Chapter 8

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A/N: Adding the NC17 tag again to the first part of this chapter. Oh, and sorry about the second half...


I woke up the next morning with my head on Jamie's chest. I listened to the gentle rhythm of his heartbeat as his warmth encompassed me. His jersey knit sheet was resting at the base of my back and barely covering his pelvis. That perfect V looked delicious and I had to stop myself from licking my way down to it. My arm was draped lazily across his upper stomach, his resting in my hair. I was achy in all the right places after our night of endless lovemaking. It was well past two in the morning before we finally decided to rest. I smiled, pressing a kiss to his sternum, as I got lost in the memories.

My head moved along with the rise and fall of his breaths. I sat up to watch my perfect Irishman sleep. His expression was soft, relaxed, and I smiled at the stubble that had grown on his jaw overnight. His lips were parted slightly so I couldn't resist leaving a small kiss on them. He shifted beneath me, his hands slowly caressing my hair. I dropped my mouth to his neck, gently sucking at his pulse point, which caused him to squirm.

"Mmm," he moaned.

I watched as he opened his eyes. "Mmm yourself."

"Did we wake satisfied?" he asked.

"I woke up to you, so yes."

He captured my lips. "I hope it becomes a habit."

I rested my head back down on his chest and he tightly wrapped both arms around me. My naked body pressed on top of his was the greatest sensation I'd ever known.

"I need coffee," I said.

"Shower with me first."

I looked up at him as he wiggled his eyebrows playfully, causing me to laugh.


I rolled off and stood, waiting for him to join me, but he lay there staring.

"Well?" I asked.

"Sorry, just admiring the view."

I blushed; he made me feel special, and I prayed I'd never get used to his charm, because it surprised me in the best ways.

He finally got up, lightly smacking my bare behind as we walked into his bathroom. He started the shower before pulling me by the hand in with him. The water was warm and felt divine as it washed down my sensitive frame.

Grabbing my face with his hands he said, "Now where'd we leave off?"

I smiled as our mouths crashed together. He pressed me firmly against the cold tile and I gasped at its temperature. His lips fell to my neck, leaving playful bites with his teeth before he dropped to his knees. I gasped looking down at his darkened eyes. He smiled, wasting no time kissing a path down my stomach. He lifted one of my legs, draping it over his shoulder as he supported me with his free hand, holding my hips in place. I moaned before he even touched me, which made him chuckle.

"What's for breakfast, Kels?" he asked.

God, I hated him for torturing me. "Don't."

"Don't what?" he played. "Don't touch you? Don't lick you? Don't make love to you in my shower?"

I whimpered, bucking my hips toward his face, but he remained unfazed. "Fuck!" I yelled. "Don't tease me!"

"I'm not teasing, baby, I'm asking you a question." A devilish grin spread across his lips.

"Me, Jamie," I pleaded.

"Oh, we're having you for breakfast?" he asked. "My favorite."

I'd unleashed a whole new side of him last night and if I thought I couldn't handle him before, I was really in too deep now. His dirty talk was to die for in that sexy accent.

I threw my head back when his mouth met my flesh. "Shit."

He rubbed his thumb in smooth circles over my sweet spot before replacing his tongue with two fingers. I yelped, not able to grab onto anything except his soaked hair.

"Are you happy?"

"Stop," I begged.

He continued his methodical movements. "You need to be a little clearer with your directions."

I pushed him away harshly, grabbing his chin and pulling him to stand. His face was priceless. He stood there utterly surprised by my actions.

"Allow me to clarify," I said seductively.

It was my turn to press him against the wall, water splashing between us, wet beads rolling down his sexy body. I kissed him, allowing my tongue inside his mouth, tasting myself mixed with him. I never imagined my desire so strong that I'd want to. But he'd also released a hidden siren within me. I quickly reached between us to grab his length, which was pressing hard into my thigh. I caressed my hand in circles up and down while he moaned, closing his eyes at the sensation.

"Please, no," he whined.

"Aww, baby, I don't understand. You'll have to be a little clearer in your pleads." I continued my rhythm, feeling him harden with every enticing move.

His eyes met mine. "I want you," he said, "not your hand."

I swallowed hard, my knees went weak, and I stopped stroking.

"Clear enough?"

"Very," I whispered.


He switched places with me once more, and my hair flung water in a perfect circle along the way. He lifted my thigh with one hand, grabbing my wrist in the other and holding it firmly above my head, our fingers laced. I wrapped my leg around his waist, urging him to move, and before too long he pushed himself inside. Luckily he had me pressed tightly enough against the wall, because I collapsed my entire weight onto him. He wasn't taking his time like he had the night before, and I could tell his release was urgent. I'd lit a fire I never wanted to put out, especially if it meant feeling him so intimately every day.

"Yes," I panted.

