[ENG] Part-Time Lover |SOONA

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As usual, the convenience store is crowded with people who came not to buy things but to look at the girl working part time there. Ranging from middle school kids to working adults or maybe even older, guys come into the store daily just to look at her and admire her beauty. Not only that, she’s really kind and nice as well this gaining herself even more fans, or rather, stalkers.

“You say that you want to buy something before going to your house to do the project but why so we have to travel so far to buy that ONE thing of yours? I’m sure there are other stores that are nearer to your house or the school…” The tall girl grumbled as she follows her project mate, a guy with a frown. They are supposed to continue working on a project after school at the guy’s house but now they are traveling a distance just to get to a convenience store.

“I… It can only be found in this one…” The guy replied nervously as he tries to take something out from his bag while walking towards the store. Probably because his hands are shaking too much from nervousness, the thing dropped onto the floor, revealing itself to be a pink letter and a box of chocolate. The girl picked it up before he could and prevented him from getting it back successfully. “Gi… Give it back, Soo!”

“I sense something going on here.” Sooyoung smirks as she examines the letter and the chocolate, and enters the store before the guy can get the things back. The moment she steps in, she’s shocked by the number of people in the store and she could easily see the reason why. That girl is shining despite the crowd. She’s outstanding. Sooyoung couldn’t stop staring and that gave her friend a chance to snatch those things in her hands away. “… I see…”

“Isn’t she an angel?” The guy sighed with a smile.


“Oh yes… Goddess…” And the two of them continue to stand there for quite some while, staring at the girl behind the counter. Without saying a word, the tall girl marches towards the cashier counter and grabbed the hands of the girl abruptly, shocking the girl.

“Miss…?” The girl stares at her blankly. Her voice is so sweet. Music to her ears.

“I need your help. Can you help me?” The tall girl asked, and her eyes went to the nametag pinned on the girl’s uniform. “Please help me, Yoona ssi.”

The doe-eye girl’s face turns red slightly, from embarrassment, and her eyes dart around, surveying the surrounding and at the people who are looking at the two of them, some of them clearly admiring the new face’s beauty as well.

“… H… How…?” The doe-eye girl blurts out after much hesitation and the tall girl’s face turns brighter instantly.

“I don’t think you’re free now so… Give me your number.” Sooyoung pulls out her phone and shove it into Yoona’s hand with a smile that is rather pressuring somehow though it looks beautiful. “Come on~” Sooyoung pushes her phone further into Yoona’s hand.

“Soo, can you not bother her…?” Her friend came over and tried to pull her away but the girl refuses to budge. “I’m really sorry about her, Yoona ssi…”

“… I… It’s okay…” The doe-eye girl replied, handing the phone back to the tall girl. The tall girl grins and without letting her friend sees the screen, she checked that the girl had input her number in. She saves it immediately, in case anything happened and she loses the number.

“Thank you.” Sooyoung grins and kisses the back of the girl’s hand gently, causing the girl to blush instantly and withdraws her hand away from the tall girl. The guy smacks the tall girl on the back of the head and drags her out quickly before she tries to do anything else.

“What in the world are you doing…?!” The guy scolded as soon as they got out from the store and the girl merely shrugged before walking away.

“Checking her out?” The tall girl grins, holding up a box of chocolate that looks extremely familiar to the guy.

“Hey… Yah! Give it back!” He tries to grab it but she shove it under her blouse immediately with a proud, victorious grin.

“That’s for not telling me about such an awesome girl earlier. Merong~!” The tall girl sticks her tongue out at the guy and ran off quickly. And so, they forget about their project completely and went on their own way back home.


“She should had gotten off work already…” The tall girl murmured as she smiles at the number displayed on the screen before pressing the dial button. She lies down on her bed as she waits for the girl to pick up the call and just when she’s about to hang up and try again, a click is heard and a familiar voice rings into her right ear.


It’s her. Sounding sweet as ever.

“Hello, it’s me. The girl that asked for your number at the store earlier in the afternoon. Remember?” The tall girl identifies herself quickly.

“Ah… Yea… Hello…” The girl sounds rather surprised and the tall girl finds it cute.

“Do you always give your number away so easily? You gave it to me when I asked for it for the first time, and we just met too.”

“… N… No I don’t… But… Y… You said that you needed my help and… I thought it should be okay since you’re a girl as well…” The girl sounds unsure and she seems to be a little distracted or something. From her voice, it just sounds like her attention is actually on something else, or she’s just being very nervous here.

“Am I disturbing you or are you just nervous?”

“No… Erm… Actually yes… I’m nervous…”

“Haha~ How cute~” The tall girl laughed.


“Nothing. Okay. Let me get straight to the point here. I need your help. Don’t be shocked by the things that I will be revealing to you, okay?”

“Oh… Okay…”

“I swing in the wrong way, if you get what that means but if you don’t, it’s okay. Now, there’s someone that I like and being a total noob at relationship kind of thing, I need help with it.”

“But I… I have no experience in that too…”

“Listen first, my deer. I assume that you need money, right? Since you’re working part time in such an environment where you get stares at all day long and you’re clearly not the type that like that amount of attention.”

“Ah… Erm… K… Kind of…”

“I want to hire you. Because you’re similar, or maybe the same type of person as the person I like, so I want to hire you to be my girlfriend and let me experience some relationship stuffs first.”

“Huh? Wha… What? Wait… Erm… Y… Your girlfriend…? But…”

“I told you I swing the wrong way, didn’t I?”

“Ah…? Tha… That’s what you mean by swinging the wrong way…?”

“Yes. So, is 43 000 won a week alright for you? Just let your Saturday and Sunday belong to me. Some texts and calls during the weekdays. That’s it.”

“… But… But…”

“Come on~ it won’t do any harm right? You help me get used to relationship and dates, you get to experience it too and you get money too. Just treat it as a part time job, okay? Will you be my part-time lover, Yoona ssi? Please?”

“I… I will consider…”

“Aww~ come on~ please~ you’re the only one that can help me because you’re the most similar person I can find.”

“… But… I might need to… do my homework on Saturday and Sunday…”

“Study date then! I don’t mind. I’m a student too and doing homework with my girlfriend sounds great! Especially if my girlfriend can tutor me! Come on~”

“… B… But… It just doesn’t seem right…”

“I won’t tell anyone, okay? At most, we can say that we are serious.”

“Ehhh? But I…”

“You’re straight? Don’t worry. Just say that you swing both ways then! Haha~”

“… Please let me consider it…”

“Jeez~ araso. I will go look for you tomorrow and you have to give me an answer by then, okay? Do accept it, okay? No harm done except for getting you mistaken as someone that goes both ways but that’s nothing serious., right? You get your money and I get my experience.”

“… Araso… I… I will give you an answer tomorrow…” The doe-eye girl sighed. How did she get into such a mess? That girl doesn’t seem bad but her request is so absurd, asking her to be her part-time lover. Should she really accept it for the sake of money? It’s true that except for having her sexuality getting mistaken, she won’t have much loss…

“I’m Sooyoung by the way. Choi Sooyoung.” The tall girl spoke again suddenly, causing Yoona to snap back to her senses. “So I will see you tomorrow~ Goodnight~”

“… Goodnight…” And the line went dead. The doe-eye girl sighed again and lies down on the blanket on the floor, turning her head to the side to stare at the phone in her hand. What should she do? Should she really accept the offer for the sake of money or should she reject for the sake of the truth of her sexual orientation? Argh.


The tall girl whistled as she strolls down the streets with a light mood and stops outside a certain convenience store. From outside, she could already see some crowd of guys and the poor girl behind the cashier counter getting stared at constantly. She grins to herself as she enters the store and advances straight to her target.

“What time do you end work? Since I believe you won’t want to talk about it with so many people around.” She asked, resting her elbows on the counter and her head on her palms.

“… I just came in around an hour ago…” The doe-eye girl checked her watch and answered with a sigh. The tall girl nodded and walked away, heading towards the area with the tables and chairs to sit down. “You’re just going to sit there and wait? I still have five hours, you know.”

“The part-time here is six hours?” The tall girl looks at the doe-eye girl and the girl nodded. What the doe-eye girl didn’t expect is to see the tall girl shrugging and taking out her phone to play with it. Is she going to just waste her time there? Throughout the day’s working hours, the doe-eye girl had been glancing over to the tables and chairs area where the tall girl is sitting at. All the girl did is play with her phone, getting up and buying some food to eat or sleep. What about her homework? Doesn’t she need to do her homework?

“Thanks for your hard work, Yoona ssi.” The co-worker bowed slightly as the girl exits from the staffs’ room, changed out of the uniform. Her shift finally ended. Yoona smiled and bowed before walking over to the resting area and sits down in front of the tall girl.

“… Okay… I’m here.” Yoona sighed, looking at the idling girl with a slight frown. Sooyoung noticed that and smirks, leaning closer to the girl and pressing on the area where her eyebrows met due to the frown, and rubs it. Yoona almost fell as she tries to move away quickly but Sooyoung caught her arm and pulled her back easily.

“Don’t get so excited.” Sooyoung teased, standing up and stretching. “Let’s go now. I will walk you home.”

