[part III] A stalker_chapter 2

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SeongWu receives exorcism cases for some families. But most of them are because of the old houses or some rats causing strange noises and make those owners overthinking. Some of them are because of the house's wrong fengshui. SeongWu just need to rearrange the house and gives them some amulet for safety. Those jobs are boring but well paid. Of course, SeongWu has no complain.

2 weeks passed by quite fast.

He still hasn't any contacts from Hwang Minhyun.

Minhyun usually asks SeongWu go out drinking with him on the weekends. They also often texting about their daily things like their works or random things they do in a day. It's never been no contact in 2 weeks.

At first, SeongWu thought Minhyun was busy with a serious case. But after a week, SeongWu really worried. He tried to call but Minhyun's phone was busy all the time. And since recently, his phone even switched off.

SeongWu both worry and curious about Minhyun. But everytime he went to SMPA to look for him, the other officers always said Minhyun was out for work. After SeongWu done with all of his boring cases, he finally have free time to visit Minhyun's house in Anyang.

"He is a police. If something happened to him, SMPA already take care of it."

"What if it was something polices couldn't handle? I just want to make sure he's fine."

SeongWu takes a look at Daniel. He already noticed that Daniel acting strange recently.



Minhyun living in a rental apartment in Anyang since high school. His work required him to be at the SMPA or go out for investigate most of his time. He mostly only get home to sleep a few hours a day. That's why Minhyun never think about moving to better house even though his salary is quite good. He still living in that small apartment on the rooftop.

SeongWu has been here many times in his high school years. The landlady already knew him for a long time.

"Minhyun isn't home yet?" - SeongWu asks while checking his watch. It's already 7pm. Minhyun should be home by now.

"He has been back stayed out late for a few days. He also left earlier than before. Maybe he is working with a troublesome case."

It's rare to have a tenant who have good manner and good looking like Minhyun. The landlady likes him a lot and do not want to lose such a nice tenant, so she kinda worry for him to get into trouble.

"Can I wait for him up there?"

"Of course, just wait in his apartment. Here the key!"

"Thank you."

SeongWu goes up to the rooftop alone. Daniel stays downstairs. He standing in the corner, as if he tries not to be seen by SeongWu. However, when SeongWu takes a look from upstairs, he still can see those blue flames floating around Daniel. SeongWu doesn't want to interfere with Daniel's privacy but his attitude recently really make it's harder and harder for SeongWu to understand what is Daniel thinking.


Minhyun's house takes one third of the whole rooftop. There's a bench which the landlady didn't use anymore and left in front of Minhyun's apartment. SeongWu remembers he used to come here after school. They used to have party with snack and soft drink on that bench. Sometimes, if they got spare moneys, they could buy pettitoes and had a small BBQ party. And this is also the place where SeongWu told Minhyun about his secret ability.

Years went by. The bench was too old and broken. It can't be used anymore but SeongWu still feel nostalgic.


SeongWu used the key but the door was already opened. Although there's almost nothing valuable to steal but for someone as careful as Minhyun, it's impossible that he forgot to lock the door.

SeongWu carefully push the door, a card suddenly drop out from the slot.

I like you.

SeongWu burst out of laugh. Minhyun always receives this kind of love letter. But this handwriting somehow looks familiar.

SeongWu accidently kicks a box which was left on the doorstep. Minhyun is a tidy man. He has never leave things lying around like this. SeongWu curiously open the box. There's a light blue shirt. The silk seem expensive. And there's another the card inside the box.

I want to see you in this shirt.


Minhyun is surprised to see SeongWu sitting in front of his doorstep.

"What are you doing here? And why is Daniel talking to himself down there?"

"Minhyun, this..."


Minhyun looks quite annoyed to see the box.

"You're always so famous."

"It's not what you think."

SeongWu want to tease him a bit but Minhyun's face seem not good. SeongWu understand that there must be something serious.

Minhyun turn on the light and SeongWu can clearly see that things are not simple like the love story of some high school students.

There are a lot of roses in the garbage bins in the kitchen and the living room. According to their wither state, he guess they weren sent here at different time. Boxes are all over the place, fills up half of Minhyun's small living room. He picks up the box at the doorstep and throws it in the corner, together with other boxes, except the card.

Minhyun opens the drawer and takes out about a dozen of cards.

SeongWu is quite surprised by this persistence. But there's a time in high school, some girls used to wrote Minhyun much more letters in a whole year.

"It's just letters. You used to receive a lot before."

"This is just paper card. There's more."

Minhyun switch on his cellphone and let SeongWu see those messages. There's hundreds of them.

How's your breakfast?

Your tie look nice.

Why are you so rush this morning? There's still some creases left on your jacket.

"You know why I had to switch off my phone? The message came every 10 minutes. How could I focus on my work?"

As Minhyun speak, a new message comes.

Do you like the shirt?

Minhyun switches off the phone again and throws it away.

"What's about your work? If SMPA want to contact you..."

"I have another phone, only my colleagues know the number."

"Why didn't you ask your colleagues at SMPA for help?"

"I don't need to make a fuss about something as simple as this. It's humiliated."

"What humiliated? It's obvious that you're being stalk."

"I'm busy with a case. Talk to you later."

Minhyun packs up some clothes and pulls SeongWu out of his apartment, then locks the door carefully.

"What with these clothes?"

"I won't be home for a few day. You don't have to come here. If anything happen, I'll contact you."

"What? Wait, Minhyun..."

Minhyun leaves so fast that SeongWu can't catch up. When he goes downstairs, Minhyun already started his car and drove away.

"Why didn't you stop him?" – SeongWu complain to Daniel who still standing in the corner.

"How would I know..."



Minhyun leaves his car in SMPA parking lot and takes a bus to Yongsan. Then, he walks to a building nearby. He keeps checking around . and aware of anything around him. He goes to the 1003 apartment and open the door by himself.

"Jaehwan-ssi, sorry to bother you again."

"It's ok. I don't mind."

Jaehwan puts Minhyun's bag in the closet.

"I met SeongWu. He came to my house." – Minhyun said while taking off his jacket.

"Did you tell him about what happened?"

"What for? He only deal with supernatural stuffs, this is human doing."


A phone ringing. Minhyun takes out a new cellphone from his pocket.

Minhyun-hyung, you can't get away from me!




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