Untitled Part 2

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Receiving Guests

Đón tiếp khách

Dialog A: Smiling welcome

Scene: The Smith (G) emerge from a lift. A floor attendant (FA) meets them in the corridor.

FA:      ( smiling) Good morning, sir and madam. May I show you to your room?

G:        Yes, please. Here is our room key.

FA:      Please, come this way. (after a while) Here we are. After you, sir madam. ( g:   The FA opens the door, they enter the room.)

G:        Thank you. When will our baggage arrive ?

FA:      The bellman will take it up soon.

G:        Very well. ( The bellmam comes with the baggage and knocks at the door)

B:        May I come in? Your baggage is here.

G:        ( opening the door) Oh, good. Come in, please.

B:        Four pieces altogether. Is that correct?

G:        Yes, thank you.

B:        You are welcome.

Hội thoại A: Đón chào bằng nụ cười

Bối cảnh: Gia đình ông Smith đi từ cầu thang lên, người phục vụ ở tầng lầu gặp họ

trên hành lang.

FA:      (Mỉm cười) Xin chào ông bà. Tôi có thể chỉ phòng cho ông bà?

G:        Làm ơn chỉ cho chúng tôi. Đây là chìa khóa phòng của chúng tôi.

FA:      Xin hãy đi đường này. ( Sau một lúc) Chúng ta đến đây. (Người phục vụ mở cửa và họ bước vào phòng ).

G:        Cảm ơn. Khi nào thì hành lý của chúng tôi đến?

FA:      Người hầu phòng sẽ mang nó lên.

G:        Rất tốt. (Người hầu phòng đến với hành lý trên tay và gõ cửa).

B         Tôi có thể vào không? Hành lý của ông bà đây.

G:        (Cửa mở ra) Rất tốt. Mời vào.

B:        Tất cả là 4 gói đồ. Có đúng không?

Đón tiếp khách


Dialog  A: seating guests

Scene: mr smith (G) comes into a restaurant. He is received by a hostess (H)

H: good evening, sir. Do you have a reservation?

G: oh, I’m afraid not.

H: a table for one, sir?

G: for two, please. My friend, mr Brown is coming in a few minutes.

H: oh, I see. This way, please. Will this table be all ringt?

G: can I have the table has been reserved. You see, there is asing on it. But the table nest to to it is free. How do you like it?

G: good.

H: this way, pleas. Take a seat, sir. Would you like to have something to drink while waiting for friend?

G: well,a martini, please.

H: yes, a maratini. One moment, sir.


Hội thoại A: mời khách ngồi

Bối cảnh: ông smith (G) đi vào nhà hàng. Một cô phục vụ (H) đón tiếp ông ta.

H: xin chào ông. Ông có đặt trước không?

G: ồ không.

H: một bàn cho một người thưa ông?

G: cho hai người. bạn của tôi , ông brown lát nữa sẽ đến.

H: ồ, tôi hiểu. mời đi đường này. Bàn này được không?

G: có thể cho tôi ngồi gần cửa sổ?

H: tôi e rằng bàn đó đã được đặt rồi. ông biết đó, có dấu hiệu ở trên bàn. Nhưng bàn kế bên thì được. ông có thích nó không?

G: tốt.

H: mời đi đường này. Mời ngồi. ông muốn uống gì trong khi chờ đợi bạn của ông?

G: à cho rượu martini.

H: vâng một ly martini. Xin đợi một chút.

Bellman and General Services 

 1. What are services that guests always need when they come to stay in the hotel?

2. What are events the hotel often provides to entertain and attracts guests?


At Your Request Service (AYS)

Situation 1

Guest : Where can I park my car?

Bell boy : You can park your car in the car park behind the hotel. It’s free,

or we have a lock-up underground car park. The entrance to that is behind the hotel, too.

Situation 2

Guest : I don’t have a car and I’m not sure how I can get to the airport

tomorrow morning.

Bell boy : There’s no problem about transport to the airport. We have a

courtesy coach to the airport that leaves every half-hour. It only takes ten minutes to get there.

Situation 3

Guest : Is there a laundry service in the hotel?

Clerk : Yes sir. Just leave your laundry bag behind the door with a

laundry slip in it before nine o’clock. Your laundry will be collected and returned to you by six o’clock in the evening.

Situation 4

Guest : I won’t back in the hotel till after midnight, tonight. Will it be

possible to get something to eat in my room?

Clerk : Certainly. Madam. Just dial 123 from your room and tell room

service what you’d like. Hot and cold snacks are available at anytime of the day or night

Language Focus

1. Way to Express & Accept Thanks

Expressing Thanks Accepting Thanks

Thanks/ Thanks a lot You’re welcome.

