," my sister said, "it is serious."

I shook my head. "It's not that serious, he just has to go back for some...obligations." I decided to withhold the information about his daughter from a previous marriage.

"Why do you need advice?" my mom asked. "Sounds like a wonderful opportunity to me, honey. It's hard to be apart that long when you're in a non-committed relationship. Best to stay close. Not that he needs to be watched, but..."

"I agree," Emily chimed in, "that's a long way to go for an extended period of time with no way of knowing what he's really doing."

Great, now they had instilled paranoia in my head. Jamie wouldn't cheat, would he? He hadn't been in a relationship in over a year, but I guess that didn't mean he couldn't flirt with the best of them.

"I'm just not sure, it's a pretty big trip," I said.

"What's with the hesitation?" Emily asked.

I couldn't tell them my real fears. Especially not if they were going to meet him soon. They'd ask him a hundred questions about why his marriage ended, if they only married because she got pregnant, how long he'd been away from his daughter, etc.

"Well, for starters, I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life. So I need to work on that."

My mom waved her hand. "Worry about that later. You have one last summer of freedom. Your dad and I will help however we can until you find the right job. Go have fun with your boyfriend in Europe."

I smiled at her enthusiasm. "Thanks mom, I appreciate everything you've done for me."

She winked. "I love both of my girls so much and would give you the world if I could."

My sister poured us each a glass of sangria. "Cheers to new beginnings and loving families."

We all held our glasses up and clinked them with cheers in unison.

"If you'll excuse me, I'm going to call and see if he's interested in dinner."

They nodded as I retrieved my cell phone from my purse and walked outside.

He answered after a couple of rings. "Wasn't expecting to hear from you so soon."

"I know, surprise!"

He laughed. "How's family time?"

"Stressful," I replied.

"Stressful?" he repeated.

"Yeah," I sighed, "they want you to join family time tonight."


I wrinkled my forehead. "You're okay with that? I don't want to put you in an awkward situation."

"I asked you to go back home with me for three weeks, I can certainly manage some time with your family."

So he did plan to introduce me to his.

"Good point. You're sure, though? Like 100%?"

"100%," he said.

"Okay," I took a deep breath, "I'll let you know what they decide."

"Are you comfortable with this?"

I could hear the sincerity in his question. Everything was happening quicker than any other past relationship, but it felt right with him.

"I'm comfortable with you around." The butterflies were fluttering in my stomach at my words.

"Then I'll be there," he said.

"Great, talk soon."

I hung up and closed my eyes. I prayed it would go smoothly. If we were going to get serious, I wanted my family to like him as much as I did, and I didn't want him to feel weird around the people I loved most.


My parents had chosen an upscale Italian restaurant for dinner. The three of them wanted to grab some souvenirs from Times Square before we ate, and because I didn't have the need to, Jamie had agreed to pick me up and we'd meet them there.

Since the restaurant was high-end, I decided to wear my favorite little black dress. I curled my hair into an up do and let a few strands fall beside my face. I finished off my look with the matching diamond jewelry set my parents had given me for graduation when they'd arrived. I ran a light coat of red lipstick across my lips before lining my upper lid with black eyeliner. This was the first time I'd dressed up in months.

Jamie texted me when he was out front. I nervously tapped my foot in the elevator because I couldn't wait to see what he was wearing. My strappy black heels clicked against the tile floor as the doorman bid me farewell and opened the door for me.

When I stepped into the warm evening air, I saw him leaning against his car, a bouquet of red roses in hand. He looked divine in a white button-up dress shirt with a few buttons left open, underneath a black suit jacket and matching pants, down to his polished black shoes.

His mouth was agape as I approached him. "You look handsome," I said.

He just stared at me, which made me blush and break our eye contact.

"You look..." he trailed off.

I spun around to tease him, causing the bottom of my dress to twirl in a perfect circle above my knees.