“Huh? Wait… Aren’t we…” Yoona couldn’t understand. Didn’t Sooyoung say that she wants to talk about that offer but now she’s just going to go off?

“We can talk on the way. Come on.” Sooyoung grabs Yoona by her hand and drags her out of the store. For quite some distance. She continues to hold onto the doe-eye girl’s hand and none of them said a word. One of them is just enjoying the silence and the walk while the other one is just too confused and blank. “So… Yes or no?” Sooyoung interrupted the silence, slightly unwillingly.

“… You say that… you will give me 43 000 won per week…? Won’t that be too much for you…?” Yoona asked timidly, and to be shocked when Sooyoung pulled her closer suddenly and grabbed her chin, lifting it up slightly.

“I’m taking that as a yes then. You say that you didn’t date before right? So your lips, hands, bum, chest… Whatever, is still new right?”

“N… New?! W… What…?” Yoona’s face turns red instantly when she notices that the girl is looking downwards at her body. Why is she being so nervous around this girl? Because this girl admitted that she’s gay?

“I just mean… No one except for you had touches any of those parts I listed right?”

“… Y… Y… Yes…” Yoona looks away, feeling embarrassed somehow but to have her head forced to turn back and before she knew it, something is pressing on her lips. There’s a hand on her right cheek, holding her head in place while the other one is on her back, sliding downwards and towards an obvious place. Yoona started to panic and she turns away to her left quickly, breaking away from the kiss. “W… What are you d… doing…?!”

“I always wanted to try that you know. Like, after I confess and got accepted, I will kiss her immediately.” Sooyoung grins, licking her own lips. “Strawberry lip gloss huh?”

“… D… Don’t go around tasting other people’s lip gloss…” Yoona’s face turns even redder and Sooyoung chuckles at the sight of that. How cute can this girl get? This seriously feel as though they are in a relationship. A real one. She hugs the girl and pats the girl’s back gently, no forgetting to give the girl’s bum a squeeze before moving away. “Y… Yah…!”

“Not bad. Very fleshy and soft.” Sooyoung teased and the doe-eye girl’s face couldn’t be any redder. And soon, she’s chasing the tall girl down the streets, forgetting about the question she had asked earlier on.


The sky is still dark and outside a certain rented apartment, there’s already someone standing outside it and smiling at the door. She has a bag slung across her shoulders, a heavy looking one.


The door finally opens but the one that came out isn’t the one she’s waiting for. The owner of the house looks rather shocked to see a cute girl standing outside the apartment early in the morning when the day has barely started.

“… May I help you?” The lady asked, bending over to pick up the free milk placed outside her apartment and her eyes fixed on the stranger.

“Oh… Hello. I’m Choi Sooyoung. I’m Yoona’s friend.” The girl greeted the lady quickly with a 90-degree bow and a bright, captivating smile. The lady stares blankly for a moment and looks back into the apartment before turning back again to look at the girl.

“… But she’s still sleeping… Did you two arranged to meet or something?” The lady asked.

“Sorry but no. I came without telling her but…” Sooyoung opens her bag and pulls out a large container from it, handing it over to the lady. “Please enjoy this with Yoona for breakfast. Thank you.” With that, Sooyoung bowed again and ran off, leaving the lady puzzled.

The lady shrugged and closed the door. She placed the container on the floor near to the doe-eye girl’s pillow before leaning over to nudge the girl. The girl yawned and rubbed her eyes gently before opening it slightly and staring at the lady.

“Your friend came, Yoona.” The lady said, with a smile.

“My friend…?” Yoona sits up slowly, stretches her body and gets up to head over to the bathroom to wash up.

“Yea. I think her name is… Sooyoung? Choi Sooyoung.” Hearing that, Yoona spits out the toothpaste in her mouth in shock and coughed violently. “Hey! Are you okay?”

“Y… Yea… Sorry…” Yoona rinses her mouth quickly and walks over to sit beside the lady. “Why did she come for, mum? And what’s that?” She noticed the large container beside her pillow.

“Even though she says that we should share this for breakfast, I think it’s just for you only. So I didn’t open it yet.” The lady pushes the container towards the doe-eye girl and the girl opens the cover without hesitation, but to close it back instantly after seeing the content. The lady blinked blankly at her, not understanding her actions. “What’s wrong?”

“… E… Erm… N… Nothing…” The girl replied, as calmly as she could. In her mind, she’s busying cursing that girl for preparing such a thing. Inside the container is a layer of rice, and on top of it lays a sunny-side egg shaped in a heart shape and around it are some greens and cherry tomatoes. Heart shape. Seriously?! Feeling that the girl’s reply is suspicious, the lady reaches out to get the container but before she can get it, the girl shook the container violently.

“What are you doing?!” The lady exclaimed, snatching the container over and opening it to see the messed-up content. “Jeez. Why did you mess it up for?”

“I… It’s already messed up in the first place…! S… So I… I thought it would be nice to… Erm… mix everything and eat it like bibimbap…” Yoona lets out a sigh and stands up to get two spoons before sitting down again. “Let’s… Erm… Eat then.”

The lady nodded and grabbed one of the spoons from the girl and the two of them start to eat from the container. The serving is pretty huge and it’s enough for the two of them to have a good and filling meal. Shortly after finishing up their meal, the lady bids the girl goodbye and went out for work, and almost instantly after the lady left, someone came and knocked on the door.

Yoona somehow expected who she would see standing outside and opens the door with a rather annoyed expression. True enough, the first thing she sees is the bright smile on that cute but somewhat annoying face of her so-called girlfriend.

“Hello, my deer~” The tall girl cups the doe-eye girl’s face without any warning and kisses the girl on her lips, earning a slap in return. “Yah. Which girl actually slap her girlfriend for kissing her?!”

“Can you not do such nonsensical stuff early in the morning? What if my mum sees the content of the container just now?” Yoona sighed, wiping her lips against the back of her hand as she allows the girl to enter the one-room apartment she stays in with her mother.

“Isn’t that great? She should know what an awesome girlfriend you got here.” Sooyoung grins, hugging the girl from the back and smelling the girl’s neck.

“Y… Yah…!” Yoona pushes the girl away quickly and looks away to hide her reddened face. “Don’t do such disgusting thing… And we are not a real couple. I’m just helping you out, okay?”

“Of course I know that but we have to keep it realistic, shouldn’t we?”

“Have a limit please.”

“I do have a limit. If you’re really my girlfriend, I would have grope your melons right away.”

“W… What…?” Yoona stares at Sooyoung in disbelief as she crosses her arms across her chest and the tall girl chuckles at the sight of that. Slowly, she held the doe-eye girl’s wrists and pulls the girl’s arms away, before leaning closer with a smirk. “W… What are you…”

“I say… IF you are my girlfriend… I would grope you but since you’re not my girlfriend, I won’t do that. So there’s no need to cover. I know my limit, my cute little deer.” Sooyoung grins as she stares at the girl’s face, close up. Looking cute and beautiful as ever. Even though they are so close together, she couldn’t find a bit of flaw on the doe-eye girl’s face. Wanting to tease the girl, she licked the girl’s jawline, causing the girl to freeze instantly.

“W… Wha… What in the world are you doing…?!” Yoona blushed and pushed the tall girl away quickly, covering the area that the girl just licked. “W… Why are you here anyway…?!”

“You let me in without asking that first. Wow.” Sooyoung sits up properly with a smile that Yoona dislikes. Not that she really dislike it but it looks as though she’s scheming something and not only that, she looks so beautiful with that smile too. Yoona doesn’t want to admit to be fact that this girl is really attractive, even for a girl. “It’s weekend, babe. I told you to let your weekend belongs to me.”

“I got homework.”

“Knew it. So I brought mine.” Sooyoung pulls out her homework from her bag and dumped it on the floor, right in front of the doe-eye girl before smiling at her again. Yoona smacks her own forehead and sighed. Thus, their study session commences.

While the doe-eye girl has her full attention on her homework, the tall girl is terribly fidgety and distracted. One moment, she’s doodling on her paper, another moment she’s just spacing out and another moment, she leaning on the doe-eye girl and looking at the girl’s homework. Finally, Yoona couldn’t stand it anymore and knocks the girl on her head with her fist gently, before shoving the paper and book into the girl’s face and ordering her to do it.

“I got no mood to do it, deer.” Sooyoung sighed, flipping through the book.

“No mood isn’t an excuse. Do it.” Yoona frowns and pokes the paper a few times with the end of her pen.

“A kiss if I listen to you and finish it.”

“Feel free to go home.”

“Aww come on~ Couples are supposed to support and motivate each other. You have to motivate me to work, my deer.” Sooyoung clings on the girl’s right arm, not allowing the girl to continue with her work until she agrees to the deal. If Sooyoung does her work obediently, Yoona will give her a kiss on the lips. Right after sealing the deal, Sooyoung is visibly more motivated to work and shortly after Yoona completed her homework, she finished everything as well.

At first, Yoona wanted to try and get away without giving the reward but the tall girl literally grabbed her and forced a kiss on her. It’s not just any kiss. Because the doe-eye girl almost screamed in shock after getting pulled over, Sooyoung took the chance to get her tongue in and played with the girl’s tongue skillfully.

