Preservation of Halong Bay

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In the socio-economic development orientation of the province, tourism in Halong Bay plays an extremely important role. Therefore, we need to take appropriate measures to both promote and preserve the Bay.

In addition to investing in the renovation and embellishment of some caves, the Halong Bay Management Board has put IT into the management to bring convenience to visitors, strengthen supervision of them, and ensure security and traffic safety.

The Management Board also implemented the conservation and promotion of some typical cultural values ​​of the fishing village on Halong Bay.

The project has restored the unique cultural features of the people living on the Bay, sustainably and effectively promoting these cultural values, forming unique tourism products.

In particular, environmental protection in Halong Bay is a top priority. In addition to regularly collecting garbage on the Bay and surrounding areas, the Management Board has promoted propaganda, and popularization, and advised tourists and business units to limit the use of plastic bottles, plastic bags when visiting the bay.

To be able to preserve Halong Bay to the fullest extent, not only the Management Board but also the tourists must be aware and join hands to protect this cultural heritage.

#Tugney, 15/11/2022

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