Chapter 6 : Reminiscent

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"I do not know any Deighton," Mark furrowed his eyes at Geldard.

"Seems like you did not read the headlines," Geldard stoically responded, "Whatever it is, it will be highly appreciated if you cooperate and come with us."

"I am not going anywhere, sir. You can do whatever you want to," Mark's face hardened and he pulled his arms over the chest in protest, he seemed like he was having none of this man who did look very scary and big.

"I am requesting with utmost respect. Please, Mr. Moore, Mr. Deighton wishes to meet you and we promise you that by no means shall you be harmed if-" Geldard stopped and stared into his eyes coldly, "If you agree with us."

"You sir, just barged into my shop saying that a certain Mr. Deighton requests to see me but the point is, I don't even know you or him. I believe that you are certainly mistaken," Mark explained calmly.

"Mr. Moore, my employer would never make a mistake over who he wishes to see and who he doesn't. If you want me to refresh your memory then please, think of the deal that you made with a man eighteen years ago."

Mark stopped and the color from his face drained. The wounds were rendered fresh again and he remembered his encounter with the demonic man. He thought that the tale of his terror ended when Crystal turned fourteen and his letters stopped arriving but he didn't suspect that he would be back and send a man to get them.

"I will not let you take away my daughter, no... " Mark took a step back with fear prominent on his face.

"Mr. Moore, we are here to take you for a small visit. I didn't mention anything about your daughter," Geldard dryly answered, "Consider it a small invite for tea over Mr. Deighton's manor."

"Tea with a stranger?" Mark scoffed.

"Mr. Moore, we don't intend to, but if you want to do it the harsh way..." Geldard trailed off and slid his hand inside his coat.

"Wait!" Mark's eyes widened and a sudden fear instilled, he placed up his arms before him in defense and shook his head,"Only if you promise to not hurt my daughter."

"You have my word," Geldard nodded in agreement and swiftly pulled out a white handkerchief that Mark thought could potentially be a pistol. "This way please," He gave a dry half-smile and led Mark towards the carriage.


A melodious tune escaped out the illuminated manor situated on the sapphire hill in the dark, rainy night.

Mr. Deighton sat at his piano bench and ran his fingers masterfully over the key bed. His eyes were closed and he remained there in peace and silence.

A sudden familiarity with the dark and loneliness had sparked in him and he was engrossed in deep thoughts with his head hung low over the piano board as if remembering the past. Mr. Deighton seemed undisturbed and serene.

The soft lights of the manor highlighted his features in an attractive way. He was dressed in a dark green knee length jacket, grey waist coat over a white shirt and trousers. His dark hair were slightly wet and glistened at the tips. Stopping his moments, Mr. Deighton snapped his eyes open knowingly.

The doors of the hall were flung open and Geldard stepped forward with an expected company whose eyes ran over the captivating and artistic interior of the manor. Suddenly Mark felt aware of his shabby and flour stained attire after seeing the place and judging that the owner or the employer of the man named Geldard must be filthy rich.

"Welcome to my humble abode, Mr. Moore," He smiled warmly and gestured him to the drawing room.

Mark's eyes widened at him in shock, "You!" The fear and memories struck his head so badly that he wished that this was a sick dream and that devil of a man wasn't real but a hallucination.

"Yes, me," Mr. Deighton leant casually against the wooden body of his black piano. He looked different. Mark noted that the man before him looked more elegant, charismatic and polite yet oozed power, confidence and an aura of danger but nothing as furious and bad as compared to what he had seen before in him. In an overall view, excluding the personality now, his appearance hadn't changed much. He still looked almost the same age as he was eighteen years back, or perhaps a few years older.

"Why have you brought me here?" Mark demanded with a shaky breath.

"To discuss some matters of importance," Mr. Deighton's smile faded and he walked towards the drawing room with his hands loosely clasped behind and Geldard along with Mark, followed.

"Mr. Moore, I didn't mean to startle you," He politely apologized and placed himself comfortably on the sofa seat. Crossing his legs and putting his arm over the edge in a dominating manner, Mr. Deighton continued in a formal tone, "It was brought to my attention that Ms. Moore turns eighteen next week."

