My Nepenthe

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My sleepy eyes slit open to the morning light coloring the white walls a faint shade of blue.

I blink lazily, knowing that I needed to get up, go to class. And then after that, work my shift in the convenience store. Forget dinner, collapse into bed.

But wow, I've never wanted to stay in bed so badly.

My fingers touch something soft, tightening instinctively over the fluffy locks and tugging on them. My eyes blink to a wall of black.

Taehyung's black shirt.

His hair goes loose between my fingers as I blink again, my eyes wide this time.  A groan escapes his lips when I kick off the blanket, red spreading from my nose to my cheeks.

"Five more minutes..."

I stare at him in disbelief as I try to recall what happened last night through my sleep-muddled mind.

Oh yeah.


"Let me go, you oversized toddler." I mumble as I try to unclasp his hands on my waist. "I have to go to class."

"Class...?" He repeats dazedly before his eyes go wide in recognition. Excitement lights up his face as he jumps up from the bed.

"School— you're talking about going to school, right? Let's go!"

"Go back to sleep," I yawn, glancing at him when he looks at me with shocked eyes. "Why do you want to go to school? It's school."

"I'm going."

"It doesn't work like that." I tell him as I gather my hair into a ponytail. "There's registration, and—"

"You can do that for me."

"I'm not your parent, Taehyung." I say, looking at him curiously. "I mean— do you have any records? Immunization and all that stuff?"


"Never mind." I say, glancing at the clock. No doubt I was going to be late if I didn't leave in the next minute.

"Taehyung." I say seriously, holding his shoulders. "I'll see if I can enroll you in school— but even if I somehow get you in, you won't be admitted today. Can you wait for me until I come back?"

"You'll try?"

"I promise."



I'm in the middle of class when my mind goes blank.

Did Taehyung know all this?

Now that I think about it, he was so innocent I would be surprised if he knew how to multiply.

But keeping my promise, I head to the front office as soon as class ends.


"I was wondering if I could have a copy of the registration form?" I say, and the woman's eyes instantly slit with suspicion.

"My mother wants me to get it for her." I say quickly, swallowing. "She might be enrolling my cousin here."

Clicking her tongue, she hands me a piece of paper. Thanking her, I make my way out of the office and go outside for lunch to finish my homework.

If I didn't do it early, then no doubt I was going to forget the next day.

With a book opened, I lie on my stomach on the soft grass as I scribble furiously on my worksheet, pressing down on the paper so it wouldn't fly away in the breeze.

And as always, my eyelids blink heavily with sleep.



Forever passes, and she's still not back.

My patience grows thin as I finally slide out of the couch, grabbing the biggest jacket I can find and pulling it over my head.

If I was going to have to wait one more minute, I was going to go crazy.

My heart races with excitement as I slip on my shoes, walking out of the house with my hands folded into fists inside my pockets.

And then I realize I don't know where to go.

"Hello?" I ask the nearest person, pushing my hat down lower as I remember the last time I talked to a stranger.

But this time, it's a nice human.

"Do you know where school is?"

"School?" She replies in confusion as I nod. "There are multiple schools in this area. Which one are you talking about?"

My face goes pale.

"The school where Sian goes to?" I ask, my voice slowly twisting with urgency. "Uh— do you know Kang Sian?"

"Sorry." She shakes her head in apology as she continues on her way.

What am I supposed to do?!


My eyes go wide when I hear my name, and I turn around to see the boy from next door. The one Sian calls Jungkook.

"What are you doing out here all by yourself?" He asks, pulling me back when I stare at him dubiously. "Get back— you're too close to the road."

"I'm looking for her."

"Sian? Is she at school?"

Hope brightens my face as I grip his hand, practically desperate for directions. I couldn't go back to that quiet house. I couldn't.

"Do you know where she is?"

"She's probably at Seoul High. It's the only high school in this area— it's close by, too."

"Do you want me to take you there?"



"Nepenthe— a drug that takes away grief and sorrow." I drone boringly as I scratch my pen into my notebook.

"Write an example?"

It doesn't take me less than a second to list Taehyung's name on the blank line, and I smile proudly to myself.


"What the f—" I quickly slap both hands over my lips when I see Taehyung's box smile. "Heck? Kim Taehyung?!"

Then I see Jungkook fidgeting nervously behind him, and immediately understand what's going on.

"Ta-da!" Taehyung exclaims, and I can see people staring when he pats my head. "I came early! That's okay, right?"

Then his words disappear into short gasps as he clutches his knees. His face is flushed, and my eyes widen.

"Hey— are you okay? Why are you panting?"

"He ran all the way here from the doors." Jungkook explains, and I sigh deeply as I pat his back, telling him to breathe in and out.

I look up.

"Thanks for bringing him here." I say, a shiver running up my spine at the thought of Taehyung looking around cluelessly in the middle of the road.

"I need to go to class."

After Jungkook leaves, Taehyung sighs deeply as he motions for me to sit against the tree trunk. A smile pulls on my lips when he rests his head on my lap, closing his eyes.

"If you do that, I'll have to write on your head." I tease as I put my notebook on top of his face.

A slight blush colors my cheeks when he slits open an eye.

"Do whatever you want, Sian-ah."

"'Kay then." I say as I flip the book upside down on top of his head, smiling at his choked sound. "Just be still, okay?"


My eyes suddenly widen when he pulls himself up, clutching a piece of paper as he glances at the top.

"I'm your nepenthe?"

Heat flushes my cheeks as I realize he'd seen his name scribbled beside the example line. Curiosity fills his eyes as he looks at me seriously.

"What's a nepenthe?"

"You don't need to know." I say quietly as I reach for the worksheet, raising my brows when he draws it over his head.


"Tell me."

"Nepenthe is a medicine that takes away sadness." I finally say as I take back the paper, rubbing at my eyes in embarrassment.

When he doesn't say anything after five full seconds, I peek from behind my fingers.

His eyes are glowing.

"Really?" He exclaims as he wraps his arms around my neck, ignoring my squeal of surprise when he pulls me down to the grass.

"I'm your nepenthe?"

"Yes." I roll my eyes, trying to cover up the fact that we were practically cuddling on the grass. "Now I need to finish my homework, or I'm really going to fail."

"I'll help you."

And before I can even say another word, he's pointing at the second word on the worksheet.

"Enigma," He reads thoughtfully, before his eyes light up like stars again.

"Am I your enigma?"

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