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What technical issues staff should be prepared when working from home: There are quite a few technical issues for employees to be prepared for when working from home. The first is equipment such as laptops, the wifi, or printers, if employees do not have those items, it is quite inconvenient to work from home. Second, when there is a problem with the connection line, such as a power outage or wifi problem, employees need to be ready to find a new seat and use the 4G network.

What kind of support staff should receive to facilitate teleworking: In order for employees to be able to work from home satisfactorily, the company will support a number of requirements to the extent allowed. Employees working from home will reduce the amount of electricity and water that the company pays. We can use that money to support the financial problems of paying employees for equipment and electricity at home. In addition to bonuses, we can also pay commissions to employees when they perform excellently to encourage other employees to work from home.

#Tugney, 15/11/2022

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