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"Jimin?" Jungkook walked towards Jimin who was standing at the door looking at Y/n bike. "We should leave too" he nodded his head at Jungkook and walked in. He took out all the things needed before getting in his car. "Meera, give us heads up when you reach there" he told through his ear piece and signaled Jungkook to get in. Jungkook and Jimin drove in one car while Namjoon and Yoongi got in another car following them.

They all parked near the lab building in the back side and got out. "You all know what to do" Jimin discussed the plan with them again before walking inside. Meera made sure to keep them hidden from any cameras or people view. While Jin and Hoseok worked on disabling the cameras inside the buildings others got in to look for Taehyung and kids. Since these are highly secured ones they can't access them from their home. They decided to work from nearest location. That is the reason they are here. They installed all the required gadgets in the van with the help of Jungkook father.

"I got in to their security system" Jin announced in their network. "I will get the cameras replaced" he clicked on few keys and instantly all the cameras turned to void. "I placed the recorded version of earlier visual and you have nearly fifteen minutes before they might observe the changes" they made sure it would be enough time for them to complete this mission. "Change your timers to fifteen minutes everyone" Jimin told them and fixed his timer too. "Namjoon and Yoongi get in the building now" with Jimin mark they both got in. "Ground floor is clear" no one was there at ground floor and they still has to check two more floors in this building. There were total of three buildings apart from the main one. Jimin and Jungkook decided to check on other two buildings.

"I will check the right one" Jungkook signaled to Jimin and got in to the area quickly. Jungkook observed there were three people on the ground floor who were guarding the basement door. He placed the silencer on gun before looking for proper spot. He hid behind the pillar and shot first one. Before others can respond he shot them both on head. He waited for few minutes to check if anyone would come but no one came. He walked towards their bodies and pulled them to one of the rooms.

He locked the door and went towards the basement door. He placed his ear on the door to check if he can hear any sounds on inside. When he was sure there is nothing he shot the lock and opened it. He walked in and his eyes widened at the sight of kids there. "Oh my god" he quickly made his way towards one of the girls. "We have some kids in the third building basement" he announced to others. He tried opening the locks on their legs but it was digital coded. "Hoseok I need your help in releasing these kids"

He explained the situation to him and he cracked the code with his computer. "I will take care of them" Namjoon reached them by the time he was able to release them. "I will check on other floors" Jungkook moved upstairs leaving kids with Namjoon. He shot everyone in sight and quickly moved to third floor. Luckily no one was there so he came back. "I am placing the explosives in this building" like they discussed he started placing explosives around the whole place.

"First building is empty and explosive placing is done" Yoongi announced moving on to the building Jimin was in. It was the last place apart from the main building. They almost rescued twenty kids already. Yoongi and Namjoon helped the kids to get out while Jungkook got in to help Jimin. This building has four floors with a basement. "Jimin where are you?" Jungkook asked quietly. "On the fourth floor. I have some company here" he got in from the rooftop so they weren't sure how many people are there in the place.

"I will start from ground floor then" Jungkook started hitting Sixers gang while Jimin did the same. Jimin scanned all the rooms one by one to see if Taehyung is there. He loaded his gun and got out to check the rooms. "Hey who are you?" he heard from behind him. He slowly turned around and saw four men coming towards him with loaded guns. "Get him" one of them shouted when he recognized Jimin. Jimin quickly shot the first one on the head then shot another on stomach. Before he can shoot others they started firing at him.

Before he can shoot he heard two gun shots and they both fell to ground. "I got you" he heard Meera say. He turned to his left and saw her leaning on the terrace with perfect view of complete building. "I didn't know you are a sniper" she grinned at him. "I am a woman of many talents" he chuckled before grabbing his gun and moving towards third floor. With the help of Meera, Jungkook and Jimin cleared the entire area in five minutes. "There is no sign of Taehyung here" Jimin was frustrated with the turn of events. "We still have to check the basement" Jungkook reminded before walking in to the basement. "Taehyung" Jimin shouted irritated with the time. "Shh. They could hear us" Jungkook hissed at him before looking in.

"I don't care" Jimin took a deep breath before grabbing both of his guns and walked in. he didn't give them time to attack and killed all of them in one shot on head. "Tae?" he shot the lock to his cell and got in. "Hey look at me" Taehyung was bruised heavily and could barely keep his eyes open. "He need medical help" Jungkook checked Tae pulse and it was very low. "Take him from here" Jimin handed Tae to Jungkook. "What about you?"

"I will get Y/n back" Jimin couldn't leave her alone. "It wasn't the part of plan" he knows that too but he can't leave her alone to die here. Taehyung and the kids were safe so he didn't have to worry about them. "We still have two minutes before explosion happens. Take everyone out of here before that and leave from here" Jimin ordered Jungkook who glared at him in return. "Fine" he quickly pulled Taehyung out and signaled Namjoon to finish other works. Yoongi was done placing the bombs too within two minutes.

Jimin throwed the empty guns on the floor and took out two more guns from his pocket. He made his way towards the main entrance where Y/n might be in. he doesn't have any way to contact her or find where she is. He trusted his instincts and got inside the main area. Huge explosion happened and everyone panicked inside the main area. Half of them rushed towards the lab to check and within two minutes another explosion happened killing all of them.

He smirked at the sight before looking at the main area. There were around ten people who were protecting one of the entrances. He is sure this will lead him to Derek place. He started firing at them to get inside. Once he finished those men he got in. entire room was messed and in the middle of the room Derek and Y/n were fighting each other. Jimin saw Derek was about to shoot her from behind so he got in to stop him. Before he could react bullet pierced his body and he fell on the ground with the impact. 

Author Note: 

Hello readers... Two more chapters are there before this story ends. Hope you enjoy reading it and don't forget to vote while reading. 


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