IX. Mega Man

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"Okay, Mega Man..." Roll said to me as she hooked up the final wire. "Going offline."

I nodded as my vision started to fade, my confidence in my sister as strong as ever.

I woke up not too long later, and I was mostly repaired. The giant dent in my chest was gone, and most of the shots in my armor had disappeared. I assumed the ones that were still there were too difficult for Roll to get out. Roll wasn't there, though, it was just Duo. As always, he had a smile on his face, though, for once, he wasn't bugging me about being awesome. "I had to finish you up; What's-his-name needed help, so she went over to the computer to help him."

"Thanks, Duo." I replied, sitting up. "Anything else happen while I was out?"

"Er..." He paused, as if he didn't want to say anything. "Maybe I should let Roll tell you. She would know more about it."

I stood up, rushing into the hallway. Surely, it wasn't going to be good news, and it was going to be something bad about the hedgehog. I knew it had been a bad choice to send Sonic away to scout out the castle of Wily. Had he gotten into a fight so soon? Or maybe Dr. Wily captured him again, deciding he needed more of Sonic's energy. I wondered what was so special about it.

Roll was at the monitor, trying to guide Sonic through something. He was in a large, bright room with a bunch of hallways. Each was dark and long, like something in a scary movie, and Sonic looked in them. Each was identical, and there was no way to see what was in each without going through them. I was sure a robot or something was going to pop out at him and kill him. But that wouldn't have been like Dr. Wily. I shivered as I thought of what I had just sent Sonic into.

"I don't know, Sonic." Roll said, shaking her head. Her hands were in the forms of fists on her cheeks, and she was staring intently at the screen. She never even seemed to even blink, scanning every possibility of everything Sonic could do. Of course, she couldn't see inside the hallways or anything, so there was no way to tell what was in each of them without being in Sonic's place. "I don't think you have a choice other than to take a chance."

"Sonic, can you hear me?" I shouted next to Roll. I watched him as he held his head, and I realized he could definitely hear me.

"Yeah, Mega Man, very loud and clear." Sonic groaned. "Can you teleport here now? I'm kinda stuck..."

I was about to get ready to get the teleporter booted up, but then I remembered it was Wily's Castle. With a sigh, I remembered there was no way I could get inside of it. "Sonic, there are no coordinates. I think you'll have to do this yourself. If you get yourself into serious trouble, I'll come and help you."

"Well, then, do you have any idea which way I should go?" He tapped his foot, moving it extremely fast; it turned into a red blur. His arms folded, as if he were annoyed. He was really impatient, yet he barely seemed able to pay attention to anything.

Nothing I said would really help him. I didn't even know the inside of Wily's place that well. Besides, it changed after each time, and seemed to grow. "Why don't you just come back to the lab? Then we can go together and thwart Dr. Wily."

"Uh, I can't." He said, as if it were obvious. I looked at Roll, who smiled seemingly innocent. "The door shut behind me, and I have no way of getting back to it. Besides, it's not like I've been attacked yet. What's the worst that could happen?"

I was worried about what game Wily was playing. Was he just luring Sonic into a trap? Did he need more of his energy? Or was there something even more sinister going on?

"Well, I'm going this way." Sonic announced, and I watched as he travelled through one of the tunnels. It was really dark, though Sonic ran his way through it, worried about nothing. A piece of the floor could have fallen, causing him to meet his doom. He was lucky he didn't fall into a bottomless pit. Eventually, safely and soundly, he came into a long room that was shaped like a box. There seemed to be nothing wrong, and he touched a wall, as if he had expected something to happen. "At least this is new."

I examined it, but it didn't look familiar at all. There was another door at the other end, and inside it was full of lava. Sonic stood in front of the doorway for a moment, considering his options. I wondered if he would go ahead inside or go back and try another doorway. He looked down at the fire, the light making his face look slightly sinister. "Well, here goes!" He shouted, hoping onto a small block.

Not being able to help myself, I screamed, knowing the block was to disappear. Sonic had seen it coming, however, and jumped along them, as if he had known what to do all along.

"Please stop screaming in my ear, Mega Man." Sonic asked harshly. "I know what I'm doing."

"Sorry..." I apologized. "The Robot Master here should be something having to do with fire, no doubt."

"Gee, how'd you figure that one out?" He asked sarcastically. "Did you get that from the lava of the bursts of flames?" He continued on his way, avoiding enemies that blew fire at him and jumping on top of others. Room after room, he did the same thing. Not all the rooms had to do with the disappearing blocks, however.