Yoona felt weird and comfortable but yet at the same time, it feels as though she’s melting with the hot, sensual kiss. It only stopped when Yoona went out of breath and Sooyoung couldn’t felt more satisfied.

“You didn’t push me away.” Sooyoung grins as she leans on the doe-eye girl’s back and rests her chin on the girl’s shoulder. The girl didn’t respond to her as she’s still trying to catch her breath and also, to cool down. She’s feeling too warm right now. She cursed the girl for being such a great kisser, making her unable to complain and deny it.

Sooyoung stares at the girl blankly, wondering about her irresponsive state. Even though she only know this girl for three days, she sort of know that this girl would be the type to push her away if she forces a kiss on her but why didn’t she do that and why is she this quiet? Slowly, she leans closer and wraps her arms around the girl, surprising the girl.

“H… Huh? W… What are you d… doing?!” Yoona wanted to move away but the girl held her tightly. Sooyoung grins as she uses some strength to force the girl to lie down before resting her head in the girl’s chest. “Y… Yah…!”

“Shhh… Let me sleep for a while, okay…? I woke up extra early today, you know.”

“A… At least don’t sleep in that area…!” Yoona protested, her face completely red from embarrassment. It’s the first time she ever had someone pressing so close to her chest like that. Chest pillow for someone she barely knows. It’s just so awkward and uncomfortable. The tall girl seems to have fallen asleep already and Yoona didn’t want to disturb her sleep.

… For a while should be fine, I guess…

 Yoona sighed and pulled her pillow over, being careful not to wake the girl up and rested her own head on it. Soon, her eyes start to close and she joins the tall girl in the dreamland.


The tall girl yawned and opens her eyes slowly to see that part of her vision is blocked by something. Forgetting her current position, she tried to push that thing away but to be shocked by the softness of it. She gets up quickly and sees that the doe-eye girl is sleeping under her. Did she really just let her sleep on her chest? Man, this girl is seriously so vulnerable and nice. Initially, she’s intending to just let it be a tease but she accidentally fell asleep before she can move away. It’s so unexpected that the girl actually didn’t move her away or worse, kick her away.

Sooyoung sighed as she stares at the girl’s sleeping face. So peaceful and beautiful. She brushes the bit of hair away from the girl’s face gently and caressed the girl’s cheek carefully, not wanting to wake the girl up. The feeling of the girl’s chest is still in her hand, to be honest. It felt nice.

“Why are you so vulnerable, Yoona ah…” Sooyoung whispered, as she continues to caress the girl’s cheek and admire the girl’s beauty. “If you don’t stop being so angelic, I’m going to fall even harder you know…”

Just then, the girl fidgeted slightly and Sooyoung lies back down on the girl’s chest quickly, wanting to pretend that she’s still asleep. She didn’t mind getting caught for pretending but it would be good if she didn’t get caught. Yoona seems to have woken up and she hears the girl sighing.

Should she take some advantage of this girl?

Sooyoung pretends to be stirring in her sleep and one of her hands lands directly on one side of Yoona’s chest, shocking the girl. Sooyoung felt the girl freezing up but the girl didn’t do something like kicking her away.

“S… Soo… Sooyoung ssi…” Man, she’s going to just wake her up normally? “S… Sooyoung ssi, you… your hand…”

“Mm…?” Sooyoung gives it a squeeze and pushes herself up. “… Yes…?”

“Y… Y… Your hand…” Yoona’s face is completely red and it’s obvious that she’s really uncomfortable right now. Sooyoung acts like she’s shocked and removes her hand from Yoona’s chest quickly. The doe-eye girl moves away instantly and covers her own chest quietly, slightly rubbing the side where Sooyoung grabbed to ease the weird feeling.

“I… I’m sorry… I… I didn’t mean to…” Darn. Now she feels bad for groping the girl. Why is this girl so angelic? Seriously. If it’s any other girl, she might have bruises on her face already but this girl here… It just makes Sooyoung feels like holding her in her arms forever and protects her from the perverts. Sooyoung bites her own lips as she continues to look at the quiet and embarrassed doe-eye girl. “Yoona…”

“Y… Yes…?” Yoona didn’t look at her.

“Can I hug you?” She’s too precious. So precious that Sooyoung wants her in her arms right now. The girl didn’t reply her so Sooyoung starts to move closer slowly and embraces the girl. A hug never felt as nice. This must be the nicest hug she could ever experience. “Sorry for groping you.”

“… Y… You didn’t… mean to do it, right…?” Yoona still refuses to look at Sooyoung directly. Sooyoung hesitated to answer her. Should she tell the truth or not? If she tells the truth, the girl might want to stop all this stuffs instantly and cut off all relation with her but if she doesn’t tell the truth, she will feels bad about it.

“Hey, you finished your homework right?” In the end, Sooyoung chooses to just change the topic. Yoona nodded and she fidgeted slightly, telling Sooyoung silently that she wants to get out of her embrace. “How about a date tomorrow? Since we are both pretty tired today, so let’s do it tomorrow, okay?”

“A… date?”

“Yea. We can do whatever couples do. Shopping, strolling, picnicking, watching movies, eating and so on. Okay?”

“… As… As long as it’s not going over the limit…” Yoona replied softly. She’s still feeling kind of weird and awkward from the chest grab.

“Okay! What do you want to so then?”

“I’m… fine with anything….”

“Then… I will plan it? Don’t you complain about it, okay? I’m an amateur at this so don’t expect too much on the first date.” Sooyoung grins, feeling excited about it already. She’s determined to make it pleasant for Yoona, to make up for the intentional chest grab and also, to make the girl more accustomed to all these.

Yoona nodded and for a moment, there was silence. None of them makes an effort to break it as it was rather pleasant at that point of time. Though Yoona is still feeling a little awkward, but it’s much better now. Sooyoung noticed that the girl is more relaxed now and decided to try and bond with the girl further by lying down on the girl’s lap, surprising the girl. But Yoona did nothing in response. She just allow the girl to continue lying on her lap and the silence continue.

“You’re an angel, Yoona.” Sooyoung blurted out suddenly.

“H… Huh?” Yoona looks down and stares at the girl with a raised eyebrow, and a tint of redness in her cheeks.

“Nothing.” Sooyoung smiles and yawns. She turns around to face Yoona’s stomach and before any of them knew it, she’s already asleep. Waking up early just isn’t her thing.


“I’m back.” The woman enters the apartment with some groceries in her hands. Somehow, she isn’t that surprised to see an extra person in the apartment. It’s just that, after what happened in the morning, she sort of expected to see the girl again in the apartment. Quietly, she puts down the groceries but her daughter woke up anyway.

“Mum…?” Yoona yawned. Because Sooyoung is sleeping on her lap earlier on so she couldn’t do anything and she ended up sleeping again as well. She tries to get up but couldn’t, and she realizes that the girl is now sleeping on her stomach instead. “… Sooyoung ssi.” She nudges the girl gently but the girl didn’t even fidget.

“I didn’t see her before. Is she new?” The woman asked, sitting down beside the two girls.

“Ah… Erm… I sort of helped her and… Erm… We became friends…” Yoona lied as she continues to nudge the tall girl until she wakes up.

“Rise and shine, sweetie.” The woman laughed when she sees the surprised look on the tall girl’s face.

“O… Oh…! H… Hello, Yoona’s mother. I’m sorry… Erm I should get going now…” Sooyoung literally jumped to her feet and bowed. She grabbed her bag and shove everything into it before heading for the door. However, the woman caught her by her wrist and stopped her from leaving.

“Why not stay for a while longer? I’m going to prepare dinner now.”

“Erm…” Sooyoung exchanges glances with the doe-eye girl who seems rather unwilling to let her stay any longer. “I… I will pass on that. Thanks for the offer, Yoona’s mother. I… I will take my leave now.”

“Aww. Okay. Drop by again soon, okay? I bet Yoona would be glad to have you accompanying her.” The woman smiled as she sends the girl off to the door.

“Ah… I… Hope so…” Sooyoung stares at the face of the doe-eye girl for a while longer before turning around to leave. “See you next time, Yoona’s mother. And erm… I will call you or text you later, Yoona.”

“Araso. Bye bye.” Yoona waved and the tall girl ran off quickly.

“She’s a nice girl. I’m glad.” The woman grins as she closes the door and locks it.

“Yea… Nice…” Yoona sighed. She’s rather worried about tomorrow’s date. She sincerely hopes that nothing weird will happen tomorrow.


The doe-eye girl stood quietly at the bus stop, wearing a simple, black sleeveless shirt that wraps around her body neatly. Her beautiful legs are mostly uncovered by her shorts and people who are passing by couldn’t help but to stare at her.

“Why are you wearing such clothing that will make people drool?” Just then, a pair of arms wrap around her waist.

“Because it’s warm. And you told me to dress casually.” The doe-eye girl replied, removing herself from the tall girl’s embrace.

“But not this casual, my deer. You’re attracting attention to yourself because of your body hugging shirt that shows your curves, and your shorts that don’t cover your beautiful legs.”

“… So now what?”

