XIX. Sonic the Hedgehog

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My ears twitched as I heard someone shout in pain, making me stir from an awesome nap. I couldn't hear it all that well, as if the sound was muffled, but I forced myself to sit up, rubbing my temples with my fingers. My head was still pounding with my temples still sore, and the shout hadn't made me feel any better. I had a feeling it was going to be throbbing for a long time from then.

But at least my ears had decided to almost cooperate now.

I stood up and stretched. My knee was a ton better and it felt good to move around. In fact, I felt good enough to run around the giant city four hundred times if it wasn't freezing everywhere in the world. Even the rooom I had been sleeping in was twenty degrees. I kind of wanted to roll myself into the blankets and turn into a hedgehog burrito.

I looked outside the doorway of the small holding room, but there was nothing wrong. The computer hadn't smashed to the floor and killed everybody, so that was probably a good thing. But then again, there was no one in sight. I heard metal clang to the floor, so I turned toward the sound. It turned out to simply be that Dr. Light was trying to fix Mega Man, whose arm had fallen the floor. He was strapped to a table of some sort, which obviously brought back bad memories. Except this one was parallel to the floor and there were no giant tubes anywhere.

Rock blinked tiredly as he saw me. "What're you doing awake?"

Dr. Light didn't turn away. "What're you doing without your arm?" I asked.

Mega Man looked down at his shoulder. "That's a decent point."

I chuckled. "But seriously, dude, why do you only have one arm?"

"Well, okay, it won't be one arm for that long. And... My blaster isn't working, and I can't move my arm all that much."

I was about to say something, but I suddenly froze like I had been caught in a Chaos Control. For some reason, what he had said sounded so incredibly familiar. My back started to ache, a tingling sensation running down one of my arms. At least I still had my arm, though. I still managed to laugh, though. "Oh. Perfectly good reason to cut of your arm, then."

Rock looked at me like I was an idiot. "I'm a robot. It's not like I'll never have that arm again."

I shrugged. "Couldn't it just be the virus?"

Rock blinked, and his dad looked back at me. "I mean, did you, like, check him for viruses or anything? That's what was making me go crazy, right?" I shrugged and waited for a response, but neither of them said anything. "I mean, that's what I thought he was saying..."

"Duo!" Dr. Light called, somewhat frustrated. When the green, weird looking almost-fat robot got to Dr. Light's side, he didn't seem to notice. Then he turned and said, "Run a scan on him. I'll watch from the computer."

Duo the Bot moved something flat over Mega Man while he whistled. He kind of reminded me of a janitor, lazy yet still welcome to doing his job. The metal sheet sat just above Mega Man, and he stared at it, his eyes wide. He almost looked scared, like it was going to collapse on top of him or fall and squish him. He watched as a red light traced across his body, back and forth several times.

I looked back at the computer, but it seriously looked like it was written in a different language. I could tell the outline of the body was obviously Mega Man, with a blinking red 'X' through where his arm should have been, as if it was saying, 'hey, dude, like, PUT THIS PART BACK ON'! But as to what the words and symbols were saying... That would be like throwing me into a physics class and asking me random questions. Literally.

Dr. Light came in and looked flustered, scratching his chin. "I can't tell you anything about the virus. Even if it says you're fine, which it did, I know how secretive Wily can be. Obviously, we know the effects wouldn't occur for a few days, but..."

"Well, can't you just open his insides and fix him?" I asked. Seriously, he looked like a person, so I imagined him to be a person in every way. I kept forgetting he was actually a robot, even with a missing arm and wires popping out of the socket, which sounds gross.

"No, because I wouldn't know what to look for." Dr. Light explained. "I wish Dr. Lalinde was here... She would know how to..." He started muttering to himself, explaining and saying a bunch of things that I didn't know existed.

"Well, where is she?" I asked. "Can't you just ask her to come over?"

Dr. Light shook his head. "I wish it was that easy, but the entire world had been told to stay indoors until the officials 'fix' everything." He made it sound as if they were lousy at their job. "In other words, the entire world is on lock-down."

