Chapter 16 Lawyer vs. Client Confidentiality

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        Adrien's  POV:

          "I suppose I should go pack,"  Adrien says.

        "How soon do you leave?"  Marinette asks.

        "Tomorrow, I mean I have to so I can get a chance to get settled into the hotel in New York,"  Adrien states.

         Marinette gives him a puzzled look.

           "Oh, yeah that is right Chloe Bougerious lives in New York now,"  Adrien explains.

              Adrien sees Marinette's face fall at the news.  Strange he thinks she was more than happy to support me before she heard the place of destination.  

             "I do not want to leave you," Adrien repeats himself.

            "Say, how about you come with me?" Adrien asks.

    Marinette's POV:

       Marinette has no idea what Adrien has going on through his mind. She hears him say his next job is in New York.  She feels silly about her bizarre reaction to the news. She hears him repeat himself and almost laughs.

       She places one hand on her cheek as he asks her something she never thought to hear from him.  Not when she barely knows the guy. Sure she knows he is rich, and a lawyer.  This is not enough reason to travel with him.

       "Adrien, it would not be appropriate.  Besides, what about the lawyer-client confidentiality thing?"  Marinette responds.

       Marinette sees Adrien's grin turn into a frown. She squeezes his hand then lets go.

           "Uh, you better go pack,"  She reminds him.

    Adrien's  POV:

        Adrien hears her answer which makes him feel stupid for ever asking her such a thing.

           "Y-yeah, I have to pack for the trip,"  Adrien says.

             Adrien tucks a stray hair behind one of  Marinette's ears, then walks away. He goes upstairs to his room and starts to pack for the trip.

            He makes sure to include some deodorant, a comb, his aftershave, a razor, shaving cream, toothpaste, floss, and toothbrush. Then, adds in the shampoo and sunscreen.  He does not want to risk any sunburns not that he will be outside much while away.

          He groans as it dawns on him he has no idea why Chole would special request him to represent her.  He has not seen her in years.  To bad, Marinette refuses to come because now he wonders how he will get his client to remember the rules.  Oh, well he will find out soon enough.

         Adrien finishes packing a few minutes later and prepares for bed. He has to get up early tomorrow to make his flight.  No sense in being late.


  ...New York, New York...

       Chole's  POV:

          Chole smiles as she thinks good Adrikins agreed to represent me. She can not wait to see him in two days. She wonders though why he took her case on without her saying much about the details.  She shrugs her shoulders. 

        "Perhaps it is because he has been friends with me since forever," She says.

         "Chole, who was that on the phone?"  He asks.

          "Not now," Chole retorts.

         "Awe, come on babe,"  He remarks.

         "Fine, if you must know an old friend of mine who is now a lawyer arrives here soon," Chole brags.

        Chole sees him frown and thinks goodness you think he was jealous or something. She finds the notion to be ridiculous as he has nothing to worry about anyway. 


       ...Paris, France...

         Marinette's  POV:

            Marinette thinks I would only slow him down.  Besides, Plagg and Natalie are here.  Gabriel will see to it they help me.   It is not like Tikki has any plans to let me be on my own for long.   

          "Goodness, I wonder what Tikki will think when I tell her that Adrien is going to be Chole Bougerious lawyer,"  Marinette says to herself.

            Marinette yawns as it is late.  

                "Plagg, Gabriel, Natalie, Tikki,"  Marinette calls out.

                She hears nothing.  Goodness, where on earth did everyone go?

        Tikki's POV:

          Tikki was talking to Plagg when she hears her sister call for her. She thinks what on earth does she need now?  

          "Yes, Marinette?"  Tikki says as she pokes her head around the corner.

            "Tikki, I need some help getting to the bathroom so I can get ready for bed," Marinette states.

            "Should not your boyfriend help you?"  Tikki asks her in a teasing manner.

             "Tikki, I do not have  a boyfriend!" Marinette blurts out.

            "Fine, I will help you, sis," Tikki says.

               Tikki slowly walks with Marinette in the direction of the bathroom. She only knows where it is from visiting Plagg here. She recalls he pointed it out to her once.


       Narrator's  POV:

          Marinette cringes as Tikki assists her with the removal of her clothes. She is grateful there is a spare set of clothes inside the bathroom. She smiles as she steps into the tub with a plastic bag over her leg.  

        "This is to ensure your knee stays dry,"  Tikki explains.

         "Tikki, it feels so awkward,"  Marinette whines.

         "Awkward, you think this is awkward, I could have let Adrien help you," Tikki states.

             At the mention of Adrien's name, Marinette blushes but washes just the same.  When she finishes, she dries off, then with Tikki's help changes into her pajamas. She is glad that Tikki has not gone home yet.   