“Get a change of clothes, my deer. Come on.” Sooyoung grabbed the girl by her hand and dragged her along as they head back to the girl’s house which is nearby. Yoona changed into a loose tee and a slightly longer shorts unwillingly, and off they go for their first date.

Yoona’s face brightens up slightly when she realizes where are they heading to now. Even though she tries hard not to show it, Sooyoung could see that she’s excited to get into the place that they are standing outside of now - amusement park. It’s Sunday and the place is packed with families and couples. Telling Yoona that they might get lost if they don’t stay close, Sooyoung took the opportunity to hold her hand tightly.

The two of them had a blast playing all the thrilling rides but before Yoona can get Sooyoung to agree to play another round of roller coaster, the latter proposed something to her. Something rather unpleasant for her.

“If you agree to enter the Haunted House once, I will let you get on all the thrilling rides again.” Not that Sooyoung love this kind of stuff but haunted house is a great way to bond with your girlfriend, isn’t it? She just have to make good use of every date to bond deeper with this girl, since they won’t be meeting often like other couples.

“… B… But I… I hate this kind of…” Yoona pouted, almost causing Sooyoung to swoon over the cuteness.

“I’m with you, don’t worry. Just once will do and we will play the rest of the rides for as long as you want to.” The doe-eye girl nodded hesitantly, and the tall girl smiles, holding her hand and leading her towards the queue for the haunted house.

That dreadful moment came and the two of them step into the haunted house, the doe-eye girl is partially dragged in by the taller girl. With caution steps, Sooyoung leads the way, holding both Yoona’s wrists and making the girl wraps her arms loosely around her waist.

A female ghost jumps out on the doe-eye girl all of the sudden, shortly after they enter, and the doe-eye girl is too shocked and scared to even scream. She quickly tightens her hold on the taller girl and the two of them stood still at that spot for a while.

“Are you okay?” Sooyoung asked, pulling the girl forward gently and pats the girl to comfort her. The girl nodded after calming down and they continue with the horror trail. Every single time when something appears suddenly, the doe-eye girl will hug the taller girl tightly and it just get tighter each time. At last, right at the end, she breaks down before they can step out and Sooyoung hugs her immediately, patting her and comforting her.

“Here.” Sooyoung offered a cup of ice cream to the doe-eye girl who is sitting down at one of the table near the haunted house. The girl didn’t take it and continue to sniff uncontrollably. “Come on. It’s melting. Do you want me to feed you mouth-to-mouth instead?”

“W… Why did you bring me into that place…!” Yoona whined and the tall girl chuckled. “What’s so funny?”

“No… It’s just that you’re really cute.” Sooyoung grins, sitting down beside the girl.

“… W… What…?” Yoona blushes and took the ice cream from Sooyoung, eating it slowly.

“Nothing. More roller coaster later?”

“You owe me that!”

“Yes~ Yes~ Eat up and we shall get on that again, okay?” Sooyoung smiles as she pats the girl again, causing the girl to look away from embarrassment. Why is Sooyoung affecting her this way? Is it because Sooyoung give her a sense of security? It’s not something deniable that Sooyoung really did protect her throughout the horror trail in the haunted house earlier on, keeping her close and comforting her every time she got a scare.

Time passes quickly and the amount of people decreases greatly. However, there are still two girls going around to all the thrilling rides and getting on it. The doe-eye girl seems to be never getting tired of it but the taller girl is feeling drained already.

“Hey, did you not come to the amusement park for a long time already?” Sooyoung stopped the girl from going towards the roller coaster again.

“Sort of… I don’t have the money to do that, you know.” Yoona sighed. “Tired?”

“… Sorry but yes… We can come again next time, okay? I promise.”

“Okay. Let’s go then.” Yoona nodded and the two of them finally leave the place. Good for Sooyoung, the time isn’t too late for her to continue with her plan. Following her plan, they went for dinner at a fast-food restaurant nearby, before heading to the cinema for a movie.

After playing around for the whole day, Yoona fell asleep during the movie and when Sooyoung noticed that, she could only let out a sigh with a smile. She removes her own jacket, which she wore earlier on due to the cold, and covers Yoona with it before positioning the girl to lean towards her. Throughout the whole movie, Sooyoung stayed still, in fear that she will wake the girl up with just a slight movement.

“Yoona…” The doe-eye girl thought she heard someone calling her softly in her dream and opens her eyes slowly, closing it again after having her vision blurred by the bright light. “It’s time to go, Yoona.” The voice spoke again and she opens her eyes, to see that the big screen is black and the whole theater is empty.

“… I… fell asleep…” Yoona rubbed her eyes with a sad look. She feels bad for wasting Sooyoung’s money like that but she’s just too tired to keep her eyes open. She noticed the extra jacket covering her soon after and she touches Sooyoung’s arm, shocked to find it really cold. “Oh my god… Why did you…”

“It’s easier to catch a cold when you’re sleeping so…” Sooyoung smiled and before she can finish her sentence, she let out a sneeze. “Excuse me…”

“Are you stupid…? Let’s get out of here first…” Yoona sighed and gets up quickly, pulling Sooyoung along with her. They got something warm to drink and Yoona wrapped the jacket around Sooyoung, to let the girl’s body get more warmth.

“It’s warm enough out here, my silly deer.” Sooyoung removes the jacket and ties the sleeves around her waist. “I hope today’s date is alright for you.”

“… I… It’s fun…” Yoona admitted shyly and the tall girl grins, pulling the girl close for a hug.

“Glad to hear that. Come on, let’s send you home.” Sooyoung moves away and holds Yoona’s hand. The journey back home is a quiet one. Both of them are totally tired out and Sooyoung didn’t want to break the peaceful silence between them. She feels good enough to be able to look at the girl staring out of the window of the bus.

“See you soon.” Sooyoung leans in and gives the girl a peck on her lips.

“… Bye bye. Thanks for today.” Yoona bowed and went upstairs without looking back. She knows that Sooyoung is going to stand there until she’s out of sight, so in order not to let the girl stand there for too long, a fast farewell is needed. Today is really fun and memorable. Even though the girl can be really weird sometimes, Yoona realizes that the girl is really dependable and nice. Just like a reliable man who is ideal as a boyfriend.

Somehow, she’s actually looking forward to the weekends now. She looks forward to the dates she would be getting. Maybe not all of them would be as fun as today’s, but she knows that it’s definitely worth anticipating for.

Choi Sooyoung… Why are you affecting me like this…?

 Yoona sighed, as she watches the girl walked down the street from the window.


“Is it okay if I sit in for just this lesson? I’m waiting for someone in this class.” The doe-eye girl stared blankly at the extra person standing at the door of the lecture theater. She’s obviously not the only one staring, because all of the guys are busy staring as well. Why is she here?

“… Sure… Just don’t disrupt the lecture in any way.” The lecturer agreed and the person thanked him, before heading straight to where the doe-eye girl is. Everyone watch as the person sits down beside the doe-eye girl happily and discussions kick in. “Guys, attention please.”

“W… Why are you here…?” Yoona whispered, to the taller girl sitting beside her.

“I got no classes today so I thought I should come and take a look at your school. It’s seriously easy to find you, you know.” Sooyoung grins at the girl. “All I need to do it ask where are you, to any student I can grab along the corridor, and ta-da~ I found you.”

“… Jeez.”

“I’m awesome, right?”

“Sh… Shut up, thick-skinned. I need to concentrate on the lecture.” Yoona looked away from the tall girl after noticing the stare of the lecturer and continues to take down notes of whatever she missed while she’s talking to Sooyoung. Sooyoung grins as she stares at the doe-eye girl, looking perfect as ever. She’s so gorgeous when she’s being so serious and hardworking.

“You got work later on right?”


“Got time to spare?”



“… Talk later.” Yoona turns her attention back to the lecture again, leaving Sooyoung to entertain herself. Without Yoona noticing, Sooyoung took pictures of the girl and stops to admire each picture happily.

As soon as the lecture ends, Sooyoung linked arms with the doe-eye girl and pulled her out of the lecture theater without giving the girl a chance to even protest.

“Yah… I’m going home.” Yoona tries to pull away from the tall girl but the girl hugs her arm immediately.

“No. Lunch with me.”

“I don’t want to.”

“Aww come on.”

“Today is not a weekend so I don’t see the need to be with you.”

“I miss you.”

“… Don’t say such easily misunderstood stuff.”

“I mean it. Even though there’s no need for you to be with me today, I have the need to be with you because I miss you too much. Come on. It’s just lunch. A lunch date.” Sooyoung pleaded, staring at Yoona with her big, round eyes. Yoona finds it hard to look away from those eyes but if she doesn’t, she would definitely blush and other people will think that they are a couple or something. But it’s really hard to look away from those beautiful eyes.

“… F… Fine.” Yoona bits her lips and closes her eyes, before turning away to hide her reddened face.

“Yay~ come on, let’s go!” Sooyoung cheered and drags the girl along as she runs out of the school. They soon arrived at an eatery nearby and Sooyoung ordered a large amount of food just for the doe-eye girl. “Maybe I should change the contact to meeting you everyday. Having to wait till the weekend to meet you seriously kill me.”

