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new story yo. i decided it was time to write a fanfic about the amazing aussie band FIVE SECONDS OF SUMMER!! so here it is: a luke hemmings fanfic. 

(read description for information on plot) 




Chapter One


Lilly's POV


"Out of the way, Havens!" Bianca Starle yelled in my ear as she shoved me to the floor, sending my books flying. Bianca Starle was the school's biggest slut, everyone knew that, yet she was somehow dating Luke Hemmings, the all-star Jock. Then again, it wasn't THAT surprising, given the circumstances. She was the biggest Popular, he was the biggest Jock. Bianca has slept with over half the guys in the school, it's disgusting. Why does he choose her? 


"Move, betch!" Bianca's best friend and fellow slut, Ella Atkins smirked as she pushed MY best friend, Annabelle Monite, to ground beside me. 


"Ughhhhh...." We both groaned as we pulled ourselves off the floor. This was just another day at Greengrove High for us "Nerds". Belle, Annabelle's preferred nickname, and I gathered our stuff and started heading to Physical Science ll. 


"Aye, Monite!" A voice called. We both turned to find ourselves facing Jack Barakat, the school's bad boy. 


"What, Barakat? Come to shove me some more?" Belle retorted. 


"Nope," Jack said, popping the p. "I need help studying for a math test. And you're the Nerd I choose to help me. C'mon." He growled, grabbing Annabelle's arm and dragging her toward an empty classroom. 


"No!" Annabelle yelled. She struggled violently, kicking until she finally hit that spot. Jack suddenly let go of her, and I rushed over to help her up. 


"Monite! I said NOW!" Barakat shouted, his voice boooming, and everyone in the hall became quiet. 


"No." Belle looked Jack straight in the eye and said, "I will not help you or anyone else in this school until you all become nice souls. And that's obviously never going to happen, so bye-bye mother-effer." The surprise on Jack's face was priceless. Annabelle and I ran off to Physical Science ll, laughing the whole way there. 




Belle and I were still laughing as we left the class. It was just so perfect, what she said! As I opened my mouth to say something to Annabelle, someone pinned both me and her against the wall. 


"Ah!" I gasped. The hand, whose ever it was, was choking me, I couldn't breathe. I twisted myself around to find my attacker was Ashton Irwin, Luke Hemmings' best friend. And also Jack Barakat's. Well, shiz. 


"You little effers told Jack you wouldn't help him. Now, you're going to pay for it." He growled in my ear. He easily picked me up around the waist and began to carry me. I could see Annabelle now, and her attacker happened to be Alexander Sterling. Ashton abruptly stopped and I heard a locker door open. EffEffEff. Ashton threw my body into the cramped space like a rag doll. He slammed the door and I heard the click of the lock. Dammit. I could hear Annabelle screaming curse words at Alexander from the locker beside mine. We were trapped in a locker. Never thought this would happen. I could faintly hear Ashton and Alexander laughing down the hallway, telling anyone they could what they did. Everyone laughed, from as far as I could tell. There were a few gasps here and there, obviously from other Nerds. Jack's laughter was the most distinct over the noise, booming loudly. 


"What the hell did you do, Ashton?!" I heard and Austrailian voice yell. 


"Locked the betches in some lockers, fair and square right?" Ashton laughed. 


"Bloody effing hell, Irwin! You'll get in so much trouble!" By now, I could tell it was Luke Hemmings that was yelling. 


"Babe, calm down! They're effing Nerds, they got what they deserved. Leave it." And there's Bianca. Well then. 


"No! I will not just effing leave it Bianca! Ugh!" I hear heavy footsteps pounding towards the lockers, then lighter, more airy feet following. 


"Luke, please! They're not worth it!"


"Is getting detention for the twentieth time this month WORTH IT?! Dammit, where are they? Aye, Havens, Monite! Where are you?" 


"We're here!" I yell as both Belle and I pound on the doors of our lockers. My foot is bent at an awkward angle, it's either broken or sprained. I hear Annabelle gasp as she most likely falls out of the locker onto the ground. 


"Where's Havens?" I hear Luke ask Annabelle, his Aussie accent thick. Belle croaks something out, something I can't make out. Then, all of a sudden, the door flings open and it takes all my strength not to fall face first on the ground. 


"Whoa there, careful." Luke whispers, catching me. "Can't have a Nerd getting hurt, now can we? Who else would help us?" He says a bit louder, addressing not only me, but everybody. Of course, he still thinks that way. Duh. 


"What in heaven's name is going on here?" I hear Miss Montez, my favorite teacher, screech. 


"Miss Montez, Ashton Irwin and Alexander Sterling locked Annabelle and I in a locker. Luke here got us out." I smirk at Ashton and Alexander, knowing they're in big trouble. "I think my ankle's broken." 


"Oh! Irwin, Sterling, my office now! Hemmings, please take these ladies here to the office and send the principal to my room. Thank you." Miss Montez marches off. 


"C'mon ladies." Luke says, helping me up. He puts his arm around me, supporting me. Bianca is livid with anger. He gets Belle and I to the health room, where he smiles at Mrs. Larson, explaining what happened and to send Principal May up to Miss Montez's room immediately. 


"Alright, I'll be back in a minute. Can you please watch the girls for a second?" Mrs. Larson asks Luke. He utters a quick 'yes'. "Thank you!" Luke comes back into the room, and fixes Annabelle with a stare. 


"What'd you do to piss Barakat off?" He chuckles. Annabelle takes a deep breath, 


"Told him I wouldn't help him, or anyone for that matter, until you become nice souls. And that he was a mother-effer. I'm tired of being seen as a Nerd who just helps people and then gets cast aside, Hemmings. There's so much more to us than that." Luke's eyes flick to me before responding, 


"I can see how that constituted that reaction." 


"Why do you never ask  Nerd fo help, Hemmings?" I question. He half smiles at me and says, 


"I've never needed one, I'm smart too, you know." He then decides to stare at me in silence for the five minutes Mrs. Larson is gone. And I stare right back. He's kinda cute, no, he's more than 'kinda cute', he's hot. I....I think I have a crush on Luke Hemmings. 




hi okay feedback on this please? 


and you may have noticed that i used betch and effer instead of the actual words. i dont feel comfortable using them so...


i have no problem using slut and hell though/


anyways, hope you liked it! 



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