Author's preface and a bit of more summary

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Hello dear readers and Kagami Taiga comrades as well as AllKaga ship, I'm Trang, the author of this series. I'm so sorry for making people wait without going into the first chapter.

Glad everyone took the time to read these lines and please patiently read them all to understand some of the following:

(Sorry if you can't understand anything, I'm a bit lazy so some of the parts I just use google translate :vv, but I do edit the wrong part and only do google translation on summaries, not on chapters so please be at ease)

Firstly, this series is a fanfiction written and inspired by Kuroko no basketball (Knb for short), the anime and manga that many people know and are familiar with. Because this is a self-composed story, not all details are exactly the same as the original and of course there will be indispensable elements, events that the author added differently from the standard Knb.

As well as we will have more or less change, or even a different depiction of the characters.

So for those of you who are extremely fond of Knb and can't accept some of what I have mentioned or what I'm about to mention, or think that the work I am writing is inappropriate, I am very sorry and I do not force you to continue reading.

Secondly, this fanfiction is yaoi or shonen-ai (or whatever you call it in English), which means having elements of love between men or boys. Trang write the pairring AllKaga, pretty much Generation of Miracles x Kagami Taiga.The couple that I write as well as the character I love are actually not very popular in Knb, although he is also considered to be a part of the main characters: v. 

And darlings, I'm here to bring a different point to everyone, or as I joke: to pull friends from everywhere to fall in this ship and squealing with me :)))Actually because I want to create a new, sincere emotion and also create a happy world for my favorite character.

Because, when mentioning Knb, people only remember the cute Kuroko with poker face, appearing suddenly like a ghost everywhere anytime, remember Akashi Seijuuro (whose dear nickname is Boss) with strange eyes, despite not being as tall as the others in the ''generation'' group *cough*, the emperor's temperament makes people shivers, remember the miniature purple titan always gnawing on snacks, remember a rude blue head idiot who likes 'boops', remember a guy who looks smart but crazy sometimes, everyday singing the old song about Ohasa this, Ohasa that and definitely no one forget the handsome playboy model Kise that is childish and whining all the time.

But rare people remember Kagami Taiga - the character that can be said to be in the protagonists and the reason that the story can begin from.

Actually I do not dare to complain about other couples such as allKuro, AoKi, MuAka, ... or the fact that other characters receive more attention because I myself understand why.

Remembering the first time I knew Knb when I was young and just happened to skim through an episode on television instead of watching it in full, I only had the most fond impression on Kuroko. On the contrary, that red haired guy with strange eyebrows and a frighteningly rude appearance made a small girl like me not very sympathetic, not even Kiyoshi and Hyuuga back then make me feel unfavourable like that.Then I forgot about that anime. Until later when growing up, one day accidentally found and watched the whole thing decently did I realize: I was wrong. Kagami back then made me think a lot. And become the most beloved character to me in Knb.

Comparing to the Generation of Miracles with people whose personalities are impossible to forget and possess unbelievably beautiful appearance, Kagami is impressive, but nowhere near stands out.

But once you have realized the beauty of this person, it is impossible to stop wanting to give all the good things to this big tiger Tiger :3 How can you not love with him: passionate heart, admirable love for basketball, looks grumpy and scary but actually warm and loving, naive enough to the point no cuteness can stand! Ahh, you see, when you love something or someone, you love all the way, to the moon and back.

The fate of being an AllKaga or GoM x Kagami fan like me to say is: the fics to chew on are a lot less than other couples. Vietnamese stories were few, had to grope into English but soon it was all over, I had to pity myself to write more to satisfy my heart. (And damn it, now I have to sit here, translate my own story to English in misery. What a life. Feel like stopping this translation already :vv)

Oh, and please be cautious cause I follow the way where my dear tiger is an Uke.

Kagami is an UKE. He is an UKE. An UKE. Important things have to be said three times.

That means, you heard me, even when it comes to Kuroko or Akashi, they will be the seme. Taiga may look tough and all but he is very kind and innocent so he is easily taken advantage of by those skimmers, 1m9 but on the bed darling you got to be the bottom still ~

Although Trang understands there will be friends who are allKuro, allAka and the two of them are passive or just want Kagami to be the top, but may I repeat, if not acceptable, please give up, goodbye to you.