“Why would it kill you? It’s not like we are a real couple.” Yoona replied casually as she starts to dig in to the food.

“It’s only you who think that w-” Sooyoung stops instantly after realizing what she just say and the doe-eye girl looks up from the food to stare at her blankly.

“Huh?” Did she hear it wrongly or did the tall girl just implied that she had been treating this as though they are a real couple?

“Nothing. I… I say it’s better to… erm… treat it a little seriously to be more realistic…” Sooyoung avoided eye contact with the girl, pretending to be focusing on the food in front of her.

“… I see. But don’t treat it too seriously or I will probably get freaked out. I honestly don’t even know why I agree to do this…” Yoona’s attention went back to the food, not realizing how hurt the tall girl was after hearing that. But the good thing is, at least right now she isn’t freaked out yet.

“T… Tomorrow… Are you free?” Sooyoung wants to change the topic now.

“Probably. This week doesn’t have much work to do.”

“Same thing, dress casually but not too casual, okay?”

“… Araso.” Yoona nodded without even looking at Sooyoung. The tall girl remains still for a moment, to stare at the doe-eye girl as she eats. Damn. How can someone be this gorgeous when eating such big mouthful of food so unglamorously? Noting a stain of the chili sauce at the corner of the girl’s mouth, Sooyoung uses her thumb to wipe it off for the girl and she licks it off her thumb with a grin when the girl stares at her.

“It tastes sweeter. Mm~” Sooyoung licked her lips playfully as the doe-eye girl stares at her blankly. She almost wanted to kiss the girl when she started blushing and looking away. It’s just so cute. But she knows that she shouldn’t do that, now that they are actually near the school of the doe-eye girl and the girl will definitely hate her if they get seen doing such acts.

After they are done eating, Sooyoung walked Yoona to the convenience store and bids her goodbye for the day. She can’t wait for tomorrow to come quickly. Whereas Yoona is wondering what will they be doing tomorrow, hoping that it would be fun like their first date.


The doe-eye girl lies down on the mat and stares into the sky. The clouds float pass slowly, giving the girl a sense of peace just by look at it. But a certain girl who decided to just climb on her partially and kiss her on her lips disrupts the peace. She pushes the girl away immediately and sits up with a frown, glaring at the girl.

“I thought it would be nice to have a picnic since the weather is nice.” That’s what the girl told her when they first arrive in the park with a basket in hand. And after finishing the food, Yoona wanted to rest for a while to enjoy the nice weather quietly but Sooyoung just have to come over and ruin it for her.

“Why did you have to ruin the peace…?” Yoona sighed.

“Why? You look so beautiful so I couldn’t help it.” Sooyoung grins at her playfully, before turning away upon hearing the ringing of a bell. She saw something in a distance and went towards it without telling Yoona about it first. Soon, she returns with ice creams in her hands and she offers one to Yoona.

“… Thanks.” Yoona takes the ice cream from the girl and starts to eat it quietly. Even when eating the ice cream, Sooyoung couldn’t help but to stare at the girl. She could feel the joy of just being by the side of this girl and the joy just get better each time she sees her.

“Yoong…” Sooyoung noticed something and leans towards the doe-eye girl steadily. The girl stares at her blankly, and attempted to move away after realizing what is going to happen. But she failed to prevent it from happening.

Sooyoung presses her lips on the girl’s lips with some force, before opening her mouth slightly to lick the lips of the girl. Yoona stays frozen as the girl tastes her lips without permission, her eyes shut tightly and her face flushed red with embarrassment. She didn’t dare to say a thing, fearing that Sooyoung will bring the kiss further up to the next level if she opens her mouth.

“Why are you blushing so much?” Sooyoung teased, moving away and licking her own lips. “You got some ice cream at the corner of your mouth so I helped you clean it up.”

“W… What…?” Yoona stares at her in disbelief. Can she not use such an abnormal method to help her clean the side of her mouth?

“What? You want the real thing?” Sooyoung moves closer again and Yoona backs away instantly, her face turning red in an instant. Just the thought of getting kissed by this girl again makes her shy somehow. She somehow knows that she won’t be able to resist it if she is to let the girl kiss her, given how good the girl is at kissing. “You’re turning red already?”

“I… I’m not…!” Yoona looks away, and at that moment, she saw someone getting chased by two other people. He is soon caught and he got something torn off from his back. “… Huh?”

“Oh?” Without Yoona noticing, Sooyoung got behind Yoona and rested her head on the girl’s shoulder as she witnesses the same scene as Yoona. Shocked, the doe-eye girl jumped slightly and her shoulder knocks into the tall girl’s jaw, hard. “Ack? I… I’m sorry…!”

“My jaw came loose.” Sooyoung joked as she rubs her chin. “That chasing game looks fun.”


“It doesn’t look like it is some serious business, does it? See? The one that got caught merely got something torn off from his back and escorted away.” Sooyoung pointed to those people. True. It doesn’t look like it’s anything serious. Sooyoung packs up their stuffs immediately and drags Yoona along, towards the side where they see the chase. Somewhere nearby, is a booth with the signboard, Running Man.

“Running Man? Isn’t that the famous variety show?” Sooyoung raises an eyebrow as she stares at the signboard.

“Y… Yes, miss. W… We are having the tearing of nametag game right now… Do you want to join?” The guys sitting behind the booth seem pretty nervous to see such cute girls standing right in front of them suddenly.

“How to join? Hasn’t it started already?” Sooyoung asked, looking at the people running around the area.

“Y… Yes… Y… You can join the next game… You just have to put down your name and number first and we will call you over when the current game ends. The money would be used for charity…”

“Mm… Okay then.” Sooyoung paid the guys the amount for two people to join.

“Eh?” Yoona noticed that and stares at Sooyoung.

“What? We should play together.” Sooyoung smiles at Yoona.

“S… Shouldn’t you ask me first…?!”

“I have a feeling that you will say no though. So it’s better not to ask and just get you in.” Sooyoung grins, writing down both their names but not their numbers. “We will be nearby so just wave to us when it’s our turn.” That just cut off the guys’ chance to get their numbers and the guys look rather disappointed for an obvious reason.


“Each of you will be assigned to different starting spot and we will inform you of the start of the game through the walkie-talkie. Be the last one surviving to win the whole game and since it’s for charity, there won’t be any prize. We are just playing for charity and fun. Is that okay?” The organizing committee member explained to the players who agree to the conditions without hesitation. There are a total of ten of them in this game and the members of the organizing committee bring each of them to different corners of the park.

“Okay. Ready… START.”

 A voice sounded through the walkie-talkie that is tied to their right arm and the players started to stalk around for enemies. Sooyoung roughly remember where did Yoona got assigned to earlier and she makes her way towards the position of the girl steadily while hiding from the rest.

“Yoong.” She calls out softly as she advances towards the doe-eye girl.

“… W… What to… to do now…?” Yoona seems to be really nervous right now. She’s holding Sooyoung’s hand really tightly the moment they got close.

“Don’t worry. I will protect you.” Sooyoung did a thumb-up and the two start to move around slowly, noting every single side to make sure they won’t get ambushed. “YOONG.”

Suddenly, a guy jumps out from a bush beside them. Luckily, Sooyoung reacted fast enough and got out of reach from the guy. She pulled Yoona behind her and stares at the guy, trying to read his move.

“Take note of the back, Yoong…” Sooyoung instructed as she continues her staring game with the guy in front of her.

“C… Can’t we run…?” Yoona asked, feeling nervous.

“No… I can’t run fast so we have to face him now or we will be eliminated. He looks pretty weak so don’t worry… Just act as I say, okay?”

“… O… Okay…”

“I’m sorry, girls but I won’t be showing mercy.” The guy advances towards them speedily and attempts to attack, but to his surprise, the tall girl caught him by his hands. Yoona supported Sooyoung by grabbing one of the guy’s arms tightly. Together, they pulled the struggling guy closer and with her long arm, Sooyoung torn off the nametag of the guy with a little trouble.

“Ji Suk Jin. Out. Ji Suk Jin. Out.”

The announcement is made through the walkie-talkie again. Members of the organizing committee came and escorted the guy away from the place, and the two girls continue to move around carefully.

“How is it?” Sooyoung asked, smiling at the girl.

“… It’s pretty fun…” Yoona grins.

“Haha. I think things will work out fine if we work together till the end. Let’s win this thing for the sake of winning, okay?”

“O… Okay.” Yoona nodded with a bright smile.

“Lee Gwangsoo. Out. Lee Gwangsoo. Out.”

Just then, another announcement is made. Someone else got out. From a distance, they could see a really tall guy getting escorted away and at that spot, stood a rather muscular man. The two girls gulped, wondering how they are going to deal with that guy. Leave him for the last, probably.

“Pssh. Girls.” Two guys and a lady appear from behind the tree on their right. They, too, witness the elimination of the tall guy. “Want to work together to get that muscle guy out first? It’s going to be difficult if we don’t get him out first while a lot of us are still surviving.”

The two girls agreed with some hesitation and the group of them advances towards that guy slowly and carefully. Probably sensing that he’s being targeted after noticing the approaching group of people, that guy runs off quickly.