           "Thanks, Tikki," Marinette says. She grabs up a toothbrush and squeezes some toothpaste on it.      She brushes her teeth with a lot on her mind. She finishes then, uses the restroom, washes her hands, and states, "Okay, time for me to get some rest."

             Tikki helps Marinette back to the office.  She feels her jaw drop though when she sees the place looks different than usual. 

        Marinette's  POV:

         "Wow, who did all this?" Marinette asks.

           "I thought you knew," Tikki replies.

         "Are you kidding me?  It was not like this earlier today," Marinette reminds her sister.

              Marinette hears a voice behind her say,  "I was hoping you would like it."

                She turns around to see Adrien standing there with a silly grin across his face.

                 "Adrien, you did this?" Marinette asks.


           Adrien's POV:

            "Yes, I thought it would make it seem more comfortable for you," Adrien says.

              "Thanks, I appreciate it,"  Marinette remarks.

                    Adrien blushes when Marinette hugs him. 

                         Tikki just chuckles under her breath as she exits the room.

                          "I am glad you approve," Adrien states.

                   Adrien helps her to the sofa now turned into a bed complete with sheets, a blanket, and extra pillows.

                   "Here, take this," Adrien says as he hands her some pills. He hands her a cup of water as well.


               Marinette's POV:

                 Marinette pops the medication into her mouth and swallows it down with the water. She notices he does not say anything more.  She wonders what is with his silence.

                "Hope the trip is a success for you," Marinette says.

                "Yeah, about that I feel a bit nervous," Adrien admits.

                "You nervous, ha, I hardly doubt that Agreste," Marinette scoffs.

                 "Yeah, well if you were not so cute I would hire someone else to sew my clothes," Adrien retorts.

                  Marinette blushes but has no idea why.  She does not like him.  She is just his seamstress like he is the son of the greatest fashion designer ever, Gabriel Agreste.

                 Adrien's  POV:

                   Adrien senses she is suddenly uncomfortable around him.  Then, he realizes her hair is all knotted.  He uses the hairbrush he found upstairs and brushes her hair with it.  He makes sure to go slowly so as not to hurt her.

                 He hears her mutter something inaudible as he braids her hair for her, then adds a small hair tie to the bottom.

             "There your hair is good as new," He says.

              Adrien has no idea if he did a good job or not since he does not have a mirror to check.  He only hopes she likes it.

             "Thanks, but you did not need to do my hair for me," Marinette says.

               "Mari, it was a pleasure,"  He replies.  He hands her the lotion bottle nearby.

                "Good night, Marinette, the seam beauty,"  Adrien tells her.   He exits the room, goes upstairs, and straight to bed before he can kiss her good night.

             Marinette's POV:

                 Marinette wonders what was that all about anyway. She applies the lotion to her hands, then sets the bottle down. She props up her knee and reads a book until she falls asleep.

                She dreams that she is on a walk with Adrien.  

The next day...         

   Adrien's  POV:   

     Adrien wakes up right at 4 am. He groans as he gets up.  He prepares for the day, grabs his suitcase, his wallet, and the envelope.  He goes downstairs.  

      He enters the office area and sees Marinette is still asleep. He sets the envelope on the desk, then tiptoes out the door.   He grabs a banana, his keys, and heads out the door.    

      As Adrien drives to the airport leaving the mansion behind along with Marinette, he sighs. Somehow he believes the whole thing will be one crazy situation.  He arrives in plenty of time, parks his car in the parking area reserved for passengers, grabs his things out of the trunk, locks the car, and heads inside the airport.

    A few hours later he is on the flight headed to New York, New York.

 New York...New York...    

   Chole's  POV:
       "Oh, his flight arrives today. He will be over here to discuss everything a few days later,"  Chole says.

       "Ugh, why does he have to come?"  He whines.

       "Goodness, you do not have to worry," Chole spat out.

         "You are the only one for me, darling," Chole says.

              He smiles, hugs her, and kisses her cheek.  "Good, then see to it, it stays that way," He states.

           "Yeah, yeah, whatever, Nath," Chole remarks.


   Adrien's  POV:

    Adrien arrives in New York in the afternoon and hears his stomach growl.  He thinks the first thing after I get the rental car, is to find food, then check into the hotel. 

     He smiles when the rental car person pulls up and hands him the keys.

       "Thanks, man," Adrien says.  He hands the man some cash.

           Now, Adrien is on his way to get a meal.  He arrives at the restaurant in a few minutes.  He orders a grilled cheese sandwich, fries, and a Coca-Cola.  He is grateful for such a nice meal.

