Chapter 8 : Evening Surprise

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Note : Garson's name has been changed to Geldard.


One Week Later...

Crystal's P. O. V. -

The birds chirped and the beautiful sunlight broke through the small gap between the two curtains.

There was a spark in me today and a lot of excitement building up inside of me. I had never been this ecstatic on my birthdays but today, I just felt a different energy.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up by taking the support of the head of my bed. It was a bit cold and I didn't want to leave my duvets so, I pulled them close and smiled to myself.

Generally on my birthdays, I attended my class; met my friends and; went to see my mother's grave with my father. Then, to any place I would want to visit, be it the river side or a plain library. After spending the significant part of the day with papa, I would spend the rest of the day till evening with friends.

A little chat, some cake and a lots of fun. That's how it was and I loved it. These people have been the world to me. I do dearly wish my mother was here to spend time with us but unfortunately, she passed away two days after I was born in an accident.

My father has tried his best to never let me feel the absence of my mother and that meant a lot to me. He has been my only family apart from my friends. Playing the role of both mother, father and also a best friend to me.

Lord knows where I would be without my father and friends. They make this dull world colorful for me.

I turned to my side and picked up the picture frame of my father and me and smiled at it. I used to cause him a lot of trouble when I was young and still he never grew mad at me.

Tracing my fingers down the picture, I remembered the days when I was six. I placed it back on the stand and closed my eyes.

Just as I drifted in the journey of old memories, I heard the door creak open. I could tell it was papa or Reyna peaking in to check on me as they usually did on the morning of my birthday.

I slowly opened one eye just a little to see what they were up to and pretended to have lost in thoughts.

Successfully, they believed that I was unaware of their presence and tip toed to the foot of my bed. I bit my tongue to not burst laughing at them when I heard one of them hushing the other up.

"We know that you are aware we are here," Reyna commented and I had to open my eyes.

Letting out a giggle, I said, "I really thought I could fool you."

"Happy birthday!" Reyna ran up to me with her arms spread and gave me a tight hug, "Hey Crys, you successfully matured another year closer to white hair and wrinkly skin."

"Reyna!" I exclaimed at her but she ended up laughing at her own joke, "We will make perfect old cat ladies or perhaps dog ladies.." She pulled away and tapped her chin thoughtfully.

"If you are done with your future plans then, may I?" Dad inclined his head and spoke, "Happy birthday, my dear doll," He walked up to me with a smile and presented a beautiful flower.

"Thank you, papa," I reached out to embrace him after taking the lovely gift.

"You have grown into a lovely young lady, Crystal. I am proud of you," Patting my head gently, papa kissed my forehead.

Reyna who had been watching us carefully, wiped her fake tears and hurried,"You should get ready now. We have a lot to do today. "

I nodded and watched them leave. With the way Reyna spoke, I am pretty sure they have something in store and I just wish that this day goes peacefully.

Once alone in my room, I gathered my towel and clothes and stripped myself off my night dress. I stood before the bathroom mirror and stared at my reflection for a while. My face looked more radiant and fresh today and it's probably because I am excited and glad.

'You have grown,' A voice in my head said and I smiled, of course I have. I am eighteen now and technically an adult. Though not by heart, I still believe I am ten.

I brushed my teeth, followed my daily morning routine and lastly, took a warm bath. I lathered myself with mild scented soap and shampoed my hair. After a deep massage and cleanse, I stepped out, patted my body dry and let my hair run free over my shoulders to let them air dry.

I chose a light colored flare dress with flower pattern near the hem. Layered it off a with a maroon knitted cardigan and took a handkerchief and placed it down my pocket.

Later then, I made my way into the kitchen and stood behind my father, quietly watching him flip some pancakes and prepare our plates.

"Sit down, Crystal," He spoke without turning back.

"How did you know?" I exasperated and earned myself a smile from father, "You are my daughter. I have raised you myself all these years. So, I am very well aquintted with your habits."

"I see.." I nodded and helped him lay out the plates on the table. We spent the next half an hour eating and talking, it was refreshing to talk about the good memories we have shared.

"Are we going to see mother today?" I asked dad and he took a moment to answer, "I have some work in the morning; we will go to see mother by afternoon. Alright?"

"Yes, papa," I smiled.

While having breakfast, I did notice a queer sadness in his eyes which made me wonder what could have possibly happened? Was it because of mother? I even tried asking him out but he steered the topic away by stating that it's nothing and just the usual stress.