“Get him!” The short guy shouted and they start to chase after the guy. The other guy besides the short one caught up first, followed by the lady who’s trying to guard his nametag from the muscular guy as they got caught in a hand-to-hand wrestle.

The strength of the muscular guy is no joke. He finally weaken down when the two girls came to help. It seems like he’s weak against females, seeing how he weakens slightly when the lady held him and now that the two girls are here, he got even weaker.

“Girls… I… I can help you if you stop helping them now.” The muscular guy proposed, shifting away to prevent the short guy from getting his nametag.

“But we won’t stand a chance against you after this.” Sooyoung replied, still holding the guy’s arm tightly.


“Kim Jong Kook. Out. Kim Jong Kook. Out.”

The struggle stops with the torn off nametag in the short guy’s hand. Immediately after getting the guy out, he went up to the other guy sneakily and tried to eliminate him but to get himself caught by the lady.

“Oppa, get him!” The lady shouted.

“Why are you so strong?!” The short guy exclaimed and before he can get his answer, his nametag got torn off by the other guy.

“Haha. Out. Haha. Out.”

The two girls stay frozen, trying to comprehend what just happened. Sooyoung stood in front of Yoona in a protective stance, and stares at the couple in front of her.

“We will meet again later, girls.” Deciding that they should just let the girls off for now, the couple went off together. Shortly after the couple left, another announcement is made.

“Kang Gary. Out. Kang Gary. Out.”

“Eh…? Isn’t that the guy from just now…?” Yoona asked and the tall girl nodded. Including them, there are a total of five survivors right now.

“Yoo Jaesuk. Out. Yoo Jaesuk. Out.”

Four. The girls got anxious, wondering who is the one remaining other than the lady from earlier. They stalk around the area together and stop to hide when they saw two figures standing nearby, face to face. Should they help?

They move closer quietly and wait for a chance to strike. Finally, the lady tries to attack the remaining guy and the guy caught her by her wrist easily. At this moment, Sooyoung and Yoona charge forward to help hold down the guy together. With the effort of the three of them, they got the guy out with a little struggle and straight after that, Sooyoung turns to the lady.

“I’m sorry, unnie. I promise to protect her.” Sooyoung held the lady down quickly, right after the guy got eliminated. Yoona went on to tear off the lady’s nametag immediately and the winner is obvious.

“Oh Sehun. Out. Oh Sehun. Out.”

“Song Jihyo. Out. Song Jihyo. Out.”

Sooyoung holds Yoona by her hand and leads her back to the booth area. All the other participants are there, waiting to see who is the winner. Sooyoung stood in front of Yoona on purpose but the girl doesn’t seem to have gotten the hint.

“Yah.” Sooyoung sighed, taking Yoona’s hand and using it to tear her own nametag off.

“E… Ehh?” Yoona stares blankly at the nametag in her hand.

“What?” Sooyoung grins. The game ended and everyone went their own way. The two girls headed for a cafe nearby to have a drink and the doe-eye girl still have the nametag in her hand. “Why are you still holding that?”

“Why did you…”

“There’s only one winner. How can the knight attack the princess?” Sooyoung smiles, taking the nametag away.

“N… No…! I want to keep that…” Yoona snatches the nametag back. She’s definitely affected by that move. Will there be someone who will be willing to do all that for her in a game like that? No one had done that before, to be honest. Whenever she plays games with other people, no matter how much they say they like her, they always beat her in the game without mercy. “… Will you do the same if there’s a really nice prize for the winner…?”

“Of course. Like I have said, how can the knight attack the princess? The knight’s job is to protect the princess till the every end and help her get on her princess seat.”

“… Thank you…”

“Anything for you, princess.” Sooyoung pats the girl gently and went off to order some drinks and snacks for them. Yoona continues to stare at the nametag in her hand, sliding her hand on the name written on it with a marker.

Choi Sooyoung. The name of her knight. Somehow, she felt happy. Really happy. At that moment, she subconsciously wished that they will last but to slap herself mentally after realizing what is she thinking about.

Darn it… I must not be affected by her kind actions… I cannot be swayed… Yoona told herself mentally with a sigh. I will get hurt…

She remembers the first day, when Sooyoung first told her about this part-time lover thing, the girl told her clearly that she has someone else that she likes already.

Im Yoona, you’re straight. There’s no way you are going to fall for a girl no matter how suave she is. Get yourself together, Im Yoona.

“Are you okay? You seem to be deep in thoughts.” Yoona didn’t even realize when did the tall girl came back and she almost fell off her chair in shock. Sooyoung managed to catch her by her forearm and pulled her back, but she used a little too much force that they almost kissed.

Yoona blushes and move away instantly, while Sooyoung just went on to empty the stuffs in the tray onto the table.

“You blush really easily, don’t you?” Sooyoung chuckles and that just make Yoona blush even more. “Oh? It’s turning even redder now.”

“… S… Stop it…” Yoona bits her lips.

“Don’t bite your lips, my deer. What if it starts to bleed?” Sooyoung presses her thumb on Yoona’s lower lips, trying to get her to stop biting on it.

Yoona relaxes herself immediately, by sipping on her cup of coffee. Why is she getting so nervous all of the sudden? She’s quite sure that she won’t fall for the girl but why is she feeling this way right now…?

“Are you okay?” The tall girl asked, noting the strange expression on the doe-eye girl’s face.

“… Y… Yes…” Yoona replied quickly.

“… I think you are tired out now. Should we call it a day?” Sooyoung sighed with a faint smile.

“… O… Okay…”

“Alright. Let’s send you home now.” Sooyoung smiles as she holds Yoona’s hand, but her smile disappears when the girl pulls her hand away quickly and walked ahead. Is the girl still feeling uneasy and uncomfortable with their unofficial relationship here? She is trying her best to make the girl more comfortable but she probably fails, seeing how the girl is acting now. She catches up with the girl quickly and walks beside the girl, trying to note the girl’s expression. “Tomorrow…”

“I… I’m not free… Sorry.” Yoona interrupted with a lie. She’s more than free tomorrow but she feels that she needs at least a week to cool down from the date. Treat it as the way to prevent herself from swaying.

“… Ah… Okay…” Sooyoung sounds really disappointed. Actually, she is. Yoona feels bad all of the sudden but she has to do this. “Then I will push the plan to next week then.”

“Sure.” Yoona nodded. The rest of the journey is pretty quiet, since Yoona didn’t want to interact at the moment, in fear that anything more would cause her to fall whereas Sooyoung is afraid that she’s making the girl uncomfortable so she decided to just keep quiet and let Yoona decide when she wants to interact.


“I chose the place so, you choose the activity.” The tall girl smiles as she holds the hand of the doe-eye girl tightly. Somehow, it’s even harder to convince the girl to come out for a date this week and Sooyoung isn’t sure why. She didn’t bother her for the whole week, wanting to let her relax a little on her own but did that backfire? “And… are you okay?”

“H… Huh…? W… Why do you ask…?” The doe-eye girl replied, staring blankly at the tall girl.

“I mean… you seem… really uncomfortable… Am I going over the limit for you? I didn’t do much though… Is it because I clean the corner of your mouth with a kiss last week? I’m really sorry if that had make you uneasy…” Sooyoung sighed, feeling apologetic suddenly.

“… I… Is that why y… you didn’t send a single text or give any call for the whole week…?” Yoona blinked, and the tall girl nodded sadly.

… Stupid… If you didn’t stop sending message or calling suddenly, I wouldn’t be feeling so awkward and nervous now…

 Yoona sighed mentally. Because sub-consciously, or maybe even consciously, she had been waiting for some texts and calls from the girl. She isn’t sure why she’s acting like this. It’s as though she misses the girl.

“… I’m really sorry…” Sooyoung apologized again. Seeing that Yoona didn’t have much reaction, she thought it’s really because of that matter that Yoona is like this right now.

“… I… it’s not… because of that…” Yoona looks away, biting her lips.

“I say, stop biting your lips…” Sooyoung touches Yoona’s lips and the girl reacted rather violently to it. “… S… Sorry…”

“N… No… I… I’m sorry…” Yoona cursed herself mentally for acting like this. To make the atmosphere better, she looks around nervously for something to do. They came to some crowded street with various roadside stalls set up along the road and in front of the shops. Seeing that Sooyoung is still holding her hand, she walks ahead without informing the girl, pulling the girl along with her.

They stop by various roadside stalls, browsing the items and buying some cute stuffs. Sooyoung bought quite a number of couple items, saying that it’s for her girlfriend. Yoona didn’t know why but she felt disappointed after hearing that. Just because the girlfriend Sooyoung is talking about, isn’t going to be her. There’s one place that Yoona tried to avoid but Sooyoung seems rather interested in it.

Fortune telling.

Sooyoung drags the doe-eye girl into the place and paid the money before the girl can run away.

“What do you want to know about?” The fortuneteller asked, rubbing the crystal ball in front of her.

“Love. I want to know… I mean… I have someone that I like and I want to know if my confession would be successful or not.” Sooyoung replied, looking really serious.

“… T… This kind of thing cannot be…” Yoona wanted to go out but Sooyoung held on to her tightly.