"Well then, can't she just - Wait. What?!" I asked, a bit more frantically than I had intended to. So much for running around the city a hundred times in the snow. "Did you say lock-down? Like, we're locked in here? And we can't go outside? And we're trapped?!"

Dr. Light nodded.

"They... Are you... I can't go outside?!"

Dr. Light chucked, but I didn't see what was so funny about it. "It's cold outside." (Thank you, because I had no idea, doc.) "Besides, the police have come here several times looking for you. You're still apparently popular even off your own planet."

"So you're telling me, if I walked out that door right now," I pointed to the glass doors in the front of the building, "I would get shot at and arrested?"

"Yes. And if you managed to away, you would freeze to death."

"Well, can't the girl just teleport here?"

That seemed to make Dr. Light angry. He closed his eyes for a moment, as if he was thinking. "The 'officials' shut off all teleportation devices until further notice. I've tried hacking into them, but the only time I could figure it out was to get all of you home. It might have cost me my entire line of Robot Masters..."

Mega Man opened his eyes for a second and stared at Dr. Light as if he had two heads. I had no idea what the 'Robot Masters' were, but I had a feeling Rock didn't like the sound of what his father said.

"But..." I tried to think, but I was completely stuck. Now, I didn't want to go outside just because I got claustrophobic easily, but I felt like I had to be a rebel because these stupid officials didn't know who they were messing with. Plus, I felt in debt to Mega Man. If it was possible to fix the robot kid with her help, then I needed to do everything I could to make sure she got to Dr. Light's lab safely. If it wasn't for Mega Man, we would all probably be dead. Or worse - I could be stuck serving Dr. Wily.

"Then again, I could always send you on the mission of getting her." Dr. Light said, looking a bit happier, with a sneaky smile on his face. My ears perked up.

"But how?" I asked. "There are hundreds sitting outside of the door waiting to shoot me down."

"There's a door in the back you can go out of while I distract the police on the street. You'll have to run as fast as possible. The only issue is the weather."

"Well..." I looked outside. Flakes of snow had been falling to the ground for a while now. Ice was  almost utterly impossible to run in, but that was if I didn't freeze to death. "Yeah. That could be a problem."

"I can attempt to make a device that will shield you from extreme cold." He said. "I'll need a bit of time, though, first. Rest for a while, and I'll call you when it's ready."

I was going to say something, but he turned to get something and didn't come back. I stood there awkwardly, then checked on Mega Man, only to find him asleep. I walked up to a window by the giant computer, pressing my hand against it. My hand felt like it got frostbite from the couple of seconds it was on the glass. Then I looked out the window, and I couldn't help but think about Tails, and Knuckles... and even Eggman. I mean, sure, sometimes the reasons for trying to kill me were ridiculous and far fetched, but, heck, at least it wasn't as strange as whatever was trying to happen in this town.

What seemed like three minutes later (which it wasn't) Dr. Light called me, showing me his new invention. He explained something about it keeping my body heat inside of me for a long time and... then I got lost. But, hey, if it kept me warm, that was good enough. He strapped it onto my wrist like a cheap piece of elastic. Strangely, I instantly felt warmer, as if I had just drank a really hot bowl of soup. It was almost too warm, and I started to sweat.

"It will only be miserable until you get outside, and then it'll be barely tolerable." He explained. I stared down at it, knowing that if I took it off outside, I could become an ice cube.

"Hey, it's good enough." I shrugged. "So, she lives about two hundred miles that way?" I pointed in the direction that was directly out of the front door. "I can do that."

He nodded. "Look for a giant green building."

What was with scientists and really big labs? "You ready?" I asked.

"I'll go outside and talk to them." Dr. Light nodded as he started to walk towards the door.

The moment I saw him talk outside, I took off through the back door. I went for miles behind the town, because if someone saw me, the entire planet would know about me. That was a risk I couldn't afford. I slipped and slid through the snow, barely being able to navigate, hoping I wouldn't turn into the Fastest Living Ice Cube. 

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