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"Wake up sleepy head" I dumped bucket of cold ice water on Cole head. "You had enough sleep" he shrieked the moment water hit his body. "What the hell?" he looked around and his eyes widened when he realized he was kidnapped successfully. We had our doubts when we started this mission. We thought we wouldn't be able to kidnap him so easily but luck was on our side.

We came out without a scratch and Jimin and Jungkook also made it out. They even brought some files with them from Derek office. Initially it was a mere thought Jimin and Hoseok got that we might find something in Derek office. Eventually we ended up finding the best thing. Hoseok, Meera and Jin hyung were trying to analyze the data while Namjoon, Jungkook, Jimin and I decided to check up on Cole.

Taehyung and Yoongi were managing to remove the data or any proves left behind in the lab. Overall our team was pretty good at everything. We locked up Cole in the basement interrogation room. We disposed all his items and scanned him for any trackers before bringing him here. "Good to see you again" he smirked at me. "I could say the same to you" I commented back glaring.

"I hope you enjoyed our story time. Should I tell you another story today?" I know he is mocking me. "I am sure I will enjoy your story. Before that why don't we play a small game?" I grinned at him signaling Jungkook to get in. Jungkook walked in with a box full of materials. "Now where should we start?" I hummed as I was thinking looking at all the torture materials laid on the table by Jungkook. "My favorite" I said picking a taser and walked towards him. "I am sure this is your favorite too" Cole clenched his jaw in anger. He knows he is going to pay for his crimes but he didn't waver. I didn't expect him to either. He had been the cruelest person I have ever seen in my life so it was understandable. "Let me do the honors"

"I owe him too" Jimin grabbed the taser from me and used it on him. "Hello commander" he smirked at old man. "I hope you can see your training results today" he hissed in pain but didn't make sound.

"So let's have little talk now" I said once he was tired from all the pain we inflected on him. "What is Derek planning?" he chuckled at my question. His head was lying low as he didn't have energy do raise it. Namjoon grabbed his hair and tugged on it. "You have ten seconds before I rearrange your organs so you better talk"

"He already everything planned" I signaled Namjoon to let him go. "He knows you will attack in the conference and he knows you kidnapped me" I glanced at others. "I don't see how he is not coming to save you then" I am sure Derek wouldn't bother about Cole. If he did he would have blown up our place by now. "He has his priorities"

"And what are those?" he looked in my eyes and said. "You" Jungkook kicked him in stomach making him lean back. "You are his priority. He knows you will come back to him soon" I scoffed at his words. "Over my dead body" I got up from the chair I was sitting on. "He can try all he wants but he will fail in the end" I was about to walk out when Cole started speaking. "You know you took out the best of our people"

"These were the best we had" Cole glanced at Namjoon and Jimin while talking. "He wanted to rule over the world. To have a strong kingdom you need strong soldiers. That is what we were doing. We prepared you all so that you can be ready when the war comes" I chuckled at his words. "A war which you wanted to create for your selfish reasons"

"History has been written in blood Y/n" he gave me a sinister smile. "Not every story has to be written in blood" I looked at Jungkook. "Knock him out and make sure he is tied to that chair" he nodded his head and I walked out of the room. There is no point in talking to him now. He wouldn't give me the answers I need from him.

"Did you find anything?" I asked Hoseok as soon as I got in the computer room. "Not much" Meera was sitting on the floor with bunch of files in front of her. "These are all useless" she huffed putting them away. "I brought four files from there" Jimin said coming in to the room. "Also one diary" he pointed to the black diary on the table. "I think it belongs to your mother" Jin hyung said handing it to me. "This has her name"

I took the diary with shaky hands and opened it.

Tatia Grey

In bold letters her name was mentioned. "You should read it" Hoseok patted my back and signaled others to leave. I sat on the floor near the door and started reading it. I didn't know when but I started crying as I read every page. My hands started shaking with every word I read.

She has been through a lot because of Derek.

She was abused

She was raped

She was kept in a room without contact for nine months

She lost her life

"I will kill that bastard for ruining so many lives" I closed the diary unable to read anymore. I placed it on the table but something fell out of it. I bend down to take it. It was a picture of young girl. She should have been in her teens. She was beautiful with her auburn curly hair and hazel green eyes. She seemed to be of average height with lean figure.

"She was beautiful" I heard someone say behind me. "Now I can see who you got your charm from" Jimin flirted making me chuckle. "We have nothing in common" I mumbled placing the photo inside the book. It is true too. She has auburn red hair where as mine is dark brown more in to black shade. My eyes are shade of brown while hers are Hazel. "You both have same height and physique"

"More precisely you both share kind heart" I smiled at Jimin attempts of making me feel happy. "How do you know about her?" I am sure Jimin isn't aware of my real mother. "Yoongi told us about her" he leaned near to my ear. "Besides we know how cruel your father is so your mother must have to be an angel for you to be like this" I made a face at his words. He burst in to laughter looking at my face. "Don't ever call that man my father"

"Roger that" I smiled at the fact how hard Jimin was trying to lighten my mood. I must be lucky to find a man like this. Out happiness was short lived. Jungkook asked us to come upstairs and when we reached everyone was looking tensed. "Is everything alright?" I asked when I saw how no one was answering. "Derek captured Taehyung"

"What?" Jimin roared in anger making us flinch. This is the first time I am seeing him this angry. "Yoongi and Taehyung were on their way back after disposing the evidence. Derek men attacked and took Taehyung with them" Hoseok passed me a small note. "Derek sent a word through Yoongi" my blood boiled as I read the note in my hands.

Come back to home if you want to see your friend alive

Author Note:

Hello readers... This chapter took me lot of time to write comparing to other chapters. Hopefully you enjoy it. Comment your thoughts and vote while reading.


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