“It’s just for fun.” Sooyoung smiles and looks back to the fortuneteller, waiting for an answer for her question.

“It’s going to be successful. I can see that your crush likes you a lot as well.” The fortuneteller answered and Yoona felt a crushing sensation in her chest. Is she wrong to hope that the confession will fail…?

“Seriously?” Sooyoung exclaimed softly. She steals a glance at the girl beside her, noting that the girl isn’t looking at her but at the floor. Why does the girl looks so upset suddenly? “Are you okay?”

“H… Huh…? Y… yes…” Yoona nodded.

“Thank you.” Sooyoung thanked the fortuneteller and leads the doe-eye girl out of the place. “Sorry for forcing you…”

“No… It’s okay…” Yoona forced a smile. She’s just… feeling really sad right now.

“… Come on.” Sooyoung pulls the girl along as she makes a small run towards a shop. The moment they enter, noises from all the machines and people enveloped them momentarily. The arcade. Sooyoung walks towards the racing machine and gets Yoona to sit down. “Let’s play.”

“I… don’t want to…” Yoona isn’t in the mood.

“Come on. It’s going to be fun. Especially fun if you win. I promise you this will be good.” Sooyoung pulls out some coins and coined it into the machine Yoona is sitting on, and the one beside that one. Unwillingly, Yoona got into the game with Sooyoung as her opponent.

However, things change when it got a little competitive between the two of them. Yoona seems to have forgotten about her sadness for a moment and concentrates real hard on the game. Sooyoung is currently in the lead and they are on their last lap already. The tall girl glances over to her side, smiling to herself when she sees the doe-eye girl enjoying herself.

I wonder what’s wrong though…

 Sooyoung let out a sigh mentally and she swivels to the side on purpose, crashing into the railing. That gave Yoona a chance to overtake her and win the game.

“Yay~” Yoona cheered and had a little round of self-celebratory ceremony on her seat.

“Aww. If only I didn’t crash at the end.” Sooyoung pretends to be really disappointed.

“Haha~ Bad luck for you then.” Yoona grins and Sooyoung smiles back. She reaches for the doe-eye girl’s face and she touches it gently, causing the girl to freeze.

“Feeling better?”

“… Y… Yea…” Yoona nodded.

“Great. Now for more!” Sooyoung pulls out a bag of coins and soon, the two of them are immersed in the games in the arcade, until the coins runs out. On every versus game, Sooyoung loses on purpose whenever she’s in the lead, just so that the doe-eye girl can cheer up by being happy about the win. After playing around for around an hour, they exit the place feeling rather exhausted.

Sooyoung told Yoona to wait for her at the bus stop while she goes to buy some food for themselves. The moment Sooyoung got out of sight, Yoona sighed again. She is reminded of the fortune telling again. Even though it’s probably a bluff, she couldn’t help but to be affected by it.

… What’s wrong with me…? Isn’t it good if her confession went well? Why am I… so… upset…?

 She sighed again.

“… What’s wrong…?” Yoona got a shocked when that voice enters her ears suddenly. When did Sooyoung come back? Sooyoung doesn’t seem that happy right now. Hearing Yoona sighs just make her feel bad. As her girlfriend, she can’t even get what’s making Yoona so upset.

“N… Nothing… J… Just letting out deep breath, that’s all…” Yoona replied.

“… Really…?”


“Good.” Sooyoung sits down beside Yoona with the packed food in her hand. Neither of them say anything while waiting for the bus to come. Even when the bus come, Yoona didn’t question about the bus number. It’s not the bus that will take them home. She merely followed Sooyoung. She only realizes it when they got down at the foot of some short hill.

Sooyoung starts to walk up the path on the hill and Yoona followed her quickly, not wanting to be left alone.

“W… Why are we here…?” Yoona asked, when they reached the top. At here, they are able to get a really good view of the sky.

Sooyoung pulls out a mat from one of the bags in her hand and lay it down, before sitting down on it and signaling to Yoona to sit down as well.

“We shall spend the rest of the day here.” Sooyoung smiles. Yoona stared blankly. Say what? Spending the rest of the day here…? Why? “Don’t ask me why. You will know it later.”

Yoona nodded and sat down. They laid out the food and start to dig in. No one said a word while eating, unlike how they usually are. After they are done, Sooyoung cleared rubbish off the mat and lies down, closing her eyes. Yoona did the same, but keeping a distance from Sooyoung.

“…” Sooyoung stares sadly at the doe-eye girl, whose eyes are close. Just what’s wrong with today’s date…? She’s sure that it’s nothing too bad so… why is the doe-eye girl so upset…? She moves closer to the girl slowly, and got the girl into her embrace. Good for her, the girl seems to have fallen asleep the moment she lies down and closes her eyes. Playing too much drain her, it seems.

Sooyoung strokes the hair of the girl gently and plants gentle kisses on the girl’s forehead, eyelid, cheek, chin and lastly, her lips.

“Why are you so upset today, Yoona…? Is it because I’m not doing enough…?” Sooyoung whispered, being really sure that the girl won’t hear her. “I’m really trying hard, you know… To make myself likable for you… Even though the fortuneteller said that my confession will be successful… but looking at you know, I’m doubting her words greatly… I’m always making you upset and uncomfortable… Am I really… not the one for you? Can’t I enter your heart…? I didn’t tell you this but, to be very honest, you jumped right into my heart the moment I saw you at the store… I know it’s bad of me to use this as an excuse to ask you out for date and make you do things with me… but I just… really want to be with you and have fun with you. It’s only through dates that I will know what you really like and don’t like… But it seems like… I’m only… finding myself being useless and unlikable…”

Yoona fidgeted, surprising the tall girl. She waited for a while to see if there’s any more movement from the doe-eye girl, before continuing with what she wants to say.

“I don’t know if I would get to tell you this or not but… I love you, Yoona. I really do. I miss you so much during the weekdays. It’s really painful, waiting for weekends to come and it just seems like forever for it to come… Please… tell me what’s making you upset… It’s really saddening and painful to see you being so upset…” Sooyoung cuddles close to the girl gently and planted one more kiss on the girl’s forehead, before resting her head down. Soon, her eyes closes and her conscious slipped into the world of dreams.


“Yoona… Yoona…”

The doe-eye girl opens her eyes upon getting called and nudged, and the first thing she sees is the face of the tall girl. She almost wanted to kiss her but she resisted. She can’t do that. The girl has someone that she likes already.

“Yoona, look.” Sooyoung points to the sky, and Yoona’s eyes widen upon seeing the starlit sky above them. It’s so beautiful. They lie down side by side and admire the beautiful sky together quietly. Being able to see such a sight with someone they love is really blissful. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

“Yea…” Yoona couldn’t disagree.

“But not as beautiful as you…”

“H… Huh?” Yoona turns to her side immediately, wondering if she heard something wrongly or what.

“No… Nothing.”

Yoona raises an eyebrow and stares at the girl for moment, before turning her attention back to the sky. For nearly thirty minutes, they just continue to lie there and admire the beauty of nature. As it’s getting late, they got off the hill and took the bus back to the city area. Sooyoung sent Yoona home, as usual.

“Tomorrow, I will come and pick you up.” Sooyoung leans in to kiss the girl on her cheek gently and moves away with a smile.

“… I…” Yoona wanted to reject. Today is pretty bad for her already, to be undergoing the pain in her chest. Going out with Sooyoung now is only going to remind her of the answer they got from the fortuneteller.

“Please. Tomorrow, you have to… be free. At least, tomorrow night.”

“… F… Fine… N… Night then…”

“Okay. I will pick you up at 6 PM, okay?”

“Okay.” With that, Sooyoung beamed and ran off happily. Yoona sighed again when she’s being left alone, before turning around to enter the one-room apartment. It surprised her when she realizes that her mother is still awake at this hour. “Mum?”

“… Yoona, please sit down for a moment.” The woman signaled to her daughter to come over and sit down in front of her.

“W… What is it…?”

“Are you dating…?”


“That nice girl. Are you dating her?”

“N… No…! W… Why… Why would you…”

“Because it’s becoming obvious, Yoona…”

“Mum… I…”

“No, Yoona… I’m not stopping you. As long as you are happy…”

“No, mum… I… I’m just helping her…”


“S… She said that… she didn’t have any experience in relationship and in order to make things perfect for her confession and dates in future with the one she truly love, she hired me to… let her have a tryout on such matter…”


“But mum… I… I don’t know… why is it hurting me so much to know that her confession to the one she loves will go well…? W… We went to the fortuneteller today and… the fortuneteller told her it will go very well… Wh… Why does it hurt so much to hear that, mum…?” Yoona started crying without realizing it and her mother pulled her in for a hug immediately.

“Yoona… You might have fallen for her for real… Is she good?”

“S… She’s really… good… and nice and… and… perfect…”

“Yoona yah… I’m not trying to push any point here but, somehow my instinct is telling me that you must go with her tomorrow, no matter how much it hurts for you now… My instinct is seldom wrong, Yoona. So… if tomorrow doesn’t work out well, come back to me and we will sort things out together, okay?” The woman pats her daughter gently. The girl nodded as she continues to sob in her mother’s embrace. The crying only stops when the girl fell asleep after being too tired from the day’s activities and crying.