Thank you. You’re quite welcome.

Thank you very much. Don’t mention it.

Many thanks. Not at all.

Thank you for your kindness. No problem.

Thank you for your trouble. My pleasure.

I appreciate your kindness. It’s my pleasure.

I’m very grateful to you. It’s really nothing.

That’s very kind of you. It’s my pleasure to help you.

2. Way to recommend or advice people

May I recommend …………..

May I suggest ……………

You should ……………….

I think you should ……………..

Problem: The guest has got headache.

- May I recommend you to go to the health club. Our doctor is there to help you.

Problem: The guest wants to buy some souvenirs.

- May I suggest the hotel plaza. There are a lot of interesting souvenir shops there.

Problem: The guest wants to walk around for sight seeing.

- I think you should bike around. We have a bike for guest to use for gathering around the hotel and along the beach.

3. Expression for a doorman

- Good morning /afternoon / evening

- Welcome to Beach Paradise Hotel

- We’re happy to have you with us.

- How many bags, sir / madam?

- Are these all of your luggage, sir /madam?

- Where would you like to go, sir / madam?

- Here is a map of the city to help you.

- Let me draw a map for you.

- It’s within walking distance.

- It’s five-minute walk.

- It’s too far to walk.

- It takes fifteen minutes by taxi.

- It takes one and a half hours by bus.

- Shall I call a taxi for you, sir / madam?

- It should cost up to one hundred baht.

- Goodbye, sir / madam. I hope you have a pleasant trip.

- Happy journey, sir / madam.

- I hope you enjoy staying with us.

- It’ll be a pleasure to have you with us again.

4. Expression for a bellman or a porter

- May I take you baggage, sir / madam?

- Is that your bag, sir / madam?

- Is that all, sir / madam?

- This way, please, Mr. Smith. Your room is on the ninth floor.

- To your right, please.

- To your left, please.

- This is your room, Mr. Smith.

- The light switches are here.

- The switches on the bedside table are for television, radio and bedside lamps.

- The remote control for television is here.

- We offer 15 channels include local channels and international channels.

- This is the bathroom and here is the light switch.

- If you want the air-conditioning, just turn this knob.

- There are hangers in the closet here.

- Would you like me to hang up your suit, sir?

- If you use the electric razor, the plug is here.

- The electricity is 220 volts, not 110. Do you have a transformer?

- Please call room service if you would like to have some food in your room.

- If I can be of any service, please call the Bell Captain.

- I shall be glad to serve you.


Making a recommendation

Situation 1

Customer : I’m thinking about buying a new watch. Can you recommend the


AYS : Certainly, sir. The King Power buy shop around the corner is very

reliable. They sell many brand names watch with guarantee.

Customer : Is it more expensive?

AYS : Not at all, sir. The price is reasonable. We are happy to buy things

at this shop. You can ask for a new promotion discount. Just stop

there and have a look.

Customer : Okay. Thanks for your suggestion. I appreciate it.

AYS : It’s my pleasure. Have a nice day!


Situation 2

Customer : Excuse me. Could you tell me the fastest way to Siam Center?

AYS : You can go that way. It’s the nearest.

Customer : Is it too far to walk?

AYS : No, it’s just five-minute walk. Just turn left in front of the hotel,

Walk along for two blocks, cross the pedestrian bridge. And it is

just around the corner.

Customer : Thanks a lot.

AYS : You’re welcome.

1.) Good morning/afternoon/evening Sir/Madam. Welcome to Shangri-La. I hope you are having pleasant day so far.The reception is straight ahead, the lobby is on the right. Let me get the bellboy to assist you with your luggage.

2.) Goodbye Sir/Madam. I hope you had a great time here at the Shangri-La Bangkok. Please join us again and enjoy your trip.


- Bellboy (B) Customer (C)

Customer enters the hotel:

B: (Good morning/afternoon/evening) (sir/madam), welcome to the (hotel name) may I help you with your luggage? 

C: Sure thing. Thank you very much. Here it is…However I have to check in first.

B: No problem at all. The reception is over here. Please follow me.

———- After check in ———

B: Here is your room, sir/madam. The keycard opens the door and switches on the electricity if you enter it here….The bathroom is over there, the telephone with all short call numbers is next to the TV. If you need anything, please do not hesitate to ask us at any time.

C: Thanks…

B: Do you need anything else?

C: Right now not, thank you.

B: My pleasure. Please enjoy your stay with us. Goodbye.

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