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A new day dawned upon the mysterious campus that was now Jieun's temporary home. Despite the haunting interior and look, the sun managed to brighten up every nook and corner within its reach.

Jieun jolts off the bed and falls off the bed when she heard a loud alarm- no, siren, go off.

She groans and tussles around, the blanket on her entangling with her legs as she finally managed to sit up.

"What the hell is that? I feel like I'm in prison.." she sleepily grumbles.

"This is pretty normal so i suggest you get used to it." Gaeul's voice comes from the other side as the siren pauses.

Jieun groans again and gets off the ground and makes her bed before going over to Gaeul who was still in bed on her phone.

"Do we have to go get our timetable or something?" She asks the shorter haired girl.

Gaeul shakes her head and stands up. "They've sent it to us. Check your mail. There's a good chance we're in the same classes."


I nod and move to get ready for the day. I would be lying if I said i didn't miss the breakfast I'd find made like on the table at home but oh well, you grow and you adapt.

Me and Gaeul move out of the dorm and head down to the cafeteria to grab a quick bite. After her attempt to kill me yesterday, she's been keeping a distance but is hanging around with me like I requested so it's a relief.

The cafeteria is huge and it almost reminds me of Hogwarts with the ambience and wooden benches scattered across.

I get myself some cereal while Gaeul grabs a riceball with filling and we sit down somewhere.

"So," i begin. "Tell me about this place."

Gaeul looks at me warily. "Honestly there's not much I know either but all I know is there's more hidden than the eyes see."

I nod. "And the students?"

"Some go missing at times and mostly it is after rules are broken here. They have a three strikes and you're out kinda policy."

"Three strikes?"

"You break rules three times, you get punished. But nobody knows what the punishment is." Gaeul says and I notice how her eyes haven't left her food.

I look up to see many eyes on me. It was almost choking to see some really hateful glares and some filled with fear while the rest were judgemental.

"Do NOT meet their eyes." Gaeul snaps and my gaze shifts finally.


"Listen to me, jihyun," Gaeul begins leaning closer to me.

"It's Jieun -"

"I don't care. You are the daughter of a high rank mafia leader you should NEVER meet their eyes." Her words sound like a knife against a sharpening stone. "Maintain your family's standard won't you?"

I stare at her with my mouth slightly agape. "Oh uhm i didn't know that. Sorry."

"You shouldn't ever apologise either." Gaeul gruffly responds and I don't know what to say so I focus on eating my cereal until the crazy siren goes off again and we have to head to the first class of the day. Literature.

I take Gaeul's advice and don't meet anybody's eyes and look straight ahead, averting my eyes when someone got in my line of vision, I'd look away immediately.

I enter the classroom and feel the eyes on me as I spot two seats; one near the window and one next to it. Gaeul has already taken her seat someplace else so I assume her charity towards me for now ends here.

I go and sit down by the window and whispers begin to go around. I tried to make out what they were saying but couldn't focus well.

The teacher walks in gives me a nod of acknowledgement with a straight face and i reciprocate it with the same straight face.

As she's talking over the work that's going to be done today, the door opens and a somewhat tall boy with slightly messy black hair walks in with his bag slung lazily over his shoulder.

He looks directly at me for a good second or two before i avert my eyes again and look at the teacher. I see him make his way to the empty seat next to mine through my periphery.

He smells good. Is my first thought as he sits down with an annoyed huff.

"You know that's my seat right?"

It takes me a second to realise it was me he was speaking to.

"Sorry?" I turn my head to meet his deep brown eyes.

"That seat, it's mine. Please refrain from sitting there." He says pointing his finger toward the desk I was sat at.

"Well your name isn't on it and neither is there a seating arrangement so i don't see how it's 'yours' but sure." I reply before turning back to the teacher who hadn't stopped talking.

I hear the boy, Taehyun, let out a chuckle that sounds like a scoff. "You really don't get how this place works do you?"

"Clearly not as it's my first fucking day here." I mumble getting annoyed.

This seemed to make him laugh and then the teacher finally looks at us with a disapproving look.

"Detention. For both of you."

I open my mouth to protest but stop when he gives my desk a slight kick.

"Okay." He responds in my stead.

I whip my head towards him. "What the hell dude?!" I whisper angrily.

He gives me a knowing look and looks at the board. "You really don't know anything about this place."

And that was the end of our conversation.

A couple of hours later we had a lecture off which meant forty five minutes of free time so of course I decided to take a walk around campus by myself.

But peace never lasts this long.

"Oi Smartass." The familiar voice from first period calls out.

I turn around and raise my eyebrow. "What do you want?"

"Geez atleast be nice to me? I got you out of detention after all." Taehyun says with a smug undertone and then puts his hands in his pockets.

"Wha-? How?" I ask.

He stalks closer to me. "It's called power play sweetheart and you just need to learn how to use your power to stay on top."

I stared at his face, a vague sense of familiarity flashing through my mind.

"Have we met before?"
"No but I'm sure you wish we did."

I roll my eyes at him. "Nevermind. Thanks for the detention thing or whatever."

I see him offer me no response as i walk away.

What a weirdo.



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