I myself do not dare to claim to be a good writer but will always try to give the reader the most honest feelings possible about the character. And also because every sentence every word is the dedication, time and gray matter that I spend so I hope no one will take his story anywhere.

Really hope you guys can support me by voting and leaving comments so I can have the motivation to continue.

But I warn you, this is just a translation I do because I thought there were foreigner friends who also love Kagami and AllKaga. That's why it will definitely be posted later than the original of mine which was written in my mother tounge language - Vietnamese. If you are too eager, you can just read the original while waiting for this translation (but remember to support me there too, ok?).

Please enjoy and look forward to my work. Love you so much!

P/s: May I re-post the more detailed summarries with some exciting moments of the story down here:   

Kagami Taiga would admit, he's not a perfect or admirable person: He also has his own mistakes, his own fears (dogs are a scary animal), and of course he will sometimes dissatisfy people, like it or not. Kagami didn't think he was special, even a bit unlucky to be honest, but sometimes he felt so blessed and favored by God for loving basketball - his life's meaning, to meet great teammates in Seirin, become the light of Kuroko and befriend those weird genius after the Winter Cup.But mabe the gods just hate him...Or they are too bored for not having anything to play...


Ok, fine, what's done is done... But...

''Kagami - kun, you saved me gently ... Then made me fall in love again ... What do you tell me I should do?'' 

''Oi, Bakagami, this idiot ... Do you really not realize what your sin is? ... Shouldn't I let you know ... you stole my heart? .." 

''Kagamicchi ~~ !!! How can you be so naive that you can't see what I want to say? Hey hey, don't sigh! I'm not kidding !! ... Really? Do you know that I'm not kidding? ... So why not be a little more alert? Seeing you being so defenseless, is that some kind of torture you give me ...''

"Aaaa~ Kagamin ~~ I'm hungry ~~ A, cake, thanks !! ... But Kagamin, you should be a little more careful. Anyway, you're so sweet, sometimes I can't help but wanting to eat ... Just don't know why, you're like chocolate, not only sweet, but also make people addicted to bitterness ... Kagamin, I only like sweets, how can I feel bitterness, yet don't want to leave it when I see you? ... ''

''Kagami, the Leo sign needs this today. Take it. I just happened to buy some more, don't think too much ... Are you really a wooden head? And yet ... Well, not to say anymore ... Hey, Ohasa said that the constellation Lion and Cancer match well, becoming a couple would be very happy ... Kagami, don't make me fall in love any more deeply than this ... How much do you want me to force you to realize? ...''

''Taiga, I had declaired this before, hadn't I? I am always right and I always win. However, you are the only one who made me look back. I had a wrong guess about your abilities, it was even worse when I mistakenly judged you for the first time. Above all, I was wrong to think that I was the one who firmly won: my dear innocent Taiga, this invisible love game, you won ... Taiga. Hundreds of thousands of plans to defeat others, thinking that no one can resist, but this Seijuuro, in careless minutes, had been caught by the net that you accidentally made, being trapped with the other guys, and there was no little desire inside me wanting to escape ... Hey. Why are you still so defenless ... Tell me, what should I do with you ... ''


''Did you f*cking hit your heads or something???'' Heaven, do you really hate me that much?!??

What the hell is wrong with Kuroko and those rainbow heads!?! He swears he didn't do anything that was too wrong. Absolutely not to the point that changes the past like this!!! He was just trying his best since he couldn't remember the final match result.

They probably eaten something wrong Riko and Momoi have cooked.

You six freakingly colourful heads, please go home!! It's not raining outside and my house doesn't need to buy a rainbow.

Obviously, he has nothing for the Generation of Miracles to look up to or favour... And even though he knows those genius was weird up to point bizzarness was in their blood, he thought that in some ways, they are quite normal and gentle....

So someone tell him why is there a bunch of different personality perverts trying to push him down on the bed and having a taste??? A strong man like him yet always gets tricked to be the under one, even Kuroko is involved in this. That is his close comrade, his shadow for goodness sake!! Oh god, why....

Kagami feel like shedding tears for his poor, poor fate in this miserable life. The  story about a strong yet innocent tiger, calmly come back to give the salvation, and then make them fall in the  deepest trap of love itself.

Fanfiction is self-composed, please do not take it away. Thank you!

(Seriously, translating is tiring. But it is for you guys, so I tried. Please support me on the original Vietnamese story too if you have a chance, thanks.)


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