He moved in and out quickly, slamming my hips back into the slick tile with every thrust. I was unraveling at light speed.

He moaned in my ear. "Come on, baby."

His pleading was all the encouragement I needed. I screamed out when he hit my sensitive spot over and over, ripping my orgasm from me. He unleashed his own mere seconds later as he grunted, filling me with everything he'd built up since our last time. He pushed his chest against mine as we both panted.

"You know," I said between breaths, my heart racing, "you could skip tonight and stay with me."

He leaned back to meet my gaze with a sly smile. "What would we do?"

"Each other," I said.

"Mmm," he replied, briefly closing his eyes. "You're irresistible. How can I say no to that?"

I shrugged, which made him shake his head. "As bad as I want to, my manager would have my ass."

I moved my hands to his backside, squeezing it. "How can she have your ass when I have it?"

We both laughed.

"Don't think it'll be easy for me to leave you." He kissed me. "But your body could use a break."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine."

He winked before stepping away to grab his shower gel. "Let's clean up."

He squeezed the blue liquid into his palm and I shivered at the thought of smelling like him the rest of the day.


I lay on Jamie's bed, watching him get dressed for his big night. He opted for the classic look; a black hand-tailored Tom Ford suit with a white shirt and black tie. He combed his golden wavy hair back with a little gel.

"You look like James Dean," I commented.

He smiled at me from the bathroom door. "Have you seen my watch?"

I scanned the nightstand on his side of the bed to see one sitting on top. I leaned across, picking it up. It was a silver banded Rolex with a black face. "You mean this one?"

"That'd be the one!"

He walked to me and pulled it from where I had it dangling on my wrist. I watched him clasp it around his before he adjusted his jacket and tie.

"Do I look okay?"

"You look..." I paused, taking in his entire frame, "delicious."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet, causing me to giggle. "I don't want to go."

I kissed him quickly and he pouted with his bottom lip. "You'll have fun."

"I'd have more fun with you."

"Goes without saying." I winked. I felt much more comfortable flirting with him now that I'd watched his body react to my touch numerous times. He'd made it clear over the last several hours how badly he wanted me.

He checked the Rolex. "I better get going. My driver should be here any minute."

I nodded. He took my hand and led us downstairs to wait by the door.

"I assume you're walking the red carpet?"

He eyed me suspiciously. "I don't have to."

"Just a question," I replied.

"I also don't have to be interviewed, if that's what you're worried about."

"I'm not worried about anything, babe. You deserve to enjoy your night."

He sighed. "Wait up for me?"

"Wearing nothing but heels," I said.

I watched him lick his lips so I pulled him to kiss me.

"God, let my category be first." He smiled.

His phone began ringing and we both knew that was his cue.

"I'll miss you."

He ran his finger across my lips. "I'll be thinking about you the whole time."

We kissed once more before he walked out and stepped into the black limo awaiting him. I shut the door, making my way into the kitchen to distract myself with food. I warmed up some leftover chicken alfredo and poured a glass of Chardonnay. Jamie had said the venue wasn't far from the house, so I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV to find a channel with red carpet coverage while I impatiently anticipated his arrival.

Less than a half hour later, I caught a glimpse of him stepping out of the car onto an overcrowded carpet. He posed with a beaming smile for the cameras against a white and gold backdrop. He walked a little bit then stopped and smiled for them again. I never took my eyes off the screen. The lady hosting the entertainment show yelled for him and he made his way to her, offering a quick hug. I sat up nervously.

"I'm here with the incredibly talented Jamie Dornan!" she began. "Congratulations on the nomination, you're looking very handsome this evening."

"Thank you, thank you," he said. "You look charming as well."

She blushed, fanning herself with her cue cards, which made me roll my eyes.

"And he's sweet, too!" she said to the camera. "Now, I have to ask, for all the ladies out there..."

I noticed him take a deep breath.

"There are a few rumors floating around about you and a lucky lady. Any truth to them?"

He hesitated and I almost wondered if he was going to lie. I actually wasn't sure which answer would be better.

"I'm the lucky one," he said.

My breath hitched in my throat.

"So there is someone?"

"Yes. She's lovely."

I melted into a puddle at his sweet words.

"Where is she tonight?" the woman prodded.

"Uh," he began, "feeling a little under the weather."

"Well hopefully she's better soon. And best of luck in there!"

He thanked her and stepped away. The cameras panned back to the red carpet, focusing on the latest celebs to arrive. I was speechless. My phone buzzed on the couch beside me only a minute later.

How'd I do?

I smiled at his message. Bravo! I'm blushing.

So you're not mad?

Definitely not mad. Honored to be yours. Good luck, babe!

Love you :)

My heart skipped a beat. Love youuu.

