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Jieun | class

I usually don't pay attention in class but somehow today i had all the motivation to do the contrary.

I feel productive as hell as I scramble to take notes and answer in class which was surprising to even the teacher but she doesn't mention anything.

Things are clicking, my brain is at its maximum capacity and then i hear my name being called on the intercom. I don't even hear it at first and Taehyun had to kick my seat for me to hear.

"....please report to the principal's office." The lady says repeats and everyone's eyes are on me as I stand up.

"Will you come get me if I'm in trouble?" I whisper to Taehyun as I grab my bag.

"If I'm feeling like a saviour sure." He teases.

I flip him off (discreetly) before I leave.

The walk to the principal's office is nerve-wrecking because I can't figure out what I'd done. Was this about the janitor uniforms? I'm pretty sure I returned them the next day...

The last thing I expect when i push open the heavy door to the office was my mother.

The first thing my eyes notice is the picture of exhaustion she was. Her eyebags were prominent and somehow her appearance seemed dull and not commanding like it usually is.

"Mom?" I step into the room fully as the door shuts behind me. "Why are you...here?"

My mother straightens up in her seat in poise. "To check up on you of course."

My eyebrows raise involuntarily. "You remembered to check up on me after nearly a month has passed?"

She rolls her eyes and beckons me to sit. I note the absence of the headmaster.

"How's everything going here?"
"You wanna hear about how everyone has a bone to pick with me because of you or about how I had no ideas I'd be doing missions?"

She offers me a look. "Are they bullying you? And what is this scar on your nose?"

I mirror the same look. "The consequence of your reputation that preceedes me, mother."

She completely ignored my statement. "And the missions, how are they going?"

"Hasn't begun yet." I lean into my seat. "Why are you really here mom? Small talk isn't like you."

"You... Nothing. I got some sweets for you." She hands me a bag.

I raise an eyebrow. "I don't eat sweets though?"

"Then distribute it. Gain some favour." She says and stands up. "I'll be busier now so i thought I'd pay a visit."

Before she leaves I hold her hand. "Mom be honest, is everything okay? You seem exhausted."

My mother nearly contemplates letting her guard down for a second. "Everything is fine. Just keep yourself safe on missions and if there's an emergency ask the lady in the office to give me a call."

She leaves without wasting another second and even though today was proving to be a productive day, i feel like i failed to help my mother out.


"Your mom?" Gaeul questions with an edge. "What'd she want?"

"Nothing really. She gave me some sweets. There's some on that table there if you'd like." I say disinterested.

"In case you've forgotten I'm not particularly fond of your mom." She reminds me, standing at the foot of the bed. "I barely tolerate your annoying ass."

I pout at her. "Here i thought you loved me."

She scoffs and throws at me my clean laundry. "You wish."

After folding my clothes I eye the bag kept on the bedside table.

I reach into the bag and empty it onto my bed. The familiar sight of the chocolates makes me remember my childhood.

The bag that was supposedly empty, tips over the edge and clatters to the ground. It is then i realise the bag isn't exactly empty.

I peek over the edge and my heart lurches at the sight I see on my hardwood flooring.

A gun.


Gaeul had gone to sleep long ago but i couldn't. My mind was racing with a crazy amount of thoughts, reaching to grasp a reason as to why either of my parents would send me a gun buried in a bag of chocolates.

I sit up in bed. I needed to talk to someone about this but who? Gaeul was asleep and she'd made it very clear he didn't want to hear about my mom.

I glance at the clock. Taehyun was going to be here soon to train with me. Maybe i could tell him?

I didn't know why I was feeling this way. I needed to get my worries off my chest somehow and Taehyun seemed to be arriving conveniently in this moment.

I go downstairs in my pajamas and Taehyun does a double take when he does see me.

"No way you're exercising in spiderman pajama pants." He crosses his arm as he eyes me up and down with a judgemental eyebrow raise.

"I'm skipping today. You can go on ahead." I mirror his posture with a sigh.

That, seems to get his attention. "What do you mean??"

"I have a lot on my mind right now and i don't think I'll be able to give my all to training today." I purse my lips. I wanted to spill my guts to him but I held it in. How do I know i can confide in him? I haven't known him lo-

"Is it related to why you were called to the office earlier?"

I stop in my tracks and keep my back to him as I contemplate.

"Can I trust you?"

Taehyun doesn't expect the question but answers neervetheless. "You're my mission partner. Anything that happens to you is my problem too. So yes, you can trust me."

"I'll physically stab you if you metaphorically stab me in the back."
"So much for trust."

I sit with Taehyun on the grassy hill I'd met Jake on and tell him everything. My mother's appearance, her words and then finally down to the gun.

"She left you a gun in a bag of chocolates?" Taehyun raises his eyebrow.

I nod, eyes fixed on the rising sun. It was slightly chilly but in no time I'd have to take my jacket off.

Taehyun remains silent for a while. Possibly thinking why I, a sheltered child who hadn't even seen a gun all my life, would be given a gun.

"Maybe because there's some danger here. For you." He says finally. "Because the academy doesn't give you weaponry unless you're on a mission."

"So for self defense?" I wonder out loud.

"Maybe. But in the underground world sending a gun to someone usually means a warning."

My brows furrow. "Is that so?"

Taehyun nods after taking in a steadying breath. "Yeah. I've seen it happen."

I sit in silence for a while as I wonder what warning my mom was giving to me.

I'd just have to fuck around and find out i guess.


TaeJi my beloved 🫶🏼

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