He laughed. "Wow, you look incredible. Simply flawless."

I swallowed hard at his compliment.

"These are for you." He handed me the roses.

I closed my eyes and smelled them. They were beautiful, something I hadn't been given in years. "Thank you, they're lovely."

He stepped aside to open the passenger door. I smiled and walked up to him. Once I was close enough, I could smell his cologne, although this one was different than the one from the other day, and also stronger.

We stared at each other for another brief moment. "I'd kiss you, but I wouldn't want to mess up my lipstick."

"The night is young, my lady," he said.

I melted at his accent. I had to sit down in the car before my knees failed me and I hit the ground. He shut the door once I was in then joined me.

He turned on his GPS, which made me laugh. "What?"

"I can get you there," I said.

"Ah, yes, you're the native, I'm the foreigner."

We both laughed. I gazed out the window as he drove off, admiring the magic of the city at night. The scent of the roses sitting on my lap mixed with his cologne and it was arousing. Goosebumps filled my arms when he reached over to hold my hand, intertwining our fingers.

"You're absolutely stunning," he said.

My heart was beating out of my chest and I was certain he could hear it in the silence.

"I think you look pretty wonderful yourself," I replied with a smile. He broke his gaze from the road to offer me a wink.

A few minutes later we were parked in front of the restaurant as Jamie handed his keys to the valet. He offered me his arm and I linked mine in it before we stepped inside.

I immediately spotted my mom at a table in the corner. She was the only one facing the entrance. I took a deep breath and Jamie tightened his grip.

"Don't stress," he whispered.

"My last name is Taylor," I said in a panic.

He chuckled. "And mine is Dornan."

I nodded and led him to the table where my family sat. My mom smiled when she saw us approaching.

"There's my baby," she said before standing.

My dad and sister followed suit as they waited for me to introduce them.

"Jamie, this is my mom Karen, my dad Eric, and my sister Emily."

"The pleasure is all mine, ma'am," he said as he held my mom's hand between both of his.

"Sir," he offered my dad a handshake.

"Wonderful to meet you," he stuck out his hand to Emily, but she didn't take it. She just stood there staring.

I cleared my throat to get her attention and she looked at me. "He's Jamie Dornan."

Shit. Should've known my 'Keeping Up With Whoever' sister would recognize him.

"Why didn't you tell me you were dating Jamie Dornan?"

"Em, have some manners," I said sternly.

"Oh, sorry," she shook his hand, "my sister withheld a lot."

I glared at her over his shoulder, but he laughed.

"We can certainly iron out the details," he responded.

"Join us," my dad said, "Emily, don't badger the boy."

Jamie pulled out an empty chair and slid it beneath me before taking a seat between my mother and me.

"It's wonderful to finally meet you," my mom said. "Kelsey lights up when she talks about you."

He looked at me and my whole body was on fire from embarrassment.

"I'm pleased to meet you as well. She's been looking forward to your visit."

I smiled, silently thanking him for the lie. He was well aware they had no idea we'd only known each other for a week. I planned to keep that information from them for the rest of my life if possible.

"Let's order some food then we can chat all night," my dad interrupted. I was thankful for his distraction. The conversation had gotten serious too quickly for comfort.


The rest of our dinner went off without a hitch. Emily surprisingly didn't ask him any questions, she only added commentary to the stories my parents insisted on telling of me as a kid. Jamie was in a fit of laughter all evening and I wasn't even mad by the revelations. It made me happy to see them getting along so perfectly. He fit right in. Or at least I hoped he was having as much fun as he seemed; he was an actor, after all.

"Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, I'm grateful for the opportunity to have dinner with you. I do wish you would've let me pay for our part of the bill."

We were standing outside the restaurant and my sister was trying to get my attention, but I refused to look at her. She could ask me all the questions she wanted when we got home.

"No big deal, it was our pleasure," my dad responded.

"Yes, simply a pleasure meeting you, Jamie," my mom added. "Looking forward to seeing you again tomorrow."

