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S5: You have a friend working at FPT Company. You call him/her to ask if he/she can attend your university festival. However, he/she is out. Make a call with the receptionist and leave your message.

Hello, this is Human Resources department of FPT Co.LTD. May I help you?

Hello, I’m B. I’m Mr. A ’s Friend, Can I talk to him now?

Sorry sir, but our chief have just gone out, do you have message for him?

Yes, next week our school have a gala night, I want to invite him join in next saturday.

Okey, I’ll talk to him later.

Sorry, are you C?

Yes, did I know you?

Oh, no. But A talk about you so much, if you free at next Sat, can you come and join our gala? It’s must be great.

Yes, let me set up a time.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too, bye. See you later!

S6: You have just bought a new washing machine from Big-C supermarket but there’s something wrong with it when you use it for the first time. Make a call to the supplier to change anther one.

Hello, this is customer care department of Big-C Super Market, may I help you.

Yes, Yesterday, I’ve bought a new washing machine from your Super Market.


But It’s not working right, something had been burnt.

Please unplug it now, we’ll come there and check it!

Oh, It’s very bad now, can I change another one?

Yes, but don’t forget warranty book and bill.

Yes, It’s all here, thanks.

Good bye, we’ll come there fast.

S7: You applied for being a secretary at Vinafood company. You have been waiting for two weeks without repky. Make a call to Personnel Department to meet the manager and ask him whether you are accwpted you are accepted or not. (suggestion: the manager is not there, you talk with the officer and he/she explain the delay for you).

Hello, this is Human Resources department of Vinafood. May I help you?

Hello, Mr.C there.

Sorry, Mr.C ‘ve been out now, may I help you?

Yes, 2 weeks ago I has been applied for being a secretary in your company, but up to now, there’s no responses

Yes, are you Mr.B?

Yes I am

Sorry for this delay, this time our company have alot of work. But congratulations, you pass the past application review, please nest monday come here and get an interview

Oh, thanks you.

Goodbye, see you next week.

Good bye

S8: When you come home, you discover that you left your wallet at the clothes shop this morning. Call to the shop and ask the shop assistant to check.

(suggestion: you must describe your wallet to the shop assistant. He/she doesn’t find your wallet.)

Hello, Playboy shop, may I help you?

Yes, this morning I’ve been your  shop.


But when I’m home, I cannot find my wallet.

Sorry, can you describe your wallet?

It’s a Brown Puma wallet.

Sorry sir, there’s no Puma wallet here. Can I help you more?

No. thanks.Let’s me find again.

Wish you can find your wallet.



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