I didn't hear from him any more and watched the show restlessly. I would get anxious every time the camera would zoom in on him in the crowd. He looked so happy, but I knew he was secretly sweating bullets. An hour and a half went by before they announced his category. I sat on the edge of my seat after they read off the nominees, waiting for the envelope to be opened.

"The winner is...Jamie Dornan!"

I screamed and jumped to my feet, clapping like I was there. He more than deserved the recognition for his hard work, that much I knew. I calmed myself quickly so I could hear his acceptance speech.

"Wow," he began, "I'm truly humbled and grateful for this award. Acting has always been a source of artistic release for me, this role included. I'm honored to be a part of this community, something I only dreamed of as a kid. I would be wrong not to thank my management team, all of the cast and crew on the show, my entire family including my beautiful daughter; Daddy loves you!"

I smiled when he said it in his special voice he spoke in with her.

"I definitely can't forget to thank my lovely girlfriend for supporting me and putting up with my hectic lifestyle. You've been more than understanding and I love you for it."

I thought I was going to pass out. Did he really just announce to the entire world, on live television, in front of hundreds of famous people that he loved me? I beamed with excitement, a little breathless at the realization that he'd shouted it for everyone to know. He left the stage and my heart was pounding.

I watched the TV closely when they came back from commercials to see if he stayed or if he was on his way home. I didn't catch him in the audience so I said a small prayer he'd left.

I waited for what felt like forever without word from him. I assumed he'd had to go backstage for pictures, and to mingle, talk to the press. Maybe he had decided to stay or quickly hit up an after party. I sent him a text to check.

I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! You were great and thank you for the special shout out. Made my day! I promise I'll go next time.

I tapped my foot, expecting an immediate reply, but it never came. His phone might've died, I didn't recall seeing him charge it. I watched the rest of the show, finding some blonde woman sitting in his original seat. Once it ended, I turned off the television and stood at the window waiting for the car to pull up.

Every few minutes I checked my messages, just in case I'd lost reception, missing a notification. Two hours had gone by since he'd accepted his award. Where the hell was he and why wasn't he answering?

Finally, my phone began ringing in my palm. I looked down at the screen, it wasn't Jamie, but it was a UK number so I assumed he was using someone else's phone.

"Hey!" I answered. "I was starting to worry!"

"Is this Kelsey?" a man's voice asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "It is. May I ask who's calling?"

"This is Jamie's dad."

I didn't recognize his voice, although I'd only met him once. "Oh, hi!"

"Listen, I'm on my way over."

"Jamie's not here, he's still at the awards show."

"No he's not, Kelsey. He was in an accident."

My heart sank, as did my knees. I leaned against the front door and slid down it. "What kind of accident?"

"I'll be there soon."

Before I could ask anything else the line went dead. Tears quickly surfaced and I wasn't sure I'd be able to move from that spot; I was frozen as my mind raced.

A few minutes later I heard a car engine. I forced myself up and unlocked the door as Jamie's dad stepped out of his vehicle. Even in the dark night I could see his bloodshot eyes. I instinctively ran up and hugged him, crying against his shoulder. I barely knew the man, but he was the closest thing to comfort I had.

"Let's go," he said.

I quickly got in the car and he drove us away. We sat in silence until I felt him look over at me. "He'll be okay."

"What happened?" I whispered.

He didn't answer for a long time and I was too scared to check if he was crying. "His limo was rear-ended. The driver is fine, but since Jamie was in the back..."

I all of a sudden felt like vomiting. The tears came out as sobs and he rested his hand gently on my shoulder. We didn't speak the rest of the ride to the hospital. Upon arrival, I followed closely behind him as we entered the emergency room. His sisters stood when they saw us walk in. They both hugged their dad before he stepped away to the front desk.

I didn't know what to say or do except cry. His sisters were crying, too. I prayed with every fiber of my being that he wasn't as bad as I imagined.

His dad walked back over. "Do you want to see him?"

I shook my head. "I don't want to overstep my boundaries. He needs his family."

His oldest sister interrupted. "We know he'd want to see you more."

Both of them offered me a solemn smile and I wondered if maybe they'd already been back to see that he was fine or if they just thought I could handle the scene better because I didn't know him as well. He was their little brother after all.

"I told them you're his wife so they'll let you back," his dad said, handing me a visitor sticker.

I looked between the three of them, my heart pounding within my chest. "Thank you," was all I could manage.

We walked to a door labeled, "Please check-in at the desk for access." His dad nodded at the woman he'd previously spoken with and she flipped a switch, opening it for us. I followed him as he led the way to Jamie's room. The glass door was slid halfway shut and a curtain was drawn from behind. His dad knocked a couple of times before stepping in. I took a deep breath then did the same.