I didn't trust him completely at this response but I didn't feel like pushing past his boundaries which would make that warm smile vanish off his face. He then let me off for the day as Rey made her appearance soon and dragged me with her so that she could get me a gift which I was ready to decline but, Reyna being herself, wasn't having it. Moreover, her craze for purchasing never diminishes.


[Venue - The Jekyll Park]


Cloyd stood under the shade of the tree and watched Geldard manage the men who were decorating the garden.

He wished to have the function at his place but he had yet to announce his presence officially in the society. Moreover, personally organizing an event for an assumed stranger might raise unnecessary questions. Therefore, he booked the park near the manor privately and decided to get it embellished in a manner suitable and affordable for the Moore family.

If it wasn't for these formalities and people, he would simply take the girl with him who belonged to him without any further ado.

Cloyd looked up at the partially clouded sky and then back at Geldard who was instructing a man to place the flowers on the side.

After a look of satisfaction, he went back to his manor and passed the hall's large window where from the corner of his eye, he noticed Mark appear in the scene with Geldard. He didn't care to visit Mark again or talk to him, considering whatever he had to say has been told and Geldard would manage him and clarify whatever else he has to ask.

Cloyd made it to his study room where a maid was dusting the shelf carefully. Not intending to disturb the woman, he quietly went to his plush chair and took his seat. His mind drifted to the thought of the incident of night that occurred a week ago. He had escaped smoothly from the place but wasn't sure about the man he came across with. He could be a member of the law enforcement on patrol in disguise or a normal passerby. The man found him so quickly and steadily in the night, he must either be an unknown or someone with a better knowledge of the nightly creatures to track them down. He could be anything or just a harmless suspecting lad.

The man was someone Cloyd needed to be careful of, despite his blurred identity. Wandering off by the night by himself in the inspection of such cases wasn't an easy deal. Cloyd knew by no means he would be caught so easily by lazy local police because generally, he finished up his victims or they were burnt to ashes by the break of dawn. This man just made his work easier by burning the corpse himself after carefully examining the dead body's neck; as if he knew about it and didn't want it to be disclosed. Which might clear up that he isn't from the police and he even foolishly forgot to take up a proof. He remembered, the man ran away from the place to his left because he probably suspected Cloyd's presence in the other direction or just pretended to.

The man was sharp but not as cunning as Cloyd and he can easily get the grip of his neck and find his origin. But for now, he needed to be calm and quiet. If the man was what he thought him to be, then his end must come and he had to do it vigilantly.

The cackle of sheets in his hands made the maid aware and she turned slightly to catch a quick glimpse of her employer.

She resumed back her work after catching a brief glance and blushed heavily. Something about him was very attractive and unlike other men she had worked for; this man was more respectful, kind and someone who kept to himself.

The maid walked behind his chair sheepishly and tried sliding aside the curtains to let in some light into the dark room but Cloyd stopped her without turning back, "Don't. Let them be as they are."

"Yes, sir," She quickly nodded her head and after a small bow, the maid scurried off the room.

The time flew and soon it was six of evening. Geldard had made it clear that the garden was prepared for the party after a strict assessment. He was a man of perfection and didn't tolerate faults and had always been a loyal person to Cloyd.

Geldard returned back to the manor and told Cloyd about the arrangements that had been made and all the related information including the guests that would be there. According to the invitation, everyone has to arrive at the event around seven in the evening.

Cloyd agreed and turned to the window to get a view of the beautifully decorated place and excused himself to his room to get his attire changed.


Crystal returned back home after visiting her mother's grave and a spending time with her friends. She wasn't expecting the day to go any better. It had been a great day in her opinion and she was planning on calling it a night soon, after some reading and dinner. But, she was completely clueless that there has been a party arranged for her eighteenth birthday by her father and someone she didn't know.

Her friends and classmates who were invited had been told to keep it a surprise and so, none of them uttered a word about it.

As she opened the door of her room, something caught her eye; Crystal walked across the room towards the fancy labeled bag with a rose taped to it. She opened it curiously to find a pretty silver satin dress.

There was also a black velvet rectangular box which contained an elegant platinum-pearl necklace that made her stare at it with awe. Her expression turned back to that of bewilderment and she took a note at the bottom of the bag which said, 'Happy Birthday, love.'

"Crystal?" She heard her father's voice and spun around to see a soft smile on his face.

"Get ready, my dear. We are going to a special place," He leant against the alcove and stared into her confused eyes.

"Where are we going, papa?" Her eyes softened and she glanced back at the bag.

"You will know. Just get dolled up in the dress that we got for you. Reyna will be here soon," Her father lied with a painful smile.


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