One of the rooms he came to started to spill lava after him. The floor was being eaten up, but it didn't even so much as test Sonic's agility; he was much to fast for the substance. I found it funny that Wily thought he could find a way to outrun someone whose name was 'Sonic'.

Eventually, he came to the room with the Robot Master, the boss of the whole dungeon-like labyrinth. He was tall and red, and I wondered what his name was. His back was against a wall, and he looked intensely bored doing nothing but waiting for his opponent.

"So you must be..." Sonic paused for a moment. "Like, Lava Man or something, right?"

"Flame Man, close enough." Flame Man replied with a shrug. "Built to specifically destroy you and Mega Man. Like the usual Wily robots."

"That's fair." Sonic replied. He made it sound like he was familiar with the whole ordeal. "Are you going to try and kill me? Or are you going to sit there all day?"

The robot laughed. "It's your funeral." He said it as if if Sonic hadn't offered, he would have let him go.

"That's fine with me." Sonic replied. "Let's fight!"

Flame Man stood no chance. All Sonic did was jump on him a few times, and the robot was destroyed. Only once was Sonic at risk, and that was when he nearly stepped into the lava on accident. But he was able to set himself straight, continuing the fight. Sonic finished the robot off by dashing into him quickly, rolling himself into a ball and shooting himself at it. The pieces went flying everywhere, and my heart sank. I knew Sonic didn't have much of a choice, but I never really wanted to destroy robots. It was like destroying a person or anything else that had emotions. "Good job, Sonic..." I said half heartedly. "Now, see if there's another entrance in there."

The hedgehog turned his head from side to side, looking all around for a door. He walked around, but none of us seemed to notice anything. All of a sudden, however, the floor seemed to sink into the firey pits below. I realized with horror that the entirity of the foothold was sinking in to the lava, hoping to take Sonic with it.

"What do I do now?!" Sonic asked frantically, as if he couldn't run on the ceiling forever if he had to. "You said there was a door - where's the door, Mega Man?!"

"Calm down!" I shouted. Examining the monitor, a few feet above Sonic, I saw another dark hallway. I had no idea what was in it, but it was something that was probably less dangerous than being melted by smouldering lava. "Above you, there's a door."

Sonic ran up the wall, turning as he saw the entrance. "Aha!" He shouted. "Found it! Now, where will this lead...?" He continued to talk to himself.

The foothold sank into the ground, and I was thankful Sonic had made it out in time. I would have hated to see it any other way.

The entire time he explored the next area, Sonic muttered to himself, but I couldn't hear anything he said. This level was strange, and it was full of purple and what looked like glitter blocks. The sky was completely black, but the glitter seemed to fill it with light. It was easier than the place before, as he couldn't be burned to a crisp in it. It wouldn't be a robot having to do with ice, and not one having to do with bombs. "So, who's going to try and kill me here, guys?" Sonic asked. I hadn't been paying attention, so it took me a few seconds to realize he was talking to me.

"I'm not sure..." I admitted quickly. I looked all over the screen for any clues, but there was nothing. "For all we know, Dr. Wily's created a whole new line of robos. Maybe he won't even use any of the ones he stole. These ones will be purposed to kill, though, not to create anything. They'll be more deadly."

"Well, I'm sure-" Sonic completely stopped moving, as if he had been frozen in place. From behind one of the blocks, I saw something that looked like Time Man jump out, and I knew we were in trouble. I hadn't realized before that Wily had taken all of the robots; I thought it had just been the ones at the construction site!

"Dr. Wily assured me that you would be showing up..." Time Man said. He was the one who had stopped Sonic in his tracks. "He told me I could do as I pleased with you. Elec Man...?"

I noticed as Elec Man jumped up as well, zapping Sonic with his electricity almost immediately. The hedgehog eventually became unfrozen in time, but he also started shaking from the electrical energy of the Robot Master. For a few moments, he was away from the danger. "Mega Man, a little help here...?"

"I don't know!" I shouted. Sonic didn't stand a chance.

He yelped as Elec Man pinned him to the ground, forcing more electrical power through him. I had no choice; I had to go find him and help him, or else he would die due to my own friends. "Mega Man! Can't you come here or something?!"

"I'm on my way, but it will take some time." I replied, booting up the teleporter. "Hang in there until then!"

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