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Chapter Two: Natsu's gang
Previously on ETND:

"Yeah," Lucy smiled softly, liking the way their little group of five worked.

"Juvia thinks we should go get our schedules," Juvia smiled, hooking her arms with Mira and Lisanna.

"Agreed," They chorused.

"Wow," Lucy laughed, comparing her schedule with her friends.

"We have all the same classes!" Lisanna sang, doing a weird dance, making the girls giggle along with her.

"What are the chances that happens?" Mira asked them, making Lisanna stop.

"Probably like one in a million." Levy answered.

"Juvia agrees, but Juvia wants to see what Gray-sama's schedule is." Juvia sang, swooning at the thought of her and Gray's schedule being the same.

Lucy and the other girls chuckled.

"Woah." Mira gasped.

"What's wrong Mira?" Lisanna asked, making Mira gulp as she nodded her head over to the scene.

The girls stood next to Mira, their smiles faltering to a look of utter confusion. "Guys..."

"Am I dreaming?" Lucy asked, making the group look at her.

"Nope. They're actually helping somebody." Levy waved her hands in front of her friends faces, trying to get their attention.

"Juvia thinks we should help too."

The group of five sprinted over to the scene, their expressions showing deep concern, "Are you alright?"

"I s-suppose,"

The boys stood there, watching closely as the girls helped the other girl.

"Hold on a minute." Gray started, squinting his eyes, "I-Is that Lucy?"

Natsu turned to look at his friend, "Of course not,"

Gray rolled his eyes at Natsu, walking up and putting an arm onto Lucy's shoulder, "Lucy? Is that you?"

Lucy smacked his arm away, "What do you think you stupid ice block?"

Gray chuckled, putting a hand on her head, "Nice to see you too."

Juvia growled, "Gray-sama,"

Gray backed up, putting his hands up in defense. Natsu peeked one eye open, looking Lucy up from head to toe. He leaned on the wall, his arms folded.

"Ah, boys, look who came to join us? Lissy and Lulu." Natsu cackled as the two girls glared fiercely into his eyes, Levy, Juvia, and Mira following suit.

"What do you want Dragneel?" Lisanna hissed, still helping the poor girl stand.

"Couldn't get enough of me?"

Lucy scoffed, "As is Dragneel, you're not as great as you think you are. Oh, sorry, did that hurt your massive ego? Why don't you go cry in the pity corner?"

"Ouch. At least I don't consume over 3,000 calories a day." Natsu remarked, smirking.

Lucy laughed evilly, "You think your so smart? Your IQ is as low as ground level."

All of a sudden the bell rang, signaling Natsu and his gang's leave, Natsu smirked at the fierce ladies in front of him, "This isn't over."

"It is over, it takes two to contribute." Lisanna spat.

The group's attention trailed back to the poor redheaded girl in their arms. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm so sorry to worry you." The girl bowed, "I don't mean to be a burden."

Lucy and Lisanna smiled, "We've got this girls, go tell our teacher we'll be a bit late."

The trio nodded, walking off to their next class, "What's your name?"

"Erza, Erza Scarlet."

"My, that's a beautiful name!" Lisanna complimented, holding her hand out.

"I'm Lisanna and this," She gestured to the blonde next to her, "Is Lucy."

Lucy waved, "Your hair is really pretty!"

Erza blushed, "Thank you."

"No problem. Want to be friends?" Lucy asked.

"I'd like that very much."

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