"Likewise. Emily," he turned to my sister and I looked up at her. "Thank you for not blowing my cover."

I didn't know if he meant he was grateful she didn't say his name any louder or for not sending out a message on social media giving away his location. Either way, I was also thankful.

"Glad to meet you," she said.

The valets pulled up with both cars at the same time.

"See you at your place in a few?" my mom asked with a wink.

I looked at Jamie and he nodded.

"Yes, wait up for me," I said. That was to let her know I didn't plan on hooking up with him for the night.

We both got into our respective cars and drove away. Jamie and I sat in silence for a long time.

"I'm sor-"

"No need to be," he cut me off.

"She's a Hollywood fanatic, unlike myself."

He laughed. "That's actually how I expected you to react the first time we met. Grateful you didn't, because look at us now."

The butterflies stirred again.

"Where are we going, by the way?"

"For a drive," he said with a smile.

We drove out of the city and over the Brooklyn Bridge. He took one of the first streets off of the bridge and drove along the river. We came to a stop in a secluded parking lot with the most spectacular view of the city. I didn't get to see New York from far away very often.

"Wow," I whispered.

"Lovely, isn't she?"

"Do you come here often?"

"Are you trying to pick me up?" he asked. "Because it's too late."

My heart was racing. I shook my head with a laugh because I didn't know what else to say.

"I come here when I need to get away from the stress of the city. Seeing it from this angle makes me appreciate it so I don't grow to hate it."

"I never would've thought of that," I said, "I'd probably run back to Ohio to escape before I'd think to run across the bridge."

He cleared his throat. "I have a little something for you."

"We're sitting in an empty parking lot, which is kinda creepy. Are you trying to sell me drugs?"

I was like Chandler Bing; I made jokes when I was uncomfortable.

He laughed out loud. "Yes, can I interest you in some ecstasy?"

We laughed together. Ecstasy was exactly what being with him felt like.

"It's in the glove box. I was going to wait until tomorrow on the official day, but I know your head will be spinning."

Panic mode set in. What on Earth could he have bought me? He opened the compartment, brushing my knee in doing so, and a single white envelope sat inside with my name written on the front. I looked at him before picking it up. He smiled warmly as I held it between my fingers, delaying the opening.

"Remember, it's a gift," he said.

I gently ripped the flap and pulled out the contents. My mouth fell open as I read what it said. "What is-"

"A first-class seat next to me to London. I didn't book a return, so it's open-ended. You don't have to stay the entire time."

"Jamie," I said, breathless, "you didn't have to do this."

"I wanted to guarantee at least one day with you. Whenever you want to leave, the return is on me."

"This is too much," I argued.

"The gift of your time could never be enough."

I was overwhelmed. Now I didn't have a choice, and somehow him making the decision for me was the push I needed. I unbuckled my seatbelt and stretched over the center console. I grabbed his face, forcing our lips together. He placed his hands over mine and kissed me with the same amount of force. I wanted nothing more than to lay the seat back in his car and make love to him all night. The thought caused me to moan into his mouth. He pulled back, but I didn't want to let go. I sucked at his bottom lip before he broke our contact.

"So that's a yes?" he asked with a wide smile. His face was glowing.

"That's an absolutely, positively, 100% yes."

He pressed his lips against mine again, but before I could deepen the kiss, he released me.

"Thank you," he said.

"No, thank you. I'm blown away. This is the wildest gift anyone has ever given me!"

He laughed. "I'm looking forward to it. I'll make it worth every minute."

"I don't doubt it." I smiled.

"Graduation is in the morning, better get you home."

"What?" I exclaimed. "This night and view is too good to be wasted!"

"We can come back," he winked.

"Okay, fine," I huffed and looked back out at the city in front of us.

"Hey," he said.

I redirected my attention to him.

"One more."

I giggled before leaning into his lips.

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