            He finishes the food, pays for it, and heads out the door.  He drives to the hotel a few miles away.  He parks the car, gets his things out along with the keys to the rental, locks the door, and checks into the hotel.

         He goes up the elevator to room 333.  He goes inside, closes the door, locks it, and sets down the suitcase, wallet, and two sets of keys.  

         All worn out, he falls asleep on the bed inside his hotel room.

          ...Paris, France...

           Marinette's  POV:

              Marinette wakes up, gets dressed with help from Natalie, then eats a nice bowl of cereal, some eggs, and a few strawberries. She drinks a glass of apple juice. She hears her phone ding and grins when she sees the messages from Adrien.

              Adrien's text to Marinette

                Arrival in New York, New York went well all checked into the hotel.  

                  In a few days, I will discuss the information with Chole.  Not sure how long it will take, but I will be glad to see you when I return.

                Adrien's text to Marinette

                  Tell Plagg, not to flirt with Tikki to much while I am away. 

                   Also, bluebell beauty take care.

                  -Adrien Agreste

             Marinette wonders where he got her number.  She knows she did not give it to him. She shrugs his shoulders while she thinks perhaps, Tikki or Plagg gave it to him.  She grins at the thought that he wishes to speak to her the day he gets back home.  Then, shakes her head as it dawns on her how silly she is to be happy about such trivial things.

             ...New York, New York...             

              Adrien's POV:
                 Two days, after Adrien arrives in New York, Adrien rushes to meet up with Chole. He is not that thrilled about it.  Yet, who is he to break a deal he made with her.

                 He knocks on the door to her place and waits for an answer.

                 Adrien smiles when the door is opened by Nathaniel.  He had no clue Chole had a guest over.  Maybe this will not be so bad after all is the first thing on his mind when he sees the other young man.

               "Hi, Nathaniel," Adrien says.

                 "Adrien, Chole says you are here for her,"  Nathaniel states with a frown.

                    "Correction, to represent her as her lawyer," Adrien remarks.


               Chole's  POV:

              "Oh, good, Adrien, I mean Mr. Agreste, you are here," Chole says.


                 Chole sees Nathaniel scowl at Adrien which finds to be rather amusing. It is not like him to be jealous when Adrien is here to help.

                  "Nath, it is okay,"  Chole tells the red-head.

                       Nathaniel shrugs his shoulders, and takes a seat.

                           "Adrien, I suppose you wonder what I need you here for anyway," Chole remarks.


                     Adrien's POV:

                      "Yes, well the thought had crossed my mind," Adrien remarks.

                       "It is simply, " Chole replies.

                         "Daddy wants to take the ring away," Chole blurts out.

                        "The ring?"  Adrien asks with an upturned eyebrow.

                               " Nathaniel and I are engaged," Chole explains.

                           "Congratulations to you both," Adrien answers.

                          Chole's  POV:
                               "Thanks, but daddy dearest, does not approve," Chole states.

                                 "He wants to take it to the store, have it appraised, and replace it with a better one,"  Chole tells him.

                               "Adrien, I paid for the jewelry with my hard-earned money," Nathaniel explains.

                                   Chole rolls her eyes but kisses Nathaniel.  She smirks as he blushes.                         

                                       "See, I need you to convince my father that the engagement ring, Nath gave me is fabulous and I do not need another one," Chole retorts.

                        Adrien's POV:

                        Adrien listens to Chole's explanation and his jaw drops.  He can not believe she called him out here for such a thing, He should have known it was a waste of his time. The time he  could have spent on a better case or with Marinette. 

                         He shakes his head to show his disapproval at once. To say he is disappointed is the least of his concerns right now.


                  Nathaniel's POV:                   

                   "Adrien, I tried to tell her the whole thing is just one big misunderstanding," Nathaniel says.

                     Nathaniel goes on to explain that he and Chole's father got in an argument.   The whole thing started when he proposed to Chole. First, her father thought he was not good enough for his daughter.  Then, he made a big deal about the ring.  Now, he thinks he can just offer to substitute it with another one.  

                     "So, there you have it,"  Nathaniel blurts out. His tone of voice shows his annoyance at once with his almost father-in-law.

                       "I will tell you what I will take to Andre Bougerious as soon as I can," Adrien tells them.

                     Nathaniel smiles as he shakes Adrien's hand.  He is glad to see the young man is not after his fiance.  A good thing too since the blonde is still taller than him and richer too.


                     *Author's note:  Will Adrien be able to talk any sense into Chole's father?

            Find out more in Chapter  17  Confrontation with Andre Bougerious

           _Summer out!

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