[part IV] A sorrowful nightmare_chapter 5

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Ji Hye said she felt unwell so Yoo Hwan had to take her home. SeongWu finally got a chance to ask Daniel.


"So what?"

"About Ji Hye-ssi. You followed her, didn't you? Anything happened?"

"Nothing, but..." – Daniel said while hugging SeongWu – "Woman are so scary."


Daniel leans his whole body on SeongWu. Of course SeongWu can't take it. He has to leans on the wall for support. Daniel even put his arms around SeongWu's waist. There are a lot of people passing through and of course, every curious eyes are on them.

SeongWu immediately pulls Daniel inside.

"What's wrong with you? There are many people out there."

"No one in here."

"There's one."

SeongWu steps close to Kyung Soo's bed. Although his body is still warm and he still breathing, but SeongWu can't feel any "live" in him. Everything in the room are cold and liveless just as he is.

"This one can't be saved." – Daniel said.

"He hasn't kill anyone. There must be a way to save him. But I need to find out why his soul was pulled out from his body."

Daniel sighs. In his world, vanishing is the most comfortable way for souls like this. But SeongWu just doesn't accept it. He always has a positive mind and tries his best to save them as much as he can. Daniel doesn't like his thought, but if SeongWu want, he will make anything possible, without any questions.

Daniel snaps his finger and those blue flames appears.

"Just give me some help."

As Daniel said, those blue flames fly around the room. SeongWu still amazed by the existence of them. He steps aside and watches them fly to every corner of the room.

They suddenly gather under the bed and then disappear, as fast as when they appeared.

SeongWu checked under the bed. There are small white pieces of papers sticked on all four legs of a bed. They have the same color as those legs, that's why it couldn't be seen.

"What are those?"

There are no letters or symbols written on them. All of them are completely empty. SeongWu doesn't knows whether they are amulets or not.

Daniel takes a look at them and he frozed.

"Constrain?* It's impossible..." (*Daniel said the name in English)

"Are they amulets? But there is nothing..." – SeongWu intends to touch them, but Daniel stops him immediately.

"Don't touch them!"


"This is a ritual that can control human's soul. Two amulets to increases the hatred. One to forces the soul to leave the body. And the last is for protection."


"It protects the ritual. If you takes down the wrong amulet, you'll get hurt."

"Can you ask your "friend" to help us find the right one?"

"Only the one who create this ritual knows it."

"Such a strange spell really exist?"

"It used to. But no one used it for a long time."

According to the serious expression on Daniel's face and the way he hold SeongWu's hand so tight, SeongWu knows this spell is really dangerous/

"This thing made KyungSoo-ssi want to kill Ji Hye-ssi?"

"No, it only can enhance the hatred in his soul and force his soul to leave his body. It was his own will to kill."

Daniel fillips SeongWu's forehead.

"This one is just out of your hand! You can't do anything with this."


"Just let them be! Maybe Kyung Soo's sould will return to his body after he kill Ji Hye and everything will be over."

"How can I let them be like that? Kyung Soo-ssi will be damned and Ji Hye-ssi..."

The bed suddenly shakes really hard. The signal on ECG starts to run wild. The lights goes on and off non-stop. All of the machines constantly ringing their annoying warning sounds. All four amulets suddenly shines a dark red light.

Daniel pushes SeongWu to a corner. Those blue flames appear and gather around SeongWu as a shield.


Daniel grabs one leg of the bed but a spark of fire flare up and burn his hand. SeongWu can't even see the roughly burn in Daniel's palm.

SeongWu rushes out of the protection of the blue flames and gets close to Daniel.

In the middle of the red light, SeongWu can barely see some kind of symbol drawn on those amulets. There are two exactly the same and the others are different. He doesn't know which one to take down first.

The light becomes bigger and covers Kyung Soo's bed.

The situation seem to getting more dangerous. SeongWu has no choice but to take a risk and take down one amulet on the right leg.

In that instant, a blue light flares up right into SeongWu's eyes.



The phone rang.

SeongWu reaches out his hand, searches for his phone. Daniel picks up the phone for him.


"SeongWu, I... just want to say goodbye." – it's Yoo Hwan's voice.


"Yes, I'm at the airport."

"Where do you want to go?"

"Kyung Soo said he wanted to go to Australia. I'm bringing him with me and I might me not come back here again. I just want to thank you for everything."

"You don't have to.."

"I have to! Thanks to you that Kyung Soo can rest in peace now!"

Yoo Hwan's voice seem to be down for a bit.

He still remember that day when he took Ji Hye home. Just when they got home, his mind suddenly gone blank. Right after that, he could feel his hand strangled Ji Hye's neck. She tried to get away but she couldn't.


Yoo Hwan grabbed Ji Hye's hairs and smashed her on the floor. She started to bleed but it didn't stop Yoo Hwan. He started slapping her. Ji Hye didn't have any strenght to fight back.