I swallowed the lump in my throat when I saw him in the hospital bed. He had a bandage wrapped around the top of his forehead, with a few cuts and bruises covering his face. His neck rested in a brace. Various wires ran from his chest to a monitor and fluids flowed into his arms from the others. He looked so fragile in the hospital gown, with a nasal tube resting at the base of his nose as the machines beeped a steady rhythm.

I jumped when I heard a woman's voice behind me. "Hi, I'm Mr. Dornan's nurse. May I ask if you're both family?"

"I'm the other Mr. Dornan, Jamie's father." He reached out a hand to shake hers.

"And you are?" she turned to me.

I looked behind her at his dad and he nodded. "His wife."

"Ma'am, I am terribly sorry," she began, and I started to panic that she was going to ask me to leave. "He wasn't wearing a ring so we didn't know to phone you as next of kin."

I quickly hid my arms behind my back so she wouldn't see my bare finger. "It's fine, he probably left it at home."

The lie sounded ridiculous, but there were more important things to worry about, plus she bought it.

"Well, your husband is lucky," she said. "His injuries could've been much worse."

"What are his injuries exactly?" his dad asked.

"Fortunately, no broken bones. But he does have a large laceration across the top of his forehead, likely caused when he hit the window. They gave him fourteen stitches, so it should heal rather quickly."

I cringed at the details.

"The small cuts on his face are from the shattered glass. He has minor whiplash and various bruises. Nothing worse than it sounds. We've given him morphine for pain as well as to help him rest. He was very confused when he arrived, but that should wear off. The doctor will do a head scan in the morning if he shows no signs of a concussion during the night."

"Thank you, may we have a minute?" his dad requested. She nodded and dismissed herself after checking the fluid bags.

"Wow," I managed.

"Grateful he's alive. He should make a speedy recovery."

I nodded. His words were comforting since he was a doctor in his own right.

"Are you going to be okay, my dear?"

"Me? Yes, I'll be fine. Thank you for bringing me."

"He would want you here." He winked.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Oh, certainly. Thanking the good Lord for protecting my boy."

I smiled at his sincerity and tears stung my eyes. I was also thanking Jamie's guardian angels for sparing him. I could barely handle what was in front of me, I don't know what I would've done had it been worse.

"I'm going to go back out to the waiting room to let the girls know all is well," he said. "You should stay with him in case he wakes."

"I don't want to impose," I replied. "He's your son."

"As soon as he comes to, he's going to ask where you are." He gave me a genuine smile.

I looked over at Jamie, watching his chest gently rise and fall. I tried not to stare at his wounds because the sight of them hurt my heart.

"We'll be out there if you need us."

Before I could protest further, he vacated the room, leaving me alone with my vulnerable, injured boyfriend. After a long moment, I moved to the side of his bed and inspected him closer. There was more bruising than anything, which I was grateful for because it meant less scarring. I took a seat on the chair beside him and pulled it up as near as I could. My eyes trailed down his limp arm to where a pulse oximeter was attached to his forefinger. I softly laid my hand atop his, looking toward his face, but he didn't react at the touch. I wasn't sure what to do, so I decided to talk to him in hopes he could hear me in his drug-induced slumber.

"You know," I began, "I was ecstatic watching you on the red carpet and during the show, especially after you won. My heart was overjoyed when you mentioned me in your interview, then hearing you say you love me during your speech..."

The tears commenced. "I couldn't wait until you walked through the door and I could spend the entire night curled up with you, thanking you. Then I got the call from your dad and I was absolutely scared to death."

With my free hand I wiped my face. "The whole car ride here I wondered just how bad it was. Visions of the wreck flashed through my mind. I asked myself how the hell I would survive if things had played out differently. God," I sighed, "I'll spend the rest of eternity thanking my lucky stars you're okay."

I leaned in toward his ear so I could whisper. "Then it occurred to me how much I love you. More than I thought possible and probably too soon, but I do, wholeheartedly. This isn't lust; it's pure, genuine love like I've never felt before. And I know because everything is better with you. I feel protected, cared for, appreciated, beautiful, and desired; affection I've never experienced. What we have is real, Jamie. I don't care how long we've known each other. I can't even remember what my life was like before you; all I can promise is I don't want to know anything after you."

I sobbed harder. I should've waited until he was awake to pour my heart out, but I needed to get it off my chest. I had to say or do anything to distract myself from the sight of the man I love in a hospital bed.

"I pray you feel the same. Most would call me crazy for falling in love so fast, but that's the thing about soul mates, they find one another at the craziest, most inconvenient times. I know without a doubt that you were made for me, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make this work, because I can barely breathe without you."

He never budged the entire time I spoke. I sat there for hours, watching him and reading the monitors he was hooked to. The nurse came in to check his vitals every little bit, but she never spoke, only offered a sincere smile before exiting. I rubbed my thumb slowly, back and forth across the back of his hand as the sound of the beeps lulled me into a daze. I rested my head on the side of his bed and closed my eyes.

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