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"Hey" I greeted him as soon as I saw he is working in the kitchen. "What are you doing?" I asked him confused when I saw he is messing the whole kitchen. "I was trying to make craffles" I made face to him at his words.

"Are you serious" he whined at now his ruined craffle. "I need to make one now" I sighed walking up to him. "Move" I told him and started working. I mixed the ingredients then poured it in the maker.

"Here" I placed craffle decorated with chocolate and vanilla ice cream on it to him. "Wow. You are the best" he excitedly took a bite of it. I walked outside and sat at the edge of the building. This is one of my favourite spots in the city. "Do you want a bite?" I shook my head at him. I turned around when I heard the jazz music play. "What are you doing?"

"You seem to be in bad mood. I am trying to lighten your mood" I rolled my eyes at his words. He got one beer and one soft drink from fridge and throw soft drink for me. I caught it in mid air and opened it making the frizz pour on the ground. I took a chug of it and looked at the night view of the city.

"What is it?" he sat beside me facing towards me. "I got a stalker" he choked on his drink making the drink to spill on my jacket. "Hoseok"

"Sorry" I whined wiping the content from jacket. "I will wash it" I removed and gave it to him. I was wearing white tank top with black jeans with jacket.

"I need you to see this" I showed him the pictures which I captured on my phone. "Who is he?" he scrolled through the pictures.

"You need to find out" he uploaded the photos to his system. "I will need two days"

"I will wait for you then" I laid on the sofa thinking about my interaction with him. I don't think he will wait for two days. He will show himself before we can find out.

"By the way I heard Derek Chastain will be in town next month" Derek Chastain one of the successful doctors in the world. But we know him as midnight which is name for our world. He is the reason for White lab incident and one who killed my mom. I can forget neither his face nor name.

"I am trying to find the location he is working on" Hoseok is the son of my mom's friend. They used to work together in lab.

After the explosion I was taken by Jungkook mom. I met Hoseok four years later. We started working together to find others and kill Derek.

We spent last five years finding clues on his illegal experiments. "Did you find others?"

"Not yet" we are trying to find others who might have survived the explosion but so far we didn't find anyone. I still remember the day we met.

I walked out of the store and headed to the building. I entered through the fencing which was cut by me. I walked the stairs and headed upstairs. I sat at the edge opening the noodles and coke. I played the jazz music on my phone watching the view. I was enjoying it until someone decided to disturb me.

"I didn't expect to see you here" I looked to my right and saw a new face. "Who are you?" he smiled walking towards me.

"Wrong question. You should be asking me how I know you"

"And your answer is?" he chuckled sitting beside me. "I never said I will answer your question" he took my coke and started drinking it. "Nice view" he was acting all casual like we are friends. I took this time to observe him clearly. He was handsome with sharp jaw and good facial features. From the looks of his dressing and his body I can tell he is a trained guy may be preparing to be a cop or thief like me.

"Are you done staring at me?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him. "I didn't know I am this handsome that even mighty Hazel would like me" my eyes widened at his statement.

"How you do know me?" he snapped his fingers. "Now you are on right track" he cheered happily which made me a bit skeptical. "Don't worry I am not here to fight with you" I eyed him warily.

"I swear on your coke" he said seriously making me baffled. "I just wanted to introduce myself properly since we will be seeing each other more"

"And why is that?" I crossed my arms at my chest. "Cause we both want the same thing" I waited for him to continue.

"I know you are looking for Derek Chastain" he said which got my attention. He is the main reason for my mom death. "I have my reasons for wanting to kill him and I would like to help you in finding him"

"You seem like a kid besides I don't need anyone help in finding him" I walked away from there. "Aren't you interested finding my reason though" I stopped walking and turned towards him. "And what is it?" his face turned serious.

"I am Hoseok" my eyes widened realizing he is the same Hoseok from my childhood.

Since that day we have been working together. "Your craffles taste like your mom made ones" I smiled at the distance memory. We used to make craffles every week cause Hoseok loved them. She would visit them and give craffles to him.

"I should leave before they call me" Jungkook and Jin hyung doesn't know about Hoseok. I don't want them to find out about my past. All they know is I am from same city and my parents used to work in White lab which exploded that night.

I never told them remaining story and they never asked either. I made my way to home irritated seeing so many calls from Jin hyung. "Y/n you need to see this" Jin hyung and Jungkook looked serious. "We are screwed up"


I am completely confused right now. It is getting hard to trust people around me when all they do is betray when you least expect. 😒😒

Anyway, I hope you guys like this chapter. Just let me know who do you think is the person is?

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