"Sorry! I'm so sorry!" – Ji Hye screamed in fear – "I didn't do that out of hatred... I... I just want Hwan oppa..."

Yoo Hwan knew she didn't talking to him. She was talking to Kyung Soo's soul inside him.

"I didn't mean... your accident... I really didn't mean it... Please forgive me..."

Ji Hye was strangled so hard to the point that she barely breath and could say no more. Yoo Hwan didn't knew the anger within him was Kyung Soo's or his own feeling. But then, he regained his conciousness and took back his control over his body.

"Just now... what did you say?" – Yoo Hwan asked.

Ji Hye knew he backed to normal. Despite her bleeding, she just wanted to hide. She couldn't face him. She need to found a place to hind from Yoo Hwan.

"Answer me!" – Yoo Hwan grabbed Ji Hye's arm – "It was you behind Kyung Soo's accident?"

"I'm sorry. Back then... after I met you, I knew you had someone else but I liked you. I wanted you. So when I saw you two together... I just thought... if he didn't exist... then I can... I can have you...."

Ji Hye's face was covered in blood and tears. But Yoo Hwan felt no pity for her.

No, not only for her.

He was the one that didn't do anything after Kyung Soo got into accident. He didn't do any investigation about it and even married the real culprit. He left him in that cold room, all alone. The one who should be hated was Yoo Hwan himself.

Yoo Hwan left the house. He didn't care how hard Ji Hye tried to hold him back and left.



"Sorry, I couldn't save Kyung Soo-ssi..."

"You don't have to say sorry! If Kyung Soo's time in this world was over, the longer he stayed the more suffering he have to go through. Moreover, if he really did wake up, I don't know how to face him."

SeongWu can hear a sight from the other side. That day, after SeongWu take down that amulet, the spell was broken but Kyung Soo's breath stopped.

Kyung Soo's soul left his body for too long to get back. Even if the spell was broken, he couldn't return to his body anymore. And just as Daniel said, maybe it better if Kyung Soo died in that accident. If he died, he weren't controlled by the spell and suffered so much pain.

"How about Ji Hye?" – SeongWu asks but he only hear a slight laugh.

"I gave her the divorce papers, it's all up to her now."

"I was afraid that..."

"I might kill her? No, that would never happen! I was also at fault in Kyung Soo's accident. If Ji Hye deserved to die, I couldn't be any better than her."

"Yoo Hwan, you..."

"It's almost time. Goodbye."

"Yoo Hwan..."


Yoo Hwan hang up the phone. He deletes every information in his phone, including the phone call history. At least, if someone find this phone, SeongWu won't get in any troubles. Yoo Hwan looks up to the sky. It's so bright and clear, just as Kyung Soo liked. He then looks down on the photo album in his hand, pulls out an old photo. It was the first photo of him and Kyung Soo. His smile was as bright as the sky today. Yoo Hwan slightly smile at it and closes his eye. He takes a step forward and let himself falls down from the building.



"What's the matter?" – Daniel pokes on SeongWu's cheek.

"I has a bad feeling..."

"Just let him deal with it himself, you can't help him anymore."

SeongWu rubs on his eyes.

"How's your eyes? Feeling better?"

SeongWu shakes his head.

After that light got into his eyes, SeongWu couldn't see anything. He thought it only because he got dazzled by the bright light, but it been a few days and he still couldn't get better. He went to see doctor but they said there was nothing wrong with his eyes.

SeongWu curls up on his bed. Everything went dark so sudden, it was really uncomfortable. Fortunately, Daniel always besides him and takes good care of him.

"Stop rubbing your eyes!"

Daniel holds SeongWu's hand, but he can't help it. His eyes just suddenly got a weird feeling. It just ichy in the beginning and then it started to get hurt.

"What's wrong with your eyes?"

"I don't know. It's just... hurt...."

"Let me look!"

Inside the dark black pupils of SeongWu's eyes, Daniel can see a blue light. It's just a small spark of light, but then it spread all around his pupils, making it looks like SeongWu's eyes turning blue.

Daniel startled.

SeongWu can feel Daniel's hands are grabbing so hard on his chin. He can feel that Daniel is nervous.

"Niel, it's hurt..."

SeongWu's eyes getting worse. It feel like there are thousands of needles are stabbing into his eyes. It hurt so much that he can't open his eyes.

After a while, the pain finally goes off. SeongWu slowly open his eyes. He gets dazzled by a sudden daylight throught the window. Everything getting clearer and cleared after a few blinks. He can see everything in his room.

"SeongWu, how's your eyes?"

SeongWu turns to where Daniel was, but he see no one.

"Niel? Where are you?"

"SeongWu, what are you saying? I'm right next to you."

SeongWu reaches out his hand but he can't feel anything. He can't even feel any presence.

"Niel?" – SeongWu calls out in panic.

"SeongWu, SeongWu..."

Even the voice in SeongWu's ears is starting to fade away. Daniel's voice getting smaller and smaller until everything goes back to complete silence.





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