"What of that?" Mark glared at him.

"Please have a seat. I do not appreciate my guests standing," His hand stretched out towards the long, curved plush sofa positioned opposite to him.

"There's no need," Mark waved a dismissive hand.

"Tea, perhaps?" Deighton offered but yet again Mark denied, "Why are you behind my daughter? What has she done to be a part of this?"

"Mr. Moore, I didn't invite you to argue on this beautiful night and as for your daughter, I don't intend to harm her in any way until and unless you try anything unacceptably smart," Deighton calmly stated his point with a tinge of irony and tilted his head at Mark to take a seat.

Hesitantly, Mark took a seat on the sofa and glanced up at Geldard who stood beside him.

"You must have met Geldard, my business attorney," Mr. Deighton re-introduced and Geldard gave a slight bow of head with an intimidating stare to Mark.

"Mr. Moore, I called you at short notice just to express my interest regarding Ms. Moore's birthday. I would like to organize a party for her," Mr. Deighton showed his interest and looked into Mark's eyes waiting for a response.

"Why? I am just an ordinary baker. We do not celebrate this sort of occasions in a grand way," Mark leant forward, "Besides, what would I tell my daughter about you organizing a party for her out of nowhere? Poor child doesn't even know you."

"I get your point, Mr. Moore," Mr. Deighton nodded and drummed his fingers over the wooden arm rest, "It is not going to be extremely fancy. Just a small garden function at the place beside my manor. If she asks, you can tell her I am an old aquintance and offered to help you celebrate your daughter's eighteenth birthday because you wanted it to be a special surprise," He looked over to the chandelier and said,"Or, you can come up with any other story. Be as creative as you like to, Mr. Moore."

Mark heard him carefully with a look of disapproval but asked anyway, "Will you leave us alone after this?"

A slight smirk graced Mr. Deighton's lips at the question, "We shall discuss that after the party."

"Look Mr. Deighton," Mark stood up straitening his clothes and looked down to him with begging eyes, "We are ordinary people. That day for your help we were grateful and shall always be indebted for saving our lives but please..." He said sadly, "Please, let us pay this in any other way. Don't take away my daughter's happiness. She doesn't know what happened that night, she doesn't know you helped us neither should she be involved in this. If you want to settle this then it has to do with just myself; I am the one who is solely to be blamed and I want that instead of landing over this mess, my daughter gets to be with someone who she loves."

Deighton closed his eyes and his jaw twitched in irritation after hearing the last line; he was running out of patience with this stubborn man.

"Mark," He called out his name quite disrespectfully and harshly with a strange rage-disguising grin for lecturing him over his own mistake of promising so casually that night and ignored the words that explained how Mark should be blamed and liable for the deal, "We shall see about that but for now, I want you to consider this as the first step of your payment."

Mark began to speak but he was silenced by Deighton who stood adamant, "I have had enough of discussion for today. I am trying to solve this the painless way but you keep making assumptions which makes me want to do something that you sure do not want me to."

Mark's face fell and he regretted arguing with him. He saw the silent storm swirling in his eyes and thought of being careful. This man looked like someone who could crush him in an instance.

Deighton closed his eyes for a second and sighed, "Let's put it aside now. You need to return to your daughter, she must be worried about your absence."

Mark nodded unwillingly and stood quiet. "Geldard will take you to your home. He will also be supervising the management of the party. I want it to be sophisticated and minimal and you can invite her close friends and family."

Mr. Deighton got up from his couch and walked over to Mark steadily, "This is my card. If you ever face any kind of trouble, please don't hesitate to contact me," He gave a small smile and handed over his card to him.

"And Mr. Moore..." He proceeded to leave but turned back and growled lowly, "I would appreciate if this meeting stays private."

Mark gulped down in tension and looked at the card between his fingers which had a golden symmetrical logo representing a diamond. He flipped it over quickly and the blood in his body ran cold at the name he read.


Cloyd Vincent Deighton.

Chairman of the board




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