The woman sighed as she tucks the girl under the blanket.

“Bear with it, my dear. I’m sure it will turn out well.” The woman smiles, before picking up her phone to look at the message conversation she had with the tall girl.

From: Sooyoung

Hi Yoona’s mother, I’m Sooyoung. Choi Sooyoung. I hope you remember me. I’m sorry but I kind of got your number without permission but I need to talk to you. I just want to… get your permission about something. To tell you the truth, I’m not exactly a normal girl. I swing the wrong way and in fact, your precious daughter is the target of my admiration. I want to ask for your permission to ask her out officially. I’m not sure if she will accept me or not, since she seems rather upset lately. Please… help me to cheer her up if I upset her. I’m truly sorry if I had caused trouble.

If everything is alright, I would love to… tell her the truth soon. Probably tomorrow, I will… May I get your approval?

To: Sooyoung

Oh… That’s rather… shocking… No wonder Yoona had being going out on weekends…

From: Sooyoung

Y… yes. Actually, I lied to her that I have someone else that I like and I’m just planning to hire her to help me get used to relationship. But of course, all of these are just excuses to be with her… I’m really sorry if it’s not something you like… I will stop immediately if you disapprove of it.

To: Sooyoung

No… I’m not against it. I’m just surprised… You’re a nice girl, Sooyoung. I can see it from your eyes the first time I met you. I’m rather glad that Yoona had met you, to be honest and if she’s happy with you, I will not stop her from going to you. Her happiness is the most important.

From: Sooyoung

R… really? I… I promise, Yoona’s mother. I… I will not make her sad. I will… give her happiness as long as she gives me the chance. May I ask you for a favor…?

To: Sooyoung


From: Sooyoung

Could you, help me confirm about how she feels…? If she doesn’t like it a single bit, I will put it to a stop tomorrow but… if she’s alright… I… I want to… confess.

To: Sooyoung

Sure. No problem.

From: Sooyoung


She almost laughed when she reads that last message from the girl. Just how happy she is to type like that. She typed a simple ‘ok’ and send it as a reply to the tall girl, before turning her attention back to her daughter. Everything will be just fine. Or maybe it will be perfect.


The tall girl stood outside the one-room apartment nervously. She prepared everything throughout the whole day and right now, she just need to doe-eye girl to come with her to make things perfect. After receiving that message from Yoona’s mother, she couldn’t be happier. The fortuneteller is really good.

“I’m off…” Yoona told her mother as she opens the door, to see the tall girl standing outside already. “… You’re here…”

“Yes. I told you I would pick you up, didn’t I? Come on.” Sooyoung grins as she holds Yoona’s hand, but the girl pulls away immediately and walks ahead. Sooyoung peeks into the house and smiles at the woman who did the ‘fighting’ pose, before closing the door for her and going after the doe-eye girl.

Yoona almost went towards the bus stop but Sooyoung pulled her back and opened the door of the car that is stopped right at the stairways. Yoona stared blankly. Where did Sooyoung get this car from?

“Come on… Get on, my lady.” Sooyoung grins at the girl and the girl got on quietly. The tall girl rushed to the other side and get on the driver seat. She leans over and helps Yoona buckle up her seatbelt, causing the girl’s heart to race.

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Why are you doing such unnecessary actions, you idiot? Why… Why are you making me… fall deeper into this…?

 Yoona almost wanted to cry out. Even though it will hurt, she hoped that the girl wouldn’t be so nice to her now or even treat her badly. Sooyoung smiles at her again and starts the engine, and they are off.

“My deer…” Sooyoung spoke suddenly, after ten minutes of silence in the car. “How will you grade my performance for the dates?”

“… Why are you asking me this suddenly…?” Yoona bits her lips. Is this a sign to the end of this…?

“I told you not to bite your lips, my lady. And it’s for me to see if I need to buck up or not.”

“… It’s good…”

“Can you be more precise?”

“… Why…? Are you going to confess soon?”

Sooyoung didn’t answer that and it just crushed Yoona’s heart. Silence means yes, doesn’t it. The doe-eye girl gripped the end of her shirt tightly, trying hard to hold in her tears. They arrive outside a private housing and Sooyoung drove the car right into the yard.

“This…” Yoona stares blankly.

“My place.” Sooyoung got off the car and went over to the other side to open the door for Yoona. “My lady, time to get off.”

“S… stop the ‘My lady’ thing… it’s… weird…” Yoona sighed as she gets out from the car.

“Araso, my deer.” Sooyoung held Yoona’s hand and leads her into the house. Yoona’s jaw almost dropped when she sees the beautifully decorated living room. It’s all red and pink, with heart balloons and rose petals. On the dining table beside the living room, is a table of delicious-looking food and the only thing lighting up the place is the candles.

“W… what’s going on?” Yoona asked.

“Just something special for a date.” Sooyoung replied casually, bringing Yoona to the table and settling her down at one side before going to the other side to sit down. “I prepared these. I hope it’s fine for your taste.”

“You cooked all these?” Yoona exclaimed, looking at all the food on the table.

“Well, yes. I did. Let’s eat, shall we?” Sooyoung picks up her chopsticks with a smile. It’s nothing western, since she thought it would be nice to keep to Korean dishes even though it’s a candlelit dinner, which is rather western.

They dig in and Yoona is rather surprised. It tasted really good, almost the standard of the food in a five-star restaurant, or maybe better. Not that she had tasted anything from a five-star restaurant.

“No one’s home, by the way. My family went on a short vacation for the weekend.” Sooyoung informed the girl. So they are alone in this house.

“Why are you doing all these…? Are you ending the employment…?” Yoona asked.

“Shhh…” Sooyoung avoided answering that again and continues to eat. It only makes Yoona feels worse. After the meal, Sooyoung got Yoona to sit down at the sofa and despite Yoona’s unwillingness, Sooyoung cuddles close to her as she starts up the player. The movie starts to play and Sooyoung held the girl even tighter now.

“Let me go…”

“Watch the movie quietly, my deer.” Sooyoung refuses to let go. She’s never going to let go of this girl. It’s a romance movie that they are watching. Sooyoung chose it especially for this event, because it’s said to be the best out of all romance movies.

As things got better for the characters in the movie, Yoona felt worse. Everything in the movie seems to be poking fun at her broken heart right now and she just want to flee. At that moment, a kiss scene appears on screen and Yoona almost broke down. She remembers how great Sooyoung’s kisses felt and the thought of her never going to get it again just sadden her too much.

Sooyoung feels the itch to kiss after seeing that scene and she didn’t notice the expression of the doe-eye girl, since it’s dark. Slowly, she cups the girl’s face and leans closer. Yoona moves in as well, initially but after realizing what they are doing, she pushed the girl away harshly.

“STOP PLAYING WITH MY HEART, CHOI SOOYOUNG!” Yoona cried out, getting off the sofa and running out of the house immediately. Sooyoung, though shocked, ran after her quickly.

“YOONA! YOONA STOP!” She shouted, chasing after the girl.

“DON’T COME ANY CLOSER! Please… end this already… I… I had enough…” Yoona sobbed and seeing that just break Sooyoung’s heart. “My heart can’t handle it, Sooyoung… I… I think I… I had fallen for you already… A… And… all these are just making it worse… Please end this, Sooyoung… I can’t do it anymore…”

“Why…?” Sooyoung sighed. “Yoona, I-“

“Can’t you see I’m hurting!? Y… You already got someone in your heart!” Yoona turns away and heads for the gate.

“BUT THAT PERSON IN MY HEART IS YOU!” Sooyoung shouted, right at the moment when Yoona places her hand on the gate. The doe-eye girl froze on the spot and Sooyoung took the chance to run to her, embracing her. “I love you, Yoona. It’s a lie that I love someone else. I always love you, ever since we first met. I’m only trying to find an excuse to be closer to you, to be with you…”

Yoona stares at the tall girl with her eyes wide open, and mouth slightly open as well. Is she hearing the right thing…?

Sooyoung didn’t hesitate anymore. She leans in and kisses the girl on her lips, sliding her tongue in. Yoona gives in instantly and the two share that one, passionate kiss under the moonlight for quite a while until they are both breathless.

“I love you, Yoona… I always do… Forgive me for lying to you just to be with you…” Sooyoung whispered.

“… Pabo…” Yoona turns away, smiling to herself.

“Forgive this pabo, alright?”


“Should this pabo give you another kiss to get your forgiveness?”

“Not going to work.”


“Y… Yes…”

“You stuttered. I will take that as a lie.” With that, Sooyoung went for another kiss and Yoona gives up immediately. The pabo is forgiven. “You are no longer my part-time lover, Yoona…”

“Then what am I?”

“You’re promoted to full-time now. You belong to me and me only. I love you.”

“… I… I love you too…”

“Stuttering again? Maybe I need to train you more on this.” Sooyoung smirks.


“Giving you more love so that you can love me so much to say that you love me without stuttering or feeling embarrassed.”

“… Okay. Go ahead.”

“Your wish is my command, my deer.”

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